Some standard content:
QB/T 2271—1996
This standard is revised from the original professional standard ZBY11020-—1988 "HPb63-3 yellow lead steel plate and strip for surface application". The main differences between this standard and the original ZBY11020-1988 are as follows: the writing format and table method are in accordance with GB/T1.1-1993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Drafting and Expression of Standards Part 1: Basic Regulations for Standard Abbreviations" Implementation Rules
- The content of Chapter 3 has been reorganized. The thickness series dimensions in the original Tables 1 and 2 have been changed to all dimensions from 0.10 to 3.00 mm;
- The average grain size estimation method has been added to 5.6; - Chapter 6 has been changed to a new clause, including the following: 6.1 Inspection and acceptance
6.2 Batch
6.3 Inspection items
6.4 Sampling quantity
6.5 Unqualified judgment
Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by the Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Clock and Watch Standardization Center. The drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Watch Copper Material Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Di Weirong, Wu Jinrong and Yue Jiaoyu. From the date of implementation of this standard, the professional standard ZBY11020-1988 HPb63-3 Lead Brass Plate and Strip for Watches issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry will be invalid.
1 Scope
Light Industry Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
HPb63-3 Lead Brass Plate and Strip for Watches
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, etc. of HPb63-3 Lead Brass Plate and Strip for Watches.
This standard is applicable to HPb63-3 Lead Brass Plate and Strip for the manufacture of watch parts. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by citing them in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T228-1987 Metal tensile test method
GB/T4340-1984 Metal Vickers hardness test method B/T4342-1991: Metal micro Vickers hardness test method GB/T5122.1-1985 Brass chemical analysis method Electrolytic determination of copper GB/T5122.2-1985 Brass chemical analysis method Electrolytic separation-EDTA titration method for lead content GB/T8888-1988 Heavy non-ferrous metal processing products packaging, marking, transportation and storage GB/110610-1989 Stylus instrument can measure the surface roughness of the rules and methods [S0)2624:1990 Copper and copper alloys -
3 Product classification, specifications and marking
3.1 Classification
H) According to the shape of the material, it is divided into plates and strips. Average grain size estimation method
b) According to the material state, it is divided into hard (Y) and extra hard (T). 3.2 Specifications
3.2.1 The limit deviation of the plate size segment is shown in Table 1. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on January 27, 1997
Implementation on September 1, 1997
Basic size
Limit deviation
QB/T 2271--1996
Basic size
— 0. 05
The strip size and limit deviation are shown in Table 2. Thickness
Basic size
Limit deviation
Limit deviation
Uncut edge
Basic size
80[~- 000
Basic size
>8 000
>6 000
3.2.3 Delivery regulations for plates and auxiliary materials
a) The weight of each batch of short-length plates that can be delivered shall not exceed 20% of the total weight, and the length shall not be less than 400mm. The weight of strips shall not exceed 15% of the total weight, and the length shall not be less than 2000mm. h) The inner diameter of the strip coil shall not be less than 300 mm.
3.3 Building record
3.3-1 The product brand is HPb63-3.
3.3.2 Marking example
Hard plate made of HPb63-3 with a thickness of 0.65mm, a width of 60mm and a length of 1000mm, and a thickness limit deviation of Level 1, is marked as:
Plate HPb63-3Y0.65×60×1000Level 1QB/T2271-1996411
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of plates and strips shall conform to the requirements of Table 3. Alloy code
Main components
62. 0 --55. 2. 4~-3. 0
4.2 Mechanical properties
QB/T 2271--1996
Content of other elements (not more than)
4.2.1 Mechanical properties are evaluated based on the hardness test results. Whether the tensile test is carried out depends on the needs of the user. 4-2- 2
The hardness test and tensile test results of plates and strips shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Table 4
Mechanical properties
Supply status
Hard (Y)
Extra hard (T)
4.3 Appearance quality
Tensile strength%
4.3.1 The surface of the plate and strip should be bright and clear, and no defects such as cracks, peeling, inclusions and folds are allowed:%
Not less than
4.3.2 The depth of local slight scratches, pits, embossing, spots and other defects shall not exceed half of the thickness limit deviation of the plate and strip. 4.3.3 Slight oxidation color, oil stains, water stains and other defects that cannot be removed after pickling are not allowed. 4.4 Appearance quality pressure
4.4.1 The appearance dimensions (length, width, thickness) of plates and strips and their limit deviations shall comply with the provisions of 4.4.2 The transverse flatness of plates and strips shall not exceed 1% of the width dimension. 4.4.3 The side straightness of plates and strips shall not exceed 4 ml per meter. 4.4.4 Waves that cannot be removed after straightening are not allowed. 4.4.5 For trimmed plates and strips, cracks and curling are not allowed, and burrs with a length and width greater than (0.5mm are not allowed. 4.5 Surface roughness
The surface roughness R of plates and strips shall not exceed 1.6um. 4.6 Metallographic structure
4.6.1 The metallographic structure is an additive lead phase.
4.6.2 The grains should be uniform, and the average grain size should not exceed 0.4mm. 4.6.3 The lead phase distribution should be uniform and fine, and a certain length of elongation is allowed along the rolling direction. 5 Test method
5.1 Chemical composition
Arbitration analysis of chemical composition, mainly based on the main components, other elements are not assessed, but the supplier should ensure that the total is not greater than the limit.
