JB/T 4316.1-1999 JB/T 4316.1-1999 Parameters and dimensions of spur end chainring series JB/T4316.1-1999 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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ICS 25. 060. 99 J58 JB Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T4316.1~4316.21999 Spur end teeth Disk Released on 1999-05-20 National Machinery Industry Bureau Released Implemented on 2000-01-01 JB/T4316.1-1999 Foreword This standard is revised on the basis of JB4316-86 "Parameters and Dimensions of Spur End Chain Disc Series". This standard is consistent with the technical content of JB4316--86, and has only been re-edited in accordance with relevant regulations. This standard is part of the JB/T4316 "Spur End Chain" series of standards. This series of standards includes the following two parts: JB/T4316.1-1999 Parameters and dimensions of spur-end chainring series JB/T4316.2-1999 Accuracy inspection of spur-end chainring This standard replaces JB4316-86 from the date of implementation . Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both reminder appendices. This standard was proposed by the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Combination Machine Tool Branch of the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. The units responsible for drafting this standard: Dalian Combined Machine Tool Research Institute, Yuxi Machine Tool Factory, Shenyang Second Machine Tool Factory. This standard was first published in 1986. 1 scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Spur end gear Series parameters and dimensions This standard only specifies straight end gears The series parameters and interchangeable dimensions of the disc (referred to as the toothed disc). This standard applies to gear discs used for circular indexing of metal cutting machine tools. 2 Main parameters 2.1 Outer diameter series Taking the outer diameter of the toothed disc as the main parameter, the outer diameter series of the toothed disc is as follows: JB/T4316.11999 replaces JB 4316-86 | |tt | 2.2 Tooth number series The tooth number series of the tooth plate is as follows: 60;72;120;144;180;240:360 and 7203 size tooth plate with an outer diameter of 100-1600mm, Its interchangeable dimensions should comply with the requirements in Figure 1 and Table 1. Starting screw inspection hole / Main 0 Note: In the toothed disc pair, the center of the starting screw hole of the toothed disc 1 should be with the symmetrical center line of the teeth Coinciding with each other, the symmetrical middle set of the teeth of the other tooth plate 1 and the tooth grid Figure 1 Approved by the National Machinery Industry Bureau 1999-05-202 2000-01- 01Implementation serial number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18|| tt||19 20 21 22 Outer diameter D: 100 110 125| |tt||140 160 180 200 220 250 280 320||tt ||360 400 450 500 560 630 710 800 1000 1250 1600 Note Inner diameter d 55 65 70 80 100 120 140 150 180 200 220 260|| tt||300 350 400 450 500 580 660 850||tt| |1060 1380 Tooth length F max 10 16 20 25||tt| |32 40 50 1 The tolerance of outer diameter D is h9. 2 The tolerance of inner diameter d is H6. Chain set Thickness H 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 3 distribution west diameter D, the tolerance is ±0.2 JB/T4316. 1—1999 Table 1 True diameter of distribution circle D 72 82 90 102 122 140 160 175 202 230 260 295 335|| tt||385 430 485 540 620 700 890 1115||tt| |1440 Quantity n 12 18 bolt self diameter d 13.5 17.5||tt ||22 Counterbore A diameter d 12 5 18 22 28 35| |tt||Countersink depth 5 10 12 16 20 mm Male pin hole a||tt ||10 12 16 20 A1 Bell The relationship between the outer diameter of the toothed disc and the number of teeth||tt| |The relationship between the outer diameter of the toothed disc and the number of teeth is shown in Table A1. 100 60 72 120 144 180 240 360 720 A2 Number of teeth 60 72 120 144|| tt||180 240 360 720 o o 110 o||tt| |o 125 o o 140 1160 O o 0 0 JB/T4316.1—1999 | | tt | ||180 200 o O o O Diameter mm 500 220 250280320 360400 0450 560630710800100012501600 o O Minimum angle of degrees and divisible position range o O o O o Minimum angle of degrees and divisible position range Usage table A2. Table A2 | | tt | |1°30 0°30 0 C O o 0 12|| tt||o o o o o 0 15 o||tt| |o o 0 16 Q o ENG 18 20 O O O o o o o o|| tt||o place o o o Q O o||tt| |o o 2430364045 4860728090120/144180240360726c o 0 O o||tt| |o o o o o C o o o O o 0 o 000000|0c
