title>Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instructions for use of textiles and apparel - GB 5296.4-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instructions for use of textiles and apparel

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 5296.4-1998

Standard Name:Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instructions for use of textiles and apparel

Chinese Name: 消费品使用说明 纺织品和服装使用说明

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1998-08-24

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

Date of Expiration:2014-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Clothing Industry>>61.020 Clothing

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 5296.4-1987

Procurement status:ISO/IEC 37-1995

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:1999-12-01

other information

Release date:1987-12-29

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Liu Wen, Xu Jian, Zheng Yuying, Zuo Peilan, Kong Liping, Chen Lingzhu, Wang Shurong, Xing Zhigui, Chen Jihong, Meng Guangsen

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Service Standardization

Proposing unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles, labeling contents and labeling requirements for the instructions for use of textiles and clothing. This standard applies to the instructions for use of textiles and clothing sold in China. GB 5296.4-1998 Instructions for use of consumer products Instructions for use of textiles and clothing GB5296.4-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic principles, labeling contents and labeling requirements for the instructions for use of textiles and clothing. This standard applies to the instructions for use of textiles and clothing sold in China.

Some standard content:

This standard is the first revision of GB5296.4—1987 based on the provisions of ISO/IEC Guide No. 37 (1995 Edition) for instructions for use of consumer products.
This revision further clarifies the scope of application of this standard, makes more specific provisions on the labeling content, labeling requirements and expression methods of instructions for use of textiles and clothing, and provides some examples, which enhances the operability of this standard. Appendix A of this standard, "Examples of labeling content of textile and clothing ingredients", refers to the Australian Standard AS2622-1987 "Textile products--Fiber content identification"; Appendix B, "Types of dry cleaning agents indicated by different letters in the dry cleaning symbol", refers to ISO3758:1991 "Textiles-Graphic symbols for maintenance labels". This standard is one of the standards for instructions for consumer products, which include: GB5296.1-1997 General principles for instructions for consumer products GB5296.2-1987 Instructions for consumer products Instructions for household and similar electrical appliances GB5296.3-1995 Instructions for consumer products General labeling of cosmetics GB5296.4-1998 Instructions for consumer products Instructions for textiles and clothing
GB5296.5-1996 Instructions for consumer products Instructions for toys This standard replaces GB5296.4-1987 from the date of entry into force. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both standard appendices. This standard is provided by China Standard This standard is under the jurisdiction of China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, National Technical Committee on Textile Standardization and National Technical Committee on Clothing Standardization.
This standard was drafted by China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, Shanghai Garment Research Institute, Standardization Institute of China Textile Research Institute, National Wool Textile Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Beijing), National Garment Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Tianjin), Tianjin Knitting Technology Research Institute, Textile and Garment Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of the Ministry of Domestic Trade (Tianjin). Drafters of this standard: Liu Wen, Xu Jian, Zheng Yuying, Zuo Peilan, Kong Liping, Chen Lingzhu, Wang Shurong, Xing Zhigui, Chen Jihong, Meng Guangsen. This standard was first issued in 1987 and revised for the first time in 1998. 123
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Instructions for use of products of consumer interest
Instructions for use of textiles and clothing
Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instructions for use of textiles and apparelThis standard specifies the basic principles, labeling content and labeling requirements for the instructions for use of textiles and clothing. This standard applies to the instructions for use of textiles and clothing sold domestically. 2 Referenced standards
Replaces GB5296.4—1987
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T1335.1~1335.3—1997 Clothing sizes GB5296.1--1997 General instructions for use of consumer products GB/T8685--1988 Graphical symbols for instructions for use of textiles and clothing GB/T15557-1995 Clothing terms
FZ/T01053—1998 Identification of fiber content of textiles 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Textiles
