GB/T 8424.2-2001 Textiles - Colour fastness tests - Instrumental evaluation method for relative whiteness
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GR/T 8424.2—2002
Tests for colour fastness
Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness
Texliles--Tests for colour fastness-Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness2001-02-26Reported
2001- 09- 01 Implementation
Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
GB/T 8424.2—2001
This standard is limited to IS0105-J021997: Textiles--Test Methods for Fastness Testing--Part JC2, and the revised text is equivalent to ISO105-J02:1997. This revision makes the following changes to GB/TB4251987: 1. The name of the International Standard 1S0105J is the original name of the instrumental evaluation method for the relative whiteness of semi-precious textiles. 3. 2. The foreword and preface are added,
the scope of application of the standard is expanded, the specific terms in the application process are added, and the fluorescent whitening materials are included in the test scope
the basic definitions related to the instrumental evaluation of whiteness are added 4.
the first chapter of the preparation is added The lighting conditions, reference standards, and ultraviolet lamps used by the receiver are added. 5
The sample chapter adds the contents of sample humidity adjustment and surface imaging. ? In the operating procedures chapter, some characteristics of fluorescent materials and the test procedures of fluorescent materials are added, and the contents of calculation, explanation and limitation are added. 8 And the test report is stored.
1℃ Added the light reading specification in the appendix of the standard. The appendix of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard replaces GB/T8425-1987 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by the Textile Industry Bureau.
The basis of this standard is the basic standard branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Anti-corrosion Products: This standard is drafted by Tianjin Textile Research Institute, and the main drafters of this standard are Liu Zuohua, Wen Chen, Xin Huo, and Wang Jian. This standard was first issued in 1987 and was revised in 2001. G0/T 8424.2—2007
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an international organization jointly established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). International standards are usually produced by technical committees of the International Standards Commission (ISC). Members have the right to register with the committees established by the committees: official and non-official international organizations. IS obtains the right to participate in the work of the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO) in all matters related to technical standardization. The international standards adopted by the technical committees are transmitted to the members as required by the parties. The international standards are published as 1S05-102 by the 1SQ/TG38/SC Textile Technical Committee for the revision of colored textiles. According to the 2nd edition of IS105 (05-15), 13 new parts have been issued (for example, "A" is for editions 1378 to 1935). Each part consists of a series of "articles" and each article belongs to the corresponding part and is marked with a new part in the series (i.e. "A11": These articles have been published as separate documents, and their original "pre-part" headings remain unchanged. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has given a record of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in JSC103-A1. Appendix A is a part of the IS105 standard, 1 Standard of the People's Republic of China
Color fastness tests
Instrumental evaluation method of relative whiteness
Textiles-Tests fur colour fustness-Instrumental ussessment of relative whiteness GB/T B424.2—2001
rqv180 105-J02:1997
1E GB/[ B42: 1.1 This standard specifies a method for determining the whiteness and tint index of fabrics used in interior decoration including fluorescent materials. 1.2 The whiteness index indicated by this method is a measure of the color of the fabric, and the tint index is a measure of the color shift of the fabric other than the neutral color at a wavelength of 45 nm. The calculation formulas for the whiteness and tint indexes are derived from CTE (International Council on Illumination). 1.3 This standard is applicable to the comparison of ten samples of the same type of fabric. 1.4 The formula is limited to samples of fabrics referred to as \\ in the industry and commerce. The samples should not differ too much in color and light, and should be tested on the same instrument within a short time. Even if these limiting conditions are met, the formula provides only a relative evaluation of the color, not an absolute evaluation of the whiteness. As long as the measuring instruments used are relatively advanced, the technical system will be used in the business, and this is not different from the application in industry and commerce. 1. 5 This standard applies to textiles without impurities. 1.6 Fabrics containing blue component light restorer (FWA:) can also be measured by the whiteness determination method. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the version shown is valid. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the following standards for the latest version: G11/T3979·1397 Method for measuring color of physical objects G35695-1935 Color terminology
G8424.:-2031 Fabrics
This standard adopts the following definitions.
