GBJ 117-1988 Standard for seismic evaluation of industrial structures
Some standard content:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Industrial Structures
Editor: Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People's Republic of ChinaApproval: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of ChinaEffective Date: March 1, 1989
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Notice on the Release of "Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Industrial Structures"
(88)Jianbiaozi No. 81
According to the requirements of the former State Construction Commission's (78)Jianfakangzi No. 113 document, the "Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Industrial Structures" jointly compiled by the Ministry of Metallurgy and relevant departments has been reviewed by relevant departments. The "Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Industrial Structures" GBJ117-88 is now approved as a national standard and will be implemented on March 1, 1989. This standard is managed by the Ministry of Metallurgy, and its specific interpretation and other work is the responsibility of the Construction Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy. The publication and distribution is the responsibility of China Planning Press. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
June 13, 1988
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Preparation Instructions
This standard is compiled by the Construction Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy in conjunction with the relevant scientific research and design institutes (institutes) of the Ministry system and the coal, petroleum, non-ferrous metals, chemical, electric power, machinery, building materials and other departments in accordance with the requirements of the former State Capital Construction Commission (78) Jianfa Kangzi No. 113.
During the preparation of the standard, the preparation team carefully summarized the actual earthquake damage experience of industrial structures in the Haiyu and Tangshan earthquakes, absorbed the practical experience of domestic seismic design and reinforcement, and some recent scientific research results in earthquake engineering at home and abroad, and supplemented the necessary theoretical analysis and experimental research on the seismic verification and reinforcement methods of relevant structures and their foundations. After extensive consultation and engineering pilot projects, this standard was finally reviewed and finalized by our department in conjunction with the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection and other leading departments. This standard is divided into nine chapters and seven appendices, including retaining walls, storage silos, tanks, belt corridors, tower structures such as derricks and well towers, furnace structures, substation frames, operating platforms and other industrial structures and their foundations. During the implementation of this standard, please combine engineering practice, carefully summarize experience, and pay attention to accumulating information. If you find that there is a need for modification and supplementation, please send your opinions and relevant information to our Ministry of Building Research Institute (No. 43, Xueyuan Road, Beijing) for reference in future revisions.
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
February 6, 1988
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Main Symbols
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Chapter 2 Site, Ground and Foundation
Section 1 Site
Section 2 Non-liquefied Soil Foundation and Foundation
Section 3 Liquefiable Soil Foundation·
Section 4 Pile Foundation.
Section 5 Retaining Walls and Slopes
Chapter 3 Silos
Section 1 Reinforced Concrete Silos
Section 2 Steel Silos
Chapter 4 Tank Structure
Section 1 Reinforced concrete support cylinder of steel liquid storage tank Section 2 Reinforced concrete water tank of gas storage tank Section 3 Reinforced concrete oil tank...
Chapter 5 Belt corridor
Section 1wwW.bzxz.Net
General provisions.
Section 2 Earthquake strength verification
Section 3 Earthquake-resistant structural measures
Chapter 6 Tower structure
Section 1
Reinforced concrete well tower
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Reinforced concrete granulation tower...
Foundation of tower steel equipment·
Hyperbolic cooling tower
Mechanical ventilation Cooling tower·
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Chapter 7 Furnace structure
Section 1 Blast furnace system structure
Section 2
Coke oven foundation
Section 3
Section 8 Chapter
Chapter 9
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Rotary kiln and vertical kiln foundation
Substation frame and support
Operation platform
Value of super strength coefficient of steel yield strength of each steel plant·Seismic design of local reinforced concrete floor Seismic reinforcement scheme of reinforced concrete structure
Seismic reinforcement scheme of steel structure
Judgment curve of seismic verification range of tower equipment foundation (90) Conversion relationship between illegal measurement units and legal measurement units. (93)
Explanation of terms used in this standard..
Appendix VII
Additional explanation
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Main symbols
Loads and internal forces
M——bending moment (kN·m);
N——axial force, vertical force (kN);
Pi——horizontal seismic force acting on point i along the height (kN); P——horizontal seismic force of j vibration mode acting on particle i (kN); Qo——total horizontal seismic force of the structure (kN); W—gravity load that produces seismic force (kN); y——bulk density (kN/m)
——mass (t).
Calculation coefficient
α——seismic influence coefficient;
——the value of seismic influence coefficient α corresponding to the basic period T1 of the structure; Cmin
——the maximum value of seismic influence coefficient α;
β——magnification coefficient;
-mode participation coefficient;
super strength coefficient of steel bar yield strength;
eccentricity parameter;
s, p——correlation coefficient;
n——increase (or decrease) coefficient ;
入——rod slenderness ratio;
——vertical seismic action coefficient;
?——axial compression stability coefficient of steel rod; Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
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一foundation allowable bearing capacity adjustment coefficient;
i——weight function of the influence of the first liquefied soil layer; C——structural influence coefficient;
Cz——comprehensive influence coefficient;
K——safety factor.
