title>HG 20652-1998 Technical regulations for tower design - HG 20652-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 20652-1998 Technical regulations for tower design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20652-1998

Standard Name: Technical regulations for tower design

Chinese Name: 塔器设计技术规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-11-18

Date of Implementation:1999-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Fluid systems and general parts>>Fluid storage devices>>23.020.30 Pressure vessels, gas cylinders

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G93 Chemical Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:CD 130A4-1985

Publication information

other information

drafter:Zhao Yuzhi, Guo Yide

Drafting unit:Sinopec Lanzhou Design Institute

Focal point unit:National Chemical Equipment Design Technology Center

Proposing unit:National Chemical Equipment Design Technology Center

Publishing department:State Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This regulation applies to self-supporting vertical steel towers with a height greater than 10m and a height-to-diameter ratio greater than 5. This regulation does not apply to towers with pulling devices, brick linings and other non-metallic linings, and non-ferrous metal linings. This regulation is a supplement and concretization of JB4710-1998 "Steel Tower Containers" in combination with the specific conditions of chemical and petrochemical tower container design. HG 20652-1998 Tower Design Technical Regulations HG20652-1998 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinabzxZ.net
HG 20652--1998
Specification of Columns DesignWire Mesh Demister
Mesh Demister
1998-11-18 Issued
State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Specification of Columns Design DesignHG20652—1998
Editor: Lanzhou Design Institute of Sinopec Group Approval Department: State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Implementation Date: March 1, 1999 National Chemical Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center (Ministry of Chemical Industry Chemical Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center) 1999 Beijing
This standard is based on the original \CD130A4-85", based on the experience gained since the implementation of this standard, as well as the contents of GB150-1998, JB4710-1998 and the standard regulations of domestic and foreign engineering companies in recent years. The new standard has the following major changes compared with the original standard:
1. The regulations on the selection of materials for components such as tower body and base have been revised: 2. The explanations on the near-seismic and far-reaching areas have been added, and the provisions on the calculation of the slope have been modified. 3. In the "Structure" chapter, the regulations on the diameter of the tower skirt have been supplemented, and the regulations on the installation of the gas diagram on the upper part of the skirt of the temperature tower (tower kettle) have been added. Regulations: Added regulations for tower insulation (cold) support, suspending columns and lifting ears. 4. Revised the relevant contents of tower manufacturing, inspection and acceptance. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
Appendices B, C and D of this standard are suggestive appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Chemical Equipment Design Technology Center. This standard is edited by the Lanzhou Design Institute of Sinopec Group. The main drafters of this standard: Zhao Yuzhi Guo Yide 1 Scope
1.1 Subject content
This regulation is a supplement and concretization of JB4710-1998 "Steel Tower Container" in combination with the specific conditions of chemical and petrochemical tower container design.
The scope of application, referenced standards and definitions of this regulation are the same as "B4710\ except for the following provisions. 1.2 Scope of application
1.2.1 This regulation applies to self-supporting vertical steel towers with skirts greater than 10m in height and a height-to-diameter ratio greater than 5. 1.2.2 These regulations do not apply to towers with pulling devices, non-metallic linings such as brick plates, or non-ferrous metal linings. 1
GB 150
GBJ 17
HG 20583
Steel Pressure Vessels
Steel Tower Vessels
Code for Design of Steel Structures
Cited Standards
Basic Regulations for Design of Steel Chemical Vessels, Regulations for Material Selection of Steel Chemical Vessels, Regulations for Strength Calculation of Steel Chemical Vessels, Regulations for Structural Design of Steel Chemical Vessels, Technical Requirements for Manufacturing of Steel Chemical Vessels HG 20584
HG 20585
SH 3088
SH 3524
"Technical Regulations for Steel Cryogenic Pressure Vessels" "Petrochemical Tower Plate Design Specifications"
"Petrochemical Steel Tower Container On-site Assembly Welding Construction Process Standards" The design and selection of tower materials shall meet the following requirements. 3 Design and selection of materials