A general term for textile industry products that have been processed by weaving, printing, dyeing or reproduction and can be used directly or require further processing. Such as yarn, thread, rope, fabric, towel, sheet, blanket, socks, tablecloth, etc. 3.2 Garments; clothingtapparel Products worn on the human body for protection and decoration. (2.2 in GB/T15557-1995) 3.3 Instructions for use Information tools that convey to users how to use the product correctly and safely. Usually expressed in the form of instructions for use, labels, signs, etc. 3.4 Permanent label A permanent label that is always attached to the product itself and can withstand the use process specified in the product instructions and keep the handwriting clear and easy to read. 4 Basic principles
4.1 Instructions for use are an integral part of the delivered product (see 4.1 in GB5296.1-1997). 4.2 All contents of the instructions for use shall comply with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations. 4.3 All contents of the instructions for use shall be concise, accurate, scientific, and easy to understand. 4.4 The instructions for use shall truthfully introduce the product and shall not contain exaggerated or false content. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on August 24, 1998 124
Implementation on January 1, 2000
5 Contents of instructions for use
5.1 Name and address of manufacturer
GB 5296.4—1998
The name and address of the legally registered manufacturer of textiles and clothing shall be indicated. Imported textiles and clothing shall indicate in Chinese the place of origin (country or region) of the product and the name and address of the agent, importer or seller legally registered in China. 5.2 Product Name
The product name shall indicate the true attributes of the product and meet the following requirements: 5.2.1 If the national standards or industry standards have provisions on product names, the names specified in the national standards or industry standards shall be used; 5.2.2 If the national standards or industry standards do not have provisions on product names, common names or common names that will not cause misunderstanding and confusion to consumers shall be used;
5.2.3 If "unique name" or "trademark name" is marked, a name specified in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 shall be clearly marked in the same place. 5.3 Product Size and Specification
The size or specification of textile products shall comply with the provisions of relevant national standards and industry standards. Clothing products shall follow the requirements of GB/T1335.1~1335.3 to indicate the clothing size. 5.4 Composition and Content of Raw Materials
The composition name and content of the raw materials used in the product shall be indicated. The marking of textile fiber content shall comply with the provisions of FZ/T01053. For marking examples, see Appendix A (Appendix to the Standard). Leather eyewear should indicate the type of leather, which should indicate the true attributes of the product. If there are any regulations, they should comply with the relevant national, industry or enterprise standards. 5.5 Washing method 1
5.5.1 The washing method should be expressed in accordance with the graphic symbols specified in GB/T8685, and simple explanatory text corresponding to the graphic symbols can be added at the same time.
5.5.2 When the graphic symbols cannot meet the needs, concise text can be used to explain, but it shall not be parallel to the annotation of the meaning of the graphic symbols. 5.5.3 The letters A and PF can be added to the dry cleaning symbol to indicate the type of dry cleaning agent. [See Appendix B (Standard Appendix)] 5.6 Precautions for use and storage conditions
Products that are prone to damage due to improper use should be marked with precautions for use. Products with storage requirements should briefly indicate the storage method.
5.7 Product use period
Products that need to be used within a limited period should be marked with the production date and effective use period (dates are marked in the order of year, month, and day). 5.8 Product standard number
The number of the national standard, industry standard or enterprise standard of the product to be implemented shall be indicated. 5.9 Product quality grade
For products with quality (quality) grades clearly specified in the product standards, the product quality grade shall be indicated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant product standards. 5.10 Product quality inspection certificate
For qualified products produced domestically, each single product (sales unit) shall have a product factory quality inspection certificate. 6 Form of instructions for use
6.1 According to the characteristics of the product, the following forms shall be used: a) Instructions for use directly printed or woven on the product; b) Labels sewn, pasted or hung on the product: c) Instructions for use directly printed on the product packaging; 1) Washing methods include water washing, fluorine bleaching, ironing, water washing and drying, and dry cleaning. 125
d) Labels pasted on the product packaging;
e) Information provided with the product.
6.2 The product size or specification, composition and content of raw materials, washing instructions, etc. should be labeled with durable labels (see 3.4). The ingredients and content of the raw materials and the washing method should be combined and marked on one label. If the use of a durable label affects the use of the product, such as cloth, wool and sewing thread, socks and other products, a durable label may not be used. 6.3 If the product is packaged, displayed or folded, and consumers cannot easily find the information marked on the instructions for use on the product itself, other forms of instructions for use should also be used to mark the information.
