title>HG/T 3680-2000 Technical specification for processing of color film and paper - HG/T 3680-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3680-2000 Technical specification for processing of color film and paper

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3680-2000

Standard Name: Technical specification for processing of color film and paper

Chinese Name: 彩色胶卷和相纸照片冲洗加工技术规范

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-06-05

Date of Implementation:2001-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging technology>>Photographic technology>>37.040.20 Photographic paper, film and cassettes Chemical technology>>Analytical chemistry>>71.040.50 Physical and chemical analysis

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Information Chemicals>>G80 Basic Standards and General Methods for Photosensitive Materials

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Chemical Industry Press


Publication date:2004-04-19

other information

Introduction to standards:

HG/T 3680-2000 Technical Specification for Processing of Color Film and Photo Paper HG/T3680-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Registration No.: 7493—2000
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 3680—2000
Specification for processingPhotographic colour films and paper prints2000-06-05 Issued
2001-03-01 Implementation
State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Issued
The technical requirements of this standard are in accordance with international practices. This standard shall take effect from the date of its implementation.
The appendix of this standard is as follows: The National Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau Policy and Regulations Department issued this standard. This standard is issued by the National Photosensitive Materials Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is issued by: China Lucky Film Group Photographic Chemical Research Institute, China Lucky Film Company, Xinhua News Agency China Photo Agency. The main authors of this standard are: Tu Jian, Zhu Ranhua, Yun Zhizhong. The Secretariat of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Photographic Materials is responsible for the interpretation of the contents of this standard. 1
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specificatian for processingPhotographlc colour fllmg and puper 1. Model drawings
This standard specifies the technical requirements for color developing and enlarging shops (hereinafter referred to as color developing shops) to develop and print color photographs with color films. Test specifications and inspection procedures.
This standard applies to color developing shops using C-42 series and compatible process types of color negative film automatic developing machines, EP-2, RA-4 series and compatible process types of color photographic paper automatic enlargers. 2. Referenced standards
The following standards contain provisions that are incorporated into the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard 1. This standard is not applicable to color developing shops. When the version shown is valid. All standards will be tested, and the parties to this standard should discuss the latest version of the following standards: Specification of color negative film 150 sensitive base for photographic use (e4IS05855: 187) GB/T2024-1995 GB/T11500-1989 Directional conditions for radiometric density measurement (negIS052: 1085) Photographic density measurement spectrum (ncg150311984) GR/T11501-1989 GB/T129221991 HG/T 2174-1991 HG/T 2635—15
3 Requirements
3.1 Control of processing quality of image
Image processing quality of image 5-4
Color sensitive paper
150100/21 Color strong photo adhesive standard
Color processing shop shall process color negative film and color paper in accordance with the requirements of Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. Table 1 C41 series and compatible processing process color negative film strip processing rate and monthly standard value resistance disease left| |tt||Minimum protein content (Dam)
Low molecular weight (LD)
Reverse (T[DL.D)
Limited liability (LA.P-Ym)
Infectious disease (DR-DaG)
Filter layer
State Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau 20C0-06-D5 Standard Action Field
Reduce product
Leave prison
Control other collection area
Emotional words
Dejiang layer
2001-03-01 implementation
Low density magic (LD)
Anti-blue (HD-LD)
EP2 series & compatible external washing.1 Color photo paper control strip washing parameters and target values ​​limit code difference
Fragile green fruit material (Bu-HLC
Sensitive red residence
Table 3RA -4 series and compatible washing process color paper control recording washing selection set number and target supply polarization
is small density ([)
low density rate (L>)
maximum density production (D..)
green 2
Ge Hong member
Ang Lan member
control flow
Liao green layer
drinking layer
> — 0. 15
The difference between the flushed strip index and the marked value is within the action range, which means that the flushing is correct and can be washed. The difference exceeds the action range and is indicated as a warning area, which indicates that the process control personnel should take timely and targeted actions to adjust the replenishment amount, liquid temperature, stirring equipment status, etc. until the flushing index returns to normal. If the difference exceeds the control range, it indicates flushing control, and flushing is not allowed. The washing process and equipment status must be changed immediately. The difference between the control range and the flushing process should be comprehensive and accurate. For the unqualified color films sold on the market, the color printing officials should set up special specifications for each brand of color films on the color printing machine, and if the color film set is replaced or the color developing company adjusts the special channel, the color negative film of the same brand standard should reach the specified 4 levels on the color printing track corresponding to the color film brand, which shows the balanced density, color noise rate and exposure limit of the same channel. The frequency setting is based on the general-purpose printing and enlargement machine, taking the printed 12m photo as an example. 2. The color enlargement machine takes two photos and displays them for s. 3.3 Specifications and sizes of color printing machines The normal specifications and sizes of color printing photos should comply with the current regulations in the table. 3.4 Apparent quality of photos HG/T3680 Table 5 Cutting size and position of color photos 89×89 35x114 8Sx127 127×89 133 127×16 127×178 152×216 212x 363
Desire to limit the mainbZxz.net
Oral standard value 114 fire = 1. Monthly standard value: 11
The photo should be free of dirt, large spots, no spots, no black edges, etc., and the cutting should be neat. 3.5 The surface quality of the developed color negative film
