title>JB/T 5054.2-2000 Basic requirements for product drawings and design documents - JB/T 5054.2-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5054.2-2000 Basic requirements for product drawings and design documents

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5054.2-2000

Standard Name: Basic requirements for product drawings and design documents

Chinese Name: 产品图样设计文件 图样的基本要求

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-03-30

Date of Implementation:2000-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.110 Technical Product Documentation

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5054.2-1999

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-10-01

other information

drafter:Ding Guoyong, Jin Weihua, Xia Changkun, Jiang Shenli

Drafting unit:Shanghai Electric Machinery Factory Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pengpu Machinery Factory, Shanghai Grinding Machine Research Institute, Shanghai Electric Group Corporation Science and Technology Information Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Machinery Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements for drawings of mechanical industrial products, including CAD drawings. This standard applies to drawings of mechanical industrial products (hereinafter referred to as drawings) and related technical documents. Drawings drawn using CAD should also comply with the provisions of this standard. Other drawings and documents can be implemented as a reference. JB/T 5054.2-2000 Basic requirements for product drawings design documents JB/T5054.2-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Drawing and design document of product
Drawing and design document of product2000-03-30 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implementation on 2000-10-01
JB/T 5054.22000
This standard is based on the needs of implementing computer-aided design (CAD) in enterprises and product market competition, and refers to relevant national standards and industry standards. It modifies and adjusts JB/T5054.2-1999 "Basic Requirements for Product Drawings" (formerly ZB/TJ01035.2-90). 1. Added referenced standards.
2. Added the following content in 3.1: "When drawing with CAD, GB/T14665 and other relevant standards or regulations must be followed; the CAD software used should be subject to standardization review." 3. Added the following content in 3.8: "When exchanging information and drawings on a computer, authorization management should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T17825.7 or the product data or engineering drawing management system." 4. Added the following content in 4.1.4: "When the relevant dimensions are not equal, they can also be drawn on one drawing, but different drawing codes should be assigned, different codes should be marked with lead lines, and the corresponding relationship between parameters such as codes and quantities should be listed in a table according to the provisions of the table drawing." 5. The original 4.1.8: "When the dimensional limit deviation, geometric tolerance, surface roughness, etc. are not indicated on the drawing, there should be corresponding standard regulations, or it should be explained in the technical requirements." ” was rewritten as “The unmarked tolerances of dimensions not specified on the drawing and the unmarked tolerances of form and position tolerances, etc., shall be marked in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards such as GB1184, GB/T1804, etc. Tolerances are generally not marked separately, but are explained on the drawings, in technical documents or standards.”
6. The original 4.5.3 “The box surface must be marked with packaging, storage and transportation diagrams, etc. in accordance with relevant standards” was rewritten as “The box surface shall comply with relevant standards or be marked with packaging, storage and transportation diagrams, etc. as required by the contract. "This standard replaces JB/T5054.2-1999 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Technical Product Documents. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Electric Motor Factory Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pengpu Machinery Factory, Shanghai Grinding Machine Research Institute, and Shanghai Electric Group Corporation Science and Technology Information Institute.
The main drafters of this standard are: Ding Guoyong, Jin Weihua, Xia Changkun, and Jiang Shenli. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Drawing and design document of productGeneral principles of drawings drawingThis standard specifies the basic requirements for mechanical industrial product drawings, including CAD drawings. JB/T5054.2—2000
Replaces JB/T5054.2—1999
This standard applies to mechanical industrial product drawings (hereinafter referred to as drawings) and related technical documents. Drawings drawn using CAD should also comply with the provisions of this standard. Other drawings and documents may be implemented as a reference. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 1184—1996
GB/T 1804—1992
Tolerances of shape and position without indicating tolerance values
General tolerancesTolerances of linear dimensions without indicating tolerances
Requirements for packaging drawings
Rules for CAD drawing of mechanical engineering
GB/T 16675.1-1996
Technical drawing simplified representation method drawing method
GB/T17825.7—1999CAD file management signing rules 3 General
3.1 Drawings must be drawn in accordance with current national standards such as "Technical Drawing", "Mechanical Drawing", "Electrical Drawing" and other relevant standards or regulations to achieve correctness, completeness, uniformity and simplicity. When using CAD for drawing, it must comply with GB/14665 and other relevant standards or regulations; the CAD software used should be subject to standardization review. ||tt| |3.2 The terms, symbols, codes, words, graphic symbols, structural elements and measurement units on the drawings shall comply with relevant standards or regulations. 3.3 The views and technical requirements on the drawings shall be able to show the functions, structures, outlines and necessary technical basis for manufacturing and inspection of product parts and components.