6.4 When several forms of instructions for use appear at the same time, the consistency of their contents should be ensured. 7 Placement of instructions for use
7.1 Instructions for use should be attached to a conspicuous or appropriate location on the product or packaging. 7.2 Instructions for use should be provided per single product or sales unit. 7.3 Location of durable labels
7.3.1 Durable labels should be permanently attached to the product and the location should be appropriate. 7.3.2 Label location of clothing products Labels such as size marks or specifications of clothing products can generally be sewn in the center of the back collar. For coats, suits, etc., they can also be sewn on the upper or lower edge of the inner pocket of the placket. For pants and skirts, they can be sewn on the lower edge of the waistband lining. Labels such as raw material composition and content, washing instructions, etc. for clothing products can generally be sewn in the middle and lower part of the left hem. For skirts and pants, they can be sewn on the lower edge of the waistband lining or the upper part of the left side seam of skirts and pants. 7.3.3 Labels for aprons and shawls can be sewn at the corners. 7.3.4 Labels for ties can be sewn at the wide or narrow seam on the back. 7.3.5 Labels on household textiles (tablecloths, bed sheets, bath towels, bedspreads, blankets, etc.) can be sewn at the corners. 7.4 Location of instructions on cloth, yarn and sewing thread, socks and other textile products 7.4.1 Instructions on cloth can be placed in one of the following ways: a) attaching a label or tag to the end of the fabric roll, b) printing or weaving on the selvedge.
7.4.2 Instructions on yarn and sewing thread can be marked on the tag or on the hoops of the yarn roll, yarn ball and harness. 7.4.3 Instructions on socks can be marked on the label at the sock opening. 7.4.4 Labels for other textile products can be placed in appropriate locations. 7.5 The placement of labels on special process products can be set as needed. 8 Basic requirements
8.1 The text on the instructions should be clear and eye-catching. Graphics and symbols should be intuitive and standardized. The color of the text, graphic symbols and the background color or base color should be contrasting
8.2 The text used in the instructions should be the standardized Chinese characters prescribed by the state. The corresponding Chinese Pinyin, foreign languages ​​or minority languages ​​may be used at the same time, but the font size of Chinese Pinyin and foreign languages ​​shall not be larger than the corresponding Chinese characters. 8.3 The instructions for use shall be made of appropriate materials and methods and remain clear and easy to read during the service life of the product. 8.4 For labels sewn on products, if the seam is more than one side, the material used shall have a shrinkage rate similar to that of the base material. 126
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Example of marking the content of textile and clothing ingredients A1 When the fiber content of textile and clothing products made from one type of fiber is marked as "100%\or pure", it shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding product standards (national standards, industry standards). Example 1:
A2 Textiles and garments made from two or more fibres A2.1 In general, the common name of each fibre can be listed in descending order of content, and the percentage of each fibre in the total content of the product can be listed before the name of the fibre. 85% nylon
Example 2:
15% viscose
Example 3:
55% wool
35% polyester
10% viscose
A2.2 If the content of one or more fibers is less than 5%, the fiber content shall be indicated in one of the following ways: a) List the fiber name and content;
b) Concentrate on indicating the words "other fibers" and the total content of these fibers c) If the total content of these fibers does not exceed 5%, it is not necessary to mention it. 50%
Example 4:
Example 6:
4% viscose
Example 5:
90 %Wool
10%Other Fibers
8%Other Fibers
3Textiles and Clothing Composed of Base Fabric and FlannelA3
The content of each fiber in the product shall be indicated separately, or the content of each fiber in the fluff and base fabric shall be indicated separately. 60%Cotton
Example 7:
A4Textiles and Clothing with Lining
Example 8:
Products containing lining shall indicate the fiber content of the lining. Example 9:
Fabric Pure Wool
A5Textiles and Clothing with Filling Textiles and clothing
Products with fillings shall indicate the type and content of the fillings. Down fillings shall indicate the down content and filling amount. Fabric
Example 10:
65% polyester
35% cotton
100% kapok
Example 11:
Down content
Filling amount
65% cotton
35% polyester
100% polyester
100% grey duck down
6 Fabrics made of two or more different textures The single textile and garment A6
should indicate the fiber name and content of each part of the fabric. Example 12:
body 100%
sleeves 100%
Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
The types of dry cleaning agents represented by different letters in the dry cleaning symbol can use all conventional dry cleaning agents. Including all solvents represented by the symbol P as well as trichloroethylene and trifluoroethane. Tetrazoethylene, monofluorotrichloroethane and all solvents represented by the symbol F can be used, but trichloroethylene and trichloroethane cannot be used. Only trichloroethane and white alcohol (distillation temperature between 150℃ and 210℃, flash point between 38℃ and 60℃) can be used.4—1998