|盘's reference number and size view AI sum table A3. 2.5 Note Uke Cx45* H c×45||tt| |H 1 shape tolerance 4, t, type t, view table A4. 2 Normal grade level of surface roughness. | | tt | Expanded image | | tt | |tt | tt||0 6 . st = 9 7 Round diameter 6 Number of S c01 8 02 tol 6 als es t1e1 602| |tt||szlol 60 lal public 60 6 st 60z||tt ||60 s 8SStez 6z 0 8 or 02 0' 0 90 6 t 3 9s 0'9||tt| |O'E S L6'0 s' 9's 29 S 1os| |tt||5 0 8's 02 2 97 s 02||tt ||260 8 0z s o's 901 s 8'||tt| |2 s 0 8556.2 s 60z ST 80 O s s Sword Mastership 65'0 26'0 E
0 2 st All West High EV Table 95 00| |tt||091 ht 8 ||ttt||EEL 19E 119 ts9| |tt||srs 160f 9's 887 08 096 9 s||tt ||9t 8 E6E 't $8'2 86'9 6 61 868 SO'E t1'9 99 EEL st's $9||tt| |08 88 81z 9 Thick 95'S 9E s Yellow Noh strange 8.92 09 yuan 9 95'92 1602 9||tt| |ri 60 Sh 90'91 TI'91 80S L'SI 65 'sT 16'S1 2 Taihara 8 0 Sculpture 2|| tt||o1 6 long 0 2 2 2 2||tt ||2 Everyone 2 00 081 001 001 o0 s9||tt ||8 Inner box 082 az 00z 081 091 0t||tt| |ou 001 0 Outside school 0 0 4 3 2 9 6 4 3 2 ordinal 6 JB /T 4316.1 1999 0 S Ss 8t minimum拍起 2 st||tt| |- C 角小是 倒 uu 91W ouw 91 6 锻闸孔 91 2 2 s SEI = 南很 数趣 29 ots 588 22 858600 02 $9 -8s.15.0 8spol -85.8600 85.15.0 161 0 02| |tt||81 3 o 9's 21z 0 56 o||tt ||SE 8s.tot 0 s 8 8580 IS.0 8stol| |tt||80 85 lSe0 8stol -8S .hel sol 8shl O 91 0'9 8 o 69 EST s 191 95 St s ss 02 0S 0s o|| tt||109 0 99 s ttol 16 0 -85hl s tel| |tt||8stol s tot a 02 191 E61 0||tt ||刀氷宽 2 9 倾高 卤 E's 9 st|| tt||s 麦高 全 099 08S 09h 81+ 内经|| tt||邮 () 66 9 029 S28 os's 0011||tt ||28.9 L9' EEL 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tel 8stol||tt| |s tot a 02 191 E61 0 刀混宽||tt| |2 9 倾高 卤 E's 9 st s 麦高 全 099 08S 09h 81+ 内经 邮 () 66 9 029 S28 os's 0011 28.9 L9 ' EEL 68 L'6 1'9 L'E t$9 96 EL'8 St's 1601 16 286 68s 8 9 8 s to 6 6 61* 限 8| |tt||86'9 88 06'1t 181 91 9E 9 t99E 692 ts9 299 952 s s SO'ze 161E L9'IE 16'TE 62.9元 992 of 8 2|| tt||体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0 00% OS ott 09 09s| |tt||8 过3 8 00S ost 00E 00v 09|| tt||2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999||tt ||F L's LE E minimum拾起展 2 C width|| tt||ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2 21 diameter 81 SH 068|| tt||000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S||tt ||200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0||tt || quantity 经 白 国 庭 80 宽 空刀混||tt ||852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶||tt ||卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st||tt ||齿高 金 o0S1 966 9 齿内很书 ) 表|| tt||869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9||tt| |st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1| |tt||Er 20'19 19'19 805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所 “H9P 9 “ 注 085||tt| |091 os 0091 090f 09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 麦长 09 麦数z 099 内很4 008 0 外很 序号 98 0 8spol -85.8600 85.15.0 161 0 02 81||tt| |3 o 9's 21z 0 56 o SE 8s .tot 0 s 8 8580 IS.0 8stol 80||tt| |85 lSe0 8stol -8S .hel sol 8shl O 91||tt ||0'9 8 o 69 EST s 191 95||tt ||St s ss 02 0S 0s o 109 0 99 s ttol 16 0 -85hl s tel 8stol||tt| |s tot a 02 191 E61 0 刀混宽||tt| |2 9 倾高 卤 E's 9 st s 麦高 全 099 08S 09h 81+ 内经 邮 () 66 9 029 S28 os's 0011 28.9 L9 ' EEL 68 L'6 1'9 L'E t$9 96 EL'8 St's 1601 16 286 68s 8 9 8 s to 6 6 61* 限 8| |tt||86'9 88 06'1t 181 91 9E 9 t99E 692 ts9 299 952 s s SO'ze 161E L9'IE 16'TE 62.9元 992 of 8 2|| tt||体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0 00% OS ott 09 09s| |tt||8 过3 8 00S ost 00E 00v 09|| tt||2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999||tt ||F L's LE E minimum拾起展 2 C width|| tt||ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2 21 diameter 81 SH 068|| tt||000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S||tt ||200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0||tt || quantity 经 白 国 庭 80 宽 空刀混||tt ||852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶||tt ||卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st||tt ||齿高 金 o0S1 966 9 齿内很书 ) 表|| tt||869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9||tt| |st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1| |tt||Er 20'19 19'19 805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所Www.bzxZ.net “H9P 9 “ 注 085||tt| |091 os 0091 090f 09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 