Information technology--Specification and STANDARDization of data elements--Part 5:Naming and identification principles for data elements
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Information technology
Specification and standardization of data elements-Part 5: Naming and identification principles for data elements elements2001-07-16Published
People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Referenced standards
Principles of data identification structure
Rules for data registration identification
Guide to structured naming conventions||tt ||Guidelines for the Application of Thesaurus
Appendix A (Suggestive Appendix)
Appendix B (Suggestive Appendix)
Appendix C (Suggestive Appendix)
Naming Convention Example
Registered Logo Example
Thesaurus Example·
This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO/IEC11179-5:1995 "Information technology part: Principles for naming and identification of data elements". Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 5
GB/T18391, under the general title "Specification and standardization of information technology data elements", includes the following parts: - Part 1: Specification and standardization framework of data elements; - Part 2: Classification of data elements; - Part 3: Basic attributes of data elements; - Part 4: Rules and guidelines for writing data definitions; - Part 5: Naming and identification principles of data elements; - Part 6: Registration of data elements.
Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are prompt appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the China Standards Research Center. The drafting unit of this standard: China Standards Research Center. The main drafters of this standard: Feng Wei, Li Xiaolin, Liu Zhiting, Xing Liqiang. GB/T18391.5—2001
ISO/IEC Foreword
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are global specialized standardization organizations. National organizations that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of international standards through various technical committees. Technical committees are formed by related organizations that participate in technical activities in various professional fields. ISO and IEC technical committees cooperate in areas of common interest. Official and non-official international organizations that have ties to ISO and IEC can also participate in this work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have formed a joint technical committee, namely ISO/IECJTCI. The draft international standards adopted by the joint technical committee are submitted to the national groups for voting. The promulgation of an international standard requires at least 75% of the national groups participating in the vote to vote in favor.
International standard ISO/IEC11179-5 was drafted by the Data Management and Exchange Subcommittee (SC32) under the Joint Technical Committee for Information Technology (ISO/IECJTC1). ISO/IEC11179, under the general title "Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements", includes the following parts: - Part 1: Specification and standardization framework of data elements - Part 2: Classification of data elements - Part 3: Basic attributes of data elements - Part 4: Rules and guidelines for writing data definitions - Part 5: Principles for naming and identifying data elements - Part 6: Registration of data elements GB/T18391.5—2001 This standard includes principles, rules and guidelines. Principles are the premise for establishing rules. Rules are mandatory and can be tested for consistency. Guidelines are the application of the above rules in good examples. 3.2 Related environment context GB/T18391.5—2001 The specification or description of the application environment or application procedures that use or generate names. (GB/T18391.36.1.6) 3.3 Data element dataelement
A data unit whose definition, identification, representation and allowed values are described by a set of attributes. (GB/T18391.3) 3.4 Data element concept dataelementconcept A concept that can be represented in the form of a data element and is independent of any specific representation. (GB/T18391.3) 3.5 Data identifier dataidentifier
An identifier (a string of characters or graphic symbols) assigned to a data element by a registration authority. 3.6 Definition definition
A word or phrase that describes the basic characteristics of a person or thing or a category of a person or thing: to answer questions such as "What is X" or "What does X belong to"; a statement of the meaning of a word or phrase. (Webster's New World English Dictionary, third edition, 1986) 3.7 Identifier identifier
See data identifier.