Specification of the color of the test garment surface 3.1 Cl chromaticity coordinates CIE chromaticity coordinates The ratio of the three values of the psychological color to the sum of the three parameters. 3.2 CiF trichromaticity CIE In the three-color system, the three-color photometry requires four colors. And it is defined by CIE1931 standard colorimetric spectrometer (2\field> and CIE1964 supplementary standard colorimetric spectrometer (10\field>): 3.3 Fluorescent enhancer (FWA) Flunresuentwliteningagen can absorb near ultraviolet light and stimulate visible (blue) radiation, which can make yellow materials whiter 3.4 Perfect reflectance perfeetreflcatingdiffuacr National Quality Technical Supervision Bureau 2001-0226 approved 2001-090 1 implementation
reflectance is 1 as far as possible the same name between the establishment of music you. 1
2 case a reflector diffuse reflectance ratio measurement device calibration, white with the corresponding formula for the birth of the H, and the total reflection of the body BIE regulations for the white response index is 109.0. The fish live index position C.C3.5 degree wliceness
new judge the object color and a good white close to the program 3.6 light color index int
reflection or The degree of white material tint due to the peak wavelength of anti-dirty: Definition from GB/T5599-1965 C15.2 CIE 17.4 ASTM254-159. 4 Original class
C1E two-color density value is measured by a reflected light harmonic color meter color change disk: Whiteness and coverage index are calculated using the formula based on the CTF three-stimulus color standard.
5 Equipment and materials
5.1 Colorimeter: It can be measured with CTE specified 145/5, 0/45, d/0, 0/d) or (/8424. In the case of a certain geometry, the colorimetric measurement is performed by a harmonic photometric or integral colorimetric method. When a fluorescent sample is observed by a photoelectric instrument, the distribution of the light power of the illumination system will be affected by the reflected or emitted power of the sample: the condition of 43/0/5 is better. If an integral colorimetric instrument is used, the determination should be made without a mirror and the reflection system. 5.2 Point standard, the original standard is a full-scale and slow-radiating body (see 2.4). The second reference standard is a standard after the point-radiating body is completely deduced and used for the calibration of the receiver.
, 5.3. Ultraviolet lamp: used for the evaluation of textile samples containing fluorescent whitening agents. In order to avoid the prohibition of external transmission, the sample must be tested under the safety management of the manufacturer. 6. Samples
The sample is wetted in accordance with G/T8424, 1-2A2. The sample should be kept free of dust and dirt. Its size should be larger than the aperture of the color receiving and the translucent area of the fabric. For the sample of semi-transparent material, a color layer folding plate should be used. The folded layers should not be exposed to light after the folding plate is placed (the color changes with the increase of the number of layers). 7. Operating procedures
7.1 Before the test, observe the sample under a slightly darkened indoor lamp to determine whether the sample contains fluorescent whitening agents. Fabrics with fluorescent whitening agents can emit light under ultraviolet light. The procedure is as follows: 7.11 If the fabric material is coated with fluorescent whitening agents, an instrument with a wavelength of 100 nm should be used to absorb the full light at a range of 3 to 70 nm with an instrument with a power distribution close to that of the C[ED] lamp to measure the sample (Appendix A): If suitable equipment is available, please consult the instrument manufacturer. If an internal light lamp type instrument is used, the suitability of the instrument should also be checked. 7.1.2 When it is necessary to determine the relative efficiency of fluorescent whitening agents, an instrument with a filter that can cut off ultraviolet light and is embedded in the incident light beam can be used.
7.1.3 If the sample does not contain fluorescent whitening agents, the results are independent of the spectral power distribution of the illuminant:
The actual light brightener is determined by the sample before and after the natural light is cut off, and the color difference can provide the external range of the increase, and the light can also be cut off. The external light can also produce Li, and the test instrument is recommended to be calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions for "relative determination" and the optimal settings for each test are selected. And the determination is determined according to GBT8424.1.
GB/T B424.2--2DQ1
7.3 When determining the whiteness, the calculation can be carried out according to the whiteness variation formula in 8.3. Some instruments can directly give the whiteness value, and some instruments can also calculate the whiteness value of two formulas at the same time. Because different user formulas are not comparable, it is necessary to select the formula that meets the requirements of the standard.
