title>Operating for pawn of movables—Part 1:Pawn of precious metals gems and horology - SB/T 10539.1-2009 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Operating for pawn of movables—Part 1:Pawn of precious metals gems and horology

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10539.1-2009

Standard Name:Operating for pawn of movables—Part 1:Pawn of precious metals gems and horology

Chinese Name: 动产典当操作技术规范 第1部分:贵金属、珠宝玉石和钟表典当

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2009-12-24

Date of Implementation:2010-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.20 Trade, Commercial Activities, Marketing

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2010-07-01

other information

drafter:Li Guanghui, Niu Yibin, Yan Weihua, Shen Botao, Yang Jin

Drafting unit:Anhui Pawn Industry Association, Shanghai Pawn Industry Association, Anhui Chuangyuan Pawn Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Commerce

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

SB/T 10539.1-2009 Technical Specifications for Movable Property Pawning Part 1: Pawning of Precious Metals, Jewelry, Jade and Watches SB/T10539.1-2009 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This part of SB/T10539 stipulates the site facilities, basic operation procedures and personnel quality that pawnshops should have when carrying out the pawning business of precious metal jewelry, jewelry, jade and watches. This part is applicable to pawning enterprises. ||
tt|| SB/T10539 "Technical Specifications for Movable Property Pawning" is divided into two parts:
--- Part 1: Pawning of Precious Metals, Jewelry, Jade and Watches;
--- Part 2: Pawning of Motor Vehicles.
This part is Part 1 of SB/T10539.
Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.
The drafting units of this part: Anhui Pawn Industry Association, Shanghai Pawn Industry Association, Anhui Chuangyuan Pawn Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this part: Li Guanghui, Niu Yibin, Yan Weihua, Shen Botao, Yang Jin.
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this part through reference in this part of SB/T10539. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, the parties to the agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this part.
GB/T16552 Names of Jewellery and Jade
GB/T16553 Identification of Jewellery and Jade
GB/T16554 Diamond Grading
QB/T1689 Precious Metal Jewellery
Preface III
1 Scope 1
2 Normative Reference Documents 1
3 Service Venues and Facilities 1
4 Operating Procedures 1
5 Requirements for Employees 3
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Registration Form for Movable Property Pawn Business 4

Some standard content:

