title>Bibliographical description for cartographic materials - GB/T 3792.6-2005 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Bibliographical description for cartographic materials

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 3792.6-2005

Standard Name:Bibliographical description for cartographic materials

Chinese Name: 测绘制图资料著录规则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2005-03-23

Date of Implementation:2005-10-01

Date of Expiration:2021-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Informatics, Publishing>>01.140.20Informatics

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 3792.6-1986

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2005-06-16

other information

Release date:1986-06-19

drafter:Lu Xitai, Shi Youxian

Drafting unit:Documentation and Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Library of China

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the description items of surveying and mapping data and their order of arrangement, description identifiers, description texts, description information sources, and description item details. This standard is the basis for describing surveying and mapping data. This standard is applicable to the compilation of national bibliographies and various types of catalogs. This standard does not involve the organization rules of surveying and mapping data catalogs. GB/T 3792.6-2005 Rules for the Description of Surveying and Mapping DataGB/T3792.6-2005 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the description items of surveying and mapping data and their order of arrangement, description identifiers, description texts, description information sources, and description item details. This standard is the basis for describing surveying and mapping data. This standard is applicable to the compilation of national bibliographies and various types of catalogs. This standard does not involve the organization rules of surveying and mapping data catalogs.

Some standard content:

TCN 01. 149. 20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces B/T2.6--1526
Rules for Description of Cartographic Materials
Bibliographical description for cartographic materialsPublished on 2005-03-23
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandards Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2005-10-01
GR/T 3792.6--2005
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
General use of identification symbols
Practical teaching
Daily requirements
Appendix A (Scientific Appendix)
Appendix B (Data Appendix)
"Book format
Card format
All Jiangji common
Record format
This standard complies with B/T792.6-195e and the third edition of the standard (H/T2.6-933). This standard is consistent with G/T5793,6-1986. The main points are as follows: This standard consists of 11 chapters in the previous edition and is divided into 9 chapters. It is more comprehensive than the previous edition, more rigorous in expression, and easier to use.
The standard is consistent with the international standard as much as possible. The name of the map data in the first edition was changed to "Surveying and Mapping Data Recording Rules", the "mathematical data items" and "mathematical data items" were changed to "other map names", and the "general name" was changed to "cartographic data without a general map name", and the "inch or cube" was changed to "rule". The definition of this term was 27 in the first edition, and the current definition is 23. The old recording method of the mapping data (volume, book, etc.) will be published in the main text, and it will be changed to the appendix. The original standard format is in accordance with GR\1.1-2CC6, and the layout is revised. This standard is A and B. This standard is a comprehensive standard. This standard is issued by the National Information and Document Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Documentation Center, the National Standardization Committee, and the main subscribers of this standard are Man Xilai, Shi Baixian: 1 Fan Li
Now the drawing data ticket rules
GH/T 3792.6—2005
This standard specifies the general record items of surveying and mapping data and their arrangement, record identifiers, record text, requirements for new record items, etc.
Technical standards are the basis for the recording of surveying and mapping data. This standard is applicable to the compilation of the record of domestic equipment. This standard does not specify the rules for the collection of surveying and mapping data. 2 Normative references
The following articles are included in this standard through the use of the standard. All references with a date are subject to any changes (excluding errors) or corrections! None of them are applicable to this standard. However, all parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether they can use the full versions of these documents: All documents of any date shall use the latest version of the standard, G/T46! 1983 Document type and document code 12 - Code for goods and funds 420)
3 Terms and definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
Surveying and mapping data are based on certain mathematical principles and are represented by figurative symbols (or images) that, after scientific synthesis, display information about phenomena on (or on) other planets. They reflect the spatial division, combination, connection and changes of various natural and social systems. Mapping data include plane topographic maps, aeronautical maps, nautical maps, type maps, planetary maps, space and thermal images, earth (large) globe projections, surface maps, earth morphology, non-graphic maps, etc. ("visual mapping data" hereinafter referred to as "cartographic materials", 3.2
The above-mentioned map materials are limited to the map source of the information. Name. The above map name includes alternate name, lower brackets, and other map name information:
common name
-group related drawing materials and the common name of each piece of the whole map. In this way, the industry often uses the name of the drawing to distinguish the different parts of the drawing. The name of the alternate title is composed of the main part of each drawing name, and the two parts are often connected by "also known as" and so on.