The color negative film developed by the color printing shop should have no water flow, large dirt, removal marks, and good transparency. 4 Test method
Test method Unless otherwise specified, the test should be carried out under the environmental conditions of temperature (23 ± 2) and relative humidity 10%--5 fire. The color negative and color photographic paper used should be in accordance with the provisions of HG-100/2696 and IG/T214 respectively. The color negative and color photographic paper control films and their standard films should be provided by the film manufacturer or the quality inspection department confirmed by the state. The control films should be determined to be qualified products with a validity period of (see Appendix A for the control contract)
4.1 Control strip washing and single sensitivity determination
4.1.1 For more details, take out the control strip and determine the type of control strip based on actual experience. Take the control strip out of the freezer and let it stand for about 30 minutes to reach room temperature. In all cases, the operator should put on gloves, tie them up and tape them, and glue the edges of the strips to prevent fingerprints or damage to the emulsion surface of the control strips. The control strips should be placed in the packaging and stored at room temperature. The remaining control strips should be packed and put back in the refrigerator as soon as possible. After the work is completed, the remaining strips should be used to prevent the strips from being scratched or contaminated. After use, the operator should store the reference strips in the bag.
4..2 control to recording washing
When the color film automatic developing machine is installed, the operator puts the color negative film control strip in the color material spray meeting at the spray bag point, and cuts off the 2I left film. After confirming the washing process, when the liquid temperature of the developing machine reaches the requirements of the developing process, the strip can be washed and inspected. For the color enlargement machine, for the EP2RA-4 series and the obtained processing technology, the color photo paper pad strip is used respectively. The operator puts the color scan paper strip in the air of the film enlargement machine control strip, sticks the side guide tape, and adjusts the color machine without the control box according to the actual situation. When the liquid temperature of the color enlargement process reaches these requirements, the strip can be washed and inspected. 4.1.3 Density measurement of control strips
Color negative ratio control strip density measurement, using 1 GB/T11501 and GB/T11501 respectively specified in the conditions and potential products of the reflective density meter measurement grid and the reference strip small sample resolution, low sample support, sample block, high density block three colors and yellow density block material M wet transmission density signal. The personnel shall calibrate the actual measured grid according to the basic standard and calculate its parameter value as the standard value for batch production: Color phase contrast control strip density measurement, adopt the reflection density meter in accordance with GB/T11501 and GB/T11501 relevant provisions of the control strip and benzene elimination. The diffuse density value of the color A is determined by the method of the maximum density method, and the operator shall calibrate the actual density of the standard bar according to the calibration data of the standard bar and calculate the teaching value as the current standard of the control system. 4.1.4 Reference and calculation Color negative film control bar value
) Minimum density (1)
Color negative film control bar transmission density of a small block. h) Low density Kang (TD)
Color negative film control bar embedded density block transmission density. ) High density (I)
Color negative film digging system density block three package remote radiation density. Reverse
Color negative: the difference between the high density and low density density of the control bar. ) or silver B1>
color negative control system gold density B) and the density of the block (Y) with the cyan dye R-DG
color negative control bar maximum density () and the most important block in the product will be) the difference. Color paper control parameter value
color offset control bar minimum case density (block> one color reflectivity. b) density (LI)
color paper format bar this case block one color reflectivity. High density Kang D)
color busy paper control bar high book good block one color reflectivity speed. )Inverse (IID)
Color package phase control system high commercial density block to low curtain change block for virtual density difference random blue dyeing -
Color photographic paper control conditions should be replaced with a high rate block and the difference in density. The maximum density expansion (D>
of the color paper is to be made as dense as possible. The difference between the parameters and the standard values ​​of the control bar is to be considered. 4.2 The special channel of the color enlarger is to be tested. When the special channel of the color enlarger is set to the state of production, the color negative film of a brand is used as the standard film for the bottom point calibration photos (the standard film description is shown in Appendix II). 4.2.1 The standard bottom enlargement sample is produced. The inspection personnel must ensure that the color enlarger under inspection has reached the requirements of the special process and then run for more than 3 minutes. The full light source is increased and the light time meets the requirements of the instrument specification. The light source of the color enlarger is turned on for more than 1 minute. Use a brand of color The color negative film has been washed and the cup standard film is placed on the color enlargement machine corresponding to the two workpieces V and U negative print samples (two in total), 6
4.2.2 Density of the printed sample and the standard limit
When measuring the density of the enlarged detailed film and these standard films, the inspector shall use the reflectance meter that meets the requirements of 4.1.3 to record the yellow density, magenta density and platinum density of the center point of the gray plate. 4.2.3 Calculate the effective value Calculate the difference value
The gray core three-color density value of the bottom print sample can be used as the reference value. Density value
0 The three-color density values ​​of the bottom enlarged sample and the bottom enlarged sample in the middle of the plate The difference between the density values ​​corresponding to the reference photo is calculated. The difference between the two negative flat drawing density values
The value of the inner color pattern in the three-color gradient value of the gray plate of the N-bottom enlarged sample. The slope pattern of the two colors