7.4 When using an instrument with 45/0 or 0/45 orientation conditions for testing, it is recommended that the user consider the selectivity of the test direction. If there is a directionality, try to measure the sample with 4 times the distribution, turn it to U after each measurement, and then average the results. 8 Calculation, interpretation and determination
Day. 1 Each time the amount is normally avoided, the CIE 196419* protocol shall be used to determine the CIE 3D reflectance values. For detailed instructions on calculating the reflectance values using the reflectance data, see (E3 3979). The chromaticity coordinates and values calculated using the instrument cannot be connected to the 10° standard system. The user shall use the method described in the CIE 1932 protocol for the chromaticity coordinates (W) in 8.3 (1) for calculation. The chromaticity index (Tw) in 8.4 (2) for calculation shall be used. Note: The two instruments are mainly used for the calculation of the chromaticity coordinates. The CIE and CIE standards are limited to the following values: the hue and tone values are only measured within the same time frame and within a short time frame (see 3 and 1.4). The degree of tolerance may depend on the speed of measurement and the characteristics of the material being measured. The values are not limited to the following values: W = -40-WY-283
, -310
B.3 (for D illuminants and 19641 systems) W = - 890(0.313 8 r) + 1 700(0.331 0 -y..) or medium;
W—low or push number
Yir——sample three excitation value 1
and y—chromaticity coordinates of the sample.
, 3!38 and 0.3310—the chromaticity coordinates of the total reflection object and the object, respectively, 8.4 Sartorius color traceability index (applicable card [D: illuminant and 156410 standard inspection difference): Tw.=900(0. 313 8::)-653(0.331 0-y,) where,
light color index:
u and a—the chromaticity coordinates of the sample,
0.3135 and 1.331—the chromaticity coordinates of the completely reflecting illuminators 1 and 3 respectively, Tw,n. A positive number indicates a neutral hue, and a negative number indicates a reddish hue. The main liquid length is 466 (neutral hue 9 test teeth
The test report should include the following contents:
a) The number of this standard (i.e. GB/T8424.2-2001); b) Receiver model, type of illuminator, lighting measurement conditions, c) whiteness value Wn and light color index Tw of the test column. 11 The basic requirements are as follows: GH18424.1-2001 special provisions: 2)
information and test cases
101 precision
GB/1 8424.2—2001
In this test method, the precision is determined. There is no consideration to determine the range of the method. The user of this method can use standard statistical technology to compare the results of the test results within the laboratory or between laboratories to determine the accuracy range of the whiteness test.
This test method can only determine the flake and color deficiency index of textiles. In this method, there is an independent method to determine the range value, and the shrinkage difference is not determined. It is used as a method to determine the whiteness index of sodium fabrics. GD/T F424.2 20C1
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for C. Illuminant/2'Observer
The three plastics use the difference calculation band and CIF>, illuminant and CIF196410 observer conditions do not meet. Most of the CIEC standards and publications (Publication 15.2) provide calculation results for the self-sensitivity of the 9312 sample. However, there is no recognized result for the 9312 sample. Therefore, in order to use the three-value formula to calculate the difference between the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results, the following formula is provided for those users who use this formula to calculate the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results. Please use these calculation methods only for internal relative determination and comparison (see Note 5.2). For samples that have been light-brightened, the determination results of the 9312 sample are not accurate. The calculation formula for the whiteness ring (the 9312 sample and the 9312 sample are as follows: + 3 1 ) 7. 3 1 )
In the play:
W..white harm value or index
Y. The three-phase excitation of the sample
and the chromaticity coordinates of the sample!
C. 312 1 and 0. 3]6 1--
-are respectively the chromaticity coordinates and chromaticity coordinates selected when the reflection is completely on. Limited to. 4W5Y-28
The color index is used! The calculation point of the illuminant or 19312* observer is as follows: T. = 1 000(c. 310 1 - -) - 550(0. 316 1 - ) Formula,
....-practical hue index,
and the chromaticity coordinates of a sample!