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Examples of labeling the content of textile and clothing ingredientsA1 When the fiber content of textile and clothing products made from one type of fiber is marked as "100%\or pure", it shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding product standards (national standards, industry standards). Example 1:
A2 Textiles and clothing made from two or more types of fibersA2.1 In general, the common name of each fiber can be listed in descending order of content, and the percentage of the fiber in the total content of the product can be listed before each fiber name. 85% nylon
Example 2:
15% viscose
Example 3:
55% wool
35% polyester
10% viscose
A2.2 If the content of one or more fibers is less than 5%, the fiber content shall be indicated in one of the following ways: a) List the fiber name and content;
b) Concentrate on indicating the words "other fibers" and the total content of these fibers c) If the total content of these fibers does not exceed 5%, it is not necessary to mention it. 50%
Example 4:
Example 6:
4% viscose
Example 5:
90 %Wool
10%Other Fibers
8%Other Fibers
3Textiles and Clothing Composed of Base Fabric and FlannelA3
The content of each fiber in the product shall be indicated separately, or the content of each fiber in the fluff and base fabric shall be indicated separately. 60%Cotton
Example 7:
A4Textiles and Clothing with Lining
Example 8:
Products containing lining shall indicate the fiber content of the lining. Example 9:
Fabric Pure Wool
A5Textiles and Clothing with Filling Textiles and clothing
Products with fillings shall indicate the type and content of the fillings. Down fillings shall indicate the down content and filling amount. Fabric
Example 10:
65% polyester
35% cotton
100% kapok
Example 11:
Down content
Filling amount
65% cotton
35% polyester
100% polyester
100% grey duck down
6 Fabrics made of two or more different textures The single textile and garment A6
should indicate the fiber name and content of each part of the fabric. Example 12:
body 100%
sleeves 100%
Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
The types of dry cleaning agents represented by different letters in the dry cleaning symbol can use all conventional dry cleaning agents. Including all solvents represented by the symbol P as well as trichloroethylene and trifluoroethane. Tetrazoethylene, monofluorotrichloroethane and all solvents represented by the symbol F can be used, but trichloroethylene and trichloroethane cannot be used. Only trichloroethane and white alcohol (distillation temperature between 150℃ and 210℃, flash point between 38℃ and 60℃) can be used.4—1998
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Examples of labeling the content of textile and clothing ingredientsA1 When the fiber content of textile and clothing products made from one type of fiber is marked as "100%\or pure", it shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding product standards (national standards, industry standards). Example 1:
A2 Textiles and clothing made from two or more types of fibersA2.1 In general, the common name of each fiber can be listed in descending order of content, and the percentage of the fiber in the total content of the product can be listed before each fiber name. 85% nylon
Example 2:
15% viscose
Example 3:
55% wool
35% polyester
10% viscose
A2.2 If the content of one or more fibers is less than 5%, the fiber content shall be indicated in one of the following ways: a) List the fiber name and content;
b) Concentrate on indicating the words "other fibers" and the total content of these fibers c) If the total content of these fibers does not exceed 5%, it is not necessary to mention it. 50%
Example 4:
Example 6:
4% viscose
Example 5:
90 %Wool
10%Other FibersbzxZ.net
8%Other Fibers
3Textiles and Clothing Composed of Base Fabric and FlannelA3
The content of each fiber in the product shall be indicated separately, or the content of each fiber in the fluff and base fabric shall be indicated separately. 60%Cotton
Example 7:
A4Textiles and Clothing with Lining
Example 8:
Products containing lining shall indicate the fiber content of the lining. Example 9:
Fabric Pure Wool
A5Textiles and Clothing with Filling Textiles and clothing
Products with fillings shall indicate the type and content of the fillings. Down fillings shall indicate the down content and filling amount. Fabric
Example 10:
65% polyester
35% cotton
100% kapok
Example 11:
Down content
Filling amount
65% cotton
35% polyester
100% polyester
100% grey duck down
6 Fabrics made of two or more different textures The single textile and garment A6
should indicate the fiber name and content of each part of the fabric. Example 12:
body 100%
sleeves 100%
Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
The types of dry cleaning agents represented by different letters in the dry cleaning symbol can use all conventional dry cleaning agents. Including all solvents represented by the symbol P as well as trichloroethylene and trifluoroethane. Tetrazoethylene, monofluorotrichloroethane and all solvents represented by the symbol F can be used, but trichloroethylene and trichloroethane cannot be used. Only trichloroethane and white alcohol (distillation temperature between 150℃ and 210℃, flash point between 38℃ and 60℃) can be used.
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