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HG/T 20698-2000 Design regulations for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in chemical industry

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20698-2000

Standard Name: Design regulations for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in chemical industry

Chinese Name: 化工采暖通风与空气调节设计规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010 Building materials and buildings >> Facilities in buildings >> 91.140.30 Ventilation and air conditioning systems

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Heating, Gas Supply, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering>>P45 Heating, Gas Supply, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Chemical Engineering Press

other information

Introduction to standards:

HG/T 20698-2000 Design regulations for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in chemical industry HG/T20698-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG /T 20698 - 2000
Design Specification on Heating.Ventilating and air conditioning for chemical plant
2000 09 - 30
2001 - 06 - 01
State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
Document of State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
State Petrochemical Administration (2000) No. 361
Notice on Approving and Promoting Six Chemical Industry Standards, Including "General Drawing of H-Beam Steel Structure Pipe Rack (Trundle Type Pipe Rack)"
China Chemical Engineering Exploration and Design Association:
According to the project plan for the formulation and revision of engineering construction standards of our bureau and the former Ministry of Chemical Industry, the six draft chemical industry standards, including "General Drawing of H-Beam Steel Structure Pipe Rack (Trundle Type Pipe Rack)" organized and completed by your unit, have been approved by our bureau and are now published. The name and number of the standard are: Recommended standard:
Standard number
HG/T 21640. 1 - 2000
HG/T 21640. 2 - 2000
HG/T 21640.3 -2000
HG/T 20670 -2000
HG/T 20690 -- 2000
HG/T 20698 -- 2000
Standard name
General drawing of H-shaped steel structure pipe rack
(Truss type pipe rack)
General drawing of H-shaped steel structure pipe rack
(Longitudinal beam type pipe rack)
General drawing of H-shaped steel structure pipe rack
(Independent type pipe rack)
Chemical and petrochemical pipe racks and pipe piers
Design regulations
Circulating cooling water treatment in chemical enterprises
Design technical regulations
Chemical heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Design regulations
The above standards shall be implemented from June 1, 2001. State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
September 30, 2000
China Chemical Exploration and Design Association
China Chemical Exploration and Design Association [2000] No. 180
Notice on the Editing and Issuance of Six Chemical Industry Standards, including "General Drawing of H-shaped Steel Pipe Rack (Trundle-type Pipe Rack)" National Chemical Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center: According to the notice of Guoshihua Zhengfa (2000) No. 361, the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry has approved six chemical industry standards, including "General Drawing of H-shaped Steel Pipe Rack (Trundle-type Pipe Rack)". Based on this, our association entrusts your center to edit and issue the above standards. The standard name and number are shown in Document No. 361. China Chemical Engineering Survey and Design Association
November 3, 2000
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Design Specification on HeatingVentilating and air conditioning for chemical plant
Design Specification on HeatingVentilating and air conditioning for chemical plantHG/T 20698 -2000
Editor: Chemical HVAC Design Technical CommitteeApproval Department: State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical IndustryImplementation Date: June 1, 2001National Chemical Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center (formerly Chemical Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center) 2001
"Design Specification on HeatingVentilating and Air Conditioning for Chemical Plant" is revised on the basis of the original chemical design standard "Design Specification on HeatingVentilating for Chemical Enterprises" edited by China Qiuqiu Chemical Engineering Company.
This specification includes six chapters: General Principles; Heating; Ventilation; Air Conditioning; System Control, Detection and Interlocking; Chemical Permanent Workshop. It also includes seven appendices and revision notes. Under the premise of following the current national standards, this regulation absorbs and summarizes foreign advanced technologies and domestic practical experience, and has certain guiding significance for the current chemical HVAC design.
This regulation is revised and proposed by the Chemical HVAC Design Technical Committee, which is responsible for the interpretation.
If you have any comments or suggestions on this regulation, please inform the Chemical HVAC Design Technical Committee (address: China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Company, No. 7 Yinghuayuan East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing). The main drafters who participated in the revision work: Wang Yuzhi, Li Kexiao, Su Wanjun, Zhao Bo, Dong Weigang.
Scope of applicationbZxz.net
Basic requirements
Related standards
-General provisions
Heat load calculation
Radiator heating
Radiant heating
Hot air heating
Heating pipeline
General provisions
Natural ventilation
Mechanical ventilation
Local ventilation
Explosion-proof ventilation
Accidental ventilation
Dust removal and purification
Air conditioning
General provisions
Air conditioning system
System control, detection and interlocking
Chemical permanent workshop
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Control room
Automatic analyzer room
Compressor room
Calculated temperature of heating room
Calculation of dilution ventilation volume in chemical workshop
Calculation of ventilation volume in hazardous places
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Ventilation change frequency of workshops emitting chemical substances
Ventilation change frequency of compressor workshop
Maximum storage temperature of flammable and explosive chemical productsSubstances that can cause combustion or explosion after contact or mixing with the wording
Explanation of clauses
These regulations are specially formulated to ensure the production safety of the chemical industry and create an indoor operating environment that meets the requirements of labor hygiene.
