title>JB/T 6969-1993 Jet-suction welding torch - JB/T 6969-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6969-1993 Jet-suction welding torch

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6969-1993

Standard Name: Jet-suction welding torch

Chinese Name: 射吸式焊炬

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-07-27

Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Processing Technology>>J33 Welding and Cutting

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number GB 5109-85

Procurement status:neq ISO 5172

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Harbin Welding Research Institute

Publishing department:Harbin Welding Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the form, structure, interchangeable parts, connection parts, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, acceptance rules, marking and packaging of jet-suction welding torches. This standard applies to single-flame jet-suction welding torches. JB/T 6969-1993 Jet-suction welding torch JB/T6969-1993 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Injection and suction welding torch
1 Subject content and scope of application
JB/T 6969--93
This standard specifies the injection and suction welding torch The form, structure, interchangeable parts, connection parts, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, acceptance rules, marking and packaging of the welding torch.
This standard is suitable for single-flame jet-suction welding torches. 2 Reference standards
Basic profile of ordinary threads
GB196 basic dimensions of ordinary threads
Tolerances and fits of ordinary threads
GB5107 Hose joints for welding and cutting
JB/GQ·F9003 Injection suction welding torch and cutting torch product quality classification 3 types, structures, interchangeable parts and connection parts 3.1 The welding torch adopts a surface fixed emission suction pipe, Replace welding tips with different hole sizes to meet the needs of welding workpieces of different thicknesses. 3.2 Model: The model of the jet-suction welding torch consists of a Chinese pinyin letter, indicating the structure and type of the serial number and specifications. When modifying, the letters A, B, C, D...· can be used as the modification number code and attached to the specification. Example: H01-12 type welding torch
means welding low carbon steel with a maximum thickness of 12mm, means jet-suction type
means manual
The first letter indicating welding (Han)
3.3 The structure of the welding torch and the names of components are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1: Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on 1993-07-27 and implemented on 1994-07-0
Preface||tt| |1
JB /T6969—93
Table 1
welding tip connector
shoot straw
Oxygen valve needle
Note: Type H01-2 and H01-6 do not have rear connector, oxygen nut and acetylene nut. 3.4 Specifications for interchangeable parts of the welding torch and related connection parts 3.4.1 The welding tip should comply with the requirements in Figure 2 and Table 2. Figure 2
Table 2
H01-6| |tt||H01-12
0. 9
2||tt ||0.6
3.4.2 The welding tip joint should comply with the requirements in Figure 3 and Table 3. 4
1. 2
Figure 3
1.3||tt| |2.2
25||tt| |40
middle body
rear connector
acetylene nut
oxygen nut
hose connector
H01- 2
8.3| |tt||10.3
Table 3
M10X1.25| |tt||.M12X1.25
3.4.3 rear connector (H01-12 type, H01-20 type) should comply with the requirements of Figure 4. $12
Picture 4
3.4.4 oxygen nut M16×1.5; GB51073.4.5 block nut M16×1.5 left; GB5107I
3|| tt||3
M16×1.5 left
3.4.6 hose connector H01 -12 type and H01-20 type: H01-2 type and H01-6 type hose connector type A 5.5? GB5107
should comply with the requirements of Figure 5 and Table 4. Table 4
5.2|| tt||7.5
14||tt| |9.5
4 main parameters and basic parameters
4. 2| |tt||The main parameters of the welding torch should comply with the requirements in Table 5. Type
Welding low carbon steel thickness
The basic parameters of the welding torch should comply with the requirements in Table 6. Welding
5 Technical requirements
0. 1
Oxygen working pressure, MPa
0.7| |tt||4
JB/T 6969—93
Figure 5||tt ||Table 5
Table 6
Acetylene use
Force||tt| |5
0. 8
replaceable Welding tips
0.9|| tt||1.4
1. 6
i|| tt||C
path mm
total length
5.1 Under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard, when the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa, the length of the flame core in the normal flame of the welding torch is listed in the table? .
. -
tip number
flame core length
type||tt ||No.
Title number
Flame core length
2| |tt||≥15
JB/T 6969—93
Table 7
H01 -12
5.2 each valve It should be ensured that the air path can be closed flexibly and the flow rate can be adjusted evenly. 5
3|| tt||12
5.3 welding torch The shape of the flame core is cylindrical, with a conical or hemispherical top. Deflection and bending are not allowed, and continuous backfire and popping are not allowed.
5.4 The flame of the welding torch should burn stably. When the wind speed is 10m/s (H01-6 type is 6m/s) blowing vertically towards the flame, the flame core of the flame should still remain stationary (H01-2 type does not have this requirement).
5.5 All connections and gas valves of the welding torch are not allowed to leak under the following inlet pressures: a.
In the oxygen passage: increase the maximum oxygen working pressure by 50% ;In the acetylene and mixed gas passages: the pressure is 0.25MPa. 5.6 All gas passage parts of the welding torch should be made of corrosion-resistant materials. The parts of the acetylene passage cannot be made of alloys containing more than 70% copper.