0. 11 and. 6?---are respectively the perfect reflectance and color standard limits F-3+3
T: positive values indicate a greenish hue, negative values indicate a silky hue, and hue indicates a blue (medium) color scheme at a wavelength of 466 nm. (AI)3 If the sample does not contain fluorescent whitening agents, the results are independent of the spectral power distribution of the illuminant:
, and the actual light brightener is determined by the sample before and after the natural light is cut off. The color difference can provide the external range of the increase, and the light can also be cut off. The external light can also produce Li, and the test instrument is recommended to be calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions in the "relative determination" 7.2, and the optimal setting is selected for each test. And determine the adhesion 2
according to GBT8424.1.
GB/T B424.2--2DQ1
7.3 When determining the whiteness, the calculation can be carried out according to the whiteness variation formula in 8.3. Some instruments can directly give the whiteness value, and some instruments can also calculate the whiteness value of two formulas at the same time. Because different user formulas are not comparable, it is necessary to select the formula that meets the requirements of the standard.
7.4 When using an instrument with 45/0 or 0/45 orientation conditions for testing, it is recommended that the user consider the selectivity of the test direction. If there is a directionality, try to measure the sample with 4 times the distribution, turn it to U after each measurement, and then average the results. 8 Calculation, interpretation and determination
Day. 1 Each time the amount is normally avoided, the CIE 196419* protocol shall be used to determine the CIE 3D reflectance values. For detailed instructions on calculating the reflectance values using the reflectance data, see (E3 3979). The chromaticity coordinates and values calculated using the instrument cannot be connected to the 10° standard system. The user shall use the method described in the CIE 1932 protocol for the chromaticity coordinates (W) in 8.3 (1) for calculation. The chromaticity index (Tw) in 8.4 (2) for calculation shall be used. Note: The two instruments are mainly used for the calculation of the chromaticity coordinates. The CIE and CIE standards are limited to the following values: the hue and tone values are only measured within the same time frame and within a short time frame (see 3 and 1.4). The degree of tolerance may depend on the speed of measurement and the characteristics of the material being measured. The values are not limited to the following values: W = -40-WY-283
, -310
B.3 (for D illuminants and 19641 systems) W = - 890(0.313 8 r) + 1 700(0.331 0 -y..) or medium;
W—low or push number
Yir——sample three excitation value 1
and y—chromaticity coordinates of the sample.
, 3!38 and 0.3310—the chromaticity coordinates of the total reflection object and the object, respectively, 8.4 Sartorius color traceability index (applicable card [D: illuminant and 156410 standard inspection difference): Tw.=900(0. 313 8::)-653(0.331 0-y,) where,
light color index:
u and a—the chromaticity coordinates of the sample,
0.3135 and 1.331—the chromaticity coordinates of the completely reflecting illuminators 1 and 3 respectively, Tw,n. A positive number indicates a neutral hue, and a negative number indicates a reddish hue. The main liquid length is 466 (neutral hue 9 test teeth
The test report should include the following contents:
a) The number of this standard (i.e. GB/T8424.2-2001); b) Receiver model, type of illuminator, lighting measurement conditions, c) whiteness value Wn and light color index Tw of the test column. 11 The basic requirements are as follows: GH18424.1-2001 special provisions: 2)
information and test cases
101 precision
GB/1 8424.2—2001
In this test method, the precision is determined. There is no consideration to determine the range of the method. The user of this method can use standard statistical technology to compare the results of the test results within the laboratory or between laboratories to determine the accuracy range of the whiteness test.
