title>JB/T 8514.1-1997 General principles of enterprise standardization work guidelines - JB/T 8514.1-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8514.1-1997 General principles of enterprise standardization work guidelines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8514.1-1997

Standard Name: General principles of enterprise standardization work guidelines

Chinese Name: 企业标准化工作导则 总则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-03-04

Date of Implementation:1997-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/Z 290.1-87

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery

Publishing department:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8514.1-1997 This standard is based on GB/T 15496-1995 "Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work" and is revised based on the characteristics of machinery industry enterprises. This standard specifies the purpose, tasks, organizations, personnel and main work of enterprise standardization. This standard is applicable to guiding the standardization work of machinery industry enterprises. JB/T 8514.1-1997 General Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization Work JB/T8514.1-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8514.1~~8514.3—1997
Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization
Published on March 4, 1997
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on October 1, 1997
JB/T 8514.1--1997
This standard is based on GB/T15496-1995 "Guidelines for Enterprise Standardization" and is revised on JB/Z290.1-87 "General Principles for Enterprise Standardization" in combination with the characteristics of machinery industry enterprises. This standard takes into account the applicability of large, medium and small enterprises, and makes necessary expansion and changes to the content of the original standard. Organization and personnel are added to replace the organizational form in Chapter 5 of the original standard. Two chapters, Introduction and Definition, are added.
The main work contents of standardization have been increased to include supervision and inspection of implementation standards, standardization of business management, and basic standardization of applied computer technology.
In the standardization contents of product design and development, design standardization, process standardization, and inspection standardization have been increased. This standard shall be implemented from October 1, 1997, and will replace JB/Z290.1-87. This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. Drafting units of this standard: China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Beijing Switch Factory, Beijing Second Machine Tool Factory, Beinei Group Corporation, Beijing Instrument Factory
Main drafters of this standard: Meng Xianpei, Zou Junbi, Jing Yanling, Zhang Xiafeng, Li Qingrong, and Wang Zhongkui. 0 Introduction
Standards of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Guide to Enterprise Standardization
JB/T 8514.1—1997
Replaces JB/Z290.1-87
Enterprise standardization is the foundation for establishing a modern enterprise system and an important means to promote enterprise technological progress, improve product quality, improve business management, and enhance enterprise competitiveness. Under the new situation of developing a socialist market economy, enterprises should actively promote enterprise standardization with a reform and development mindset.
In the work of enterprise standardization, we should strengthen the concept of the rule of law, the concept of market competition, the concept of independent management, the concept of active service, and the concept of integration into various business work of the enterprise. Enterprises should strive to give full play to the effects of the standardization system in all areas of production technology and business management. This standard includes the content requirements of enterprise standardization management, standard formulation, revision, standard implementation and standard implementation supervision, as well as the standardization requirements of product development, production and business management of enterprises. Enterprises should creatively carry out enterprise standardization work according to the actual situation and the standardization contents listed in this standard. 1 Scope
This standard specifies the purpose, tasks, organizations, personnel and main work of enterprise standardization. This standard is applicable to guiding the standardization work of machinery industry enterprises. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T3935.1—1996
JB/T 8514.2--1997
JB/Z 33888
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Module
General terms in standardization and related fields Part 1 Basic terms Guidelines for enterprise standardization work General provisions for compiling enterprise standard system tables Guidelines for process management
Units with relatively independent functions and general interfaces. 3.2 Modularization
Taking the overall function of the product (or system) as the object and functional analysis as the basis, the whole process of establishing a module system through layer-by-layer decomposition and combining different products (or systems) by selecting modules. 3.3 Process Typification
Classify and group parts with similar structural and process characteristics, optimize and unify the processing and assembly processes of each group of parts, design advanced and feasible general process regulations and use them to guide the whole production process. 3.4 Other terms in this standard adopt the definitions specified in GB3935.1. 4 Objectives and basic tasks
4.1 Objectives
Apply the principles and means of standardization to promote the technological progress of enterprises, make the production technology and business management activities of enterprises scientific, procedural and standardized, so as to improve product quality and work efficiency, reduce consumption, enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, and obtain the best order and economic benefits. 4.2 Basic tasks
a) Implement the laws, regulations and policies of the state on standardization; b) Implement the relevant national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards, and supervise their implementation; c) Formulate and revise enterprise standards;
d) Expand the scope of standardization work and promote the application of standardization technology in various business activities of enterprises. 5 Organizations and Personnel
5.1 Organization and Personnel Setting and Management Principles Enterprises should set up corresponding standardization organizations and personnel and form an enterprise standardization organization management system according to the needs of technology, production, operation and management in accordance with the following principles.