3.8 Lexical
Related to the words or vocabulary of a language, rather than its syntax and structure. 3.9 Namename
The basic way people identify things and concepts. 3.10 Object classtermobjectclasstermA component of a data element name, describing the logical data group to which a data element belongs in a logical data model, such as "employee". 3.11 Propertytermpropertyterm
A component of a data element name, indicating the category to which the data element belongs. 3.12 Qualifierterm
One or more words that help define and distinguish a name in a database. 3.13 RegistrationauthorityregistrationauthorityAn organization authorized to register data elements. 3.14 RegistrationauthorityidentifierregistrationauthorityidentifierAn identifier of any organization authorized to register data elements, that is, an attribute that contains this identifier. 3.15 RepresentationtermThe form of a set of valid values for a data element, such as "amount", "name". 3.16 semantics semantics The branch of linguistics concerned with the annotation of word meanings (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). 3.17 separator separator A symbol or space that connects and separates components in a name, also known as a delimiter. 3.18 structure set structure set A method of placing objects in a relevant environment to show relationships with other objects, such as various entity-relationship models, taxonomies, and ontologies. 3.19 syntax syntax Various relationships between characters or character groups. These relationships have nothing to do with the meaning, interpretation, and use of the characters or character groups. It is the representation structure of the language and the rules that govern the structure of the language. 3.20 thesaurus thesaurus Controlled vocabulary arranged in a given order, in which the relationships between words are shown and identified. 3.21 version identifier versionidentifier An identifier assigned to a version, which is used to submit and update data element registrations. 2
4 Principles of data identification structure
4.1 Attribute identification
In order to distinguish different data elements, a set of five related attributes are used to name and identify each data element. These attributes are: name;
-related environment;
Registration agency identifier;
Data identifier;
Version identifier.
The naming involved in this standard is set as attributes including names and synonyms, which are specified in GB/T18391.3 (including descriptions of all attributes). The data identifier is also the same as the identifier in GB/T18391.3. The principles of these attributes are described below.
4.2 Names and Relevant Environments
A data element registered with a registration authority shall have at least one name. Depending on the relevant environment in which the data element is used, multiple names may be assigned. Each name has a specific role in a particular relevant environment. In order to facilitate data management, strictly structured names can be established: users can specify preferred names; abbreviations can be generated in a specific software environment (such as a specific programming language or database management system).
Many data elements can be given names in each relevant environment. Each relevant environment establishes a naming convention (generally a set of rules) to detail how names are standardized in the relevant environment. A naming convention should include all relevant aspects of the relevant environment, including:
The scope of the naming convention, such as "industry preferred names"; the organization that determines the name;
Semantic rules that guide the source and content of the name, such as: vocabulary generated by the data model, commonly used vocabulary in the specification, etc.; grammatical rules on word order;
Rules on whether names must be unique in the same relevant environment, such as controlled vocabulary, name length, character set, and language lexical rules. The above aspects of the naming convention are detailed in the Guidelines for Drafting Strictly Structured Naming Conventions in Chapter 6. 4.3 International Registered Data Identifiers
Attributes The Registration Authority Identifier (RAI), the Data Identifier (DI) and the Version Identifier (VI) form the International Registered Data Identifier (IR-DI). A data element requires at least one IRDI. Data identifiers are assigned by registration authorities; data identifiers must be unique within the scope of a registration authority.
Since each registration authority can decide on its own allocation scheme, there is no guarantee that a data element can be uniquely identified using a data identifier from a particular registration authority. For example: if two registration authorities both use consecutive 6-digit numbers, there will be a group of data elements with the same DI, however it is entirely possible that different data elements have the same DI. Conversely, if the same data element is registered in two authorities, it will have two DIs. Therefore, the identification of a data element requires not only the DI but also the RAI. If certain attributes of a data element change, a new version of the data element should be generated and registered, in which case a VI is required to complete the unique identification of the data element. Further principles are given in GB/T18391.6. An IRDI is the key to exchanging data between information systems, organizations, or other participants that wish to share a specific data element (but cannot use the same name and associated context). When the IRDI is associated with the establishment of an associated context in more than one natural language, the IRDI also facilitates language translation and is a reference between data element collections managed by different registration agencies. GB/T 18391 does not specify the format or content of the DI. Requirements for registration agencies and a discussion of IRDIs are given in GB/T 18391.6. 3
5 Rules for data registration identification
GB/T 18391.5--2001
5.1 In a registration agency's register, each data element shall have a unique data identifier. 5.2 The combination of the registration agency identifier, data identifier, and version identifier constitutes the unique identifier of the data element. 5.3 Data elements that require data identifiers must be: formed in accordance with GB/T 18391.2;
determined in accordance with GB/T 18391.3;
defined in accordance with GB/T 18391.4;
named in accordance with GB/T 18391.5;
registered in accordance with GB/T 18391.6.
