Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Surface meteorological elements encoding and data format
Surface meteorological elements encoding and data format2017-05-12Promulgated
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Surface meteorological observation element variable encoding
Equipment status element variable encoding
Data frame format
Communication command format
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Observation Classification and coding of element variables
Appendix B (normative appendix)
List of ground meteorological element units
Appendix C (normative appendix)
Appendix D (normative appendix)
Appendix E (normative appendix)
Appendix F (normative appendix)
Classification and coding table of equipment status element variables
List of equipment identifiers
Equipment monitoring operation commands
Sensor monitoring operation commands
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC507). GB/T33695—2017
The drafting units of this standard are: Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing Huayun Dongfang Detection Technology Co., Ltd., and Chengdu University of Information Technology. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Yinfeng, Tao Fa, Lei Yong, Du Jianping, Gong Na, Song Yang, Ma Shangchang, Zhang Sujuan, Li Yingchong, Zhang Guanglei, Zhai Longsheng, Sun Chenrui.
Hii KAoNhi KAca
1 Scope
Ground meteorological element coding and data format
This standard specifies the ground meteorological observation element variable coding, state element variable coding, data transmission frame format, and communication command format.
This standard applies to ground meteorological observation business, and others are implemented by reference. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. QX/T118—2010 Quality Control of Surface Meteorological Observation Data 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
A string consisting of a set of specified ASCII characters (uppercase and lowercase English letters, numeric characters "0~9" and underscore character "_"), used to describe the start and end identifiers of data frames, data packet header information, element variable names and element variable values. 3.2
To convert the value of the observed element variable into an integer output, multiply the original value by 10 to the power of n, and define n as the multiplication factor, which is an integer greater than or equal to 0.
The protocol data unit of the data link layer. A complete data frame includes 5 information segments, namely the start identifier, data packet header, data body, checksum and end identifier.
4 Coding of ground meteorological observation element variables
4.1 Overview
The coding of ground meteorological observation element variables includes coding rules and coding tables. The coding rules include the naming rules of ground meteorological observation element variables, the expression rules of observation element variable values and the units of observation element variables. The classification coding table of observation element variables is expressed in a table, see Appendix A for details.
4.2 Coding rules
The coding of ground meteorological observation element variables complies with the following rules: a) The name definition is accurate, unique and clear, and the coding structure is clear and has strong scalability. 1
The variable value corresponding to the observation element name is the original value multiplied by 10 to the power of n (n is the scale factor, the value is greater than or equal to 0) b)
Integer, and the digital string displayed in ASCII characters. Each observation element value has a fixed byte length. If the high bit is insufficient, "o\" is added.
The observation element variable coding table specifies the unit, multiplication factor, and output byte length of each observation element. Individual observation elements are noted so that data users can better understand the meaning of the observation data. The definition of common meteorological element units is shown in Appendix B. 4.3 Naming rules
4.3.1 Variable name coding composition
The ground meteorological observation element variable name coding consists of three parts: observation element, observation code, and suffix. English uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers in ASCII characters are used. The combination of uppercase and lowercase letters is used to represent the observation element variable.
