title>JB/T 7695.2-1995 Type test method for sliding mode cement concrete paver - JB/T 7695.2-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7695.2-1995 Type test method for sliding mode cement concrete paver

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7695.2-1995

Standard Name: Type test method for sliding mode cement concrete paver

Chinese Name: 滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机 型式试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-06-20

Date of Implementation:1996-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Construction Machinery and Equipment>>P97 Construction Machinery for Building Engineering

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test methods for performance tests and industrial tests of slip-type cement concrete pavers. JB/T 7695.2-1995 Slip-type cement concrete pavers type test methods JB/T7695.2-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7695.2—95
Sliding Type Cement Concrete Pavers
Type Test Method
Published on 1995-06-20
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1996-01-01
Subject Content and Applicable Scope
Cited Standardsbzxz.net
Preparation before Test
Positioning Test
Determination of Working Device Performance…
Driving Performance Test
Traction Performance Test
Hydraulic system heat balance test.
Paving operation and productivity test
Noise measurement
Vibration test
Visual field measurement
Lighting and signal device test
Industrial test
Appendix A
Industrial test description (supplement)
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Sliding mode cement concrete paver
Type test method
1 Subject content and scope of application
JB/T 7695.2-95
This standard specifies the test methods for performance test and industrial test of sliding mode cement concrete paver (hereinafter referred to as male paver). 2 Reference standards
3 Preparation before test
Test method for traction of earth-moving machinery
Earth-moving machinery core
Earth-moving machinery
Measuring method for size of whole machine
Method for determining position of center of gravity
Determination of traveling speed of earth-moving machinery
Measuring method for mass of whole machine and its working device and parts Engineering machinery
Engineering machinery
Engineering machinery
Noise measurement method
Test method for determining action time of working device 3.1 The prototype provided for type test is a paver that has been commissioned and accepted. 3.2 Data preparation
Operation and maintenance instructions:
b. Technical conditions and acceptance certificate;
Engine, transfer case, main clutch, gearbox, oil system, oil motor, oil cylinder, hydraulic breaker, automatic leveling device installed on the paver c.
Bench performance test report:
d. Actual size measurement record of the easily worn parts of the main parts before assembly, 3.3 Test site preparation
3.3.1 The positioning test site should be a site with cement or asphalt concrete pin-mounted surface layer. Within the maximum external dimensions of the paver, the slope of the ground in all directions shall not exceed 0.5%, and the flatness requirement shall not exceed 3mm per square meter. 3.3.2 The traction driving test site should be a flat road with good adhesion performance. If it is a dirt road, the soil fill impact index N value should be above 50. The straight length of the test road shall not be less than 60m, and the width shall be greater than 1.5 times the width of the paver. The longitudinal slope of the road shall not exceed 0.5%. 3.3.3 Before paving cement concrete pavement, the flatness of the stable surface should not be less than 8mm/3m. 3.3.4 The performance of cement concrete should meet the construction requirements, and there should be test records and performance index records of cement concrete. 3.3.5 Cement concrete used in paver operation must be transported by forced mixing and cement concrete mixer trucks. 3.3.6 Before paving, the cement mixed soil material should be evenly distributed and there should be no accumulation and high separation. 3.4 Preparation of measuring instruments
Before each test, the test instruments and equipment used must be inspected and qualified by the provincial-level or higher technical supervision bureau or its recognized measurement unit. 3.5 Measurement accuracy requirements
For various measurement parameters, if there is no special requirement, the average value of three measurements is taken, and the measurement accuracy should meet the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on June 20, 1995
Implementation on January 1, 1996
Measured parameters
Distance and length dimensions
Operating force
Engine speed
Driving wheel speed
JB/T 7695.2-95
Accuracy requirements
±0.5% or 5N, whichever is greater
Running-in and acceptance of test paver
Measurement accuracy requirements
Measured parameters
Liquid capacity
Traction force
Accuracy requirements
±2% or ±500N, whichever is greater
Before the paver is put into test, it should be run-in for more than 50 hours in accordance with the provisions of the product instruction manual and keep the running-in records. 3.6.1 After running-in, perform maintenance according to regulations.
The paver should be inspected and accepted by the unit responsible for the test according to the factory acceptance technical conditions or relevant documents, and fill in Table 2. Paving machine performance parameters (design values)
Factory number
Factory date
Engine power
Maximum paving width
Traveling speed
Pushing speed
Reverse speed
Slope control
Appearance size
Center distance of crawler tracks
Center distance of crawler shoes
Center distance of driving wheels and guiding wheels
Average ground contact pressure
Max. Minimum ground clearance
Maximum support speed
Rated engine speed