The cooperation between the welding joint and the welding nozzle joint, and the cooperation between the soft joint and the rear joint body should be able to ensure airtightness and interchangeability. 5.8
Before assembly, all parts of the gas passage must be degreased. 5.9 The thread should comply with the relevant regulations in GB192, GB196 and GB197. The threads at the mating locations of each sealing nut of the welding torch should have an adjustment margin of 13 pitches. 5.10
The gas consumption of the welding torch is specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. The appearance of the welding torch should be beautiful and clean, without obvious mechanical damage, bending irregularity and surface defects. When the welding tip is supplied separately, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 3.4.1, Chapter 4, Article 5.1, Articles 5.3~5.8 and Article 5.12 of this standard. 6. Test methods and acceptance rules
6.1 Test methods| |tt||6.1.1 Air tightness test: The welding torch is passed into grease-free gas under the pressure specified in Article 5.5 of this standard, and remains in the water for 20 seconds with the gas valve closed and open. No air leakage is allowed in each air valve and all connections. 6.1.2 Combustion test: Under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard, the combustion test is carried out when the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa. The length of the welding torch flame core should comply with the provisions of Table 7 and 5.3 of Article 5.1 of this standard. 6.1.3 Tempering resistance test
. Test conditions
Anti-tempering test is shown in Figure 6.
The H01-12 type welding torch No. 3 nozzle is used for the test. The end face of the welding nozzle is parallel to the test plate, and the distance is 1.5mm, and the welding torch is fixed (see Figure 7). The rotation speed of the test plate is 10r/min, and the test radius R=165am. 564
JB/T 6969-93
radially arrange 104
grooves on the 60° surface, and the radial angle between the grooves
is 0.573*
0. 83
A groove center line||tt| |AA
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test
National fire resistance test plate
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 Users have the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during the sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and administered by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
tip number
flame core length
tip number| |tt||Flame core length
JB /T 6969—93
Table 7
3||tt| |≥17
5.2 Each air valve should ensure flexible closing of the air path and even adjustment. flow. 5
3|| tt||12
5.3 welding torch The shape of the flame core is cylindrical, with a conical or hemispherical top. Deflection and bending are not allowed, and continuous backfire and popping are not allowed.
5.4 The flame of the welding torch should burn stably. When the wind speed is 10m/s (H01-6 type is 6m/s) blowing vertically towards the flame, the flame core of the flame should still remain stationary (H01-2 type does not have this requirement).
5.5 All connections and gas valves of the welding torch are not allowed to leak under the following inlet pressures: a.
In the oxygen passage: increase the maximum oxygen working pressure by 50% ;In the acetylene and mixed gas passages: the pressure is 0.25MPa. 5.6 All gas passage parts of the welding torch should be made of corrosion-resistant materials. The parts of the acetylene passage cannot be made of alloys containing more than 70% copper.
The cooperation between the welding joint and the welding nozzle joint, and the cooperation between the soft joint and the rear joint body should be able to ensure airtightness and interchangeability. 5.8
Before assembly, all parts of the gas passage must be degreased. 5.9 The thread should comply with the relevant regulations in GB192, GB196 and GB197. The threads at the mating locations of each sealing nut of the welding torch should have an adjustment margin of 13 pitches. 5.10
The gas consumption of the welding torch is specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. The appearance of the welding torch should be beautiful and clean, without obvious mechanical damage, bending irregularity and surface defects. When the welding tip is supplied separately, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 3.4.1, Chapter 4, Article 5.1, Articles 5.3~5.8 and Article 5.12 of this standard. 6. Test methods and acceptance rules
6.1 Test methods| |tt||6.1.1 Air tightness test: The welding torch is passed into grease-free gas under the pressure specified in Article 5.5 of this standard, and remains in the water for 20 seconds with the gas valve closed and open. No air leakage is allowed in each air valve and all connections. 6.1.2 Combustion test: Under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard, the combustion test is carried out when the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa. The length of the welding torch flame core should comply with the provisions of Table 7 and 5.3 of Article 5.1 of this standard. 6.1.3 Tempering resistance test
. Test conditions
Anti-tempering test is shown in Figure 6.
The H01-12 type welding torch No. 3 nozzle is used for the test. The end face of the welding nozzle is parallel to the test plate, and the distance is 1.5mm, and the welding torch is fixed (see Figure 7). The rotation speed of the test plate is 10r/min, and the test radius R=165am. 564
JB/T 6969-93
radially arrange 104
grooves on the 60° surface, and the radial angle between the grooves
is 0.573*
0. 83
A groove center line||tt| |AA
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test
National fire resistance test plate