5.1.1 The chemical composition of steel shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of GB/T5122.1. 5.1.2 The chemical composition of lead shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of GL/T5122-2. 5.2 Mechanical properties
5.2.1 Hardness test using Vickers hardness tester or micro Vickers hardness tester: Conduct according to the provisions of GB/T4340 or GB/T4342. 5.2-2 Tensile strength and intermediate length test shall be conducted with a tensile testing machine in accordance with the provisions of GB/T228. 5.3 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of the plate and strip shall be inspected by normal visual inspection. 5.4 Appearance quality
Use general measuring tools to measure the dimensions, use standard plugs and rulers to measure the flatness tolerance, and use rulers and angle rulers to measure the side straightness. The strips without penalty edges shall be measured at a distance of no less than 3mm from the edge, and the plates and strips with trimmed edges shall be measured at a distance of 2mm from the edge. Measure its thickness at the place where the test is to be conducted. 5.5 Surface roughness
The surface roughness test shall be conducted by the comparison method or wheel-shaped instrument in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10610. 5.6 The average particle size determination method shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of ISO2624. The lead phase length shall be determined by the agreement between the two parties. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection and acceptance
6.1.1 The plates and strips shall be inspected by the supplier's technical inspection department. The products shall meet the requirements of Chapter 4. A product quality guarantee shall be provided. 6.1.2 The purchaser shall complete the acceptance within two months from the date of receipt. 6.2 Groups of batches
Plates and strips shall be inspected in batches. Each batch shall consist of materials of the same brand, specification and state. 6.3 Inspection items
The inspection items of each batch of plates and strips shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. 6.4 Number of samples
6.4.1 For chemical composition analysis, one sample shall be taken from each batch of plates and strips. 6.4.2 For hardness test, no less than three samples shall be taken from each batch, and no less than 2 test points shall be taken from each sample. 6.4.3 For tensile strength, elongation, surface roughness test and grain size determination, one sample shall be taken from each batch. 6.4.4 For appearance and shape measurement, each sheet (roll) shall be inspected. 6.5 Determination of non-conformity
For each test in the test method, if one test result of a sample fails, another double sample shall be taken from the batch for retest of the item. If one sample still fails after the retest, the batch shall be regarded as non-conforming. Table 5
Inspection items
Chemical composition analysis
Hardness test
Tensile test
Appearance quality
Appearance data
Surface roughness viscosity test
Metallographic structure analysis
Note: H indicates mandatory inspection item, △ indicates inspection item determined by negotiation, Packaging, marking, transportation, storage
The packaging, marking, transportation and storage of plates and strips shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T8888. ISO 2624:1990 QB/T 2271 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Determination of average grain size ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of developing international standards is usually done by ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a project established by a technical committee has the right to participate in the committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations that liaise with ISO may also participate in ISO's work. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all electrotechnical standards. International standards adopted by technical committees must be circulated to member bodies for voting before they are formally approved as ISO standards by the ISO Council. According to ISO's procedures, at least 75% of member bodies must agree to pass. International Standard ISO 2624 was drafted by Technical Committee ISO/TC 26, Method for evaluating the average grain size of copper and copper alloys. The second edition makes some modifications to the first edition (ISO 2624: 1973), cancels and replaces the first edition. Appendix A is an integral part of this international standard. 1996
In a milled section of a metal, a grain is the area within the boundary of the grain. For the use of the methods described in this International Standard, a crystal and its twin band are considered to be a grain. Subgrains, minor phases, inclusions and additions are not considered in estimating grain size. In using these methods, it is important to recognize that grain size estimates are not exact measurements. Metallic structure is an aggregate of three-dimensional crystals of varying sizes and shapes. Even if all the bodies were of the same size and shape, the cross-sectional area of each crystal in any plane (observation surface) would vary from the largest to the smallest. The distribution of the area from zero to zero depends on where the plane cuts each crystal. Clearly, it is impossible for two observed fields to contain exactly the same content. This practical reason dictates that the number of grains that can be reasonably estimated is smaller than what is statistically expected. 1 Scope
This International Standard specifies three methods of estimating and expressing the average grain size of, in principle, single-phase alloys. These methods are the comparison method, the method of intersection and the planimetric method. The comparison method (comparison of the test specimen with a standard drawing) is the most convenient for most industrial applications and has a reasonable degree of accuracy. The method of intersection (Ieyn) or planimetric method (Jeifrics) is used to estimate the average grain size of the alloy. Jefries) can be used to estimate the grain size with higher accuracy. In case of dispute, it is recommended that one of these methods be used and it is agreed upon by the parties concerned. The intersection method is recommended for materials with non-equiaxed grain structure. 2 Special designations and instructions
3 Specimen
The Jefries factor used when determining the number of grains per 1 mm by plane measurement Number of grains per 1 mm
Average grain diameter |, mnm, arbitrary quantity, defined as 1/√m Average intersection length
3.1 The grain size should be estimated on three or more representative fields of view on each specimen grind. For known equiaxed grain structure, only one representative grind is required on the specimen; for non-equiaxed or unknown grain structure, three grinds at right angles should be prepared.