3.1 Pressure components:
In this regulation, pressure components refer to components that bear a design internal pressure greater than or equal to 0.1MPa and a design external pressure. 3.1.1 The principles of material selection, steel standards, heat treatment conditions, allowable stresses, etc. for pressure components shall comply with the corresponding provisions of GB150 "Steel Pressure Vessels".
3.1.2. The details of material selection for pressure components shall comply with the requirements of HG20581 "Regulations on Material Selection for Steel Chemical Containers". 3.2 Non-pressure components
3.2.1 The steel used for non-pressure components must be steel included in the material standards. 3. 2. 2 Internal and external components
1 In addition to meeting the requirements of the working medium, the material of the internal components welded to the tower body should also consider the impact on the performance of the tower material after welding.
2 The material of the external components welded to the tower body should consider the impact on the performance of the tower material after welding. 3.2.3 Skirt
1. When selecting the material of the skirt body, in addition to complying with 3.2.2 (2), the impact of the ambient temperature of the tower construction area should also be considered. Generally, the ambient calculation temperature of the tower construction area is taken as the design temperature of the skirt. Note: The ambient calculation temperature adopts the winter air conditioning outdoor calculation temperature in the current GBI19 "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design Code". See Appendix A.
2 In general, the skirt body should be made of one material. For material selection, refer to Table 3.2.3-1. Table 3.2. 3~1
Skirt design temperature Ts
Note:①Skirt design temperature shall be in accordance with the provisions of Skirt body material
Q345-D or Q345—E, 16Mn
Q235—AB.C or Q345-A, Q345-B
②Pot material standard: Q235—-GB700-88Q345-——GB/T1591-94, 16MnGB1591—88
3When the skirt design temperature is lower than 0℃, the skirt (body) material shall be subjected to impact toughness test. The impact energy shall not be less than that specified in Table 3.2.32.
Table 3.2. 3-2
Charpy (V-shaped fastener
impact test temperature
The average impact energy of the three samples Akv
10mm×10mm×55mm (weave direction)
When one of the following conditions is met, the upper part of the seat shell should be provided with a transition section that alternates with the tower whole sealing (helping to avoid the body) village material.
(1) Tower design temperature: T>250℃T≤-20℃.(2) According to the difference between the seat shell and the tower After the head is matched, it will affect the performance of the tower sign material (such as stainless steel, chromium-molybdenum-chromium, low-temperature steel, etc.) 5 The length of the transition short section shall be as specified below,
(1) When the tower sign design temperature is lower than -20℃ or higher than 350℃, the length of the transition section is 4 to 6 times the insulation layer and shall not be less than 500mm
(2) When the tower sign design temperature is between -20℃ and 350℃, the length of the transition section shall not be less than 300mm6 The design temperature of the transition short section shall be equal to the design temperature of the tower kettle head (or cylinder). 7 The allowable stress of the skirt material (including the transition short section) shall be as specified in Table 3.2.3-13, Table 3. 2. 3 - 3
Skirt body
·Extreme thickness mm
[a] MPa
Initial seat transition section
When the material of the skirt seal section is the same as the tower metal material
, its allowable stress is alternated with the allowable stress of the tower kettle
Note, ①The allowable stress values ​​in the table are determined by multiplying the tower metal design tolerance of 200C, and the safety factor is n2.7. The auxiliary seat body (main body) refers to: the body without transition section seat b has the skirt seat body connected to the transition section with the over-cover skirt seat. 8 The material of the opening reinforcement elements (channel holes, inspection holes, etc.) on the tank seat cylinder is the same as the skirt seat body material. 9 The material of the anchor bolt grinding (including plate and foundation ring plate) should generally be the same as the skirt seat body material. 3. 2. 4 Anchor bolts
1 The selection of anchor bolt materials should take into account the influence of the ambient temperature of the tower construction area. When the ambient temperature is higher than -20'℃, Q235-A is generally selected, and its allowable stress is []b-147MPa. When the ambient temperature is lower than or equal to -20℃, 16Mn or Q345-E is generally selected, and its allowable stress is [g].—170MPa.