This test method can only determine the flake and color deficiency index of textiles. In this method, there is an independent method to determine the range value, and the shrinkage difference is not determined. It is used as a method to determine the whiteness index of sodium fabrics. GD/T F424.2 20C1
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for C. Illuminant/2'Observer
The three plastics use the difference calculation band and CIF>, illuminant and CIF196410 observer conditions do not meet. Most of the CIEC standards and publications (Publication 15.2) provide calculation results for the self-sensitivity of the 9312 sample. However, there is no recognized result for the 9312 sample. Therefore, in order to use the three-value formula to calculate the difference between the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results, the following formula is provided for those users who use this formula to calculate the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results. Please use these calculation methods only for internal relative determination and comparison (see Note 5.2). For samples that have been light-brightened, the determination results of the 9312 sample are not accurate. The calculation formula for the whiteness ring (the 9312 sample and the 9312 sample are as follows: + 3 1 ) 7. 3 1 )
In the play:
W..white harm value or index
Y. The three-phase excitation of the sample
and the chromaticity coordinates of the sample!
C. 312 1 and 0. 3]6 1--
-are respectively the chromaticity coordinates and the chromaticity coordinates selected when the reflection is completely on. Limited to. 4W5Y-28
The color index is used! The calculation point of the illuminant or 19312* observer is as follows: T. = 1 000(c. 310 1 - -) - 550(0. 316 1 - ) Formula,
....-practical hue index,
and the chromaticity coordinates of a sample!
0. 11 and. 6?---are respectively the perfect reflectance and color standard limits F-3+3
T: positive values indicate a greenish hue, negative values indicate a silky hue, and hue indicates a blue (medium) color scheme at a wavelength of 466 nm. (AI)3 If the sample does not contain fluorescent whitening agents, the results are independent of the spectral power distribution of the illuminant:
, and the actual light brightener is determined by the sample before and after the natural light is cut off. The color difference can provide the external range of the increase, and the light can also be cut off. The external light can also produce Li, and the test instrument is recommended to be calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions in the "relative determination" 7.2, and the optimal setting is selected for each test. And determine the adhesion 2
according to GBT8424.1.
GB/T B424.2--2DQ1
7.3 When determining the whiteness, the calculation can be carried out according to the whiteness variation formula in 8.3. Some instruments can directly give the whiteness value, and some instruments can also calculate the whiteness value of two formulas at the same time. Because different user formulas are not comparable, it is necessary to select the formula that meets the requirements of the standard.
7.4 When using an instrument with 45/0 or 0/45 orientation conditions for testing, it is recommended that the user consider the selectivity of the test direction. If there is a directionality, try to measure the sample with 4 times the distribution, turn it to U after each measurement, and then average the results. 8 Calculation, interpretation and determination
Day. 1 Each time the amount is normally avoided, the CIE 196419* protocol shall be used to determine the CIE 3D reflectance values. For detailed instructions on calculating the reflectance values using the reflectance data, see (E3 3979). The chromaticity coordinates and values calculated using the instrument cannot be connected to the 10° standard system. The user shall use the method described in the CIE 1932 protocol for the chromaticity coordinates (W) in 8.3 (1) for calculation. The chromaticity index (Tw) in 8.4 (2) for calculation shall be used. Note: The two instruments are mainly used for the calculation of the chromaticity coordinates. The CIE and CIE standards are limited to the following values: the hue and tone values are only measured within the same time frame and within a short time frame (see 3 and 1.4). The degree of tolerance may depend on the speed of measurement and the characteristics of the material being measured. The values are not limited to the following values: W = -40-WY-283
, -310
B.3 (for D illuminants and 19641 systems) W = - 890(0.313 8 r) + 1 700(0.331 0 -y..) or medium;
W—low or push number
Yir——sample three excitation value 1
and y—chromaticity coordinates of the sample.
, 3!38 and 0.3310—the chromaticity coordinates of the total reflection object and the object, respectively, 8.4 Sartorius color traceability index (applicable card [D: illuminant and 156410 standard inspection difference): Tw.=900(0. 313 8::)-653(0.331 0-y,) where,
light color index:
u and a—the chromaticity coordinates of the sample,
0.3135 and 1.331—the chromaticity coordinates of the completely reflecting illuminators 1 and 3 respectively, Tw,n. A positive number indicates a neutral hue, and a negative number indicates a reddish hue. The main liquid length is 466 (neutral hue 9 test teeth
The test report should include the following contents:
a) The number of this standard (i.e. GB/T8424.2-2001); b) Receiver model, type of illuminator, lighting measurement conditions, c) whiteness value Wn and light color index Tw of the test column. 11 The basic requirements are as follows: GH18424.1-2001 special provisions: 2)
information and test cases
101 precision
GB/1 8424.2—2001
In this test method, the precision is determined. There is no consideration to determine the range of the method. The user of this method can use standard statistical technology to compare the results of the test results within the laboratory or between laboratories to determine the accuracy range of the whiteness test.
