JB/T 50154-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J01 004-87 "Energy Consumption Classification of Heat Treatment Furnaces". This standard specifies the flame energy consumption levels of the first heat treatment and heat treatment of forgings in mechanical industrial enterprises. Various heat treatment furnaces are divided into special, first, second and third grades according to comparable unit energy consumption. Those whose comparable unit energy consumption does not reach the third grade index are classified as out-of-grade. This standard was first issued in 1987. JB/T 50154-1999 Energy Consumption Classification of Heat Treatment Furnaces JB/T50154-1999 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T50154-1999 Energy Consumption Classification of Heat Treatment Furnaces (Internal Use) Published on December 30, 1999 National Bureau of Machinery Industry Implemented on June 1, 2000 JB/T50154-1999 This standard is a revision of ZBJ01004-87 "Energy Consumption Classification of Heat Treatment Furnaces". Editorial modifications were made to the original standard during the revision, and the main technical content remained unchanged. This standard replaces ZBJ01004-87 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed and managed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute. The drafting units of this standard are: the former Fifth Design Institute of the National Machinery Commission and the Energy Conservation Center of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are: Gao Jingtao and Hou Huanfeng. This standard was first issued in 1987. Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Energy Consumption Classification of Heat Treatment Furnaces (For Internal Use) JB/T50154-1999 Replaces ZBJ01004--$7 This standard specifies the energy consumption level of flame furnaces used for the first heat treatment of forgings and castings in machinery industry enterprises. 2 Energy Consumption Classification Various heat treatment furnaces are divided into special, first, second and third grades according to comparable unit consumption indicators. Those whose comparable unit consumption does not reach the third grade index are classified as out-of-grade. Energy consumption classification of heat treatment furnaces is shown in Table 1. Furnace type Cycle furnace Push rod type (with tray) Continuous furnace Heat treatment furnace Shaking bottom type Push rod type (without tray) Gray iron annealing Spheroidal iron annealing (normalizing) Forgeable cast iron annealing Comparable unit consumption index >60~120 >56~90 >56~90 >52~78 ≤140 ! The comparable unit consumption index only counts the heating fuel consumption for heat treatment, and does not count the energy consumption of auxiliary equipment. 2 Cast iron parts do not consider the process coefficient and 1 piece size coefficient, only the influence of the fuel coefficient is counted. 3 Calculation of comparable unit consumption of heat-treated parts kg standard coal/t >120~180 >90~140 >90~140 >78~124 >30~50 >85~125 >[40-280 >180-300 >140~250 >140-250 >124~210 >50~100 >125~180 >280--300 Considering the influence of fuel types on heat-treated parts The unit consumption calculated by converting weight is called comparable unit consumption and is calculated according to formula (1): b Wherein: b--comparable unit energy consumption, kg standard coal/t; Qw 29308G lower calorific value of fuel, kJ/kg (kJ/Nm2); B-total fuel consumption of a single heat treatment furnace during the statistical period, kg or Nm; a fuel coefficient, see Table 2; Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on December 30, 1999 (1) Implementation on June 1, 2000 JB/T50154—1999 total converted weight of qualified heat-treated parts of a single heat treatment furnace during the statistical period, t. Table 2 Fuel name Fuel oil Producer gas Producer gas City gas Coke oven gas Natural gas 4Equivalent weight of heat-treated parts Calorific value range kJ/kg(Nm2) 40193~46055 5862-9211 5234~5652 14654~17585 34541~41 868 ≥20 934 The weight of heat-treated parts converted considering the influence of heat treatment process and workpiece size is called equivalent weight. The equivalent weight of heat-treated parts of a single heat-treatment furnace during the statistical period is calculated according to formula (2): G=ZG, (K+Kz) Wherein: G—the total equivalent weight of various qualified heat-treated parts during the statistical period, t; G—the actual weight of a certain qualified heat-treated part, t; K—the corresponding coefficient K of a certain heat-treated part process, see Table 3; Kz—the corresponding coefficient K of a certain heat-treated part size, see Table 4. Table 3 Process name Normalizing, annealing, medium temperature quenching Quenching and tempering, normalizing + tempering, high temperature quenching (high manganese steel) ≤8 Dehydrogenation treatment (holding time h/100mm) Diffusion annealing Calculation 1. Piece size Coefficient K, ≤300 Note: See Table 5 for the calculation of piece size 1. >16~25 >300~450 >450~600 Coefficient K, >600~800 Coefficient α Applicable scope Forgings, steel castings Forgings, steel castings Large forgings Steel castings >800~1000 (2) JB/T50154-1999 Dimension relationship 3H≤D 3H>D>1.5H H≥B: L≥D: Calculate the size of one piece (1-1.5) B 5 Heat treatment furnace grade assessment conditions JB/T50154-1999 5.1 Second-class and third-class furnaces are allowed to be assessed as a group of heat treatment furnaces. The comparable unit consumption index of the group is the same as the comparable unit consumption index of the corresponding grade furnace in Table 1 (this article is not suitable for enterprises assessed by 10,000 yuan net output value and unit product comprehensive energy consumption). 5.2 First-class furnaces must be assessed individually. In addition to the comparable unit consumption index reaching the first-class furnace index specified in Table 1, they must also meet the requirements of Table 6 for air coefficient and Table 7 for furnace body outer surface temperature standards. 5.3 Special-class furnaces must be assessed individually. In addition to the comparable unit consumption index reaching the special-class furnace index specified in Table 1, they must also meet the requirements of Table 6 for air coefficient, Table 7 for furnace body outer surface temperature, and Table 8 for flue gas waste heat recovery rate standards. In addition, special-class furnaces should also be equipped with flow, temperature, pressure and other measurement recorders and automatic control devices. Table 6 Fuel type Gas fuel Smoke out of furnace Internal temperature Combustion mode Mechanical coal adding Manual coal adding Manual adjustment Manual adjustment Automatic adjustment Automatic adjustment Manual adjustment Injection adjustment ≤105||tt ||≤120 ≤135 When using low calorific value fuel Waste heat recovery rate standard Exhaust temperature 710-470 Preheating air temperature 450~750 Outer surface temperature standard Air coefficient 1.15~1.25 1.05~1.15 ≤105 ≤125 ≤140www.bzxz.net ≤160 When using high-heating fuel Waste heat recovery rate standard Exhaust temperature 670~400 Preheat air temperature 400~700 People's Republic of China Mechanical industry standard||tt ||Energy consumption classification of heat treatment furnace (for internal use) JB/T50154-1999 Published and distributed by the Institute of Mechanical Science Industry of Mechanical Science Printing and Finance (No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing Format 880×1230 Postal code 100044) 1/16 Printing sheet 1/2 Number of words 10.000 First printing in July 2000 First edition in July 2000 Print run 1-500 Price 10.00 yuan 99-1726 Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn6661-ts10s L/ar Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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