Scope of application
These regulations apply to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineering design of new, expanded and renovated production plants and auxiliary buildings of the chemical and petrochemical industries. 1.3
Basic requirements
1.3.1 In the design, the efficiency of the system should be improved as much as possible, energy should be saved, waste heat should be effectively used, and maintenance and management costs should be reduced.
1.3.2 The heating and ventilation design should be closely coordinated with the general plan, process, civil engineering and other specialties to achieve the purpose of reasonable layout, control of harmful sources, reduction of pollution, and comprehensive prevention and control. 1.4 Related standards
When implementing these regulations, the relevant national standards and specifications should also be observed. Including:
GBJ19 "Design Code for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" GB50155 "Terminology Standard for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" GBJ16 "Building Design Fire Protection Code"
GB50160 "Design Fire Protection Code for Petrochemical Enterprises"1
GBJ87 "Design Code for Noise Control in Industrial Enterprises" GB50058 "Design Code for Power Installations in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Environments" and industry standards related to the petroleum and chemical industries. 1.5 Terminology
1 Threshold limit values ​​(TLV) of hazardous substances in the air at the workplace of workers in the production workshop should not exceed the value. That is, workers can work 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week under this permissible concentration without any harmful effects on the body. 2 Classification of hazard levels for toxic substances Classification of health haz-According to the permissible concentration of hazardous substances in the workshop air, it is divided into the following four levels: substances with a permissible concentration greater than 10mg/m2 are mild hazards; substances with a permissible concentration of 1.0-10mg/m2 are moderate hazards; substances with a permissible concentration of 0.1-1.0mg/m2 are highly hazardous; substances with a permissible concentration of less than 0.1mg/m3 of substances are extremely hazardous. 3 Lower Explosive Limit LowerExplosive Limit The lowest concentration of flammable gas, vapor or mist in the air to form an explosive gas mixture.
4 Hazardous Area
Areas where the amount of explosive mixture that appears or is expected to appear is sufficient to require preventive measures for the structure, installation and use of electrical equipment. In accordance with the "Design Code for Electrical Installations in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Environments" (GB50058), explosion hazardous areas are divided according to the frequency and duration of the occurrence of explosive gas mixtures.
Zone 0: An environment where explosive gas mixtures appear continuously or for a long time; Zone 1: An environment where explosive gas mixtures may appear during normal operation; 2
Zone 2: An environment where explosive gas mixtures are unlikely to appear during normal operation, or even if they appear, they only exist for a short time. 5 Fire Hazardous Atmosphere Fire Hazardous Atmosphere Places where there are fire hazards due to the presence of fire hazardous substances: According to the provisions of the Code for Fire Prevention of Building Design (GBJ16), the fire hazards of such places are divided into five categories: A, B, C, D, and E according to the characteristics of fire hazardous substances used and produced in production. 6 Dilution Ventilation Dilution Ventilation Use clean air to dilute the polluted air to achieve the purpose of controlling the concentration of harmful substances in the air of the workshop (or closed space). 7 Positive Pressure Ventilation Rooms (or equipment) set in the explosion-hazardous area use a mechanical air supply system to continuously send enough clean air to the room (or equipment) to maintain a certain positive pressure in the room (or equipment) to prevent the invasion of outdoor explosive dangerous gases. The room (or equipment) in the explosion-hazardous area is formed into a non-explosive hazardous environment. 8 Specific Gravity Effect Effective Specific Gravity In the same environment, the difference in the density of air containing harmful substances and the density of air without harmful substances forms the phenomenon of air convection. 3
2 Heating
2.1 General provisions
2.1.1 For production plants and auxiliary buildings located in heating areas, when process production has requirements for indoor temperature, or when operators are concentrated and need to stay frequently, it is advisable to design centralized heating.
Note: In the above case, when located in non-heating areas, centralized heating can also be designed with approval from the competent authorities.
2.1.2 When process production has no special requirements for indoor temperature in winter, and the building area occupied by each worker is greater than 100m2, it is not advisable to set up comprehensive heating, but local heating should be set up at fixed work locations. When the work location is not fixed, a heating room should be set up. 2.1.3 The indoor temperature of production and auxiliary building heating should be determined based on factors such as the nature of the building, production characteristics and required labor intensity. - Generally, it can be selected according to Appendix A of these regulations. 2.1.4 The selection of heating medium should be determined based on the heating conditions of the plant area and safety and hygiene requirements, and after comprehensive technical and economic comparison. It is advisable to use hot water, steam or other heat media first. When conditions permit, waste heat can be considered for the preparation of heat media. 2.2 Heat load calculation
2.2.1 The heating heat load of production and auxiliary buildings shall be calculated in accordance with the national standard "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design Code" GBI19). 2.2.2 For industrial production buildings, if there are large holes (such as explosion vents, hoisting holes, etc.) between the floors, the effect of thermal pressure should be considered and the basic heat consumption of the enclosure structure of each floor should be corrected, see Table
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