3.4 ​​The number of views shall be as small as possible on the premise that the functions, structures, outlines, dimensions and the relationship between the parts of the products and parts can be clearly expressed.
3.5 Each product or part shall be drawn on a single drawing as far as possible. If it must be distributed on several drawings, the main view detail column and technical requirements shall generally be placed on the first drawing. 3.6 The names of products and parts and components on the drawings shall comply with relevant standards or regulations. If there are no regulations, they should be as brief and accurate as possible. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on March 30, 200012
Implemented on October 1, 2000
3.7 In general, instructions with limited process requirements are not included in the drawings. If necessary, it is allowed to mark certain processing methods and process instructions, such as "same processing", "matching", "before turning", etc. 3.8 Each drawing should be filled in the title column according to regulations, and the signature column must be signed by the relevant personnel specified in the "Technical Responsibility System". The exchange of information and drawings on the computer should be authorized and managed in accordance with the provisions of GT17825.7 standard or according to the product data or downstream drawing archive management system.
4 Drawing
4.1 Parts drawing
4.1.1 Each special part should generally be drawn separately. It is allowed not to draw in special cases, such as: a) parts that are cut vertically and the plate is cut and then not machined; b) parts whose shape and final size must be determined according to the installation position. 4.1.2 Parts drawings should generally be drawn according to the geometric shape, size and surface roughness required for assembly. The dimensions of the parts processed during the assembly process should be marked on the assembly drawing. If it must be marked on the parts drawing, the words "matching" should be indicated near the relevant dimensions or explained in the technical requirements. The compensation amount of the assembly dimension chain should generally be marked on the relevant parts drawing. 4.1.3 Two parts that are mirror-symmetrical should generally be drawn separately. It is also possible to use a simplified drawing method according to the provisions of GB/T16675.1 standard.
4.1.4 For the cut parts that must be processed as a whole and used in pairs or groups, and have the same shape and equal size, it is allowed to be drawn as one part on one drawing, marked with one drawing code, and the connecting line of the cut in the view is connected with a thick solid line; when the relevant dimensions are not equal, they can also be drawn on one drawing, but different drawing codes should be assigned, and different codes should be marked with lead lines, and the corresponding relationship between parameters such as code and quantity should be listed in a table according to the provisions of the table diagram in Article 4.6 of this standard. 4.1.5 For parts that are used alone but are more reasonable to be processed as a whole, double-dotted lines can generally be used in the view to indicate other parts outside the parts.
4.1.6 When the parts have requirements for the front and back sides (such as leather, fabric) or processing direction (such as silicon steel sheets, brushes, etc.), they should be noted in the view or explained in the technical requirements.
4.1.7 In the drawings, the structural reference plane of the part shall generally be used as the reference for dimensioning, and the possibility of inspecting this dimension shall be considered at the same time. 4.1.8 The unmarked tolerances of the dimensions not marked on the drawings and the unmarked tolerances of the geometric tolerances shall be marked in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards such as GB/T1184 and GB/T1804; generally, the tolerances are not marked separately, but are explained on the drawings, technical documents or standards. 4.1.9 When there are special requirements for parts of the parts (such as no blunting, heat treatment) and markings, the explanations shall be marked near the indicated parts on the drawings.
4.2 Assembly drawings and general drawings
4.2.1 Assembly drawings of products and components generally include the following: a) Graphics of product or component structure and assembly position; b) Main assembly dimensions and matching codes:
c) Dimensions, limit deviations, surface roughness, etc. that need to be processed during assembly: d) Overall dimensions, connection dimensions and technical requirements of products or components: e) Details of components of products or components (may be omitted if there is a details column). 4.2.2 General drawings generally include the following:
a) Product outline or installation position diagram of the components of the complete set of equipment: b) Basic characteristics, categories, main parameters, models, specifications, etc. of the product or complete set of equipment; ) Product dimensions (when there is no outline drawing) installation dimensions (when there is no installation drawing) and technical requirements or dimensions and installation requirements of the correct installation position of the complete set of equipment;
d) The limit position of the moving parts of the mechanism:
e) Handles, knobs, indicating devices, etc. of the operating mechanism; ) Details column of the complete set of equipment (can be omitted when there is a detailed list). 4.2.3 When parts are combined and connected by changing shape or bonding, the deformation and bonding parts in the view should be explained with guide lines (such as flanging, expanding pipes, riveting, chiseling, gluing, etc.) or explained in the technical requirements. 4.2.4 When the material and the part are integrated (such as bimetallic casting inserts, etc.), the forming material attached to the part can be filled in the details column of the drawing, and the part drawing is not drawn.
4.2.5 Mark the model (code), name, and specifications, and the purchased parts do not need to be drawn. The purchased parts that need to be modified should generally be drawn. In the view, except for the modified parts, the structural shape, size, surface roughness and necessary instructions should be marked, and the rest of the parts can be simplified.
4.3 Appearance drawing
4.3.1 Draw the outline figure and mark the necessary appearance, installation and connection dimensions. 4.3.2 Drawing the figure or expressing it with simplified drawings should comply with the provisions of GB/T16675.1. If necessary, the extreme position outline of the moving parts of the mechanism should be drawn and its dimensions should be marked.
4.3.3 When the center of gravity of the product is not in the center of the drawing, the position and size of the center of gravity should be marked. 4.4 Installation drawing
4.4.1 Draw the wheel seat figure of the product and its components, and mark the installation position and size. If necessary, the requirements for the foundation should be expressed with simplified drawings in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16675.1. 4.4.2 Installation technical requirements should be attached. If necessary, wiring diagrams and symbols and other instructions may be attached. 4.4.3 Relevant parts, components or supporting products should be listed in the details column (may be omitted if there is a detailed list) 4.4.4 For lifting parts with special requirements, the lifting requirements should be indicated. 4.5 Packaging drawings
4.5.1 The packaging box and inner packaging drawings should be drawn separately, with the necessary dimensions marked, and in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards such as GB/T13385. When it can be expressed clearly, a single drawing can also be drawn. 4.5.2 The packaging of products and their accessories should comply with the provisions of relevant standards, and the outline of the products and their accessories in the packaging box (see GB13385), placement and fixing methods should be drawn or simplified drawings should be used. If necessary, the specifications and quantity of the packaging materials should be indicated in the details column.
4.5.3 The box surface should comply with relevant standards or be marked with packaging, storage and transportation diagrams and other marks according to contract requirements. 4.6 Tabular drawings
4.6.1 A series of similar products or parts and components with similar shapes can be drawn as tabular drawings. 4.6.2 The variable parameters in the tabular drawings may include dimensions, limit deviations, materials, weights, quantities, covering layers, technical requirements, etc. The variable items in the table can be marked with letters or words, and the meanings of the marked letters and symbols should be unified. 4.6.3 When drawing tabular drawings of products or parts and components with basically the same shapes but only individual requirements that are different, the partial graphics of the different parts should be drawn separately, and the marking code corresponding to the partial graphics should be marked in the graphic column of the table. 4.6.4 The view of the tabular drawing should select a more appropriate specification in the table, and the drawing in proportion or with simplified drawings should comply with the provisions of GB/T16675.1. Any specifications that are easily misleading due to distorted graphics or relative misalignment of dimensions are not allowed to be included in the table. 4.7 Simple Diagram
4.7.1 System Diagram Generally, a block diagram should be drawn to roughly represent the functional relationship and main features of the basic components such as the system, subsystem, and complete set of equipment. System diagrams can be drawn at different levels, requiring clear layout of information and process flow, and the codes (symbols) and terms should comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
4.7.2 Schematic Diagram The connection between input and output should be represented, and the functions such as product actions and working procedures should be clearly indicated. Graphic symbols (codes) should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The movable parts of the components should be drawn in the normal position. The description of the functions of each link should be indicated, and a separate schematic diagram can be used for complex products. 4.7.3 Wiring Diagram The drawing of the wiring diagram should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The circuit numbers and position numbers of the interconnected components within the system should be indicated, and the wiring diagram specifications and colors should be noted when necessary. More complex products or equipment can use several sub-wiring diagrams to form a total wiring diagram. When necessary, the specific positions and requirements should be indicated. 5 Writing of technical requirements