This test method can only determine the flake and color deficiency index of textiles. In this method, there is an independent method to determine the range value, and the shrinkage difference is not determined. It is used as a method to determine the whiteness index of sodium fabrics. GD/T F424.2 20C1
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for C. Illuminant/2'Observer
The three plastics use the difference calculation band and CIF>, illuminant and CIF196410 observer conditions do not meet. Most of the CIEC standards and publications (Publication 15.2) provide calculation results for the self-sensitivity of the 9312 sample. However, there is no recognized result for the 9312 sample. Therefore, in order to use the three-value formula to calculate the difference between the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results, the following formula is provided for those users who use this formula to calculate the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results. Please use these calculation methods only for internal relative determination and comparison (see Note 5.2). For samples that have been light-brightened, the determination results of the 9312 sample are not accurate. The calculation formula for the whiteness ring (the 9312 sample and the 9312 sample are as follows: + 3 1 ) 7. 3 1 )
In the play:
W..white harm value or index
Y. The three-phase excitation of the sample
and the chromaticity coordinates of the sample!
C. 312 1 and 0. 3]6 1--
-are respectively the chromaticity coordinates and the chromaticity coordinates selected when the reflection is completely on. Limited to. 4W5Y-28
The color index is used! The calculation point of the illuminant or 19312* observer is as follows: T. = 1 000(c. 310 1 - -) - 550(0. 316 1 - ) Formula,
....-practical hue index,
and the chromaticity coordinates of a sample!
0. 11 and. 6?---are respectively the perfect reflectance and color standard limits F-3+3
T: positive values indicate a greenish hue, negative values indicate a silky hue, and hue indicates a blue (medium) color scheme at a wavelength of 466 nm. (AI)- 890(0.313 8 r) + 1 700(0.331 0 -y..) or medium;
W—low or push number
Yir——sample three excitation value 1
and y—chromaticity coordinates of a sample.
, 3!38 and 0.3310—chromaticity coordinates of the total reflection target body and 8.4 Sartorius color traceability index (applicable card [D: illuminant and 156410 standard inspection difference): Tw.=900(0. 313 8::)-653(0.331 0-y,) where,
light color index:
u and a—the chromaticity coordinates of the sample,
0.3135 and 1.331—the chromaticity coordinates of the completely reflecting illuminators 1 and 3 respectively, Tw,n. A positive number indicates a neutral hue, and a negative number indicates a reddish hue. The main liquid length is 466 (neutral hue 9 test teeth
The test report should include the following contents:
a) The number of this standard (i.e. GB/T8424.2-2001); b) Receiver model, type of illuminator, lighting measurement conditions, c) whiteness value Wn and light color index Tw of the test column. 11 The basic requirements are as follows: GH18424.1-2001 special provisions: 2)
information and test cases
101 precision
GB/1 8424.2—2001
In this test method, the precision is determined. There is no consideration to determine the range of the method. The user of this method can use standard statistical technology to compare the results of the test results within the laboratory or between laboratories to determine the accuracy range of the whiteness test.
This test method can only determine the flake and color deficiency index of textiles. In this method, there is an independent method to determine the range value, and the shrinkage difference is not determined. It is used as a method to determine the whiteness index of sodium fabrics. GD/T F424.2 20C1
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for C. Illuminant/2'Observer
The three plastics use the difference calculation band and CIF>, illuminant and CIF196410 observer conditions do not meet. Most of the CIEC standards and publications (Publication 15.2) provide calculation results for the self-sensitivity of the 9312 sample. However, there is no recognized result for the 9312 sample. Therefore, in order to use the three-value formula to calculate the difference between the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results, the following formula is provided for those users who use this formula to calculate the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results. Please use these calculation methods only for internal relative determination and comparison (see Note 5.2). For samples that have been light-brightened, the determination results of the 9312 sample are not accurate. The calculation formula for the whiteness ring (the 9312 sample and the 9312 sample are as follows: + 3 1 ) 7. 3 1 )
In the play:
W..white harm value or index
Y. The three-phase excitation of the sample
and the chromaticity coordinates of the sample!