5.4 In a relevant environment, a data element shall have at least one name. 6 Guidelines for structured naming conventions
The following are guidelines for developing naming conventions in specific relevant environments. Appendix A is a specific example of a naming convention that is consistent with the guidelines presented in this chapter.
The guidelines are stated in general terms and are accompanied by examples. The rules are derived from the principles for developing names, and these rules constitute naming conventions. Names formed according to these rules can be easily translated into other languages because of their simple syntax. The rules for syntax, semantics, and lexical structure vary from one organization to another (e.g., an enterprise or a body that sets standards for a business sector). Each organization may establish rules for the construction of names in its own relevant environment.
As discussed in, each data element is composed of a set of components, selected from the structural settings of its relevant environment. The name of a data element may be composed of the names of its components, with each component having a meaning (semantics) and a relative or absolute position (syntax) in a name. They may be subject to lexical rules. They may, but need not, be delimited by a delimiter. The set or range of values for each component should be strictly controlled by a body (e.g., a data steward in an enterprise or a review board for naming standards in an international business sector).
-Semantic rules enable the communication of meaning:
Syntactic rules relate components in a consistent and specified order; lexical (morphological and vocabulary) rules reduce redundancy and increase precision. 6.1 Principles governing the semantic content of names
Semantics concerns the meaning of the components of a name and the delimiters that define them. 6.1.1 Semantics of Name Components
Components consist of discrete terms. The name components of this standard are described by the following terms: object class term
-characteristic term;
representation term;
qualification term. Object Class Term
An object class term is a component that constitutes the name of a data element, which represents a behavior or an object in a related environment. The use of modeling methods (such as entity relationship diagram ERD or object model) is a way to determine the relationship between all data elements and the entities of the model above. The attributes of entities in the entity relationship model are equivalent to data elements, and these data elements are connected to each other through further application of this modeling method. In the object model, data elements are represented by object attributes. Various models provide a classification scheme for data elements. Data elements can be identified by entities in the related model, and object class terms can be mapped to the names of entities in the model. GB/T18391.1 provides examples of mapping between object class terms and entities in the entity relationship model ERD and object model.
For example, in the following data element:
Employee's last name
Expense budget period total sum
A measure of the height of a tree
Member's last name
Components employee, expense, tree and member are object class terms. Property terms
A set of property terms is composed of a set of name components in a property taxonomy. This group must be composed of discrete (each definition cannot overlap with other definitions) and complete (all properties, this group represents all information concepts required to describe the data element) words. For example, in the data element:
An employee's last name
An expense budget period total sum
A member's last name
A measure of the height of a tree
Components last name, total sum and height are property terms. Property terms must of course appear in the definition of the data element. Using components from both structural settings provides a complementary approach to classification. A name formed from the two components of the data element object class and the characteristics contains the most important information about the data element and excludes unimportant or unreasonable elements that are used when there is no agreed usage. Representation terms
A representation term is a component of a data element name that describes the representation of the data element. Each representation term is formed from a controlled vocabulary or a classification system. The categories of representation terms are as follows: · Name
· Measurement
· Quantity
· Total
· Number
· Text
Such terms describe the form of the set of valid values for the data element. Often such representation terms may overlap with the characteristics terms, in which case a term or part of a term can be deleted from the structured name. This can be determined according to the rules in the naming convention. The application of this process is shown in Appendix A.
For example, in data elements:
A measurement of the height of a tree;
A court member's last name.
Ingredient measurement and surname are expression terms. Note that surname is a characteristic term, and the remaining characters can be omitted for clarity. Qualified terms
If a data element must be uniquely identified, qualifiers may be attached to object class terms, property terms and representation terms. These qualifiers may be derived from a structured setting specified by the relevant environment. In the rules for naming conventions, it is recommended that the number of qualifiers be limited.
For example, in the following data element:
Expense budget period total sum
The component budget period is a qualifier.