5.1 When products and parts and components cannot be fully expressed in drawings, they should be described in words under the title of "Technical Requirements", and their location should be placed above or to the left of the title bar as much as possible. 5.2 The clauses of the technical requirements should be numbered in sequence. If there is only one clause, no sequence number should be written. 5.3 The contents of technical requirements shall comply with the requirements of relevant standards, be concise and easy to understand, and generally include the following contents: a) Requirements for materials, roughness, and heat treatment (such as electromagnetic parameters, chemical composition, humidity, hardness, metallographic requirements, etc.); b) dimensional tolerances, shape and position tolerances, surface roughness, etc. that are difficult to express in the drawing; c) Unified requirements for relevant structural requirements (such as fillets, chamfers, dimensions, etc.); d) Requirements for the surface quality of parts and components (such as coatings, plating, shot peening, etc.); e) Special requirements for clearances, interferences and individual structural elements; f) Requirements for calibration, adjustment and sealing:
8) Requirements for the performance and quality of products and parts and components (such as noise, vibration resistance, automatic, braking and safety, etc.); h) Test conditions and methods;
i) Other instructions.
5.4 When various standards, specifications, special technical conditions, test methods and acceptance rules are cited in the technical requirements, the number and name of the referenced document shall be indicated. When it does not cause difficulty in identification, it is allowed to only mark the number. 5.5 When listing the parts and components in the details column in the technical requirements, it is allowed to only write the serial number or drawing code.2 The packaging of products and their accessories shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards, and the outline of the products and their accessories in the packaging box (see GB13385), placement and fixing method shall be drawn or simplified drawings shall be used. If necessary, the specifications and quantity of the packaging materials shall be indicated in the details column.
4.5.3 The box surface shall comply with relevant standards or be marked with packaging, storage and transportation diagrams and other marks as required by the contract. 4.6 Tabular drawings
4.6.1 Tabular drawings can be drawn for a series of similar products or parts and components with similar shapes. 4.6.2 The variable parameters in the tabular drawings may include dimensions, limit deviations, materials, weight, quantity, covering layers, technical requirements, etc. Variable items in the table can be marked with letters or words, and the meanings of the marked letters and symbols should be unified. 4.6.3 When drawing a table diagram, for products or parts that are basically the same in shape and only have individual differences, the partial graphics of the different parts should be drawn separately, and the corresponding marking code of the partial graphics should be marked in the graphic column of the table. 4.6.4 The view of the table diagram should select a more appropriate specification in the table. The drawing in proportion or simplified drawing should comply with the provisions of GB/T16675.1. Specifications that are easily misleading due to distorted graphics or relative misalignment of dimensions are not allowed to be included in the table. 4.7 Simple diagram
4.7.1 System diagram When drawing a general block diagram, the functional relationship and main characteristics of the basic components such as the system, subsystem, and complete set of equipment should be roughly represented. The system diagram can be drawn at different levels, requiring the information and process flow to be clearly laid out, and the codes (symbols) and terms should comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
4.7.2 Schematic diagram The connection between input and output should be indicated, and the functions such as product actions and working procedures should be clearly indicated. Graphic symbols (codes) should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The movable parts of the components should be drawn in the normal position. The description of the functions of each link should be indicated, and a separate schematic diagram can be used for complex products. 4.7.3 Wiring diagram The drawing of the wiring diagram should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The circuit number and position number of the interconnection between the components within the system should be indicated, and the wiring line regulations and colors should be added when necessary. More complex products or equipment can use several separate wiring diagrams to form a total wiring diagram. If necessary, the specific position and requirements should be indicated. 5 Writing of technical requirements
5.1 When products and parts and components cannot be fully expressed by drawings, they should be described in words under the title of "Technical Requirements", and their position should be placed above or to the left of the title bar as much as possible. 5.2 The clauses of technical requirements should be numbered sequentially. If there is only one clause, no sequential number should be written. 5.3 The contents of technical requirements shall comply with the requirements of relevant standards, be concise and easy to understand, and generally include the following contents: a) Requirements for materials, roughness, and heat treatment (such as electromagnetic parameters, chemical composition, humidity, hardness, metallographic requirements, etc.); b) dimensional tolerances, shape and position tolerances, surface roughness, etc. that are difficult to express in the drawing; c) Unified requirements for relevant structural requirements (such as fillets, chamfers, dimensions, etc.); d) Requirements for the surface quality of parts and components (such as coatings, plating, shot peening, etc.); e) Special requirements for clearances, interferences and individual structural elements; f) Requirements for calibration, adjustment and sealing:
8) Requirements for the performance and quality of products and parts and components (such as noise, vibration resistance, automatic, braking and safety, etc.); h) Test conditions and methods;
i) Other instructions.
5.4 When various standards, specifications, special technical conditions, test methods and acceptance rules are cited in the technical requirements, the number and name of the referenced document shall be indicated. When it does not cause difficulty in identification, it is allowed to only mark the number. 5.5 When listing the parts and components in the details column in the technical requirements, it is allowed to only write the serial number or drawing code.2 The packaging of products and their accessories shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards, and the outline of the products and their accessories in the packaging box (see GB13385), placement and fixing method shall be drawn or simplified drawings shall be used. If necessary, the specifications and quantity of the packaging materials shall be indicated in the details column.
4.5.3 The box surface shall comply with relevant standards or be marked with packaging, storage and transportation diagrams and other marks as required by the contract. 4.6 Tabular drawings
4.6.1 Tabular drawings can be drawn for a series of similar products or parts and components with similar shapes. 4.6.2 The variable parameters in the tabular drawings may include dimensions, limit deviations, materials, weight, quantity, covering layers, technical requirements, etc. Variable items in the table can be marked with letters or words, and the meanings of the marked letters and symbols should be unified. 4.6.3 When drawing a table diagram, for products or parts that are basically the same in shape and only have individual differences, the partial graphics of the different parts should be drawn separately, and the corresponding marking code of the partial graphics should be marked in the graphic column of the table. 4.6.4 The view of the table diagram should select a more appropriate specification in the table. The drawing in proportion or simplified drawing should comply with the provisions of GB/T16675.1. Specifications that are easily misleading due to distorted graphics or relative misalignment of dimensions are not allowed to be included in the table. 4.7 Simple diagram
4.7.1 System diagram When drawing a general block diagram, the functional relationship and main characteristics of the basic components such as the system, subsystem, and complete set of equipment should be roughly represented. The system diagram can be drawn at different levels, requiring the information and process flow to be clearly laid out, and the codes (symbols) and terms should comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
4.7.2 Schematic diagram The connection between input and output should be indicated, and the functions such as product actions and working procedures should be clearly indicated. Graphic symbols (codes) should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The movable parts of the components should be drawn in the normal position. The description of the functions of each link should be indicated, and a separate schematic diagram can be used for complex products. 4.7.3 Wiring diagram The drawing of the wiring diagram should comply with relevant standards and regulations. The circuit number and position number of the interconnection between the components inside the system should be indicated, and the wiring line regulations and colors should be added when necessary. More complex products or equipment can use several separate wiring diagrams to form a total wiring diagram. If necessary, the specific position and requirements should be indicated. 5 Writing of technical requirements
5.1 When products and parts and components cannot be fully expressed by drawings, they should be described in words under the title of "Technical Requirements", and their position should be placed above or to the left of the title bar as much as possible. 5.2 The clauses of technical requirements should be numbered sequentially. If there is only one clause, no sequential number should be written. 5.3 The contents of technical requirements shall comply with the requirements of relevant standards, be concise and easy to understand, and generally include the following contents: a) Requirements for materials, roughness, and heat treatment (such as electromagnetic parameters, chemical composition, humidity, hardness, metallographic requirements, etc.); b) dimensional tolerances, shape and position tolerances, surface roughness, etc. that are difficult to express in the drawing; c) Unified requirements for relevant structural requirements (such as fillets, chamfers, dimensions, etc.); d) Requirements for the surface quality of parts and components (such as coatings, plating, shot peening, etc.); e) Special requirements for clearances, interferences and individual structural elements; f) Requirements for calibration, adjustment and sealing:
8) Requirements for the performance and quality of products and parts and components (such as noise, vibration resistance, automatic, braking and safety, etc.); h) Test conditions and methods;
i) Other instructions.
5.4 When various standards, specifications, special technical conditions, test methods and acceptance rules are cited in the technical requirements, the number and name of the referenced document shall be indicated. When it does not cause difficulty in identification, it is allowed to only mark the number. 5.5 When listing the parts and components in the details column in the technical requirements, it is allowed to only write the serial number or drawing code.
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