Registration No.: 27070—2010
National Trade Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SB/T10539.1-2009
Operating for pawn of movables -
Part 1: Pawn of precious metals gems and watches horology2009-12-25 Issued
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
2010-07-01 Implementation
Normative references
Service venues and facilities
Operation procedures
Requirements for practitioners
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Registration form for movable property pawn business
SB/T10539 "Technical Specifications for Movable Property Pawn Operation" is divided into two parts: Part 1: Pawn of precious metals, jewelry, jade and watches; Part 2: Pawn of motor vehicles.
This part is Part 1 of SB/T10539. Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. SB/T10539.1—2009
The drafting units of this part: Anhui Pawn Industry Association, Shanghai Pawn Industry Association, Anhui Chuangyuan Pawn Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part: Li Guanghui, Niu Yibin, E Weihua, Shen Botao, Yang Jin. m
1 Scope
Technical Specifications for Movable Property Pawn Operation
Part 1: Pawn of Precious Metals, Jewelry, Jade and Watches SB/T10539.1—2009
This part of SB/T10539 stipulates the site facilities, basic operation procedures and personnel quality that pawn shops should have when carrying out the pawn business of precious metal jewelry, jewelry, jade and watches. This part is applicable to pawn enterprises.
2 Normative References
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this part through reference in this part of SB/T10539. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part.
GB/T16552 Names of Jewelry and Gemstones
GB3/T16553 Identification of Jewelry and Gemstones
GB/T16554 Diamond Grading
QB/T1689 Precious Metal Jewelry
3 Service Venues and Facilities
3.1 Service Venue
3.1.1 Pawnshops should have fixed business premises. 3.1.2 The buildings and business facilities of the business premises shall comply with the relevant national safety standards and fire management regulations. 3.1.3 The business premises should be adapted to the scale of business, and the words on the company name and name plaque should be standardized and eye-catching. 3.1.4 The layout of the business hall should be reasonable, beautiful and comfortable. 3.1.5 Brand chain operations should use a unified logo, a unified corporate image identification system and a unified decoration. 3.2 Service facilities and equipment
3.2.1 The business hall should be well ventilated.
3.2.2 The business hall is wide and equipped with chairs and stools for customers to rest while waiting for service. 3.2.3 The business hall should be equipped with security equipment such as video recording and alarm, and a dedicated person should be responsible for management. 3.2.4 The business hall should be equipped with necessary measuring equipment and testing equipment. A dedicated person should be responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment to ensure the accuracy of the equipment measurement and testing.
3.2.5 The business hall should have a special warehouse with a safe for storing pawn items. 3.2.6 The business hall should be clean and tidy.
3.2.7 Smoking is prohibited in the business hall.
4 Operation Procedures
4.1 Accepting Pawns
4.1.1 Checking the Identity Documents of the Pawner If a person pawns, the pawner’s identity document shall be checked to see if it is authentic and valid, whether it is consistent with the person, and whether the pawner has full 1
civil capacity. If a unit pawns, the pawner’s company business license copy, legal representative qualification certificate and other unit certificates and the identity document of the person handling the pawn shall be checked to see if they are authentic and valid. www.bzxz.net If a person entrusts a pawn, the identity documents of the person and the entruster and the pawning authorization letter shall be checked to see if they are authentic and valid. 4.1.2 Checking the Pawned Items Be careful when accepting pawned items to avoid bumping or dropping them. Wear gloves for valuables. Check whether the pawned items are items that cannot be pawned as stipulated by the state. Check the purchase receipts of the pawned items to confirm that the source of the pawned items is legal. Count the number of pawned items in person and check whether the pawned items have obvious defects and flaws. If the number of pawned items exceeds two, a written receipt list must be filled out and the pawner must sign and confirm before collecting them at the counter. 4.1.3 Appraisal of Pawned Items Appraisal of precious metal ornaments shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of QB/T1689. Appraisal of jewelry and jade ornaments shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16552, GB/T16553, and GB/T16554. The identification of watches and clocks mainly verifies the authenticity of the brand, origin, production date and performance of the watches and clocks to determine the brand level, grade, approximate production year of the style in the brand and its popularity in the market; - Identify the authenticity of the appearance parts and movement, whether they are original accessories, whether the parts have been replaced; - Check whether the appearance parts are damaged, the degree of wear and aging, whether the movement has signs of repair, and whether the functional status is good. 4.1.4 Valuation On the basis of identifying the authenticity of the pawned items, the appraiser shall measure, price and count the pawned items, and make a reasonable valuation based on the new market value and second-hand market price of the pawned items. The appraiser shall negotiate with the client in a friendly manner to determine the pawn amount and pawn period. The appraiser shall fill in the registration form for pawning property (see Appendix A). 4.1.5 Filling in the pawn ticket