4.3.2 Observation element coding
Observation element coding is represented by two uppercase letters, the first uppercase letter represents the observation category, and the second uppercase letter represents the observation subcategory. The ground meteorological observation category defined in this standard is represented by the uppercase letter "A". The observation subcategory is classified according to the meteorological elements under the observation category, such as air temperature, ground temperature, liquid temperature, humidity, etc. in ground observations, and is coded in sequence starting from the uppercase letter A. Ground meteorological observation element coding The code definition is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Ground Meteorological Observation Element Coding Table
Observation Code
Observation Element Name
Observation Element Name
Weather Phenomenon
Icing on Electric Wires
Road Condition
Soil Moisture
Negative Oxygen Ions
Observation Code Coding is represented by capital letters and numbers, and is used to represent the names of related meteorological elements under the observation element variable class. The capital letters of the observation code are coded in order from A to Z. When the observation element variable name is more When using the observation code, a combination of two uppercase letters can be used. The integer number (≥0) in the observation code represents information such as height, depth, time accumulation, phenomenon coding number, etc. When indicating height and depth, the unit is centimeter; when indicating time accumulation, the unit is minute. The height or depth information of 1.5m high temperature and humidity, 10m high wind speed and direction, and surface temperature, as well as the time interval of hourly accumulation of precipitation used in existing meteorological services are represented by fixed uppercase letters. Other observation codes such as height, depth, and time accumulation are represented by numerical numbers specified in business specifications. 2
HiiKAoNi KAca
4.3.4 Suffix coding
GB/T33695—2017 Suffix coding is represented by lowercase letters or underscores and numbers. Lowercase letters are used to represent the names of observation elements with specific meanings, and underscores and numbers are used to represent the names of elements output by multiple sensors. The lowercase letters in the observation variable names represent the following meanings: a represents the maximum value, b represents the time when the maximum value occurs, c represents the minimum value, d represents the time when the minimum value occurs, e represents the maximum value, f represents the time when the maximum value occurs, g represents the minimum value, h represents the time when the minimum value occurs, i represents the average value, represents the manual observation item (automatic observation equipment does not appear in the suffix variable), and k represents the change value. The lowercase suffix can be followed by numbers to represent the statistical value within a certain hour (the number is defaulted when 1h statistics are taken), where the lowercase suffix followed by a fixed 70 represents the daily statistical value, 80 represents the monthly statistical value, and 90 represents the annual statistical value. There is only one sensor or the result of the fusion output of multiple sensors, represented by a suffix without an underscore and a ten-digit number. When there are multiple sensors, the data after the fusion processing of multiple sensor data must be output (that is, a group of element variables of the same type without an underscore and a ten-digit number are output). If there are three temperature sensors, the temperature value of the first sensor is represented by AAA_1, the temperature value of the second sensor is represented by AAA_2, and the temperature value of the third sensor is represented by AAA_3. The collector processes the data of the three sensors to give the final temperature result, which is represented by AAA. Use uppercase letters at the beginning of the variable name, and no numbers are allowed to appear, in order to clearly distinguish the variable name from the variable value; uppercase and lowercase letters "O" do not appear in all variable names to avoid confusion with the number "o". 5 Equipment status element variable coding
5.1 Overview
Equipment status element variable coding includes coding rules and coding tables. The coding rules include the naming rules of equipment status element variable names, the expression rules of equipment status element variable values, and the meaning of equipment status element variable values. The classification coding table of equipment status element variables is expressed in a table form. For details, see Appendix C.
5.2 Coding rules
Equipment status element variable coding complies with the following rules: a) The name definition is accurate, unique, and clear, and the coding structure is clear and extensible. b) The variable value corresponding to the equipment status element name is represented by a status code, 1 byte, which can intuitively indicate the working status of the equipment. 5.3 Naming rules
5.3.1 Variable name coding composition
The variable name coding corresponding to the equipment status element variable name consists of three parts: attribute class, attribute code, and suffix. It is represented by a combination of uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers, and underscores in ASCII characters, distinguishing uppercase and lowercase letters. 5.3.2 Attribute class coding
Use lowercase letters in reverse order from z to a to clearly distinguish it from the name of the observation element variable. The state of the manual observation instrument is represented by m. Avoid overlapping lowercase letters of the state attribute class with lowercase letters of the observation element special definition. The state attribute class coding table is shown in Table 2. Table 2 State attribute class coding table
Attribute class name
Equipment self-test
Sensor status
Power supply status
Working temperature status
Heating component status
Ventilation component status
Communication status
Window pollution status
Equipment working status
Attribute code coding
Attribute class name
Table 2 (continued)
Attribute codes are represented by uppercase letters, and the names of each state under the state attribute class are encoded in sequence from A to Z. 5.3.4 Suffix Coding
The suffix is marked with the observation element class or observation element name with underscores and capital letters, corresponding to the status of the sub-collector or sensor; the device identifier with underscores and capital letters is used to mark multiple device states. The automatic observation device does not use the device identifier suffix. When the terminal software needs to merge the data packets of multiple devices into a large data packet, the device identifier is used to distinguish different devices. 6 Data Frame Format
6.1 Overview
A complete data frame includes 5 parts of information, namely the start identifier, data packet header, data body check code and end identifier. Among them, the start identifier, data packet header, check code, and end identifier part of the data are fixed length: the data body part of the data is not fixed length, including observation element information, observation data quality control information and status element information. Data frame transmission uses ASCII characters (8bit); each information segment of the data frame is represented by one or more fields, and the fields are separated by English half-width characters ",". The data frame format is shown in Figure 1, and the complete data frame format is shown in Table 3.