Geometric characteristics
Cross-sectional area (m2);
B——total width of the structure (or foundation) (m);D——diameter of the cylindrical structure (or circular foundation) (m);H——total height (m);
L——total length (m);
—x-axial translation stiffness (kN/m);
—torsional stiffness (kN·m);
—elastic modulus of steel (kPa);
—elastic modulus of concrete (kPa);
—shear modulus (kPa);
—moment of inertia (t·m2);
J—section moment of inertia (m*);
—section resistance moment (m);
—distance (m);||t t||-section width (m);
steel bar diameter (m), distance (m);
eccentricity (m),
er-eccentricity in x direction (m);
h-height (m);
k-translational stiffness of the ith lateral force resisting member along the x-axis (kN/m); 1-member length (m);
t-wall thickness (m);
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t, 9, z-distances (coordinates) in the x-, y-, and z-axis directions, respectively (m); s-horizontal displacement under unit horizontal force (m/kN); 9-angle between the diagonal rod and the horizontal line (°); p-soil friction angle ().
Material indicators and stress
【R】——Static allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil (kPa); R
Static allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil corrected by foundation width and depth (kPa); Ra——Axial compressive design strength of concrete (kPa); R. —Reinforcement tensile design strength (kPa); g—Structural section stress, foundation soil stress (kPa); —Steel yield point (kPa);
T——Shear stress (kPa).
Measured value of standard penetration hammer blows;
Critical value of standard penetration hammer blows for judging liquefaction of saturated soil No
Benchmark value of standard penetration hammer blows for judging liquefaction of saturated soil; Pi
-foundation liquefaction index;
Tt——Structure basic period (s);
-Structure j vibration mode period (s);
-Structure j vibration mode circular frequency (s-1);
Percentage of clay content (%);
-Gravity acceleration (m/s2).
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Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1.0.1 Based on the principle that earthquake work should be based on prevention, this standard is formulated to ensure the safety of existing industrial structures under earthquakes, so that when they are affected by earthquakes of the intensity taken for seismic appraisal and reinforcement, they will generally not be seriously damaged and can continue to be used after repair.
Article 1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the seismic appraisal and reinforcement of existing industrial structures with seismic appraisal and reinforcement intensity of 7, 8 and 9 degrees and without seismic design.
Article 1.0.3 The intensity of seismic appraisal and reinforcement should be adopted according to the basic intensity of the area. For particularly important structures, when it is necessary to increase the seismic appraisal and reinforcement by 1 degree, it should be reported for approval according to the approval authority stipulated by the state. Note: ① For important factories and mines, if conditions permit, earthquake-resistant appraisal and reinforcement can be carried out according to the approved earthquake intensity zoning or design response spectrum.
② For industrial structures in areas with a basic intensity of 6 degrees, which need to be seismically protected according to special national regulations, earthquake-resistant appraisal and reinforcement can be carried out according to the requirements of the 7-degree zone of this standard. Article 1.0.4 Seismic appraisal and reinforcement should be carried out from the overall perspective of improving the comprehensive seismic resistance of factories and mines, and meet the following requirements: 1. Comprehensively analyze the feasibility and technical and economic rationality of the overall reinforcement plan.
2. Comprehensively analyze the impact of the site and foundation on the seismic performance of the structure, and carry out reasonable reinforcement.
3. Comprehensively consider the seismic safety of the building group from the perspective of the entire production line, analyze the mutual influence of various adjacent buildings (structures) under earthquakes and their seismic damage consequences, carry out comprehensive management, and reduce secondary disasters.
4. Strictly implement construction requirements, ensure project quality, and effectively organize acceptance. 5. Reasonable maintenance should be carried out on the structure during use. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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Article 1.0.5 Seismic appraisal and reinforcement shall be classified according to the importance of the structure and the following requirements:
, Class A buildings: In large factories (mines), earthquake damage to structures will cause serious consequences to continuous production and personnel life, including power system structures of the entire factory (mine) and particularly important production workshops, structures that may cause sub-severe secondary disasters or seriously affect post-earthquake emergency rescue after being damaged by an earthquake, and safe exits of mines. 2. Class B buildings: Other structures except Class A and Class C. 3. Class C buildings: Structures whose damage will not cause casualties or major economic losses, or other minor structures.
Article 1.0.6 For seismic appraisal and reinforcement, the original data of relevant survey, design and construction, the current status and potential benefits of the structure should be investigated first, and the favorable and unfavorable factors of the site and foundation soil conditions on the seismic resistance of the structure should be analyzed in combination with the earthquake damage experience of similar structures and foundations.
Article 1.0.7 When the current status of various structures does not meet the following requirements, it should be treated in combination with seismic reinforcement.
I. Steel structure:
1. There is no shortage of load-bearing components and rods (including supports), no obvious bending, no cracks, and no holes or gaps formed by arbitrary cutting. 2. There is no rust on the load-bearing components, rods and their connections and nodes. 3. There is no damage or rust on the anchor bolts, no loose nuts, and no threads on the shear-dominated anchor bolts at the cover plate surface of the support. There is no cracking or corrosion in the foundation concrete. 4. The support length of the load-bearing components meets the non-seismic design requirements. 5. The intersection of the center line of the inter-column support diagonal rod and the center line of the column is not located in the upper and lower column sections of the floor slab and the column section above the foundation.