a) The enterprise standardization work shall be the responsibility of the enterprise's legal representative or the person in charge of the enterprise authorized by the enterprise; b) The enterprise standardization work shall be uniformly managed by the enterprise standardization professional organization or professional personnel, and exercise the standardization management function; c) The standardization work of each functional department and production unit of the enterprise shall be divided into the responsibility of the department or unit. 5.2 Organization and Personnel Setting Form
a) Large and medium-sized enterprises shall set up a full-time enterprise standardization organization; each functional department and production unit shall set up a corresponding standardization organization or full-time and part-time personnel;
b) Small enterprises and their functional departments and production units shall set up full-time and part-time personnel; c) According to needs, an enterprise standardization committee headed by the factory director (manager) or chief engineer and participated by the heads of various functional departments and standardization personnel may be established to be responsible for the research, deliberation and decision-making of major issues. The daily standardization work of the enterprise shall be undertaken by the enterprise standardization professional organization or full-time personnel.
5.3 Basic requirements for standardization personnel
a) Be familiar with the relevant national laws, regulations and policies on standardization; b) Be familiar with the production, technology and business management of the enterprise and have certain practical experience; c) Have basic theoretical knowledge of standardization and corresponding professional and technical knowledge; d) Have good language and writing skills and foreign language proficiency; e) Have certain organizational and coordination skills.
6 Main work content
6.1 Basic work of enterprise standardization management
6.1.1 Establish enterprise standard system
Enterprises should establish an enterprise standard system with technical standards as the main body, including management standards and work standards, according to the needs of enterprise production technology and business management. The preparation of the enterprise standard system table can refer to the provisions of JB/T8514.2-1997. 6.1.2 Preparation of standardization work plan and program Basis of plan and program
a) The enterprise's policy, objectives, development plan and program; b) Standardization tasks assigned by the superior department; c) Enterprise standard system table;
d) Standardization matters that need to be supplemented and revised in production, technology and business management. Projects of plan and program
a) Standardization formulation and revision projects
Projects that have not been formulated and listed in the standard system table; Projects that should be revised after the enterprise standard review; Enterprise standards when the superior standards that serve as the basis of enterprise standards have been abolished or replaced; Projects that need to be supplemented, formulated and revised after practical analysis in production, technology and business management. 3
b) Standardization research projects
JB/T 8514. 1—1997
Standardization management research projects, such as standardization in information management information coding and computer-aided design; Tests or verification work necessary for the formulation and revision of various standards; Other related standardization research projects. c) Implementation of standard projects;
d) Adoption of international standards or foreign advanced standard projects; e) Product development, technological transformation and technology introduction standardization review projects; f) Enterprise standard review projects;
g) Standardization publicity and training projects. Contents of planning and plans
a) Project name;
b) Phased requirements and final requirements to be achieved by the project; c) Corresponding measures to achieve the project;
d) Responsible units and personnel, cooperating units and personnel and their division of labor; e) Work progress requirements.