Complete data
Starting mark
Data packet header
Data body
Schematic diagram of complete data frame
End mark
-ii KAoNhi KAca
Version number
Observation key
Primary variable
Area station number
Observation key
Primary variable
Observation data and quality control
Observation key
Primary variable
Table 3 Complete data frame format
Starting mark (BG)
Data packet
Observation key
Primary variable| |tt||Identification bit
Data subject
Control bit
Equipment ID
Check code (4 digits)
End identifier (ED)
Frame identifier
Observation element
Number of variables
Status information
BG001,12345,3214 20,1163418,01000,01,YFSV,001,20120912131000,001,010,04,Complete data frame
Start mark
Data packet header
Data body
End mark
Device status
Number of variables
AMA,008995,AMAa,010000,A MAb,1300,AMAc,008990,AMAd,1309,AMB,009180,AMBa,009992,AMBb,1300,AMBc,009105,AMBd,1309,0000000000,z,1,uA,2,wB,3,sA,8,9574,EDBG
001, 12345,321420,1163418,010 00.01,YFSV,001,20120912131000,001,010,04 Meaning:
Version number: 001, Station number: 12345, Latitude 32.14.20, Longitude 116.34.18, Altitude: 100m, Service type: Basic station, Observation equipment: Forward scatter visibility meter, Equipment ID number: 001, Observation time: 13:10:00, September 12, 2012, Observation mark: real-time observation data at minute intervals, number of observation element variables: 10, state elements: 4 Observation element variables:
AMA,008995,AMAa,010000,AMAb,1300,AMAc,008990,AMAd,1309,AMB,009180,AMBa,009992,AMBb,1300,AMBe.009105,AMBd,1309 Meaning :
Minute visibility: 8995m, hour minute maximum visibility: 10000m, hour minute maximum visibility time: 13:00, hour minute minimum visibility: 8990m, hour minute minimum visibility time: 13:09, ten minute sliding visibility: 9180m, hour ten minute sliding maximum visibility: 9992m, hour ten minute sliding maximum visibility time: 13:00, hour ten minute sliding maximum visibility Minimum visibility: 9105m, hour and ten minutes sliding minimum visibility time: 13:09 Quality control: 0000000000
Meaning: Quality control is normal
State element variables: z.1.uA, 2, wB, 3sA, 8 Meaning:
Equipment self-test status: abnormal, equipment ventilation status: fault, detector temperature status: high, window pollution: serious 9574
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6.2 Format description
6.2.1 Start mark
2 letters, represented by "BG".
6.2.2 Data packet header Data length
Contains 12 fields, each field has a fixed length. Version number
3 digits, indicating the version number of the transmitted data. Area station number
5 digits, using the existing meteorological station area station number unchanged, and continuously updated when a new meteorological station number is released. Latitude
6 digits, recorded in degrees, minutes and seconds, all 2 digits, if the upper digit is not accurate to the second, the second is fixedly recorded as "00". Longitude
7 digits, recorded in degrees, minutes and seconds, degrees are 3 digits, minutes and seconds are 2 digits, if the upper digit is not accurate to the second, the second is fixedly recorded as "00". Observation field altitude
5 digits, retaining 1 decimal place, the original value is recorded with 10 times the original value, if the upper digit is not accurate to the second, the second is fixedly recorded as "00". Service type
2 digits, arranged in order when there is a new service type station. Example: 00 reference station, 01 basic station, 02 general station, 03 regional meteorological station, 04 transportation meteorological station, 05 power meteorological station, 06 agricultural meteorological station, 07 tourism meteorological station, 08 marine meteorological station, 09 wind power meteorological station, 10 solar energy meteorological station, 11 ecological meteorological station, 12 meteorological radiation station, 13 portable station, 14 automatic climate station, 15 atmospheric background station, 16 atmospheric composition station, 17 sandstorm station, 18 environmental meteorological station. Equipment identification bit
4 letters, sensor or equipment type. The equipment identification starts with capital letter Y, and the last three letters are the abbreviation of the English name of the corresponding sensor or equipment, see Appendix D. Equipment ID