Maximum engine torque
Fuel consumption
Pressure of pressure reducing system
Reported fall rate
Replacement frame vibration brake
Continued Table 2
Note: The overall dimensions do not include the rear-view key, automatic leveling device and support. 4 Positioning test
4.1 Measurement of main geometric parameters
4.1.1 Measurement conditions
The state of the paver is shown in Figure 1. The whole machine is in driving state, and the engine is turned off for 80
4.1.2 Instruments and equipment
Steel ruler, tape measure, angle meter, level, plumb line. 4.1.3 Measurement method
Measure and record according to the items in Table 3. The measurement method shall comply with the provisions of GB8418. Test date:
Test site:
Test personnel:
Measurement items
Length L
Width w,
Length in working state L
Driving wheel and guiding wheel center distance L,
Crawler track center distance W:
Maximum amortization width W,
Maximum push and lay thickness H:
Track shoe width w,
Height of the center of the explosion from the ground, H
Diameter of the flag D
4.1.4 Measurement results
The measurement results are recorded in Table 3.
4.2 Weight measurement
4.2.1 Instruments and equipment
Table 3 Main geometric parameters measurement table
Factory number:
Scale or pressure dynamometer, level, jack, triangular support, pad. 4.2.2 Measurement conditions
Front baffle plate retracted
Rearview mirror and automatic leveling bracket not included
The paver is equipped with random tools. The water tank, hydraulic oil tank and other oil tanks of the paver should be filled to the working level, and the fuel tank should be filled. The amortizer width is taken in two states: small paving width and maximum paving width. 4.2.3 Measurement method
When using a floor scale or dynamometer for measurement, the tripod support under the paver should be placed in the middle of the floor scale or dynamometer platform. When the direct measurement method cannot be used due to equipment conditions, the indirect measurement method can be used, that is, place the crawler on one side of the paver on the floor scale or dynamometer platform, and the crawler on the other side on a hard surface. The paver is kept horizontal, and the weight of the left and right sides is measured respectively. The total weight is the sum of the two measured values.
The total weight measured minus the weight of all pads and tripods, plus the driver's calibrated weight of 75kg is the working weight of the paver.
The average ground pressure ratio is calculated according to formula (1):
Wherein: pSingle average ground pressure ratio, kPa;
G—-working weight of paver, kgi
g--gravitational acceleration, m/s\;
One box belt width, m;
Driving wheel and guiding wheel center distance, m.
JB/T 7695.2--95
The rest shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB3690. The measurement results shall be recorded in Table 4. Table 4 Weight measurement data table
Test date:
Test location:
Test personnel,
Working weight
Contact area of ​​the belt
4.3 Determination of center of gravity
4.3.1 Determination conditions
Determination conditions refer to Article 4.2.2.
4.3.2 Equipment only
Measurement value
Machine model:
Factory number:
Design value
Floor scale or pressure dynamometer, lifting equipment, pad, triangular support, marking plate, tape measure, plumb line, square ruler, level, etc. 4.3.3 Determination method Horizontal coordinates (see Figure 2)
Where: a
Measure the working weight G of the paver on the ground: Measure the sum of the weights Y of the triangular support B and the pad at the support point B, then drive the paver onto the pad supported on the ground and measure the weight R: Measure the distance P between the triangular supports;
The horizontal coordinates are calculated mainly according to formula (2):
The horizontal distance from the triangular support A to the vertical reference plane 1. When the triangular support A is between the vertical reference plane 1 and the triangular support B, take "+", otherwise take "". Horizontal coordinates (see Figure 3)
Measure the loads R1 and R2 on the left and right tracks, and use the track center distance W to calculate the center of gravity offset 6
Note: To reduce errors, it is advisable to use the sum of the loads on the left and right tracks (R1+R2) to determine the working weight of the paver. (3)
JB/T 7695.2-95
Belt center distance W
Vertical plane 1 Vertical coordinates (see Figure 4)
Lift one end of the paver to form an angle of 15*~25° with the horizontal plane, and place the other end on the ground. The ground tracks on both sides should be adjusted to the same straight line, and the wire rope should be plumb: b. Measure the weight R of the paver on the ground;
Measure the horizontal distance d from the ground point to the sling; calculate the horizontal distance C from the center of gravity to the sling:
Use formula C
Draw a vertical line through the center of gravity on the marking plate fixed on the machine, then lift the other end of the machine and repeat the above test. The lifting angles at both ends can be different. The intersection of the two vertical lines on the marking plate indicates the position of the center of gravity at a height of 10,000. The vertical line is 4.3.4 Measurement results: - horizontal coordinate, i.e. the distance from the center of gravity to the vertical reference plane 1: - horizontal abscissa, i.e. the distance from the center of gravity to the vertical reference plane 2. The sides are \+\. The left side is "-", - vertical coordinate, i.e. the distance from the center of gravity to the horizontal reference plane. The rest is in accordance with the provisions of GB8499. The measurement results are recorded in Table 5.
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