6.1.3. Management standards or systems for enterprise standardization work. Enterprises should formulate the main contents of management standards or systems for standardization work: a) Specify the enterprise's standardization work system, tasks, scope of responsibilities, working methods and requirements, as well as the business relationship with various functional departments and production units; b) Specify the principles, working procedures and requirements for the formulation, revision and review of enterprise standards; c) Specify the principles, methods, requirements, procedures, division of labor and responsibilities for the implementation of standards and the supervision and inspection of the implementation of standards; d) Specify the requirements for the collection, management and use of standards and related information; e) Establish a mechanism for information feedback and processing during the implementation of standards. 6.2 Formulation, revision and review of enterprise standards 6.2.1 Formulation and revision of enterprise standards Principles for the formulation and revision of enterprise standardsa) Implement relevant national laws and regulations, strictly enforce mandatory national standards and industry standards, and actively adopt recommended national standards and industry standards;
b) Actively adopt international standards and advanced foreign standards; c) Ensure safety, hygiene, protect the environment, and protect the interests of consumers; d) Be conducive to promoting enterprise technological progress, improving product quality, and improving business management; e) Be conducive to the rational use of resources and energy; f) Enterprise standards should be coordinated and consistent; g) Pay attention to summarizing and absorbing the advanced experience of the enterprise's production technology and business management. Scope of enterprise standards
a) Technical standards, management standards and work standards required for enterprise production technology and business management; b) Enterprise product standards formulated for products produced by enterprises without national standards or industry standards; c) Enterprises can formulate enterprise internal control standards that are stricter than national standards or industry standards according to market competition needs; d) Standards formulated by selecting or supplementing national standards and industry standards; e) Enterprise standards converted from relevant standards in technology introduction; f) Technical requirements that are repeated in contracts should be included in enterprise standards. Procedures for the formulation and revision of enterprise standards The procedures for the formulation and revision of enterprise standards are shown in Figure 1. The procedures can be simplified when necessary according to the coverage and content of the standards. The product standards of enterprises should be filed with the local government standardization administrative department and relevant administrative departments. 4
Mao Wu Kun
6.2.2 Review of Enterprise Standards
JB/T 8514. 1--1997
Enterprise standards should be reviewed regularly. The review work is organized by the standardization functional department. The review results are divided into four types: confirmation, modification, revision and abolition.
a) Confirmed standards, that is, the standard can continue to be used without any changes. However, a confirmation mark should be made, indicating the confirmation date. b) Modified standards, refers to the standard content is mostly applicable, only individual clauses or diagrams need to be slightly modified, and the standard number remains unchanged and can continue to be used. Modification of standards can be carried out according to relevant enterprise regulations, such as issuing a modification notice, etc. c) Revised standards, refers to standards whose scope of application remains basically unchanged, but the content needs to be modified a lot. After the standard is revised, the serial number remains unchanged, only the year is changed, and the standard number replaced is indicated. d) Abolished standards refer to standards whose contents are no longer applicable. For example, if the technical contents of the standards are outdated, they should be stopped from being implemented, or the contents of the standards need to be merged with other standards, or should be decomposed into multiple standards, or the main contents of the standards are impractical, etc. 6.3 Implementation and supervision of standards
6.3.1 Implementation principles
a) Enterprises must implement mandatory national standards and industry standards; b) Enterprises must implement recommended national standards and industry standards once they are adopted; ) Enterprise standards must be implemented within the enterprise. 8.3.2 Implementation Procedures The implementation procedures of standards are shown in Figure 2. For simple standards or those that do not involve material preparation, the implementation procedures can be simplified. The implementation plan should include the implementation of standards in the enterprise's plan and specify the tasks and deadlines for each department. 6.3.3 Supervision and Inspection Implementation Preparation 1. Preparation of standard materials 2. Organizational preparation (establish an implementation group or a standard implementation leadership team when necessary) 3. Technical preparation (organize relevant personnel to learn and master the content of the standard, and propose steps and methods for implementation measures) 4. Material preparation (including the implementation of measuring instruments, equipment and environmental conditions, etc.) 1. Written notification to the relevant departments, explaining the implementation scope, starting date, requirements, etc. of the standard 2. All departments of the enterprise should strictly implement the standard 3. The right to interpret the enterprise standard belongs to the standardization department 4. When problems are encountered in the implementation of superior standards and standards approved by superiors, they should be reported to the relevant departments Figure 2 Implementation procedures of standards Standards that have been notified for implementation are all within the scope of supervision and inspection. Inspection summary 1. Keep abreast of problems in the implementation of standards, and propose corrective measures and make notes when necessary. 2. Enterprise standards should be summarized during the implementation phase, and the level of standards and the effect of implementation should be evaluated. 3. When necessary, include them in the plan and revise the original standards. Supervision and inspection should be carried out according to the management standards or systems of enterprise standardization work, and departments should conduct supervision and inspection according to their respective scopes. Any violation of standards should be corrected and handled. The general supervision and inspection methods are: a) b) Conduct standardization review on relevant projects (such as drawings, technical documents, technology introduction projects, product design review, and enterprise standards); b) Conduct regular or irregular supervision and inspection on the technical quality of the entire production process of relevant products (from raw materials entering the factory to production and processing until packaging and delivery) or key and key links according to the technical requirements, inspection (test) methods, and inspection (test) rules specified in relevant standards; c) The supervision of management standards shall be carried out by relevant departments in accordance with the professional division of labor and the management standards or systems of enterprise standardization work; d) The work standards shall be assessed by subordinate departments and personnel in accordance with the economic responsibility system by each department. 6.4 Standardization of product design and development
6.4.1 Standardization requirements for each stage of product design and development The general work procedures for product design and development and the standardization requirements for each stage in the process are shown in Figure 3, which can also be simplified according to product characteristics, complexity and specific production conditions.