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 Users have the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during the sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling and re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
Tip number
Flame core length
Tip number
Flame core length
JB/T 6969—93
Table 7
5.2 Each gas valve should ensure flexible closing of the gas path and even adjustment of the flow. 5
5.3 The shape of the flame core of the welding torch is cylindrical, and the top is conical or hemispherical. No deflection or bending is allowed, and no continuous tempering or explosion is allowed.
5.4 The flame of the welding torch should burn stably. When the wind speed is 10m/s (6m/s for H01-6 type) and blows vertically to the flame, the flame core should still remain fixed (no such requirement for H01-2 type).
5.5 All connections and gas valves of the welding torch are not allowed to leak under the following intake pressures: a.
In the oxygen passage: increase the maximum oxygen working pressure by 50%; in the acetylene and mixed gas passages: the pressure is 0.25MPa. 5.6 All gas passage parts of the welding torch shall be made of corrosion-resistant materials, and the parts of the acetylene passage shall not be made of alloys with a copper content greater than 70%.
The fit between the welding head and the welding nozzle joint, and the fit between the soft joint and the rear joint body shall ensure airtightness and interchangeability. 5.8
Before assembly, all gas passage parts must be degreased. 5.9 The threads shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB192, GB196 and GB197. The threads of the sealing nuts of the welding torch shall have an adjustment margin of 13 pitches. 5.10
The gas consumption of the welding torch shall be specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. The appearance of the welding torch shall be beautiful and neat, without obvious mechanical damage, misalignment and surface defects. When the welding nozzle is supplied separately, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 3.4.1, Chapter 4, Article 5.1, Articles 5.3 to 5.8 and Article 5.12 of this standard. 6. Test methods and acceptance rules
6.1 Test methods
6.1.1 Air tightness test: The welding torch is fed with oil-free gas at the pressure specified in Article 5.5 of this standard. When the gas valve is closed and opened, it is kept in water for 20 seconds. No leakage is allowed at each gas valve and all joints. 6.1.2 Combustion test: The combustion test is carried out under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard and the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa. The length of the torch flame core shall comply with the provisions of Table 7 of Article 5.1 and Article 5.3 of this standard. 6.1.3 Anti-flashback test
. Test conditions
The anti-flashback test is shown in Figure 6.
The test uses a No. 3 welding nozzle of a H01-12 type welding torch. The end face of the welding nozzle is parallel to the test plate, and the distance is 1.5mm. The welding torch is fixed (see Figure 7). The test plate rotation speed is 10r/min, and the test radius R=165am. 564
JB/T 6969-93
grooves are radially arranged on a 60° surface, and the radial angle between the grooves is 0.573*
0. 83
a center line of the groove
Figure 6
Figure 7 Anti-tempering test
Anti-tempering test plate
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a neutral flame in a standard state according to the rated flow rate. After stabilization for 30 seconds, the test plate begins to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Each test rotates five times. c, test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but no continuous tempering occurs. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, and the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned and then repeated for the second time (cooling after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if no continuous tempering occurs. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding nozzle, adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate, stabilize it for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction at a wind speed of 10m/s (6m/s for H01-6 type), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or flashes back, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it is still qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 The appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 The factory products must have product certificates and instructions. 6.2.3 The user has the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for the appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, anti-backfire test, wind stability test and the inspection of the interchangeable parts and related connection parts dimensions specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be carried out according to the provisions of JB/GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are unqualified items during the random inspection, additional sampling should be taken to re-inspect the unqualified items. When all the re-inspections are qualified, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after the re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marking and packaging