Note: Imposing some restrictions on the form of qualifiers allowed can help to reduce redundancy and expand the use of data by eliminating some synonyms. This also applies to object class terms, property terms and representation terms. It may be more convenient to use a mechanism such as a thesaurus (see Clause 7 and Appendix C). 6.1.2 Semantics of delimiters
The components of a term are delimited by delimiters. They can be: no semantic meaning. A naming rule can be used to indicate that the separator consists of a space or an exact specific character (such as a hyphen or underscore), regardless of the semantic relationship between the components. Such a rule simplifies the name generation process. There is semantic meaning. Semantic meaning can be expressed by separators, such as setting the separators between qualifying terms and the separators between other components to different separators. In this way, the separator clearly identifies the qualifying terms from the rest of the name. For example, in the data element:
Expense-Budget Two Periods-Total-Total
The separator between qualifying terms is an underscore, and the separator between other name components is a hyphen. Some languages, such as German and Dutch, are generally formed by adding grammatical factors to a word (the meaning of a word may be equivalent to a phrase consisting of nouns or adjectives in English or French). These languages use separators other than hyphens, spaces, and underscores to separate words, but rather capitalize the first letter of each name component in a word. 6.2 Principles governing name format
6.2.1 Syntactic principles
Syntactic principles specify the order of components in a name. This order may be relative or absolute, or both.
a) Relative ordering determines the component in relation to other components. For example, a rule in a convention may require that a qualifying term always appear before the qualified term. b) Absolute ordering determines the fixed position of a component. For example, a rule may require that a specific term always appear last in a name. 6.2.2 Lexical principles
These principles concern preferred and non-preferred terms, synonyms, abbreviations, length of components, spelling, allowed character sets, case sensitivity, and so on.
7 Guidelines for the Use of Thesauri
The thesaurus is a very useful tool in which users can find synonyms, antonyms and homographs as name components. It can provide semantic connections between preferred terms and other terms in a name. In addition to guidance on the use of homographs (words with the same spelling but different concepts), the thesaurus can guide users by selecting: A synonym: a word or term is preferred to express a concept more closely than other words or terms; A hierarchy: when expressing the relationship between a broad sense and a derived sense, it can be expressed as a hierarchy of upper and lower levels; A relationship: two or more terms of the same or different levels are semantically and conceptually related. A registration agency can develop a thesaurus for name components and send it to interested parties. In addition, thesaurus for specialized fields needs to be developed.
A thesaurus can describe the structure in words to supplement the diagram. The preferred terms become the components of the name; the relationship between the preferred terms indicates the position of the components in the structure. Controlled vocabularies are an advantage of subject thesauri. They allow the scope of descriptors to be controlled within a subject thesaurus, linking synonyms and near synonyms through equivalence, and eliminating homonyms. These are all thesaurus features that users need when using the system. 6
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Examples of Naming Conventions
These rules are derived from the guidelines described in Chapter 6. They include several examples that can be used for names in various related environments and can be adopted at the discretion of professional organizations.
A1 Semantic Rules
a) Object classes represent things that are related in a domain, for example: things found in a model of a domain. Example: Cost
b) There should be one and only one object class term. c) Attribute terms should be derived from the attribute architecture settings and represent the category of data. Example: Total
d) There should be one and only one attribute term. e) Qualifications are determined by the subject matter body and are added when necessary to describe a data element and make it unique in a specific context. The order of qualifiers is not important. Qualifiers are optional. Example: budget period
f) The set of valid values for a representation data element is described by the representation term. g) There must be one and only one representation term. Example: total
A2 Syntax Rules
a) The object class term should be in the first (leftmost) position of the name. b) The qualifier term should be placed before the qualified component. The order of the qualifier name should not be used to distinguish the data element name. c) The attribute term should be in the second position.