No overall map name, noaxmmntilleforanilem, no overall map name ... 3797.6—2005
parallel national name arnllelLitse
other literary names of completed books. The Chinese pinyin corrected names that are not in accordance with the Chinese characters are not in accordance with the Chinese characters. 3.7
other map names are not in accordance with the main map name, parallel map name, and medical name. The map name & map name of the relevant map section is determined, explained, supplemented or said: 3. 8
according to the scope of the above topic, multiple independent single maps are collected into one, with a ~ above the same map space, and published in the form of a number change without numbering to the library department,
series number
Dorberingwithin 3.10
Multi-level description is a method of dividing the information into two or more levels, the first level containing information common to the entire publication, and the second or remaining level containing information unique to each section. 3.11
Section title
The name of a map that is unique to the volume or section of the published cartographic material. 3.12
Statement of responsibility
The first statement of responsibility is the individual or group who is responsible for or contributes to the design review or arrangement or composition of the material, and their manner of responsibility. 3.16bzxZ.net
The first statement of responsibility is the individual or group who is responsible for or contributes to the design review or arrangement or composition of the material, and their manner of responsibility. 3.17
The first statement of responsibility is the individual or group who is responsible for or contributes to the design review or arrangement or composition of the material, and their manner of responsibility. 3.18
The first statement of responsibility is the individual or group who is responsible for or contributes to the design review or composition of the material, and their manner of responsibility. 3.16
projection of a map on a map and the records of the objects it represents. 3.17
projection project
the method of converting a spherical shape into a three-dimensional plane. 3.18
map page
a page containing detailed names and usually a scale factor. The name is considered the primary source of information. 3.19
GB/T 3792.6—2005
a line of map around a map area, not an artistic decoration, but mainly to indicate the latitude and longitude or coordinate values ​​of a point on the map. A sheet is a unit of measurement for smooth drawing data. A sheet is a single sheet of low-quality or high-quality material with or without a printed pattern on one or more sheets. 3. 22 A sheet is a cut sheet. It is subject to the paper size. If the printing is required, it can also be printed as a cut sheet of drawing data. 3.23
Equinoxes uinx
Two points where the earth and the sky intersect. There are two equinoxes every year, one around March 21, called the swallowing equinox (Sp-2minx), and one around September 22, called the autumnal equinox (Auumrequinux). 4. Recording items
4.1 Country name and responsibility statement items
Main image name
General document type environmental identification application
4. 1.3 Parallel figure name
4.1.4 Other figure name information
4.1.5 Part description
Other items
4.2 Version item
Edition description
4.2.7 Parallel technical description (optional
Relevant to the description
4.2.4 Addition of edition description
Information description
4.3 Mathematical data items
4.3. 1 Proportion
4.3.2 Projection
4.3.3 Selection of coordinates of the map
Establishment points and colors
4.4 Issuance items
4.2.1 Business place or publication pool
4.4.2 Publication form! Issuer
4.4.3 Issuer function statement (select
4.4. 4 Year of production or year of issue
4.4.5 Place of printing, printer, year of printing (select) 4.5 Figure shape items
4.5.1 Number plate and drawing data type record
4.5.2 Left and right shape details
4.5.3 Dimensions
4.5.4 For parts
4.6 Mandatory items
Continued drawing name
Compile parallel drawing name
Required other drawing name information (Tuzhou)
Zhao compiled a sale period
However, the auxiliary flower he left the office said
International Standard Serial Publication (15SN)
Compile to find
Attached with the mandatory name
4. 7 Notes (for delivery)
4.8 Standard book number and acquisition method item
International standard book STN)
Binding axis (quick-produced)
Availability/price (optional)
Limitation (for manufacturing)
5 Recording identifier
5.1 US recording item date, system unit and recording identifier are available in Table 1 Recording item, recording unit, recording identifier source
Figure name and tooth responsibility description source
: Teaching change period description
Correct medical name
One type of international use)
1.1 Other limited information
. The tenth city description
The state responsibility description
! 2.1 Version Description
2.2 Related Notes (for future use)
2. 1The most relevant city theory is quoted
",=add the technique theory called
2,5The previous book theory is called the inner theory
Coordinates (optional)
Equinox is called year
Publishing and issuing items
5String body shape items
6With the following steps
5Hu City items this
Can be marked with calligraphy items
Table 1 (continued)
Environmental proposed
Out or place
Shan Si Wu driving to raise
Issuing if the function description (set month)
Publishing year fee treatment year
Printing also state printing format that is, the year of production ( Manufacturing)
Quantity and electrical data type standard limit
Party details
[,1 attachment
Must be the name of the letter: send)
Comprehensive one-shot list
Director's joint responsibility statement
International standard manufacturing energy publication material (15SN)
Quality cluster auxiliary name
Standard number V
Obtain the point or price selection?
Civil specification statement (select month)
5.2 plate according to 0B/3792.1 of the heat, car standard each to 0 month and the unit to use the front bone mark of the machine section / or the external bracket identifier:
Stomach" before the first item of each item except the record date. b)
For the relevant list, and list the information, production list version statement before. Before placing other picture names, publishers or installers, printers, other details, methods of obtaining or prices, before placing the first optional description, before placing the picture names of the series with the sub-series logo, and other descriptions of the same type, additional version descriptions, publishing or distribution year, printing year, sub-pages, pages, and pages before 155V, before the second place of publication or distribution, before the number of inches, series, or between the various picture names of the general drawing. In addition, before the sub-series logo, before the sub-series logo, before the additional description of the picture name, and before the different descriptions of the general drawing name.
Attached to the front
include general document category identification, information source information, self-written document content, () reported in Chinese currency, the author's era, special sales country and name, medical bed coordinates and year, printing, the addition of the file. From the abbreviation, binding period and/or limiting description. 53 Based on the standard of B/3793.1, this standard adopts the following high-level signature symbols: city Ding request attachment, can not pay the specified year or time, small start time, table selection, start page, etc. The following table contains the contents of the entry that are omitted:
5.4 Instructions for disabling common identifiers
5.4.1 In the identifiers used for each entry and unit, except for the trailing "\" and "period", ", other identifiers must be preceded and followed by a space of one character. 5.4.2 Except for the name of the letter and the item, all items must be preceded by a period, space, dash, space, "--". To change multiple lines of items, "\" can be omitted, or the end stroke of the item can be eliminated. When each item is written in a new paragraph, the identifier can be omitted. 5.4.3 Other identifiers are used to distinguish between entry elements and unit names. Identifiers shall not be omitted, but may be added to the end of the entry or placed after the entry.
5.4.4 All entries or units must be marked repeatedly. 5.4.5 If the first unit is missing, the identifier of the entry unit in the position should be changed to: 5.4.6 For entries or units that are not related, their identifiers shall be omitted together with the entry or unit. 5.4.7 When an entry or unit is preceded by a period, and the identifier of the next entry or unit begins with a period: only one shall be recorded after two periods.
5.4.8 When consecutive identifiers that require spaces are recorded, only one shall be recorded. 6 Text for recording
6. ! Medical and liability statement, version items, mathematical data, H version issued If the line items and the number of items are used to record the text of the original drawing, the writing style should follow the custom and cost of the text. The drawings and numbers that cannot be transcribed by existing equipment can be replaced by the editors using the table, using the method,
6.2 General document type mark, issuer identification description, navigation item shape query item, attached industry item, standard book and the method of obtaining the text specified by the purchase (except for the company's documents) 6.3 The effective characters selected in each month, except for those with high frequency, are recorded in the law of Ayi Bo: .4 If there is a wrong flow in the source, it will still be recorded, but the correct number should be recorded in the amount: ": If there is an error in the original text and it is difficult to verify the meaning, the company will note "the original text is here" afterwards. In addition to the notes, the following information should be noted: 7. The information related to the mapping materials recorded is not included in the recorded object itself. If it is not sufficient, you can refer to the relevant materials. 7.1 Information other than the recorded object itself should be placed in the "notes" or in the "notes". 7.2 The main information sources of the name and sales description items, version items, mathematical numbers, and edition items are the gallery, the directory, the edition page, the book, the serial number, the accompanying, and the H-type description sheet. 7.3 The information source of the carrier form is the mapping materials including the attachments. 7.4 The license items, standard book numbers and acquisition methods are not from any information source. When the information source appears in multiple places, the bottom is in the appendix. 7.5
Detailed rules for the project of recording
Figure name and description items
Structure format:
Figure name two - document type identification
Figure name one can identify the type of document
General document type identification|/First responsibility statement, other instructions are general document type identification]! First statement, other instructions are general document type identification: other figure name information/also statement figure two document identification list, statement
Figure name two document type identification! And figure name, other figure information! Responsible instructions G/T3792.6-20C5