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer's name, trademark, model, year and month of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet position. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark, and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding nozzle should be marked with: manufacturer's name or trademark, model and nozzle number. 7.1.3 The position of all marks should be obvious, and the handwriting and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 Small packages should be beautiful and sturdy, and marked with the product name, model and manufacturer's name. Large packages should be sturdy, meet transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and marked with the product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font should be correct and the handwriting clear. 7.2.2 Welding nozzles should be packaged in small paper boxes or plastic bags (boxes). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each paper box or plastic bag (box) can only hold one model of welding nozzle, and shall be marked with the product name, model, nozzle number, quantity, trademark or factory name. Large packaging shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lv Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. From the date of implementation of this standard, the original GB5109-85 "Shooting Welding Torch" shall be replaced. 566
4. The flame of the welding torch should burn stably. When the wind speed is 10m/s (H01-6 type is 6m/s) blowing vertically towards the flame, the flame core of the flame should still remain stationary (H01-2 type does not have this requirement).
5.5 All connections and gas valves of the welding torch are not allowed to leak under the following inlet pressures: a.
In the oxygen passage: increase the maximum oxygen working pressure by 50% ;In the acetylene and mixed gas passages: the pressure is 0.25MPa. 5.6 All gas passage parts of the welding torch should be made of corrosion-resistant materials. The parts of the acetylene passage cannot be made of alloys containing more than 70% copper.
The cooperation between the welding joint and the welding nozzle joint, and the cooperation between the soft joint and the rear joint body should be able to ensure airtightness and interchangeability. 5.8
Before assembly, all parts of the gas passage must be degreased. 5.9 The thread should comply with the relevant regulations in GB192, GB196 and GB197. The threads at the mating locations of each sealing nut of the welding torch should have an adjustment margin of 13 pitches. 5.10
The gas consumption of the welding torch is specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. The appearance of the welding torch should be beautiful and clean, without obvious mechanical damage, bending irregularity and surface defects. When the welding tip is supplied separately, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 3.4.1, Chapter 4, Article 5.1, Articles 5.3~5.8 and Article 5.12 of this standard. 6. Test methods and acceptance rules
6.1 Test methods| |tt||6.1.1 Air tightness test: The welding torch is passed into grease-free gas under the pressure specified in Article 5.5 of this standard, and remains in the water for 20 seconds with the gas valve closed and open. No air leakage is allowed in each air valve and all connections. 6.1.2 Combustion test: Under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard, the combustion test is carried out when the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa. The length of the welding torch flame core should comply with the provisions of Table 7 and 5.3 of Article 5.1 of this standard. 6.1.3 Tempering resistance test
. Test conditions
Anti-tempering test is shown in Figure 6.
The H01-12 type welding torch No. 3 nozzle is used for the test. The end face of the welding nozzle is parallel to the test plate, and the distance is 1.5mm, and the welding torch is fixed (see Figure 7). The rotation speed of the test plate is 10r/min, and the test radius R=165am. 564
JB/T 6969-93
radially arrange 104
grooves on the 60° surface, and the radial angle between the grooves
is 0.573*
0. 83
A groove center line||tt| |AA
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test
National fire resistance test plate
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 The user has the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during the sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling and re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
4. The flame of the welding torch should burn stably. When the wind speed is 10m/s (H01-6 type is 6m/s) blowing vertically towards the flame, the flame core of the flame should still remain stationary (H01-2 type does not have this requirement).
5.5 All connections and gas valves of the welding torch are not allowed to leak under the following inlet pressures: a.
In the oxygen passage: increase the maximum oxygen working pressure by 50% ;In the acetylene and mixed gas passages: the pressure is 0.25MPa. 5.6 All gas passage parts of the welding torch should be made of corrosion-resistant materials. The parts of the acetylene passage cannot be made of alloys containing more than 70% copper.
The cooperation between the welding joint and the welding nozzle joint, and the cooperation between the soft joint and the rear joint body should be able to ensure airtightness and interchangeability. 5.8
Before assembly, all parts of the gas passage must be degreased. 5.9 The thread should comply with the relevant regulations in GB192, GB196 and GB197. The threads at the mating locations of each sealing nut of the welding torch should have an adjustment margin of 13 pitches. 5.10
The gas consumption of the welding torch is specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. The appearance of the welding torch should be beautiful and clean, without obvious mechanical damage, bending irregularity and surface defects. When the welding tip is supplied separately, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 3.4.1, Chapter 4, Article 5.1, Articles 5.3~5.8 and Article 5.12 of this standard. 6. Test methods and acceptance rules