d) The representation term should be in the last position. If any word in the representation term is repeated with a word in the attribute term, the remaining words are deleted. Example: expenses budget period total total
A3 Lexical Rules
a) Nouns are used only in the singular form and verbs (if any) are in the present tense. b) The components of the name and the words of multi-word terms are separated by spaces. Special characters are not allowed. c) All words in the name are combined. d) Abbreviations, acronyms and capitalized initials are allowed. A4 Uniqueness rule
All names in the same relevant environment should be unique. 7
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Registered Identifier Example
The following is an example of a data element identifier structure: Data Element
Registration Authority Identifier
Data Identifier
Version This name
Expense Budget Period Total
Related Environment
Financial Electronic Data Interchange System
US_GICS System
Engineering Model
Contract Report Header
This is an example of a data element registered by two registration agencies, each of which assigns it a data identifier. The data element has two different names in each agency. Note that "Value-Total" and "Our-Expense-$" are examples of two synonymous names in the application system. These are traditional names that were not generated according to the naming convention and will continue to be used. The component structure of this data element name (following the principles of Chapter 6) is as follows:Object Class:
Total Total
Budget Period
Name: Expense Budget Period Total Total
character or underscore), regardless of the semantic relationship between the components. Such rules simplify the process of generating names. There is semantic meaning. Semantic meaning can be expressed by separators, such as setting the separators between qualifying terms and the separators between other components to different separators. In this way, the separators clearly identify the qualifying terms from the rest of the name. For example, in the data element:
Expense-Budget Two Periods-Total-Total
The separator between qualifying terms is an underscore, and the separator between other name components is a hyphen. Some languages, such as German and Dutch, are generally formed by adding grammatical factors to a word (the meaning of a word may be equivalent to a phrase consisting of nouns or adjectives in English or French). The separators used in these languages are not to separate the words from the middle, such as hyphens, spaces, and underscores, but to capitalize the first letter of each name component in a word. 6.2 Principles governing name formats
6.2.1 Syntactic principles
Syntactic principles specify the order of the components in a name. This order may be relative or absolute, or both.
a) Relative ordering determines the component in relation to other components. For example, a rule in a convention may require that a qualifying term always appears before the qualified term. b) Absolute ordering determines the fixed position of the component. For example, a rule may require that a specific term always be the last component of a name. 6.2.2 Lexical principles
These principles concern preferred and non-preferred terms, synonyms, abbreviations, length of components, spelling, allowed character sets, case sensitivity, etc.
7 Guidelines for the use of thesaurus
The thesaurus is a very useful tool in which users can find various synonyms, near synonyms, and homonyms as name components. It can provide semantic links between the preferred term and other terms in the name. In addition to guidance on the use of homographs (words with the same spelling that convey different concepts), thesaurus can guide users by selecting: A homonymy: preferring a word or term that conveys a concept more closely than other words or terms; A hierarchy: expressing the relationship between a broad sense and a derived sense, using a hierarchy of upper and lower levels; A relationship: linking two or more terms of the same or different hierarchies semantically and conceptually. A registration agency can develop a thesaurus for name components and send it to interested parties. In addition, thesaurus for specialized fields is needed.
A thesaurus can describe the structure in words to supplement the diagram. Preferred terms become components of names; the relationship between preferred terms indicates the position of the components in the structure. Controlled vocabulary is an advantage of thesaurus, which can control the scope of descriptors in a thesaurus, link synonyms and antonyms through equivalence, and eliminate homographs. These are all thesaurus features that users need when using the system. 6
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Examples of Naming Conventions
These rules are derived from the guidelines described in Chapter 6. They include several examples that can be used for names in various related contexts and are adopted at the discretion of professional domain bodies.
A1 Semantic Rules
a) Object classes represent things that are related in a domain, for example, things found in a model of a domain. Example: Cost
b) There should be one and only one object class term. c) Attribute terms should be derived from the attribute architecture settings and represent the category of data. Example: Total
d) There should be one and only one attribute term. e) Qualifications should be determined by professional domain bodies and can be added when necessary to describe a data element and make it unique in a specific related context. The order of qualifiers is not important. Qualifiers are optional. Example: budget period
f) The set of valid values for a representation data element is described by a representation term. g) There must be one and only one representation term, Example: total amount
A2 Syntax rules
a) The object class term should be in the first (leftmost) position of the name. b) The qualification term should be placed before the qualified component. The order of qualification names should not be used to distinguish data element names. c) The characteristic term should be in the second position.