2 The specifications, quantity and material of the anchor bolts shall be indicated in the design drawings. 3.3 Welding materials
The standards of welding materials, welding material quality certificates, and the selection of welding materials for various combinations of welded parent materials shall comply with the relevant provisions of JB/T4709 "Welding Regulations for Steel Pressure Vessels" and HG20581 "Provisions for the Selection of Materials for Steel Chemical Vessels".
Design calculation
4.1 Calculation of pressure components
4.1.1 The calculation of tower pressure components (including plaques, heads, cone shells, opening reinforcements and flanges, etc.) shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 4.1.1. Table 4.1.1
Calculation standard
Design pressure P
0.1MPa≤Pp≤35MPa Vacuum degree greater than or equal to 0.02MPa According to the corresponding section of GB:150-1998&Pressure vessel system -0.02MPaCorresponding chapter 4.1.2 For the calculation method of components not specified in GB150 and JB/T4735 standards, the calculation shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of HG20583-1998 "Regulations on Strength Calculation of Steel Chemical Containers". 4.2 Wind load and ground burst load
4.2.1 For towers with H/D>5 and H>10 meters, the wind load, ground burst load and their strength and stability verification shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of JB4710-1998 Steel Tower Container. 4.2.2 Calculation segmentation of towers when calculating wind loads and ground burst loads 1 Calculation segmentation when calculating natural vibration period and seismic load (1) For towers with unequal cross-sections (including towers with equal diameter and unequal wall thickness or unequal diameter), when calculating the basic vibration mode natural period and ground burst load, they are regarded as multi-degree-of-freedom systems (multiple mass points). Therefore, the tower is decomposed into several calculation segments along the height, and the mass of each segment can be treated as a concentrated mass acting at half the height of the segment. Considering the high enough calculation accuracy, the tower should be divided into 10 equal height sections.
(2) For towers with equal diameter and thickness, there is no need to divide them into sections when calculating the natural vibration period, but when calculating the ground load, the tower still needs to be divided into several equal height sections (preferably 10 sections).
2 Calculation of tower sections when calculating wind loads
(1) For towers with equal cross-section (equal diameter, equal wall thickness), the first calculation section is usually 10m above the ground, and the other calculation sections are usually less than or equal to 10m each; (2) For towers with unequal faces (unequal true diameter, unequal thickness), it is advisable to divide them into sections according to the change of the cross section (i.e. the same diameter and the same wall thickness are considered as one failure). Of course, the same number of sections can also be used as in the calculation of the natural vibration period earthquake load. 4.2.3 Wall thickness of tower
1. When the wall thickness of the tower depends on the pressure load (internal pressure or external pressure) and is made of the same material, the tower body (except the skirt) can have the same thickness. However, for the tower operated with full liquid, the static pressure of the liquid column needs to be considered. Therefore, it should be decided whether to use the same thickness segment according to the calculated force at different heights.
.2 When the wall thickness of the tower is controlled by wind load or ground load, the bending moment caused by wind or ground load increases from top to bottom with the tower height. Therefore, from the perspective of equal strength and rationality of structural design, the tower body should be divided into thickness segments that increase from top to bottom. 5
The division of different thickness segments is as follows: (1) From the perspective of manufacturing, economic rationality and other factors, the number of segments with different wall thickness should not be too many, and it is appropriate to not exceed 5 wall thickness segments (excluding the offset shell).
(2) The thickness difference between adjacent sections should not be too large. The wall thickness difference between carbon steel and low alloy steel towers is generally 2-4mm: stainless steel is 1-2mm.