General document type identification! : Other figure name information parallel figure name: parallel other figure name information: Responsible instructions General document type identification]? Its responsibility description = parallel map name / parallel responsibility description unintentional map name system Zhou resource name first map name [a batch of document category mark; second map name? Responsibility statement company especially general difficulty map name system map material first letter name [set text type identification 1: your responsibility description, second map name responsibility description is the same as map name, sub-label sub-collection map name, general support type mark adjustment, responsibility statement common map name, sub-map name general document type international identification" responsibility statement 8.1. 1 stop map name || tt || main map name people's first general recording unit, Xi uses the above information Bin Chinese goods in the call, edition wood said oh, alliance disappearance said period, start edition matters or other non-title work and rest are placed before the main map name, the main map name is still the first recording unit national name education anti-taste system medical data location garbage implementation two and academic materials due to nature. The title of the figure shall be based on the name of the figure inside and outside the diagram: the name of the figure shall be based on the title on the figure. If the name of the medical doctor appears in other places that are different from the main name, it can be noted in the name. If the name of the figure is not reflected in the inside and outside of the folded figure, the name of the figure shall be recorded according to the pattern, section, root page, thick text, title, main body, and plate description. The text on the main figure must be larger than the original. Punctuation marks, numbers, and other characters in the name shall be recorded according to the example. When writing, spaces that serve as grammatical punctuation should be left.
Show state 1: come to Champa
East example 2: South Road, Beijing two places to make up the A River map of the continent riverside through the abnormal park
4 North ball Pakistan average
Beijing list 5: Request a provincial one hundred thousandth map
Home 1.1.6 All maps with a noble title in front of the name or the name of the publisher and distributor, regardless of the size of the text, are regarded as the official components of the teeth and are requested accordingly.
Small 1 East China New Certification Map
Small List of World Maps From the name with "real continent", "new contraction", "new Egypt", "latest", "called", "type A and B", "downgraded", "revised", "imperial revision", "etc. notes", "fine and slack", "detailed proofreading", "real month", etc., all the original titles are recorded. Example 1: Wen Xie Beijing Internal and External Map
2: New Haiming Group Hengdian Lanri
Example: Type A Zhonghu Analysis Guanfen Province Old Use
Example 4: Proofreading All Four
8, 1.1.8 The map name uses multiple texts to keep contrast, and the text uses one text should be selected The name of the picture that is consistent with the main text is T. When the name of the picture is used in multiple words, generally, the first picture name is taken from the new format or the exhibition design to be produced as the main picture name, and the rest of the picture names are processed and engraved. The name of the picture should be in the order of the original title, and the meaning name should be used in the middle, and the overall code should be the main material name. The example class new proof result is now in place, also known as - world party The overall picture name with the picture receiving material is required by the following busy person. At the same time, the picture name of the special work is used in sequence. The picture name is used as "," and the corresponding picture name is recorded in the province of responsibility. The second and subsequent picture names are marked with ". 1. When the mapping material consists of more than one work, only the first three names of the drawing shall be recorded. The name of the artist and the name of the responsible person shall be recorded after the name of the drawing, or the name of the work may include the entire mapping material. When the drawing name and the sub-title or sub-title of the drawing are the same, the common name shall be recorded. The sub-title shall be recorded first. 3792.6—2005
When identifying or editing a map name, use \\ before the sub-collection label and \ before the sub-collection name. When there is only a sub-collection name, use "," before it. The network book is really
shows the decline of 2:2 three basic books and ancient auxiliary maps, one of which is attached. Ma Ganzhi’s third special revision is the tenth day of the land shadow pressure day. 1.1.12 If the sub-collection map name is separated from the same map name: the main map name can take the sub-map name, and the common map name will be implemented from the next section. The map name is short and can be recorded as a section, but it cannot change the meaning of the map name or cause grammatical errors. Section Dongshan\..\Please note that the section that does not exist in the old first section of the map,
white, 1.1.14 For materials that need to be recorded without a map name, you can make up a map name according to its content. The external use of "" also refers to it. Each map should use the same language as the document. Jiangxi Province, prefectures and counties"
8.1.2 General document type identification The general document type identification is to use a general term to first explain the type of information contained in the document, which is very useful in the general month: If this item is used, all the mapping data recorded in accordance with this standard will be marked with the general document type identification "[drawing data Liu], and the length of the long Ming Yong is after the first name.
Dongzhou 1 city economic map [creation of economic materials] small example to briefly The quality of the map is to provide cartographic materials for the continent."\Thntlimra,A-laafwe:rlhHrlorB.1.3 Parallel maps Record the main titles in order and engrave the map names in order, and engrave the map names in order.\一\示中旅行略Ea.IilMp[Cu Parallel map names should, in principle, be transcribed according to the text on the source letter, but the capital letters may not be recorded as is. The map names should be recorded in the same way as the characters without any characters: the map names should not be engraved in the same way. 1.3.4 Other names of the world outside the main map name page (mostly seen in translated works should be recorded in the notes, 8.1.4 Other name information Other name information should be recorded together with the name of the related map or the parallel map. If there is other map name information, it should be marked with "\" before it. "Title