The standardization work procedures in technology introduction are shown in Figure 4. 6
Prepare a proposal for the project of introduction
Conduct a preliminary analysis of standardization
Prepare a feasibility study report
Contents of the feasibility report of standardization analysis:
1. Study international standards
and relevant national company standards in order to select the best ones to introduce
2. Analyze whether the standard system adopted by the introduced technology is in line with my country's national conditions
3. Estimate and analyze the economic effect of standardization of the introduced technology, and clarify whether to make full use of domestic resources and social supporting capabilities
JB/T 8514. 1—1997
Negotiation and contract signing
Require the other party to provide:
1. Catalog of materials, catalog of standards, enterprise standards and standard changes of the introduced project
2. Chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties, process technology requirements and test method standards of key materials
3. Product standards, product design standards, process specifications and inspection standards
4. List of special key parts, standard parts, general parts, matching parts and technical parameters
Digestion and transformation
1. 1. Organize relevant departments to translate the introduced standards and materials. 2. List the standards to be converted. 3. According to the "list", they are included in the standards promotion at all levels. 4. Propose a standard conversion plan and implement it. Figure 4 Standardization work procedures in technology introduction 6.4.2 Implementation of standardization content in product design and development Conduct standardization review of converted drawings and technical documents Applicable national standards and industry standards should be selected and determined, or enterprise standards suitable for market demand should be formulated as the basis for product design, inspection, and production organization. Actively adopt serialization and modularization technology in product design, use standard parts and general parts to the maximum extent, and strengthen the interchangeability of interfaces. Use grouping technology to design general parts (components) through analysis and sorting of the structure, function and use of parts (components) to achieve generalization and standardization. Select and reasonably reduce the varieties and specifications of raw materials. Use standard materials to the maximum extent. Non-standard special materials and purchased parts should formulate corresponding procurement specifications as the basis for ordering and acceptance. Process standardization, including the standardization of processes, process equipment and process management, can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338. Generally, the following contents are included:
a) Standardization of process documents;
b) Typification and standardization of process methods;
c) Standardization of process elements and process parameters (such as process dimension tolerance, process allowance, cutting, etc.); d) Promote the development of group technology and flexible processing technology; e) Standardization of process equipment (such as cutting tools, measuring tools, molds, fixtures, auxiliary tools, workstation tools, etc.); f) Standardization of process management, which can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338. Inspection standardization
Inspection standardization should formulate relevant quality inspection rules; materials, purchased parts, production materials entering the factory (warehouse), between production processes and final product delivery should be inspected according to the quality requirements, testing methods and inspection rules specified in relevant standards. And formulate quality inspection standards for packaging, storage and transportation of products in the production process and regular inspection standards for the equipment, tooling, tools and gauges used; formulate management standards for the transmission, use and preservation of inspection records, etc. 6.5 Operation and management standardization
Operation and management standardization is the standardization of all aspects of marketing management and production management. It generally includes various management procedures, requirements, implementation specifications for marketing, production, technology, equipment, quality, safety, energy, etc.; content, methods, and assessment requirements for various business work. For example: a) Establish procedures for contract review, bidding, quotation, and coordination review; b) Material procurement management procedures, procurement, ordering documents, and inspection management content and requirements for purchased materials; 8
JB/T 8514.1—1997
c) Quality management, quality assurance system, quality manual and its supporting standard documents, such as product quality traceability regulations, non-conforming product control review and handling regulations; d) Inspection and test management regulations;
e) Management regulations for production and testing equipment; f) Regulations on the transportation, storage, installation, and delivery management of related products; g) Regulations for after-sales service, such as information collection and feedback, verification procedures, supply of wearing parts and accessories, product maintenance, troubleshooting, operation training, claims, etc.