(3) Under the premise of ensuring strength and structural design, the length of the same wall thickness section should be controlled within the range of 5-10m. At the same time, the standard width specification of the steel plate should be considered as much as possible, and it should be an integer multiple of the standard width of the steel plate. 4.2.4 Sections of towers that need to be checked and calculated The dangerous section refers to the load surface that needs to be stress checked: 1 The cross section of the skirt shell at the base ring plate of the tower skirt; 2 The minimum cross section of the skirt body passing through the horizontal center line of the skirt opening: 3 The cross section of the skirt and the tower head joint (or tower joint): 4 The cross section of the tower shell at the junction of unequal diameter towers and variable cross sections; 5 The horizontal surface of the tower at the junction of equal diameter towers and variable wall thickness. 4.2.5 Calculation of tower deflection and deflection control value 1 When it is necessary to calculate the tower top span, the calculation method shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Appendix of JB47101998 Steel Tower Container 2 Determination of deflection control value
The tower top deflection control value shall be determined according to the actual needs of the engineering design. Appendix D of this standard gives the consideration value of tower top span control.
4. 3 Minimum thickness of cylinder
4.3.1 The minimum thickness of carbon steel and low alloy steel cylinders, excluding corrosion allowance, is 2/1000 of the inner diameter of the tower vessel and shall not be less than 4mm.
4.3.2 Minimum thickness of stainless steel cylinder: m=3mm4.3.3 Minimum thickness of skirt cylinder including corrosion allowance: m=6mm. 4. Corrosion allowance
4.4.1 For pressure components, the corrosion allowance for carbon steel and low alloy steel shall not be less than 1mm. For stainless steel, when the medium is extremely corrosive, the corrosion allowance may not be considered.
The corrosion allowance for carbon steel skirt cylinder shall not be less than 2mm. However, when there are insulation (cold) or fireproof layers inside and outside the skirt cylinder, the corrosion allowance may not be considered.
4.4.2 The corrosion allowance for anchor bolts is 3mm
4.4.3 In addition to the above provisions, the corrosion allowance for tower components shall also comply with the requirements of HG21580 Steel Chemical Vessel Design Foundation.
4. Foot bolts
The nominal diameter of the anchor bolts shall not be less than M24. The specifications of commonly used anchor bolts are shown in Table 4.5.14. 5. 1
Table 4 5. 1
Nominal diameter
Minor thread diameter&
Nominal diameter
Minor thread diameter
4.5.2 The number of anchor bolts is generally a multiple of 4 and not less than 8. For tower containers with small diameter and low height, 6 anchor bolts can be used. The recommended number of anchor bolts is shown in 5.2. 7
Number of anchor bolts
Skirt base
Body diameter
Preferred number
Number of anchor bolts (recommended values) Table 4.52
- Optional number
4.6.1 Design load
1 Design load of tower plate
4.6 Tower plate
(1) During normal operation, the larger value of the static pressure of the water column 50 mm above the overflow weir and the uniformly distributed load of 700 V/m should be taken 9i(N/m2)
(2) The uniformly distributed load of the tower plate itself 9z(N/m). 2 Design load of the receiving tray
The larger value of the static pressure of the water column at half the distance between adjacent plates or the uniform load of 2900N/m2 a (N/m) 3 The design load of the side discharge tray and the bottom liquid seal tray is the larger value of the static pressure of the water column at the actual tray depth and the uniform load of 2900N/m 9 + (N/m*). 4 Design load of the supporting beam
(1) During normal operation
a. Take the uniform load (linear load) of the tray mass and the liquid mass acting on the beam 9: (N/m) For single beam support, it is determined by 60% of the total mass of the tray and liquid, and for double beam support, it is determined by 40% of the total mass of the tray and liquid. b. The uniform load (linear load) caused by the beam's own mass gs (N/m). (2) During installation and maintenance
a. The uniform load (linear load) caused by the beam's own mass ge (N/m). b. Uniform load (linear load) gz (N/m) of the tower plate mass acting on the beam. For single beam support, it is determined as 60% of the total mass of the tower plate! For double support beams, it is determined as 40% of the mass of the tower plate. C. The image load force (N) caused by maintenance personnel and accumulated materials. For a DN2m tower, a 1350V nest load is applied at the midpoint of the beam: for a DN>2m tower, a concentrated load of 1000N is applied at 1/3 of the beam span length at both ends of the beam. 4.6.2 Calculation of stress and deflection of tower plate and supporting beam. The tower plate is regarded as a rectangular plate with uniform load on the entire plate surface and hinged support around the periphery; the supporting beam is regarded as a simply supported beam. The calculation formulas for its stress and deflection are shown in Table 4.6.2-1.
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