title>JB/T 4279.4-1994 Verification method for testing instruments and equipment for enameled winding wires - Rebound angle tester - JB/T 4279.4-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 4279.4-1994 Verification method for testing instruments and equipment for enameled winding wires - Rebound angle tester

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 4279.4-1994

Standard Name: Verification method for testing instruments and equipment for enameled winding wires - Rebound angle tester

Chinese Name: 漆包绕组线试验仪器设备检定方法 回弹角试验仪

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1994-12-09

Date of Implementation:1995-06-01

Date of Expiration:2008-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical>>Electrical Production Equipment>>K91 Electrical Material Production Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JB 4279.4-1986; replaced by JB/T 4279.4-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Machinery Industry Press

Publication date:1995-06-01

other information

drafter:Zhu Bing

Drafting unit:Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Focal point unit:Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the verification items and technical requirements, verification instruments, verification methods, verification results and treatment of enameled round wire rebound angle tester. This standard is applicable to the verification of rebound angle tester for enameled round wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0.05 to 1.60 mm. JB/T 4279.4-1994 Verification method of enameled winding wire test equipment Rebound angle tester JB/T4279.4-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Verification Method of Enameled Winding Wire Test Instrument and Equipment Rebound Angle Tester
Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 4279.494
This standard specifies the verification items and technical requirements, verification instruments, verification methods, verification results and processing of enameled round wire rebound angle tester.
This standard is applicable to the verification of rebound angle tester for enameled round wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0.05~1.60mm. 2 Reference Standards
JB/T4279.1 Verification Method of Enameled Winding Wire Test Instrument and Equipment General Verification Items and Technical Requirements
The diameter of the test rod and the allowable error of the rebound angle tester shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Test rod diameter
The load and allowable error of the rebound angle tester shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2bzxZ.net
The test rod shall be able to stop accurately at the zero position of the dial after automatic winding. The sample winding speed and rebound speed are both 7±0.5n/min. The deviation between the digital display value of the rebound angle and the value on the dial shall not exceed ±1\. During rebound, the wire circle shall be slowly released without sudden rebound or sudden jump. 4 Verification instruments
4.1 Vernier caliper, graduation value 0.02mm; or projector. 4.2 Stopwatch, graduation value 0.13.
4.3 One 200g and one 2000g pan balance, level ①; or Q-1 enameled wire testing instrument detector. Verification method
5.1 Measure the diameter of the test rod.
5.1.1·Measure the diameter D of the test bar with a vernier caliper. Measure the groove bottom diameter D for the test bar with grooves. 5.1.2 For the test bar whose outer measuring jaws of the vernier caliper cannot fit into the groove bottom, fill the groove with an enameled round wire with a diameter d that is thinner than the groove width, and then measure the groove D' wrapped with the enameled round wire, and calculate the groove bottom diameter D according to formula (1). D=D'2 d
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on December 9, 1994
Implemented from June 1, 1995
Where: D-groove bottom diameter, mm;
JB/T 4279.494
D'groove diameter wrapped with enameled round wire, mm; d-enameled round wire diameter, mm.
5.1.3 Important inspections should be carried out using a projector.
5.2 Use a balance or Q-1 enameled wire test instrument to measure the load. 5.3 Install a sample with a nominal diameter of about 1.0mm, start the automatic rebound angle tester, and check whether the test rod stops at the zero position of the dial after winding the sample.
5.4 Install a sample with a nominal diameter of about 0.05mm and 1.0mm, and start the automatic rebound tester. Check the error between the automatic display number of the rebound angle and the value on the dial. Measure 3 times, and each measurement result should comply with Article 3.5 of this standard. If the digital display value of the tester cannot comply with Article 3.5 of this standard, the test result is allowed to be read directly from the dial. 5.5 Measure the winding and rebound speed of the automatic rebound angle tester. 5.5.1 Use a stopwatch to measure the time t required for winding n turns, and calculate the winding speed V according to formula (2): V,=60n/t
Where: V,-winding speed, n/min;
Number of winding turns, n;
tTime, s.
Take the average of the three calculated values.
5.5.2 Use a stopwatch to measure the time t required for the test rod to rotate one circle, and calculate the rebound speed V according to formula (3): V,-60/t
Where: V, rebound speed, n/min;
tTime required for rotating one circle, s.
Take the average of the three calculated values.
5.6 Check whether the coil is slowly loosened during rebound, and whether there is sudden rebound or sudden jump. 6 Handling of inspection results
6.1 A verification certificate shall be issued to the enameled wire rebound angle tester that has passed the verification. A verification result notice shall be issued to the unqualified one. The verification certificate and the cover of the verification result notice are shown in the appendix of JB/T4279.1. 6.2 A verification certificate may be issued to the enameled wire rebound angle tester that does not meet the requirements of Article 3.5 of this standard. The certificate shall indicate that the test results of the instrument can only be read from the dial.
6.3 The initial verification of the enameled round wire rebound angle tester shall be carried out on the day of all verification items. During the periodic verification, only the items specified in Articles 5.3 to 5.6 of this standard need to be verified.
6.4 The verification cycle of the enameled round wire rebound angle tester is generally set at 1 year. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Shanghai Cable Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Cable Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and others. The main drafter of this standard is Zhu Bing.
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