3 digits, used to distinguish similar equipment in stations with the same area station number. Note: When a station has multiple identical equipment, the equipment ID is numbered sequentially starting from 000. The service data is based on the observation of the equipment with ID 000. When 000 fails, the data of equipment 001 is used. Observation time
14 digits, using Beijing time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, yyyyMMddhhmmss. Example: July 6, 2012 13:25:00, 201207061325006 Frame Identifier
3-digit number, used to distinguish data type and observation time interval, composed of two parts: D, T. D is a 1-digit number, used to distinguish data type: 0 represents real-time data, 1 represents scheduled data, 2 to 9 are reserved. T represents a 2-digit decimal value, representing the observation time interval: 00 represents seconds, 01 to 59 represent 1min to 59min intervals, 60 to 83 represent 1h to 24h intervals, 84 to 99 are reserved. Real-time data refers to the observation data output by the device, which is mainly instantaneous meteorological values. The instantaneous meteorological values are calculated from the sampling values within the specified observation time interval. The real-time data output by some devices may also contain statistical data. The statistical data is meaningful only when the observation time is consistent with the statistical period. Usually, the time interval of real-time data is in seconds or minutes, and is generally not in hours. Scheduled data refers to observation data output by the equipment, which is mainly statistical meteorological values. Statistical meteorological values are the maximum, minimum, maximum, minimum, or cumulative values selected from the instantaneous meteorological values observed within a specified time interval. The time interval of scheduled data is in minutes or hours, and is generally not in seconds. Example: 001 is used to represent minute real-time data, and 160 is used to represent hourly scheduled data. Number of observation element variables
3 digits, ranging from 000 to 999, indicating the number of observation elements. If the observation elements that the equipment does not detect are not output, the number of observation element variables is the number of elements actually detected; when no observation elements are detected when a fault occurs, the equipment outputs the number of observation element variables as 0, and outputs the fault information in the status information. When the equipment or sensor fails, all observation elements of the corresponding sensor or equipment are output as missing, and the corresponding variable values are filled with "/" characters. Example: 003, indicating that there are 3 observation elements. Number of device status variables
2-digit number, ranging from 01 to 99, indicating the number of status variables. The device self-test status variable is a required output item. When the device self-test passes, only the self-test status variable is output, that is, the number of status variables is 1. When the status of some attributes of the device is abnormal, in addition to outputting the self-test status variable, the names of all abnormal status variables must also be output. Example: 28, indicating that there are 28 status variables. 6.2.3 Data body Body content
It is of variable length and includes three parts: observation data, observation data quality control and status data. Observation data
It consists of a series of observation element data pairs, in which the observation element variable name and variable value correspond one to one. The number of data pairs is consistent with the number of observation element variables. The observation element names are output in alphabetical order. Observation data quality control
It consists of a series of quality control codes. The number of characters is consistent with the number of observation element variables. One character represents the quality control code of one data, which corresponds to the data pairs in the observation data in sequence. The definition of quality control code is consistent with the quality control of ground meteorological observation data in QX/T118-2010, see Table 4.