East Example: Central District Modern Industrial Division Map: 1960s Example 2: Northern District: Tong
Example: the guide map, delivery, collection, accommodation, treatment, lecture, channel instructions, postal instructions In principle, the information on the map service letter should be different from the text transcription, and the payee may not record it as it is. The information on the total number of core (volume, sheet) of the comprehensive mapping data should be used as the map name information. 1: The total number of increase in the number of states: two states: ten states: tt|| When the meaning of the main map name is unclear, the high-level labor recorder shall make necessary explanations or explanations for the main map name according to the content of the mapping data to be recorded. , use \L"\ to pull up,
shows just 1: City document public bus route country: "Beijing example 2, this medical [work traffic i]
day.1.4.5 If the local information source has a ticket saying that the book has no other map information, the other map name information of each type should be recorded after the parallel name of the language, and only the other language information of the township should be kept in its parallel name! 8.1.5 Sales responsibility description
B.1.5.1 The responsibility description includes the responsibility of the production data and the responsible party Style [such as: to edit, draw, I, material, detailed, compile, compile and draw, shortened and recommended, edited, edited, edited, worn, assembled, main shortened, proofread, revised, bound, badly drawn, elegantly carved, connected, etc.), downgrade and upgrade regulations for all foreign liquid bed titles, recorded in the library, and the person in charge used the "" mark before the statement. The person in charge of the same expensive style shall use "," and the different styles of melons shall be divided into different parts, and the points shall be divided into example 1; the 20th century foreign map? (Qing) Shi Zi, (Chong) Sun Haihuan continued to compile example 2 to stop the world fast trend · must: no compilation again: hemp end cover connection plan GR/T 3792.6~-2005 The same pot responsibility mode is placed in one person, only the first person is recorded. After the month\[etc\learning is not still by the person, and the recording time, teaching is not necessarily called by the type, example 1, the Republic of China and the province of the wind! Jin etc. enjoy [etc. cloud example 2: the first time when the world war industry test dance (related> the original benefit of the person's clever virtue, borrowed directly because: Ding Heng Duan Ze Zhang Xian Leng, to Zhao Ni Ni Ni The person in charge is a part of the name of the official map, and has been called in the name of the official map, the person in charge can be omitted. Or the degree, position, title, etc. of the person in charge, if not necessary for the identification of nuclear harm, shall not be recorded. For Chinese authors before the Qing Dynasty, the name of the author should be preceded by the name of the dynasty, and “()” should be used before the title. 8.1.5. When the author is a foreigner, in addition to recording the original name, the country of origin must also be recorded. If the title has a full name, the original text should also include the name of the country. Both the original text and the original name should use “()” to indicate the country of origin. 8.1.5. When the title has a maker and editor, only the chief editor shall be recorded. For the proportion of winding, school system, adaptation, modification, and reduction of mapping data, the original files shall be recorded first, and then the name of the base maker, adapter, etc.
No exception,) since the tree is not reversed: Li Jie Asia is dangerous translation is bitter·First record the general record and then record the selected one, indicating the time administrative region, text, land letter publishing house, national system! 8.1, 5.11 and record the map materials with parallel map names, but only use the same language as the name, the responsible person should record them after the name; with parallel map names, and you use the corresponding languages, the responsible person should record them in the corresponding language respectively,
Example I: Shandong Provincial People's Government-Economic Year Ar:Iopu.nticnurEuDun:Sandnng1rin
Atlas: China Return Society Editing Cad:Cem.edh Show:Chinn Cartngtapha Pul.ishing Hou8.1.5.12 When the sponsor is indicated in the map, try to use the requested information and be responsible for the examination. When the author uses the above-mentioned alias, Chinese pinyin, surname, legendary name, nickname or non-standard name, in addition to recording it, the name obtained from the book should also be recorded in the notes. If the above-mentioned appendix, supplement, etc. are used for explanation, it can be included as part of the explanation. B.1.515 Standard words and terms, period, etc., will not appear in the book description in principle. If the original book description is required, it can be recorded in the notes: 8.1.516 When recording a separate work in a shortened form: the whole set will continue The editor-in-chief should not be recorded in the mandatory item 8.2 version top
,"Edition history
Edition technical quantity-parallel! This version says
: One version says/-two versions related to the responsibility letter, version says! The first version related to the wood; the other version related to the wood, read the book, thank you for the wood note/related to this edition as the first responsibility, other versions related to this edition? The most relevant responsibility but say, such as the version note, responsibility statement 8.2.1 your book
, 21.1 first edition if exempt, according to the version number, but can omit the "first" word and use Arabic numerals, that is, "2nd edition 3\
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