title>Specifications of public library service for persons with dyslexia - GB/T 39658-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specifications of public library service for persons with dyslexia

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39658-2020

Standard Name:Specifications of public library service for persons with dyslexia

Chinese Name: 公共图书馆读写障碍人士服务规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Informatics, Publishing>>01.140.20Informatics

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Xie Qiang, Liu Bohan, Gao Wenhua, Li Pei, Lin Xudong, Wang Wenling, Liu Xiaochuan, Gong Jiaofei, Yuan Shuyu, Dong Na

Drafting unit:National Library, Heilongjiang Provincial Library, Tianjin Library, Anhui Provincial Library

Focal point unit:National Library Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 389)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39658-2020. Specifications of public library service for persons with dyslexia.
1 Scope
GB/T 39658 specifies the service objects, service resources, service forms and service requirements of public libraries providing dyslexia services.
GB/T 39658 is applicable to standardizing the service work of public libraries at all levels in the country for persons with dyslexia. Libraries and reading rooms organized by disabled persons' federations at all levels and local disabled persons' service organizations can refer to it for implementation.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 10001.1 Graphic symbols for public information Part 1: General symbols
GB/T 28220 Specification for public library services.
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Persons with dyslexia
Persons with learning or processing difficulties in language expression, reading, handwriting, writing and mathematics caused by congenital diseases or other reasons.
Easy-to-read materials
Clear and easy-to-read materials that are rewritten or specially designed to make reading and understanding easier.
Audio book
Documents with sound, including documents that exist in the form of sound in various carriers or are converted into sound.
4 General Principles
4.1 Public libraries should provide professional library services for people with dyslexia and meet their needs for related cultural activities.
4.2 Public libraries should select literature resources, arrange service items and improve service facilities
for people with dyslexia. 4.3 Public libraries should carry out professional training to improve their ability to serve people with dyslexia.
4.4 In addition to implementing the relevant provisions of this standard, public library services for people with dyslexia should also comply with the requirements of relevant national standards and policy documents such as GB/T 28220.
This standard specifies the service objects, service resources, service forms and service requirements for dyslexia services provided by public libraries. This standard is applicable to standardizing the service work of public libraries at all levels in providing services for people with dyslexia, and libraries and reading rooms organized by disabled persons' federations at all levels and local disabled persons' service organizations can refer to it for implementation.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications of public library service for persons with dyslexiaPublished on 2020-12-14
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2020-12-14
Normative referencesbZxz.net
Terms and definitions
General principles
Service objects
Service resources
Service space
Service Facilities and Equipment
Service Documents
Service Personnel
Service Forms
Basic Services
Extended Services
8Service Requirements
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 GB/T39658—2020
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying these patents. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Library Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC389). The drafting units of this standard are: National Library, Heilongjiang Provincial Library, Tianjin Library, Anhui Provincial Library. The main drafters of this standard are: Xie Qiang, Liu Bohan, Gao Wenhua, Li Pei, Lin Xudong, Wang Wenling, Liu Xiaochuan, Gong Fei, Yuan Chuyu, and Dong Na. GB/T39658—2020
This standard aims to encourage public libraries to provide various types of professional library services required by people with dyslexia, and to provide guidance on the integrity and quality of services.
1 Scope
Service Specifications for People with Dyslexia in Public Libraries GB/T39658—2020
This standard specifies the service objects, service resources, service forms and service requirements of dyslexia services provided by public libraries. This standard is applicable to the standardization of the service work of public libraries at all levels in the country for people with dyslexia, and libraries and reading rooms organized by disabled persons' federations at all levels and local disabled persons' service organizations can refer to it for implementation. Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T10001.1 Public Information Graphics Symbols Part 1: General Symbols GB/T28220 Public Library Service Specifications
Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Persons with dyslexia
Persons with dyslexia
Persons with learning or processing difficulties in language expression, reading, handwriting, writing and mathematics due to congenital diseases or other reasons.
Easy-to-read materials
Easy-to-read materials
Clear and understandable reading materials that are easier to read and understand through rewriting or special design3.3
Audio books
Audio book
Documents with sound, including documents that exist in the form of sound in various media or are converted into sound. 4 General Principles
Public libraries should provide professional library services for people with dyslexia and meet their needs for related cultural activities. 4.1
4.2 Public libraries should select literature resources, arrange service projects, and improve service facilities for people with dyslexia. 4.3 Public libraries should carry out professional training to improve their ability to serve people with dyslexia. 4.4 In addition to implementing the relevant provisions of this standard, public library services for people with dyslexia should also comply with the requirements of relevant national standards and policy documents such as GB/T28220.