3.2 The specimen should be carefully prepared to show the grain boundaries, using contrast etching : for comparison with the standard diagram. 4 Methods
4.1 Comparison method
The grain size of the product is estimated by directly comparing the projected image of the microphotograph of a representative field of view of the specimen with a standard grain size demicrophotograph or with an appropriate replica (for standard grain diagrams, see the Appendix): When a projection microscope is not available, a table microscope can be used. In order to facilitate comparison, it is recommended to make some mechanical device that can move the standard microphotograph to a position adjacent to the projected image. 4.2 Intersection method
4.2.1 The grain size is estimated by counting the number of grains intercepted by one or more straight lines on the glass screen of the projection microscope, on the image of a table microscope equipped with a dividing mirror, on the microphotograph of a representative field, or on the specimen itself. For general purposes, each straight line should intercept at least 10 grains, and the total straight line should not be less than 50. For special purposes, not less than 200 grains. The grains touched by the end of the straight line are counted as half of the number. The length of three straight lines or several straight lines on the surface of the grinding wheel (mm) is divided by the number of grains cut by the straight lines to obtain the average intersection line length. In the actual book, the average intersection length can be considered to be equal to the average grain diameter. 4.2.2 For nonequiaxed grain structures, thinning shall be performed on longitudinal and transverse specimens along straight lines 1 in the three cardinal directions of the specimen. For each direction, the average grain diameter \ is calculated as in 4.2.1. 4.3 Plane measurement method
4.3.1 In the planimetry method, a circle or rectangle of known area (5 000 mm\ is generally used to simplify the calculation) is projected onto the glass screen of a photomicrograph or projection microscope. Choice of magnification: For general purposes, at least 50 grains, and for special purposes at least 20 grains, are included in the field to be counted. When the image is in focus, the number of grains within this area is counted. The sum of the number of broken grains completely contained within the known area plus the number of grains cut by 1/2 of the area circle is taken as the equivalent number of all grains within this area at this magnification. If this equivalent number is multiplied by the Jeffries factor, the product will be 1/1 The corresponding relationship between the magnification factor and the factor is shown in the second column of Table 1. Table 1 Jeffries factor. For an area of 5000 m2, the Jeffries factor for the number of grains per m2 is f0.0002. At a magnification of 75%, if the area is 5625 mm2 (the diameter of the ring is 4.5 mm), the Jelfries factor f will be equal to 1. 4.3.2 The average grain diameter d (in mm) of each field of view can be calculated from the following formula: Ym
5 Test report
5.1 Comparison method
The grain size measured in each field of view should be reported according to the grain size of the closest standard grain size chart (see Appendix A). When only one data is required, the median of these results can be reported. The standard diagram is reproduced at 75 times magnification, which is generally suitable for pots and copper alloys. If other magnifications are required, the corresponding grain size can be found in Table 2. The values in the table have been rounded to the approximate values required for commercial applications. In order to achieve the same "straightness" as the grains obtained by plane measurement or comparison, the length of the intersection line should be multiplied by a factor of 1.13. 116
QB/T 2271- 1996
Table 2 The corresponding relationship between the actual grain size of the sample measured at various magnifications and the standard image of the micrograph Magnification
×75 (standard)
Grain number when the image is compared with the standard image.m145
, 22F
0. 0500, 0700. 090
0, 0050. 0070. 0080. 0090, 0100. 0140, 0150. 0220. 030 Table 2 can be compared with other effective magnification factors using appropriate factors: for example, at 250. The grain size above 25 times is removed by 10, or the grain size below 200 times is removed by 2 at 400 times. Thus, the grain size corresponding to the standard figure grain size of 0.050 at 75x is 0.015 mm (0.150 at 25x divided by 10). It will be appreciated that it is not uncommon for operators to convert the standard figure once more when determining the grain size of a field. 5.2 Intersection or Plane Measurement Method
In equiaxed materials, each result from three or more representative fields measured should be reported. In other cases, when only one data value is required, the median of these results is reported. In non-equiaxed materials, when the intersection method is used, the results in all directions should be reported, or a separate field should be taken and the median of the values in each direction reported.
5.3 Mixed Grain Size
This is sometimes encountered, for example, in hot-working metals. Mixed grain size can be expressed by giving the area percentage occupied by each of the two product sizes using a comparison function, or by giving two standard grain size diagrams. 417
ISO 2624:1990
QB/T 2271 --1996
Appendix A
Standard grain size diagram (X75)
Figure A1 Average grain with a diameter of 0.200 mm
Note: The reference metallographic films provided in this appendix are taken from ASTM Standard E112-1985 Standard Method for Determining Average Grain Size, Figure! . 418
Figure A2 Average grain diameter 0.150 mmwwW.bzxz.Net
QB/T 2271-1996
Figure A3 Average grain diameter 0.120 mm
Figure A5 Average grain diameter 0.070 mm
Figure A4 Average grain diameter 0.090 mmFigure A6 Average grain diameter 0.060 mm
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