d) The representation term should be in the last position. If any word in the representation term is repeated in the characteristic term, the redundant word is deleted. Example: cost budget period total amount
A3 Lexical rules
a) Nouns are used in the singular only, and verbs (if any) are in the present tense. b) Name components and words in multi-word terms are separated by spaces. Special characters are not allowed. c) All words in the name are combined. d) Abbreviations, acronyms and capitalized initials are allowed. A4 Uniqueness rule
All names of the same related environment shall be unique. 7
Appendix B
(Suggested Appendix)
Registered Identifier Example
The following is an example of a data element identifier structure: Data Element
Registration Authority Identifier
Data Identifier
Version This name
Expense Budget Period Total
Related Environment
Financial Electronic Data Interchange System
US_GICS System
Engineering Model
Contract Report Header
This is an example of a data element registered by two registration agencies, each of which assigns it a data identifier. The data element has two different names in each agency. Note that "Value-Total" and "Our-Expense-$" are examples of two synonymous names in the application system. These are traditional names that were not generated according to the naming convention and will continue to be used. The component structure of this data element name (following the principles of Chapter 6) is as follows:Object Class:
Total Total
Budget Period
Name: Expense Budget Period Total Total
character or underscore), regardless of the semantic relationship between the components. Such rules simplify the process of generating names. There is semantic meaning. Semantic meaning can be expressed by separators, such as setting the separators between qualifying terms and the separators between other components to different separators. In this way, the separators clearly identify the qualifying terms from the rest of the name. For example, in the data element:
Expense-Budget Two Periods-Total-Total
The separator between qualifying terms is an underscore, and the separator between other name components is a hyphen. Some languages, such as German and Dutch, are generally formed by adding grammatical factors to a word (the meaning of a word may be equivalent to a phrase consisting of nouns or adjectives in English or French). The separators used in these languages are not to separate the words from the middle, such as hyphens, spaces, and underscores, but to capitalize the first letter of each name component in a word. 6.2 Principles governing name formats
6.2.1 Syntactic principles
Syntactic principles specify the order of the components in a name. This order may be relative or absolute, or both.
a) Relative ordering determines the component in relation to other components. For example, a rule in a convention may require that a qualifying term always appears before the qualified term. b) Absolute ordering determines the fixed position of the component. For example, a rule may require that a specific term always be the last component of a name. 6.2.2 Lexical principles
These principles concern preferred and non-preferred terms, synonyms, abbreviations, length of components, spelling, allowed character sets, case sensitivity, etc.
7 Guidelines for the use of thesaurus
The thesaurus is a very useful tool in which users can find various synonyms, near synonyms, and homonyms as name components. It can provide semantic links between the preferred term and other terms in the name. In addition to guidance on the use of homographs (words with the same spelling that convey different concepts), thesaurus can guide users by selecting: A homonymy: preferring a word or term that conveys a concept more closely than other words or terms; A hierarchy: expressing the relationship between a broad sense and a derived sense, using a hierarchy of upper and lower levels; A relationship: linking two or more terms of the same or different hierarchies semantically and conceptually. A registration agency can develop a thesaurus for name components and send it to interested parties. In addition, thesaurus for specialized fields is needed.
A thesaurus can describe the structure in words to supplement the diagram. Preferred terms become components of names; the relationship between preferred terms indicates the position of the components in the structure. Controlled vocabulary is an advantage of thesaurus, which can control the scope of descriptors in a thesaurus, link synonyms and antonyms through equivalence, and eliminate homographs. These are all thesaurus features that users need when using the system. 6
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Examples of Naming Conventions
These rules are derived from the guidelines described in Chapter 6. They include several examples that can be used for names in various related contexts and are adopted at the discretion of professional domain bodies.
A1 Semantic Rules
a) Object classes represent things that are related in a domain, for example, things found in a model of a domain. Example: Cost
b) There should be one and only one object class term. c) Attribute terms should be derived from the attribute architecture settings and represent the category of data. Example: Total
d) There should be one and only one attribute term. e) Qualifications should be determined by professional domain bodies and can be added when necessary to describe a data element and make it unique in a specific related context. The order of qualifiers is not important. Qualifiers are optional. Example: budget period
f) The set of valid values for a representation data element is described by a representation term. g) There must be one and only one representation term, Example: total amount
A2 Syntax rules
a) The object class term should be in the first (leftmost) position of the name. b) The qualification term should be placed before the qualified component. The order of qualification names should not be used to distinguish data element names. c) The characteristic term should be in the second position.
