title>SC/T 1058-2002 Technical specification for transplantation and proliferation of whitebait Taihu new whitebait transplantation and proliferation technology - SC/T 1058-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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SC/T 1058-2002 Technical specification for transplantation and proliferation of whitebait Taihu new whitebait transplantation and proliferation technology
Basic Information
Standard ID:
SC/T 1058-2002
Standard Name: Technical specification for transplantation and proliferation of whitebait Taihu new whitebait transplantation and proliferation technology
This standard specifies the environmental conditions of the transplantation area of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen, the preparation and quality requirements of fertilized eggs, as well as the transportation, placement and proliferation management of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen. This standard applies to the transplantation and proliferation of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen. SC/T 1058-2002 Technical Specification for Transplantation and Proliferation of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen Transplantation and Proliferation Technology of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen SC/T1058-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
ICS.67.120.30 Aquatic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SC/T1058—2002 Technical specification for transplantation and enhancement of salangids -Techniques for transplantation and enhancement of Taihu lake icefish2002-11-05 Issued 2002-12-20 Implementation The Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China issued The series of standards for the "Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Silverfish" are divided into 3 independent standards: -SC/T1057≤Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Silverfish; -ST1058≤Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Silverfish, Taihu New Silverfish Transplantation and Proliferation Technology" was submitted by the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard is organized by the Freshwater Aquaculture Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Aquatic Products Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, the Fisheries Bureau of the Inner Mongolia Agricultural Department. The main drafters of this standard are: Shi Weigang, Zhou Xin, Sun Xiaoyi, and Liu Wei. 5C/T10582002 1 Scope Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Whitebait Transplantation and Proliferation Technology of Taihu New Whitebait SC/T1058--2002 This standard specifies the environmental conditions of the transplantation waters of Taihu New Whitebait "Neosalan. rtainuensis Chcn, the preparation and quality requirements of fertilized eggs, and the management of transportation, investment and proliferation. This standard applies to the transplantation and proliferation of Taihu New Whitebait. 2 Normative References The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all the referenced documents with an annotation date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revised versions are not applicable to this standard. However, Parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard GB11607 Fishery Water Quality Standard GIB/15806 Method for Calculating the Fertilization Rate of Black Carp, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, and Blood Eggs SC/T1057--2002 Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Whitebait Transplantation and Proliferation Technology of Whitebait 3 Environmental Conditions of Transplantation Waters 3.1 Abiotic Factors 3.1.1 Lakes and reservoirs south of 37°C north latitude in my country are all suitable areas for transplantation 3.1.2 The water temperature range for growth is 0℃~32℃. The suitable temperature range for spawning is 13C~20℃. 3.1.3 The area of the suitable water body for transplantation is more than 100hm. , 3.1.4 The water depth should be more than 1m, The bottom is preferably hard soil and gravel. 3.1.5 The water quality should meet the requirements of GB11607, including the transparency of the water body 20cm~300cm, pH value 6.5~9.2, and salinity should be less than 4 3.2 Biological factors 3.2.1 The fish fauna is required to have a simple composition and vacant ecological niches in the upper and middle water layers. 3.2.2 The main potassium competitors are some fish that feed on zooplankton as their main bait throughout their lives, such as: meal stripes, male blood, fish, continued, and shop. 3.2.3 The feed is mainly zooplankton, and the biomass of zooplankton transplanted into the water body in spring should not be less than 1.0mg/1. 4 Preparation of fertilized eggs 4.1 Selection of broodstock 4.1.1 Sexually or mature broodstock are caught during the peak breeding period of Taihu new silverfish in tidal ponds and reservoirs. 4.1.2 The abdomen of sexually mature croaker is full and soft, and the eggs are fully free. If you press the abdomen lightly, you can see the eggs flowing out from the vent. The fin rays in the middle of the anal fin of the pile fish are not extended, and the entire anal fin is triangular. There are no scales on both sides of the H base, and the small black spots are sparsely arranged. The fin rays in the middle of the anal fin of sexually mature or mature croaker are longer, making the entire anal fin fan-shaped. Under the dissecting microscope, it can be seen that there is a row of neatly arranged scales on both sides of the anal fin base. In addition, there is a row of tightly arranged small black spots on both sides of the anal fin base. 4.1.3 The body length of broodstock should be greater than 50mm SC/T1058-2002 4.1.4 After being caught, the broodstock should be drained and stored, and the surface should be covered with wet gauze to prevent wind, sun, frost and squeeze. Artificial insemination should be completed within 15min of temporary storage time. 4.2 Artificial insemination 4.2.1 Suitable water temperature for fertilization is 13℃-20℃. 4.2.2 Female to male ratio (1:2)~(13). 4.2.3 During artificial insemination, pick up the male fish, use curved scissors to aim at the testis at the anus of the male fish's posterior abdomen, cut it, grind the testis into a paste with a glass rod, immediately lift the female fish and squeeze its eggs into the culture blood from the cloaca, use the female fish's tail to stir the sperm and eggs, and continue stirring for 1015s: add new water to exceed the surface of the egg layer by 1cm~2cm, let it stand for 1min~2min, and then pour it into a container for temporary storage. After cleaning and rinsing, the fertilized eggs can be sent to the incubator for incubation. 4.2.4 The calculation of fertilization rate shall be carried out in accordance with (G13/T15806 standard). 4.3 Quality requirements for fertilized eggs 4.3.1 Observation with the naked eye: the fertilized eggs are approximately shaped, the color is bright and transparent, the ovum is full, and the ovum is slightly adsorbed. 4.3.2 Observation under the microscope: the fertilized egg membrane is smooth, with radial ovum membrane filaments scattered on it, and the perivitelline space is clear. 4.3.3 Fertilized eggs of high cystic pressure and subsequent stages, after being allowed to settle for 3 minutes, the number of fertilized eggs per palm of liter shall not exceed 110 grams. 4.3.4 95% of the fertilized eggs should have a diameter of more than 0.6 mm. 4.4 Counting and transportation of fertilized eggs 4.4.1 Counting fertilized eggs shall be based on SC/T 1057--2002 6.1.1, 6.1.2. 4.4.2 The transportation of fertilized eggs shall be carried out in accordance with of SC/T10572002. The suitable water temperature for transportation is (17=3)℃. For short-distance transportation, 20,000 to 30,000 fertilized eggs shall be loaded per liter of water. For long-distance oxygenated transportation, 40,000 to 60,000 fertilized eggs shall be loaded per liter of water. 5. Release of fertilized eggs 5.1 Placement and method of release Follow 7.1.1, 7.1.2 of SC/T 10572002 5.2 Release densitywww.bzxz.net The release density of fertilized eggs is (6000+1000) eggs/hm2. If the water area is less than 250hm2, the release density can be increased to (9000±1 c00) grains/hm*. 6 Proliferation management Follow the provisions of Chapter 8 of S/T10572002. SC/T1058-2002 Aquatic Products Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of Silverfish Technical Specifications for Transplantation and Proliferation of New Whitebait in Taihu Lake SC/T 1058—2002 Published by China Standard Press No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Tel: 6852394668517548 China Standard Publishing House, printed by Huangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office, Xinhua Bookstores in various places, printed by 880×12301/16 sheets, 1/2 characters, 7,000 characters, first edition in March 2003, first printing in March 2003, print run 1-605 Book Number: 155066 ·2-14930 Price: 8.002 Website: bzcbs.com Technology: 631-501 Infringements must be investigated Copyright reserved Report phone: (010)68533533 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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