6.1 Test methods| |tt||6.1.1 Air tightness test: The welding torch is passed into grease-free gas under the pressure specified in Article 5.5 of this standard, and remains in the water for 20 seconds with the gas valve closed and open. No air leakage is allowed in each air valve and all connections. 6.1.2 Combustion test: Under the oxygen working pressure specified in this standard, the combustion test is carried out when the acetylene pressure is 0.006~0.008MPa. The length of the welding torch flame core should comply with the provisions of Table 7 and 5.3 of Article 5.1 of this standard. 6.1.3 Tempering resistance test
. Test conditions
Anti-tempering test is shown in Figure 6.
The H01-12 type welding torch No. 3 nozzle is used for the test. The end face of the welding nozzle is parallel to the test plate, and the distance is 1.5mm, and the welding torch is fixed (see Figure 7). The rotation speed of the test plate is 10r/min, and the test radius R=165am. 564
JB/T 6969-93
radially arrange 104
grooves on the 60° surface, and the radial angle between the grooves
is 0.573*
0. 83
A groove center line||tt| |AA
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test
National fire resistance test plate
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 Users have the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
A groove center line
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test||tt ||2.82.8
anti-national fire test board
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 Users have the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
A groove center line
Figure 6
Figure 7 Tempering resistance test||tt ||2.82.8
anti-national fire test board
b. Test procedure
Ignite the welding torch and adjust it to a standard neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, the test plate starts to rotate (the flame cannot be adjusted during rotation). Five rotations were performed on each trial. c. Test requirements
The welding torch is qualified after rotating five times (tempering is allowed) but without continuous tempering. If continuous tempering occurs, the test must be stopped, the welding torch (nozzle) is cooled and cleaned, and then the test is repeated twice (cooling is performed after each test) (tempering is allowed), but it is still qualified if continuous tempering does not occur. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement.
6. 1.4 Stability test in wind
Ignite the welding torch equipped with No. 3 welding tip and adjust it to a neutral flame according to the rated flow rate. After stabilizing for 30 seconds, make the flame perpendicular to the wind direction. At a wind speed of 10m/s (H01-6 model is 6m/s), if the flame core of the welding torch can burn normally within 10s, it is qualified. If the flame core jumps, extinguishes or backfires, the test is allowed to be repeated twice. If the flame core can burn normally, it will still be qualified. H01-2 type does not have this test requirement. 6.2 Acceptance rules
6.2.1 Appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.12 of this standard. 6.2.2 Factory products must have product certificates and instructions for use. 6.2.3 Users have the right to inspect the delivered products according to the test methods and acceptance rules specified in this standard. 6.2.4 The sampling method for appearance, air tightness test, combustion test, tempering resistance test, wind stability test and inspection of the dimensions of interchangeable parts and related connection parts specified in Article 3.4 of this standard can be in accordance with JB/ Carry out according to the regulations of GQ·F9003. 6.2.5 If there are any unqualified items during sampling inspection, the unqualified items should be added for sampling re-inspection. When all re-inspections pass, only the unqualified products in the initial inspection will be returned for repair. If there are still unqualified items after re-inspection, no matter how many, the batch of products will be regarded as unqualified and must be repaired and re-submitted for acceptance. 7 Marks and Packaging
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 The welding torch should be marked with: manufacturer name, trademark, model, year of manufacture or factory batch number and oxygen and acetylene inlet parts. The oxygen handwheel should have a blue mark and the acetylene handwheel should have a red mark. 7.1.2 Each welding tip should be marked with: manufacturer name or trademark, model number and tip number. 7.1.3 The location of all signs should be obvious, and the writing and patterns should be clear. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The small packaging should be beautiful and sturdy, and should be marked with the product name, model and manufacturer name. The large packaging should be sturdy, comply with transportation requirements and relevant regulations, and be marked with product name, model, quantity, gross weight, net weight, volume, year and month of manufacture, factory name and standard number. The font is correct and the handwriting is clear. 7.2.2 The welding tip should be packed in a small carton or plastic bag (box). When welding phosphorus is supplied separately, each carton or plastic bag (box) can only contain one model of welding tip, and the product name, model, tip number, quantity, trademark or factory name should be marked. Large packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 7.2.1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Zhenjie, Wang Run, Wang Shuqi and Zhang Jianwei. This standard has been replaced by the original GB5109-85 "Shebo Type Welding Torch" since the date of implementation. 566
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