Service objects
Service objects for people with dyslexia in public libraries mainly include but are not limited to the following groups: GB/T39658—2020
-People with dyslexia;
-Family members of people with dyslexia:
Activity groups and community groups for dyslexia;-Personnel or volunteers engaged in services, education, and research for people with dyslexia 6 Service resources
6.1 Service space
6.1.1 Public libraries should set up special spaces for people with dyslexia, and the reading space should have a certain degree of independence. 6.1.2 The reading space set up by public libraries for people with dyslexia should be comfortable, simple, soundproof, and have appropriate illumination, which can help people with dyslexia relax.
6.1.3 The reading space set up by public libraries for people with dyslexia should be easy for people with dyslexia to find and obtain services. 6.1.4 Public libraries should set up guide signs in obvious locations. The guide signs should comply with the requirements of GB/T10001.1 and use graphics and other signs that are easy for people with dyslexia to understand.
6.1.5 Colored lines should be set up on the ground leading to the special space for people with dyslexia to facilitate people with dyslexia to reach the reading space smoothly.
6.2 Service facilities and equipment
6.2.1 Public libraries should be equipped with computers, audio playback equipment, video playback equipment, reading auxiliary equipment and software that are easy for people with dyslexia to use, to help people with dyslexia use information in a variety of ways and play audio books. 6.2.2 Public libraries should prepare equipment manuals and use graphics or sound software to help people with dyslexia use computers and other equipment. 6.2.3 Public libraries should make full use of information technology to assist people with dyslexia in reading text through computer software, auxiliary tools, etc.
6.2.4 Public libraries should install visual (auditory) alarm systems or equipment to remind people with dyslexia to discover emergencies in a timely manner. 6.3 Service Documents
6.3.1 Public libraries should selectively develop service documents based on the library's functions and the number of readers, including documents designed specifically for people with dyslexia, documents that are adaptive to traditional documents, and new forms of documents that emerge with technological development. 6.3.2 Public libraries should collect audio books, including audio books recorded on various media. 6.3.3 The various audio books collected by public libraries should be self-contained or can be played at 2 to 3 different speeds, so that people with dyslexia of different ages and reading levels can use them. 6.3.4 Public libraries should collect documents such as periodicals, pamphlets, and brochures. 6.3.5 Public libraries should collect and preserve audio and video resources. 6.4 Service Staff
Public libraries should formulate special service policies for people with dyslexia and equip them with professional librarians. 6.4.1
6.4.2 Librarians serving people with dyslexia should receive corresponding professional training and have the ability to serve people with dyslexia. 6.4.3 Librarians serving people with dyslexia should be polite, patient, meticulous and respectful to the people they serve. 6.4.4 Public libraries can establish cooperative relationships with relevant professional organizations in society to recruit volunteers to serve people with dyslexia and improve the service level of the library.
6.4.5 Public libraries should actively participate in the service work for people with dyslexia carried out by government departments and social organizations, and advocate that the society pay more attention to the cultural information needs of people with dyslexia. 2
Service form
Basic service
Public libraries should provide the following basic services to people with dyslexia: Provide easy-to-read documents, audio books, brochures, computer readings and other document catalogs and indexing services; a)
Provide services such as query, in-library reading and loan of collection documents; c)
Provide reference consultation and reading guidance services required by people with dyslexia: Provide training on the use of relevant equipment;
Extend the loan time of books and other resources.
Extended services
Public libraries can provide the following services to people with dyslexia according to the library's situation and needs, but not limited to: Establish service files for people with dyslexia, record the basic situation and needs of people with dyslexia: a)
Hold reading clubs, reading salons, reading and writing function training, special lectures and other activities; b
Carry out special activities for different age groups, especially children; Recruit and organize volunteers to provide services such as reservation, pick-up, companionship, and reading aloud for people with dyslexia; GB/T39658—2020
Deliver services to the grassroots and to people with dyslexia through mobile stations, mobile vehicles, express book borrowing, etc.; Provide practical training and educational activities for people with dyslexia. 3 Service requirements
Public libraries should recommend relevant library services to people with dyslexia through various media and printing brochures.
8.2 Public libraries should cooperate with school libraries and publicize to schools so that children with dyslexia can get help at the best time. 8.3 The homepage of the public library website should be easy to read, with a simple and clear layout, so that people with dyslexia can easily access it. GB/T39658—2020
YD/T1761—2012 Technical Requirements for Accessible Website Design [2] Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia This document is stored in the form of a PDF electronic file on the web (https://ifla.org/files/assets/hq/publications/professional-report/70.pdf) [3] IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia-Revised and extended This document is stored in the form of a PDF electronic file on the web (https://ifla.org/files/assets/lsn/publications/guidelines-for-library-services-to-persons-with-dyslexia_2014.pdf)
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.