C. 312 1 and 0. 3]6 1--
-are respectively the chromaticity coordinates and chromaticity coordinates selected when the reflection is completely on. Limited to.
The color index is used! The calculation point of the illuminant or 19312* observer is as follows: T. = 1 000(c. 310 1 - -) - 550(0. 316 1 - ) Formula,
....-practical hue index,
and the chromaticity coordinates of a sample!
0. 11 and. 6?---are respectively the perfect reflectance and color standard limits F-3+3
T: positive values indicate a greenish hue, negative values indicate a silky hue, and hue indicates a blue (medium) color scheme at a wavelength of 466 nm. (AI)- 890(0.313 8 r) + 1 700(0.331 0 -y..) or medium;
W—low or push number
Yir——sample three excitation value 1
and y—chromaticity coordinates of a sample.
, 3!38 and 0.3310—chromaticity coordinates of the total reflection target body and 8.4 Sartorius color traceability index (applicable card [D: illuminant and 156410 standard inspection difference): Tw.=900(0. 313 8::)-653(0.331 0-y,) where,
light color index:
u and a—the chromaticity coordinates of the sample,
0.3135 and 1.331—the chromaticity coordinates of the completely reflecting illuminators 1 and 3 respectively, Tw,n. A positive number indicates a neutral hue, and a negative number indicates a reddish hue. The main liquid length is 466 (neutral hue 9 test teeth
The test report should include the following contents:
a) The number of this standard (i.e. GB/T8424.2-2001); b) Receiver model, type of illuminator, lighting measurement conditions, c) whiteness value Wn and light color index Tw of the test column. 11 The basic requirements are as follows: GH18424.1-2001 special provisions: 2)
information and test cases
101 precision
GB/1 8424.2—2001
In this test method, the precision is determined. There is no consideration to determine the range of the method. The user of this method can use standard statistical technology to compare the results of the test results within the laboratory or between laboratories to determine the accuracy range of the whiteness test.
This test method can only determine the flake and color deficiency index of textiles. In this method, there is an independent method to determine the range value, and the shrinkage difference is not determined. It is used as a method to determine the whiteness index of sodium fabrics. GD/T F424.2 20C1
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for C. Illuminant/2'Observer
The three plastics use the difference calculation band and CIF>, illuminant and CIF196410 observer conditions do not meet. Most of the CIEC standards and publications (Publication 15.2) provide calculation results for the self-sensitivity of the 9312 sample. However, there is no recognized result for the 9312 sample. Therefore, in order to use the three-value formula to calculate the difference between the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results, the following formula is provided for those users who use this formula to calculate the 9312 sample and the two-observer calculation results. Please use these calculation methods only for internal relative determination and comparison (see Note 5.2). For samples that have been light-brightened, the determination results of the 9312 sample are not accurate. The calculation formula for the whiteness ring (the 9312 sample and the 9312 sample are as follows: + 3 1 ) 7. 3 1 )
In the play:
W..white harm value or index
Y. The three-phase excitation of the sample
and the chromaticity coordinates of the sample!
C. 312 1 and 0. 3]6 1--
-are respectively the chromaticity coordinates and the chromaticity coordinates selected when the reflection is completely on. Limited to. 4W5Y-28
The color index is used! The calculation point of the illuminant or 19312* observer is as follows: T. = 1 000(c. 310 1 - -) - 550(0. 316 1 - ) Formula,
....-practical hue index,
and the chromaticity coordinates of a sample!
0. 11 and. 6?---are respectively the perfect reflectance and color standard limits F-3+3
T: positive values indicate a greenish hue, negative values indicate a silky hue, and hue indicates a blue (medium) color scheme at a wavelength of 466 nm. (AI)
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