d) The representation term should be in the last position. If any word in the representation term is repeated in the characteristic term, the redundant word is deleted. Example: cost budget period total amount
A3 Lexical rules
a) Nouns are used in the singular only, and verbs (if any) are in the present tense. b) Name components and words in multi-word terms are separated by spaces. Special characters are not allowed. c) All words in the name are combined. d) Abbreviations, acronyms and capitalized initials are allowed. A4 Uniqueness rule
All names of the same related environment shall be unique. 7
Appendix B
(Suggested Appendix)
Registered Identifier Example
The following is an example of a data element identifier structure: Data Element
Registration Authority Identifier
Data Identifier
Version This name
Expense Budget Period Total
Related Environment
Financial Electronic Data Interchange System
US_GICS System
Engineering Model
Contract Report Header
This is an example of a data element registered by two registration agencies, each of which assigns it a data identifier. The data element has two different names in each agency. Note that "Value-Total" and "Our-Expense-$" are examples of two synonymous names in the application system. These are traditional names that were not generated according to the naming convention and will continue to be used. The component structure of this data element name (following the principles of Chapter 6) is as follows:Object Class:
Total Total
Budget Period
Name: Expense Budget Period Total Total
Represents:2 Lexical principles
These principles relate to preferred and non-preferred words, synonyms, abbreviations, length of components, spelling, allowed character sets, case sensitivity, etc.
7 Guidelines for the use of thesaurus
Thesaurus is a very useful tool in which users can find various synonyms, near synonyms and homographs as name components. It can provide semantic connections between preferred terms and other terms in a name. In addition to guidance on the use of homographs (words with the same spelling but expressing different concepts), thesaurus can guide users by selecting the following: A homonymy: prefer a word or term that expresses a concept more appropriately than other words or terms; A hierarchy: when expressing the relationship between a broad meaning and a derived meaning, it can be expressed by upper and lower levels; A relationship: linking two or more terms of the same or different levels semantically and conceptually. A registration agency can develop a thesaurus for name components and send it to interested parties. In addition, a thesaurus for the domain of expertise needs to be developed.
A thesaurus can describe the structure in words to supplement the diagram. Preferred terms become components of the name; the relationship between preferred terms indicates the position of the components in the structure. Controlled vocabulary is an advantage of thesaurus. It is possible to control the scope of descriptors in a thesaurus, to link synonyms and near synonyms through equivalence, and to eliminate homonyms. These are all thesaurus functions that users need when using the system. 6
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Examples of Naming Conventions
These rules are derived from the guidelines described in Chapter 6. They include several examples for use in names of various related environments and are adopted at the discretion of organizations in the domain of expertise.
A1 Semantic Rules
a) Object classes represent things that are related in a domain, for example, things found in a model of a domain. Example: Cost
b) There should be one and only one object class term. c) The property term should be derived from the property architecture setting and indicate the category of the data. Example: Total
d) There should be one and only one property term. e) Qualification should be determined by the subject matter body and can be added when it is necessary to describe a data element and make it unique in a specific relevant environment. The order of qualifier terms is not important. Qualifier terms are optional. Example: Budget period
f) The set of valid values for a representation data element is described by the representation term. g) There should be one and only one representation term, Example: Total
A2 Syntax rules
a) The object class term should be in the first (leftmost) position of the name. b) The qualifier term should be placed before the qualified component. The order of the qualifier names should not be used to distinguish the data element names. c) The property term should be in the second position.