麦长 09 麦数z 099 内很4 008 0 外很 序号 98 hel sol 8shl O 91 0'9 8 o 69 EST s 191 95 St s ss 02| |tt||0S 0s o 109 0 99 s ttol 16|| tt||0 -85hl s tel 8stol s tot a 02|| tt||191 E61 0 刀混宽 2 9 倾高 卤| |tt||E's 9 st s 麦高 全 099 08S|| tt||09h 81+ 内经 邮 () 66 9 029|| tt||S28 os's 0011 28.9 L9' EEL 68 L'6| |tt||1'9 L'E t$9 96 EL'8 St's 1601|| tt||16 286 68s 8 9 8 s to||tt| |6 6 61* 限 8 86'9 88 06'1t| |tt||181 91 9E 9 t99E 692 ts9 299||tt ||952 s s SO'ze 161E L9'IE 16'TE 62.9元 992 of 8 2 体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0||tt| |00% OS ott 09 09s 8 过3 8||tt| |00S ost 00E 00v 09 2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999 F L's LE E| |tt||minimum拾起展 2 C 小是 ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2||tt| |21 diameter 81 SH 068 000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S 200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0 quantity 经 白 国| |tt||庭 80 宽 空刀混 852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶 卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st 麦高 金 o0S1 966 9 麦内很书 ) 表 869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9 st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1 Er 20'19 19'19| |tt||805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所 “H9P 9 “ 注 085 091 os 0091 090f|| tt||09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 ?长 09||tt ||心数z 099 内心4 008 0 外心 序号 98|| tt||hel sol 8shl O 91 0'9 8 o 69 EST s 191 95 St s ss 02| |tt||0S 0s o 109 0 99 s ttol 16|| tt||0 -85hl s tel 8stol s tot a 02|| tt||191 E61 0 刀混宽 2 9 倾高 卤| |tt||E's 9 st s 麦高 全 099 08S|| tt||09h 81+ 内经 邮 () 66 9 029|| tt||S28 os's 0011 28.9 L9' EEL 68 L'6| |tt||1'9 L'E t$9 96 EL'8 St's 1601|| tt||16 286 68s 8 9 8 s to||tt| |6 6 61* 限 8 86'9 88 06'1t| |tt||181 91 9E 9 t99E 692 ts9 299||tt ||952 s s SO'ze 161E L9'IE 16'TE 62.9元 992 of 8 2 体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0||tt| |00% OS ott 09 09s 8 过3 8||tt| |00S ost 00E 00v 09 2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999 F L's LE E| |tt||minimum拾起展 2 C 小是 ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2||tt| |21 diameter 81 SH 068 000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S 200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0 quantity 经 白 国| |tt||庭 80 宽 空刀混 852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶 卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st ?高 金 o0S1 966 9 麦内很书 ) 表 869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9 st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1 Er 20'19 19'19| |tt||805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所 “H9P 9 “ 注 085 091 os 0091 090f|| tt||09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 ?长 09||tt ||心数z 099 内心4 008 0 外心 序号 98|| tt||9元 992 of 8 2 体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0||tt| |00% OS ott 09 09s 8 过3 8||tt| |00S ost 00E 00v 09 2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999 F L's LE E| |tt||minimum拾起展 2 C 小是 ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2||tt| |21 diameter 81 SH 068 000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S 200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0 quantity 经 白 国| |tt||庭 80 宽 空刀混 852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶 卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st 麦高 金 o0S1 966 9 麦内很书 ) 表 869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9 st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1 Er 20'19 19'19| |tt||805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所 “H9P 9 “ 注 085 091 os 0091 090f|| tt||09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 ?长 09||tt ||心数z 099 内心4 008 0 外心 序号 98|| tt||9元 992 of 8 2 体厚 08 0L os 整制雕 91 皆长 081 08S 00s 0||tt| |00% OS ott 09 09s 8 过3 8||tt| |00S ost 00E 00v 09 2 ?数 内很 09 外很 序号 JB/T4316.1-1999 F L's LE E| |tt||minimum拾起展 2 C 小是 ww 9IW 御机 拆解 0 身金孔 0 91 3 8 2||tt| |21 diameter 81 SH 068 000 S 1 2 0 S 1 .6S 200 0'E z o szoo s 0 0 quantity 经 白 国| |tt||庭 80 宽 空刀混 852 L0'1 2 197 180 6 高 顶 卤 o's 8'8 02 2 s's S st 麦高 金 o0S1 966 9 麦内很书 ) 表 869 869 96 st's 1600 817 9 9 st1 色 L'8 869 做版 18 6528 90'1 Er 20'19 19'19| |tt||805 W oL 09 ss st 体原所 “H9P 9 “ 注 085 091 os 0091 090f|| tt||09E 058 0001 09E 001 格 ?长 09||tt ||心数z 099 内心4 008 0 外心 序号 98|| tt|| Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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