6.6 Standardization of computer applications
6.6.1 Basic standardization work of computer technology application a) Standardization and standardization of computer application system development work; 6) Various basic standardization work required for information sharing, such as standardization and standardization of terminology, symbols, codes, file formats, various work procedures, operating procedures, calculations, drawings, raw materials, components, etc.; c) Standardization of information coding;
d) Standardization of database establishment, management, use and maintenance. 6.6.2 Computer-aided standardization management. Computer-aided standardization management information system software and information database should be established to carry out computer-aided standardization management, such as standardization information management, compilation and revision of enterprise standards, standardization review, general parts management, plan management, etc. 6.7 Standardization information management and publicity and training
6.7.1 Scope of standardization information materials
a) National and local laws, regulations, rules and normative documents related to standardization; b) Various currently valid standard texts required for enterprise production, operation, scientific research, foreign trade, etc.; c) Domestic and foreign standardization journals, publications, monographs, etc.; d) Chinese and foreign texts of relevant international standards, technical regulations and foreign advanced standards; e) Other standardization information materials related to the enterprise. 6.7. Standardization information management and service requirements a) Have a wide and stable collection channel; b) Organize, classify, catalog, replace, change and maintain good standard timeliness; c) Timely and correctly grasp the information and materials related to the release, revision, change and abolition of standards related to the enterprise, and pass them to the relevant departments of the enterprise as soon as possible;
d) Timely withdraw the abolition of standards;
e) Establish a standardization information database and provide fast service. 6.7.3 Standardization publicity and training
Standardization publicity and training is an effective measure to improve the standardization awareness of all employees in the enterprise and enable them to consciously master, follow and use standards. a) Internal publicity and training methods such as standardization training courses; b) Organize learning standards and discuss measures to implement standards; c) Actively send personnel to participate in various standardization activities at home and abroad; d) Use internal company newspapers and other lively methods to publicize and educate standardization laws, regulations, policies and knowledge. 97 Standardization information management and publicity and training
6.7.1 Scope of standardization information materials
a) National and local laws, regulations, rules and normative documents related to standardization; b) Various currently valid standard texts required for enterprise production, operation, scientific research, foreign trade, etc.; c) Domestic and foreign standardization journals, publications, monographs, etc.; d) Chinese and foreign texts of relevant international standards, technical regulations and foreign advanced standards; e) Other standardization information materials related to the enterprise. 6.7. Standardization information management and service requirements a) Have a wide and stable collection channel; b) Organize, classify, catalog, replace, change and maintain good standard timeliness; c) Timely and correctly grasp the information and materials related to the release, revision, change and abolition of standards related to the enterprise, and pass them to the relevant departments of the enterprise as soon as possible;
d) Timely withdraw the abolition of standards;
e) Establish a standardization information database and provide fast service. 6.7.3 Standardization publicity and training
Standardization publicity and training is an effective measure to improve the standardization awareness of all employees in the enterprise and enable them to consciously master, follow and use standards. a) Internal publicity and training methods such as standardization training courses; b) Organize learning standards and discuss measures to implement standards; c) Actively send personnel to participate in various standardization activities at home and abroad; d) Use internal company newspapers and other lively methods to publicize and educate standardization laws, regulations, policies and knowledge. 97 Standardization information management and publicity and training
6.7.1 Scope of standardization information materials
a) National and local laws, regulations, rules and normative documents related to standardization; b) Various currently valid standard texts required for enterprise production, operation, scientific research, foreign trade, etc.; c) Domestic and foreign standardization journals, publications, monographs, etc.; d) Chinese and foreign texts of relevant international standards, technical regulations and foreign advanced standards; e) Other standardization information materials related to the enterprise. 6.7. Standardization information management and service requirements a) Have a wide and stable collection channel; b) Organize, classify, catalog, replace, change and maintain good standard timeliness; c) Timely and correctly grasp the information and materials related to the release, revision, change and abolition of standards related to the enterprise, and pass them to the relevant departments of the enterprise as soon as possible;
d) Timely withdraw the abolition of standards;
e) Establish a standardization information database and provide fast service. 6.7.3 Standardization publicity and training bzxZ.net
Standardization publicity and training is an effective measure to improve the standardization awareness of all employees in the enterprise and enable them to consciously master, follow and use standards. a) Internal publicity and training methods such as standardization training courses; b) Organize learning standards and discuss measures to implement standards; c) Actively send personnel to participate in various standardization activities at home and abroad; d) Use internal company newspapers and other lively methods to publicize and educate standardization laws, regulations, policies and knowledge. 9
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