d) The representation term should be in the last position. If any word in the representation term is repeated with a word in the property term, the redundant word is deleted. Example: Total amount of the budget period
A3 Lexical rules
a) Nouns are used in the singular only, and verbs (if any) are in the present tense. b) Name components and words of multi-word terms are separated by spaces. Special characters are not allowed. c) All words in the name are combined. d) Abbreviations, acronyms and capitalized initials are allowed. A4 Uniqueness rules
All names of the same relevant context should be unique. 7
Appendix B
(Suggested Appendix)
Registration Identifier Example
The following is an example of a data element identifier structure: Data Element
Registration Authority Identifier
Data Identifier
Version This name
Expense Budget Period Total
Related Environment
Financial Electronic Data Interchange System
US_GICS System
Engineering Model
Contract Report Header
This is an example of a data element registered by two registration agencies, each of which assigns it a data identifier. The data element has two different names in each agency. Note that "Value-Total" and "Our-Expense-$" are examples of two synonymous names in the application system. These are traditional names that were not generated according to the naming convention and will continue to be used. The component structure of this data element name (following the principles of Chapter 6) is as follows:Object Class:
Total Total
Budget Period
Name: Expense Budget Period Total Total
Represents:2 Lexical principles
These principles relate to preferred and non-preferred words, synonyms, abbreviations, length of components, spelling, allowed character sets, case sensitivity, etc.
7 Guidelines for the use of thesaurus
Thesaurus is a very useful tool in which users can find various synonyms, near synonyms and homographs as name components. It can provide semantic connections between preferred terms and other terms in a name. In addition to guidance on the use of homographs (words with the same spelling but expressing different concepts), thesaurus can guide users by selecting the following: A homonymy: prefer a word or term that expresses a concept more appropriately than other words or terms; A hierarchy: when expressing the relationship between a broad meaning and a derived meaning, it can be expressed by upper and lower levels; A relationship: linking two or more terms of the same or different levels semantically and conceptually. A registration agency can develop a thesaurus for name components and send it to interested parties. In addition, a thesaurus for the domain of expertise needs to be developed.
A thesaurus can describe the structure in words to supplement the diagram. Preferred terms become components of the name; the relationship between preferred terms indicates the position of the components in the structure. Controlled vocabulary is an advantage of thesaurus. It is possible to control the scope of descriptors in a thesaurus, to link synonyms and near synonyms through equivalence, and to eliminate homonyms. These are all thesaurus functions that users need when using the system. 6
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Examples of Naming Conventions
These rules are derived from the guidelines described in Chapter 6. They include several examples for use in names of various related environments and are adopted at the discretion of organizations in the domain of expertise.
A1 Semantic Rules
a) Object classes represent things that are related in a domain, for example, things found in a model of a domain. Example: Cost
b) There should be one and only one object class term. c) The property term should be derived from the property architecture setting and indicate the category of the data. Example: Total
d) There should be one and only one property term. e) Qualification should be determined by the subject matter body and can be added when it is necessary to describe a data element and make it unique in a specific relevant environment. The order of qualifier terms is not important. Qualifier terms are optional. Example: Budget period
f) The set of valid values for a representation data element is described by the representation term. g) There should be one and only one representation term, Example: Total
A2 Syntax rules
a) The object class term should be in the first (leftmost) position of the name. b) The qualifier term should be placed before the qualified component. The order of the qualifier names should not be used to distinguish the data element names. c) The property term should be in the second position.
d) The representation term should be in the last position. If any word in the representation term is repeated with a word in the property term, the redundant word is deleted. Example: Total amount of the budget period
A3 Lexical rules
a) Nouns are used in the singular only, and verbs (if any) are in the present tense. b) Name components and words of multi-word terms are separated by spaces. Special characters are not allowed. c) All words in the name are combined. d) Abbreviations, acronyms and capitalized initials are allowed. A4 Uniqueness rules
All names of the same relevant context should be unique. 7
Appendix B
(Suggested Appendix)
Registration Identifier Example
The following is an example of a data element identifier structure: Data Element
Registration Authority Identifier
Data Identifier
Version This name
Expense Budget Period Total
Related Environment
Financial Electronic Data Interchange System
US_GICS System
Engineering Model
Contract Report Header
This is an example of a data element registered by two registration agencies, each of which assigns it a data identifier. The data element has two different names in each agency. Note that "Value-Total" and "Our-Expense-$" are examples of two synonymous names in the application system. These are traditional names that were not generated according to the naming convention and will continue to be used. The component structure of this data element name (following the principles of Chapter 6) is as follows:Object Class:
Total Total
Budget Period
Name: Expense Budget Period Total Total
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