This standard specifies the determination method of fluorine content in zinc concentrate. This standard is applicable to the determination of fluorine content in zinc concentrate. Determination range: 0.050% to 0.50%. GB/T 8151.9-2000 Chemical analysis method for zinc concentrate Determination of fluorine content GB/T8151.9-2000 Standard download decompression password:
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1K:573.060 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T8151.9—2000 Chemical analysis method of zinc concentrate Determination of fluorine content Micthods for chemical analysls of zinc concentratesPeterminationnrfiaerinecnntent2000-02-16issued National Standard for Chemical Analysis of Zinc Concentrates GR/T 8151.9—200J This standard is revised later than 13/31.11.9—19K7 Chemical analysis method of zinc concentrate. The new confirmation of the light method for determination of fluorine content is carried out only for general purpose. Points: This standard complies with: CB/T -.1-1403 : Part 1: B Standard chemical analysis 1.0 Unit 1: Standardization and determination of chemical analysis standards BT 1988 Industrial Standardization Administration of China GH453:1!7 The general list and one section of the chemical analysis standard for metallurgical products is GB/T 7433195 Basic chemical analysis of metallurgical products The standard will replace GB/T 8151.SS937 from now on. This standard is proposed by the National Nonferrous Metals Industry Bureau and is under the jurisdiction of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard Metrology Quality Management Institute. This standard is drafted by Beijing Keye Research Institute and the main authors of this standard are: Beijing Heqing. T 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Chemical analysis method of zinc concentrate Determination of fluorine content Meihuds far chemieal Haalysis uf rine eoncrntrulesIeterminatiun offluurinc eunlcntThis standard defines the determination and method of fluorine content in zinc concentrate. This standard is used for the determination of fluorine content in ore under low temperature. The determination range is: 0.050%--3.50%: 2 Method selection weak GD/T 8151.3—2000 Formula: The material is super-decomposed with hydroxide, and filtered after being melted with water to separate each ions from aluminum and other insoluble substances. After that, the acid solution is adjusted with caustic soda, and the ion strength is measured by using an electrode potentiometer with Schligan electrode as the reference electrode and the ion filter electrode as the indicator electrode. 3 Reagents 3.1 Mix well with water and add 1 ml of nitric acid. Add 0.1% acetyl alcohol and add 1 ml of water. 3.2 Add 1 ml of ethanol and add 1 ml of water. 3.3 Citric acid dropwise: weigh 24 mL of citric acid and dissolve it in 700 mL of water. Add nitric acid to adjust the pH to 5.0-6. Mix well with 1 ml of water. 3.4 Acid test indicator: weigh 0.1% acetyl alcohol and add 1 ml of ethanol. Add 1 ml of water. ml., wet. 3.5 standard storage liquid: weigh 2.2110 ml of chlorine (super pure) in advance for 120112h, dilute with water and weigh to 1m., transfer to plastic bottle, this standard contains 2I. 13.6 standard concentration: transfer 50. (H) M: L chlorine standard storage liquid 3.5] in 5.1 [nT. volume bottle, dilute with water to the scale, transfer to the plastic bottle, dissolve in 1ml. 0, [m, 3.7 standard liquid: take 0. C0mL chlorine standard solution (1.6) in 503L volume. Dilute with water to the mark! Transfer to a plastic bottle, this mix 1a. || t 4.1 The oxygen ion sample plate requires that the nitrogen content should be within C-1/L, and the potential should have a good linear relationship with the concentration and the negative logarithm of the decay. Before use, the electrode should be activated by soaking in 10% sodium chloride solution for 1 1 sec, and then the measurement can be carried out after the oxygen content is less than 10 mol. 4.2 Electromagnetic field measurement 4.3 Potential measurement protocol, maintaining a temperature of 0.1 V 4.4 Electromagnetic field measurement approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on 2000-)216 and 2000-08-01 5.1 The sample should be passed through 0.1 μm emulsion. 5.2 The sample should be cooled to room temperature in a 10.1 μm desiccator. E.1 Test material Weigh 520 μg-o, cCo solid material and perform two independent determinations, collecting the average value: 6.2 Change the blank suspension Place the sample in a 3CaL state tree according to 6.3.1 to 6.3.3. 6.3 Determination 3.1 Place the light sample (1:1) in a furnace and add 6 minutes of chemical reaction. Heat the mixture in a small furnace with a pressure of 100 μl for about 2 minutes. After the mixture has been melted, take it out and cool it down slightly. 6.3.2 Mix the molten material with 50 μl of hot water. 250L of magnetic flux 1… on the surface, heat and take out the molten material, clean the surface, cool to room temperature, transfer the obtained material together with the sediment into a 100mL bottle, measure the concentration with water, and put it in a 50mL volumetric plate, add 1 mL of green indicator, neutralize with nitric acid until the wave is constant, add 2 mL of ammonium citrate, and quench with water. 6.3.5 Move the replaced 1CCmL of sintered liquid into the barrel, select the highest electrode and the lowest electrode, and reset the potential (equilibrium potential refers to the change of electrode potential per minute not less than 0.2V). Take 1.00, 2.0, 3.0, 3.7mL of standard hot solution (3.7) and 1.00, 2.5cnL of standard oxygen incubation solution (3.7), and add 10mL of test solution to the 511m1 layer. The material is loaded with a density of (t.2), add 1 full of German mixed operation indicator, use the code to set the liquid to be stable, add 20L of acid chain solution, dilute with water, and follow the 6.3.5. According to the required order and the formula, the half-effective coordinate is determined, with chlorine commercial value as the release coordinate, and the potential as the standard. The working curve is: 7 points. The expression of the results According to the percentage content of the calculation plan 1): -- V, - V, x13-* white two as a typical appearance. The smallest chlorine change g/mL: the total annual volume of the test solution, m points to the full volume,: visual frequency wave volume I: \· material mass.8. the result is expressed to two decimals: when the oxygen content is less than 0.10%, it is expressed to three decimals, 8 allowable difference the difference between the analysis results of the experimental test is not large: the allowable difference listed in Table 1: -21 0. 955--0.J0 0. 10 - 0. 30 : 0. 30 --0. 50 G13/T $151. 9- 2000 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.