The pawnshop staff shall fill in the pawn ticket according to the pawner’s identity documents, the pawned items, the pawn money, the comprehensive rate, the interest rate, the pawn period, the pawn start and end dates, and shall sign a supplementary contract if necessary. The pawn ticket and supplementary contract shall be signed in person by the pawner. If the pawner is a corporate legal person, the legal representative of the company must sign in person and affix the company seal. 4.1.6 Sealing and safekeeping of pawned items The appraiser shall put the pawned items into the safekeeping bag in person, seal it on the spot, and cut off a corner of the pawn ticket safekeeping copy signed by the pawner and affix it to the seal of the safekeeping bag. The pawned items shall be handed over to the company’s custodian and placed in the company’s warehouse for safekeeping. The pawned items shall be stored in the company’s warehouse and kept by a designated person. Some special pawned items shall also be equipped with necessary safekeeping facilities to ensure the safety of the pawned items and the intact commodity performance. 4.1.7 Payment of pawn money
On the premise of verifying that the pawn ticket and the supplementary contract are correct, the cashier of the pawn shop shall perform the necessary loan procedures and pay the pawn money according to the amount payable on the pawn ticket.
4.2 Renewal of pawn
4.2.1 When the pawn expires, the pawner proposes to renew the pawn and the pawn shop agrees to do so, and the renewal procedures shall be carried out. 4.2.2 The business personnel shall negotiate with the pawner to determine the renewal period, comprehensive rate and interest. 4.2.3 The business personnel shall fill in the renewal ticket.
4.2.4 The pawner shall sign and seal the renewal ticket in person. If the agent handles the matter, the agent shall submit the entrustment materials and leave a copy of the agent's identity certificate.
4.2.5 The pawner shall pay the interest on the previous pawn and the comprehensive fees for the current period. 4.3 Redemption of pawn
4.3.1 The pawner shall redeem the pawn at the company with the pawn ticket, renewal ticket and his/her ID card. 2
4.3.2 The pawnshop clerk shall verify the pawner’s ID card, pawn ticket and renewal ticket. 4.3.3 After the cashier collects the principal and interest from the pawner, he shall fill out the redemption receipt. 4.3.4 The pawn item custodian shall take out the pawned items from the warehouse based on the receipt and the customer’s pawn ticket. 4.3.5 After the customer signs in writing to redeem the pawned items, the pawnshop clerk shall hand over the pawned items to the pawner in person. 4.4 Forbidden Pawn
4.4.1 After the pawn period expires, the pawnshop clerk shall take the initiative to contact the pawner. After confirming that the pawner will not redeem the pawned items, the pawned items shall be transferred to the Forbidden Pawn Warehouse. 4.4.2 The custodian shall clean up the overdue pawned items and list the forbidden items. The forbidden items list shall include the pawn ticket number, pawned items, type, quantity and pawn amount.
The list of obsolete products shall be submitted to the company manager for review and approval. 4.4.4 The custodian and the supervisor of the handling of pawned items shall sort out the pawned items for sale. 4.4.5 The sale of pawned items shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations. 5 Requirements for employees
5.1 Appraiser
5.1.1 Should have a legal professional qualification certificate, 5.1.2 Can provide relevant professional and technical position certificates, 5.1.3 Can be competent for the appraisal and valuation of movable pawned items. 5.2 Cashier
5.2.1 Should have a legal professional qualification certificate 5.2.2 Can be competent for the cashier position.
5.3 Security guard
5.3.1 Should have a legal professional qualification certificate. 5.3.2 Should have good physical fitness.
5.3.3 Can be competent for the security position.
5.4 Basic service requirements for employees
5.4.1 Comply with professional ethics.
Appearance should be dignified, generous and neat, and service signs should be displayed. 3 Expressions should be natural, friendly and kind, and smiling service should be provided. 5.4.3
4 Behavior should be civilized, dignified and proactive.
5 Language should be civilized, polite, concise and clear, and Mandarin is encouraged. 5.4.5
Name of Pawn
Name of Pawnee
ID Number
Pawn Situation
Property Rights Certification Materials and Source of Articles: Current Period:
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Movable Property Pawn Business Registration Form
Company Mo ... Registration form for movable property pawn business
Pawn ticket number
Contact information
Estimated value (in capital letters):
Pawn receipt date:
Pawner's signature:
Print date: June 29HF009, 2010
Domestic trade
Industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical specification for movable property pawn operation
Part 1: Pawning of precious metals, jewellery, jade and watches SB/T10539.1:2009
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
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Postal code: 100045
Website: www.spc.net.cn
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Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places|| tt||Book size 880×12301/16
Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 10,000 words
First edition in June 2010
First printing in June 2010
Book number: 155066·2-21014 Price 16.00 yuan
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