II. Reinforced concrete structure:
1. There is no shortage of load-bearing components and rods, no obvious deformation, and no damage caused by cutting, drilling, etc.
2. The concrete of the load-bearing components and rods has no cracking, corrosion, burning, falling off, no exposed reinforcement, and no cracks exceeding the design specification limit. Engineering Standard Full Text Information System
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3. The support length of the prefabricated load-bearing components meets the non-seismic design requirements. 4. The connectors are free of rust.
5. When there is an infill wall or inter-column support, there is no increase in the eccentricity of the center of mass of the structural unit to the center of rigidity and the sudden change in the horizontal rigidity along the height direction, and there is no increase in the linear rigidity of the column or the formation of a short column due to the semi-high rigid wall. III. Brick structure:
1. The wall is not hollow, skewed or brittle. 2. There are no cracks at the joints of the load-bearing wall and the vertical and horizontal walls, and the joints are good. There are no holes that are opened arbitrarily to significantly weaken the seismic resistance of the original structure. 3. The local dimensions of each part meet the limit requirements specified in the current national building seismic appraisal standards.
4. The brick lintel has no cracks or deformation.
5.There are no wall cracks caused by uneven foundation settlement and other defects that obviously affect the quality of the wall.
Article 1.0.8 Structures that are not required to undergo seismic verification and seismic reinforcement as specified in the relevant chapters of this standard shall meet the following requirements: 1. Meet the requirements of non-seismic design and construction acceptance specifications. 2. The basic basis of the original design has not been changed during use, or the seismic resistance of the structure has not been reduced even if there has been a change: the structure has no major damage and defects and meets the requirements of Article 1.0.7 of this standard.
3. The lateral force-resistant components and nodes of reinforced concrete structures or steel structures meet the relevant structural requirements of this standard and there is no possibility of brittle failure in advance. 4. The seismic damage to adjacent buildings (structures) and slopes will not endanger the safety of the identified structure.
5. There are no site conditions that pose a risk to the seismic resistance of the building, and the foundation soil is not likely to liquefy, become unstable or settle seriously unevenly.
Article 1.0.9 The verification of seismic strength of structures, except as otherwise provided in this article and relevant chapters, may be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the seismic design code for industrial and civil buildings. 1. The basic period of the structure may be determined by the empirical formula calculation value of the measured period of similar structures, the measured period value of the identified structure, or the calculated value of the theoretical formula. For the first two types of measured period values, the earthquake period lengthening coefficient of 1.1 to 1.4 may be multiplied according to the importance of the structure and the different plastic deformation capacity, but the brick structure shall not be lengthened. When the reinforcement scheme adopted causes a significant change in the main factors affecting the period (lateral stiffness, mass, etc. of the structure), the influence of reinforcement on the period value shall be considered. 2. The structural influence coefficient and seismic strength safety shall be selected according to Table 1.0.9. Safety degree and structural influence coefficient of seismic appraisal and reinforcement of structures Structural category
Steel structure
Reinforced concrete structure
Brick structure
The allowable stress of steel and staggered bolts is taken according to the following proportion of the value without considering the structural safety factor and the value without considering the earthquake time. Item
During seismic appraisal
When reinforcement is required after appraisal
The structural influence coefficient
Should not be greater than 140%
Should be greater than 125%
Should not be less than 70%
Should not be less than 80%
Should not be less than
Note: ① For steel structures, when the seismic structural requirements for plastic deformation capacity cannot be met, the allowable stress value in the table should be reduced, and the structural influence coefficient should be increased in the seismic force calculation. ② For reinforced concrete structures, when they cannot meet the seismic structural requirements for plastic deformation capacity, the safety factor value in the table should be increased, and the structural influence coefficient should be increased in the calculation of seismic force. ③ For brick structures, in addition to strength verification as required, they should also meet the structural requirements of seismic structure such as reinforcement. For structures that are indeed difficult to meet the seismic identification and reinforcement standards, measures should be taken to appropriately improve their seismic capacity based on the comprehensive technical and economic analysis results, or they should be scrapped after approval; for secondary structures that are still usable but have no reinforcement value, safety measures must be taken for personnel and important production equipment. 3. For large eccentric compression (tension) and bending reinforced concrete rectangular section members, when verifying the seismic strength of the positive section, except for Class C structures, the relative height of the compression zone should not be greater than 0.35 (longitudinal reinforcement is No. 3 steel, No. 5 steel) or 0.4 (longitudinal reinforcement is 16 manganese steel, 25 manganese silicon steel); otherwise, the eccentric compression (tension) member should be calculated as small eccentric compression (tension).
Note: If the manufacturer of the steel bars used can be determined accurately, the statistical data on the steel bar strength of the corresponding manufacturer can be used according to Appendix 1 to obtain the relative height value of the compression zone of the rectangular section when necessary. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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