Table 4 Quality Control Code Table
Quality Control Code
Quality Control Code
Corrected Data
Modified Data
No Quality Control
Table 4 (Continued)
Note 1: If the data quality control is judged as an error, its value is still given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "2", but the erroneous data cannot participate in subsequent related calculations or statistics. Note 2: For instantaneous meteorological values, if the data is missing due to reasons such as the collector or communication, the missing value will be directly given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "8"
Note 3: When the station business software sets the equipment to a maintenance-disabled state, the maintenance log is automatically uploaded, and the corresponding element is set to missing when uploading data. Status data
consists of a series of equipment status element data pairs, in which the status element variable name and status value correspond one to one. The equipment status variable name is defined in the equipment status coding table. The first status variable name should be the equipment self-test status, and there is no clear requirement for the output order of other status variables. The status value is represented by a digital code. The meaning of the status value is shown in Table 5. 5 Equipment Status Code Table
Status Code
"Normal", the equipment status node detects and judges the normal status Description
"Abnormal", the equipment status node can work, but the detection value is judged to be beyond the normal range "Fault", the equipment status node is in a faulty state "High", the detection value of the equipment status node is higher than the normal range "Low", the detection value of the equipment status node is lower than the normal range "Stop", the equipment node is in a stopped state "Mild" or "AC", the equipment pollution is judged to be slight or the equipment is powered by AC "General" or "DC", the equipment pollution is judged to be general: or the equipment is powered by DC "Severe" or "No external power supply", the equipment pollution is judged to be severe; or the equipment is not powered by external power Note 1: All states of the equipment do not output specific values, but are output in the form of status codes to more intuitively guide maintenance and guarantee work. Note 2: This table only gives a simple description of the meaning of the equipment status code. The equipment needs to formulate a status judgment basis based on each status detection value and output a status code that meets this state.
Note 3: If the observed element is a calculation quantity, that is, it is calculated by other elements without equipment, there is no need to output the state element; when the upper computer software performs quality inspection, it will check the equipment status through the equipment configuration file. If the equipment is not configured in the configuration file, there is no need to check the status.12 Number of observation element variables
3 digits, ranging from 000 to 999, indicating the number of observation elements. If the observation element that the device does not detect is not output, the number of observation element variables is the number of elements actually detected; when no observation element is detected when a fault occurs, the device outputs the number of observation element variables as 0, and outputs the fault information in the status information. When the device or sensor fails, all the observation elements of the corresponding sensor or device are output as missing, and the corresponding variable values are filled with "/" characters. Example: 003, indicating that there are 3 observation elements. Number of device state variables
2 digits, ranging from 01 to 99, indicating the number of state variables. The device self-test state variable is a required output item. When the device passes the self-test, only the self-test state variable is output, that is, the number of state variables is 1. When the status of some attributes of the device is abnormal, in addition to outputting the self-test state variable, the names of all abnormal state variables must also be output. Example: 28, indicating that there are 28 state variables. 6.2.3 Data body Main content
It is of indefinite length and includes three parts: observation data, observation data quality control and status data. Observation data
It consists of a series of observation element data pairs, in which the observation element variable name and variable value correspond one to one. The number of data pairs is consistent with the number of observation element variables. The observation element names are output in alphabetical order. Observation data quality control
It consists of a series of quality control codes, the number of characters is consistent with the number of observation element variables, one character represents the quality control code of one data, and corresponds one to one with the data pairs in the observation data in sequence. The definition of quality control code is consistent with the quality control of ground meteorological observation data in QX/T118-2010, see Table 4.
Table 4 Quality Control Code Table
Quality Control Code
Quality Control Code
Corrected Data
Modified Data
No Quality Control
Table 4 (Continued)
Note 1: If the data quality control is judged as an error, its value will still be given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "2", but the wrong data cannot be used for subsequent related calculations or statistics. Note 2: For instantaneous meteorological values, if the data is missing due to collector or communication reasons, the missing value will be directly given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "8"
Note 3: When the station business software sets the equipment to maintenance disabled state, the maintenance log is automatically uploaded, and the corresponding element is set as missing when uploading data. Status data
consists of a series of device status element data pairs, in which the status element variable name and the status value correspond one to one. The device status variable name is defined in the device status coding table. The first status variable name should be the device self-test status. There is no clear requirement for the output order of other status variables. The status value is represented by a digital code. The meaning of the status value is shown in Table 5. 5 Equipment Status Code Table
Status Code
"Normal", the equipment status node detects and judges the normal status Description
"Abnormal", the equipment status node can work, but the detection value is judged to be beyond the normal range "Fault", the equipment status node is in a faulty state "High", the detection value of the equipment status node is higher than the normal range "Low", the detection value of the equipment status node is lower than the normal range "Stop", the equipment node is in a stopped state "Mild" or "AC", the equipment pollution is judged to be slight or the equipment is powered by AC "General" or "DC", the equipment pollution is judged to be general: or the equipment is powered by DC "Severe" or "No external power supply", the equipment pollution is judged to be severe; or the equipment is not powered by external power Note 1: All states of the equipment do not output specific values, but are output in the form of status codes to more intuitively guide maintenance and guarantee work. Note 2: This table only gives a simple description of the meaning of the equipment status code. The equipment needs to formulate a status judgment basis based on each status detection value and output a status code that meets this state.