The normal value of the three-color gradient value of the small-scale three-color gradient value of the bottom enlarged sample and the three-color gradient value of the gray plate of the U-bottom enlarged sample are replaced by the two-color values.
4.2.4 After the correction of the channel is correct, a trial expansion is carried out. If the quality of most photos is good, no adjustment is required. If the effect is not good, adjustments should be made. The effect is positive.
4.3 Color photo size inspection
Use a 1mm copper ruler
4.4 Color photo surface quality Inspection
Inspect the color photos printed in the color printing shop under concave light. 4.5 The apparent quality of the processed color photos
Inspect the color photos printed in the color printing shop under concave light. 5 Inspection rules
The routine inspection of the color printing shop is as follows:
5.1. Inspection of control strips
5.11 When the color printing shop produces 20 rolls of color per day and more than 2990 sheets per day, the control strips shall be made at least once per day. The color printing shop with small output shall establish a control system. The control strips shall be made before the business is closed. To ensure the number of printed pages, 5.1.2 During the work, the machine status, composition of the re-fluid, etc. shall be adjusted and the control pressure of the control system shall be adjusted before the use of the re-fluid.
5.1.3 After a long shutdown, the washing control should be performed when the machine is restarted. 5.2 Daily inspection of color printing machine channels
Before closing the color printing shop, make proofs of each brand of color negative film on their respective channels, and compare them with the reference photos of the standard film in the industry to track the changes in detail, and follow the provisions of Table 3. IIGT36B02000
Attached with A
Color negative film and color paper processing control strips Color negative film control strips and color paper control strips are used to monitor the working status of color negative film and color paper. The control method is the internationally common method for monitoring the processing quality of the tray. Each color negative film and color core paper should be made by a brand manufacturer: the color negative film production mainly includes five density blocks, namely the minimum inspection block, low density block, commercial density block, high density block and yellow density block. Color paper control strips mainly include four density blocks, bright small density block, low density light, high protein block, sensitive large curtain density block. The control strips indicate the appropriate month's washing process and number. Each batch of strips consists of a standard strip, a control strip with a certain number of calibration data from the batch state, and the standard strips and control strips are made of the same (shaft) material. The standard strips are made by the light-making enterprise under standard conditions and washed under standard washing conditions. The control strips are only lit under standard conditions, and are used to test whether the washing process of the washing department is normal. The washing factory's technical controller uses the standard method used for the production process: the method specified in the batch is used to select the processing plan., first calculate the density value of each density block, and then calculate the calibration value according to the calibration factor to get the standard value of this batch of control strips. After scanning, measure the color value of each density block that has been washed and processed, calculate the difference between the control strip parameter value and the standard, and make a judgment after development. Each batch of control strips is packaged in one package, and the strips are sealed with a broken package and packed in a light-proof package. They should be stored in a refrigerator below 18°C ​​and should be used within the validity period.
HG/T 3680-2000
Appendix B
(Appendix of prompts)
Color negative film standard film (blue eye)
Standard film (cow laser film) is an essential material for the setting and inspection of the photo enlarger: a certain crystal barrier of the color negative film of the color enlarger must be used to make the standard film of the brand of color negative film set quickly. The standard negative film for photographing objects is the medium gray plate, among which the color plates, figures and objects are mainly medium plates. The standard negative films of the Yurong brand color negative film include: a) standard negative film, that is, three levels of noise negative (U film), three levels of warm light positive film (N film), three levels of excessive light negative (B film), and three levels of base negative (C film). The operator can use a densitometer to measure the density value of the reference plate as the reference value, and compare it with the density value of the enlarged sample. The base photo can also be compared with the enlarged sample by the day method to calibrate the difference. The reference film is a blue film produced under the standard color enlargement state. e) Check the instruction manual.
There are two ways to process standard negatives and reference photos: a) The film production unit processes under standard conditions; h) The film production unit provides a set of unprocessed standard negatives to the color printing shop, which processes under standard conditions. The operator can choose one of the standard negatives according to the actual situation. Regardless of the method, the operator should first use the standardized processing liquid to process under standard processing conditions in the enlarger. If the standard negatives are not accurately processed, they should be stored in a light-proof, refrigerated glass package. The standard negatives should be protected from scratches and stains when used. The validity period of the standard negatives is generally three films. When the frequency is adjusted, the operator shall select the printer and the standard film according to the instructions, and the basic process is as follows: a) Use the positive negative film for standard positioning. When the density of the middle gray plate of the printed photo is compared with the density of the middle point plate of the reference photo of the brand standard negative film, the channel is set. The flow is as follows: a) The middle plate of the second plate of the film and the sample of the negative film enlargement must meet the requirements of the standard. The positioning is completed. b) The color printing shop can make fine adjustments to the channel according to the preferences of customers in the business area, the four seasons and other conditions. For each calibration, use a certain brand of color negative film to print (N) photos of the brand standard negative, compare them with the reference photos after washing, and report the comparison results. Then print (N) photos to achieve the standard.
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