Note 3: If the observed element is a calculation quantity, that is, it is calculated by other elements without equipment, there is no need to output the state element; when the upper computer software performs quality inspection, it will check the equipment status through the equipment configuration file. If the equipment is not configured in the configuration file, there is no need to check the status.12 Number of observation element variables
3 digits, ranging from 000 to 999, indicating the number of observation elements. If the observation element that the device does not detect is not output, the number of observation element variables is the number of elements actually detected; when no observation element is detected when a fault occurs, the device outputs the number of observation element variables as 0, and outputs the fault information in the status information. When the device or sensor fails, all the observation elements of the corresponding sensor or device are output as missing, and the corresponding variable values are filled with "/" characters. Example: 003, indicating that there are 3 observation elements. Number of device state variables
2 digits, ranging from 01 to 99, indicating the number of state variables. The device self-test state variable is a required output item. When the device passes the self-test, only the self-test state variable is output, that is, the number of state variables is 1. When the status of some attributes of the device is abnormal, in addition to outputting the self-test state variable, the names of all abnormal state variables must also be output. Example: 28, indicating that there are 28 state variables. 6.2.3 Data body Main content
It is of indefinite length and includes three parts: observation data, observation data quality control and status data. Observation data
It consists of a series of observation element data pairs, in which the observation element variable name and variable value correspond one to one. The number of data pairs is consistent with the number of observation element variables. The observation element names are output in alphabetical order. Observation data quality control
It consists of a series of quality control codes, the number of characters is consistent with the number of observation element variables, one character represents the quality control code of one data, and corresponds one to one with the data pairs in the observation data in sequence. The definition of quality control code is consistent with the quality control of ground meteorological observation data in QX/T118-2010, see Table 4.
Table 4 Quality Control Code Table
Quality Control Code
Quality Control Code
Corrected Data
Modified Data
No Quality Control
Table 4 (Continued)
Note 1: If the data quality control is judged as an error, its value will still be given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "2", but the wrong data cannot be used for subsequent related calculations or statistics. Note 2: For instantaneous meteorological values, if the data is missing due to collector or communication reasons, the missing value will be directly given when the equipment terminal outputs the data, and the corresponding quality control mark is "8"
Note 3: When the station business software sets the equipment to maintenance disabled state, the maintenance log is automatically uploaded, and the corresponding element is set as missing when uploading data. Status data
consists of a series of device status element data pairs, in which the status element variable name and the status value correspond one to one. The device status variable name is defined in the device status coding table. The first status variable name should be the device self-test status. There is no clear requirement for the output order of other status variables. The status value is represented by a digital code. The meaning of the status value is shown in Table 5. 5 Equipment Status Code Table
Status Code
"Normal", the equipment status node detects and judges the normal status Description
"Abnormal", the equipment status node can work, but the detection value is judged to be beyond the normal range "Fault", the equipment status node is in a faulty state "High", the detection value of the equipment status node is higher than the normal range "Low", the detection value of the equipment status node is lower than the normal range "Stop", the equipment node is in a stopped state "Mild" or "AC", the equipment pollution is judged to be slight or the equipment is powered by AC "General" or "DC", the equipment pollution is judged to be general: or the equipment is powered by DC "Severe" or "No external power supply", the equipment pollution is judged to be severe; or the equipment is not powered by external power Note 1: All states of the equipment do not output specific values, but are output in the form of status codes to more intuitively guide maintenance and guarantee work. Note 2: This table only gives a simple description of the meaning of the equipment status code. The equipment needs to formulate a status judgment basis based on each status detection value and output a status code that meets this state.
Note 3: If the observed element is a calculation quantity, that is, it is calculated by other elements without equipment, there is no need to output the state element; when the upper computer software performs quality inspection, it will check the equipment status through the equipment configuration file. If the equipment is not configured in the configuration file, there is no need to check the status.
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