This standard specifies the graphic symbols with arrows used on equipment. This standard applies to operating controls, indicators and connection sockets of various non-electrical equipment. GB/T 16273.4-2001 Graphical symbols for equipment Part 4: Symbols with arrows GB/T16273.4-2001 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the graphic symbols with arrows used on equipment. This standard applies to operating controls, indicators and connection sockets of various non-electrical equipment.
Some standard content:
ICS.01.080.20 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 16273.4—2001 Graphical symbols for use on equipment Part 4: Symbols incorporating arrows2001-03-07 Issued 2001-09-01 Implementation State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision Issued GB/r 16273.4—2001 The 112 graphic symbols with arrows specified in this standard are selected from ISO7000:1989 "Introduction and List of Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment", and are completely interspersed with the relevant symbols in ISO7000. The arrangement of the symbols refers to IS0/TR10488:1991 "Overview of Graphical Symbols with Arrows". This standard is a standard in the series of standards "Graphic Symbols for Equipment". The following four standards have been formulated in this series of standards: Graphic Symbols for Equipment General Symbols GB/T 16273.1—1996 GB/T 16273.2—1996 Graphic Symbols for Equipment GB/T 16273.3-1999 Graphic Symbols for Equipment GB/T 16273.4-2001 Graphic Symbols for Equipment Appendix A of this standard is a prompt appendix. This standard is proposed by the China Standards Research Center. General symbols for machine tools General symbols for welding equipment Part 4: Symbols with arrows This standard is issued by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols. The drafting unit of this standard: China Standards Research Center. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, Chen Yuanqiao, 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Graphical symbols for use on equipment Part 4: Symbols incorporating arrows Graphical symbols for use on equipment ..Part 4: Symbols incorporating arrows This standard specifies the graphic symbols with arrows used on equipment. This standard is applicable to operating controller indicators and connection plugs of various non-electrical equipment 2 Referenced standards GB/T16273.42001 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid: All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T15565-J995 Graphical symbol terminology GB/T16902.1—1997 Graphical symbol representation rules Graphical symbols for equipment Part 1: Graphical symbol form 3 Terminology The terms established in GB/T15555 apply 1 This standard, 4 Graphical symbols Graphical symbols are shown in Tables 1 to 5. The content of the description column in the table is the symbol number corresponding to the symbol in JS0 7000, indicating that the symbol is equivalent to the corresponding symbol in TSO7000. 5 Application 5.1 Graphical symbols should comply with the provisions of Chapter 7 of GI3/T16902.1—1997. 5.2 When using the graphic symbols in this standard, they should be enlarged or reduced in proportion according to the original symbol images given in Tables 1 to 5 and their position relationship with the superscript. The superscripts around the graphic symbols in Table 1 do not constitute the content of the graphic symbols, but only serve as a basis for proportionally enlarging or reducing the graphic symbols. Table 1 Motion and direction of motion Graphic symbol Question: Direction of continuous rotation dircelion ol onlinuus rutation tu the right State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 2001-03-07 Approval Note 180 7007:1389(00013 2001-0901 Implementation Graphic symbol GB/T 16273.4—2001 Table [(continued)] : Direction of continuous rotation left direction of interrupted rectilinear motion interrupted rectilinear motion interrupted rotation rotarion limited linear motion limited linear motion limited rotation clockwise limited rotation anticlockwise limited rotation anticlockwise limited rotation antilockwise movement in directiou of errow from a point right-turning movement from limit left-turning movement from a line IS07000:1989(0004) 15O7000:1989(0920) 130 7(00:1989(0252) ISO 70C0:1989(0431) 1S0 7000:1989(0001) [SO 7000:198(0006) IS7000:1989(0006) ISO 7000:1969(0521) IS0 7000:1989(0321) 1S0 7000:1989(0922) Graphical symbols GB/T 16273.4—2001 Table 1 (continued) Progressive linear motion ircrcinenlalcctlincHimolin Linear repeated positioning rectilinear repeated positioningrotation repeated positioning rotery repeated positioning bidirectional rotation roratinin tw directins double movement with a limit point fnveent in twt dirertions une linitednational vehicle change rorizontal retuin with linespacingreturning movement in the opposite direction Inovccnt with zeturn te the counter dirertion_u-turn movement with changing direction limilcu:horizontal tebulation left with linespacingtrack change track change leave line leave counrer ISO 7060,1989(0253) IS() 7000:1989(0254) 1S0 7000:1989(0436) 1S0 7600:1989(0005) 1SO 7600:1989(0923) 1S0 7000.198910651) IS0 7000.t989(0924) IS0 7000:1$89(0925) 10 7000:198961091) 15Q 7600:1989(0926) Graphical symbols Industry vehicle turn right GB/T 16273.4—2001 Table 1 (continued) straight on or turn right straight on ar turn movement to and fram thc operator movement in two right steps movement in opposite directions from a common position limit movement in opposite directions between two limit points limited rectilinear motion and return limited total motion single limited rectilinear motion and return delayed limited rectilinear motion IS0 7000:1989(0927) IS0 7000:1989(0928) IS0) 7600:1989(111C) 1S) 7000:1989(1111) [S0 7000:1989(0929) : 150 7000:1980(093c) 1S0 700 :1989(0012) IS0) 7060:1989(0007) 1S0) 7000; 1989(0255) 180) 7(001:1989(0257) Graphical symbols GB/T 16273.4—2001 Table (continued) feed per stroke strnke continuous limited reciprocating linear motion linitel reciprochting rcctilinear motion (eonlinous) overtravel, linear overtravel.rectilinear movement in the direction of the arrow with an intermittent jump miovemeatin errow direrrionwithakipof zstop movement to the right with skip of a stc,lim-i-ed column stip right movement to the left with skip of a stop.limit-ed column skip left; vertical trbulutiun withskip movement with changing direction with a intermittent jump movement with changing direction with a stop limitctl, culunn skip lelt witl 1S() 7000:1989(0256) TS0) 7000:1989(0936) ISO 7000:1989(0931) 150) 700 :1989(0932) 1S0) 7000:1989(0935) novement fron a limit in arrow direction with: skip of a stup movement fron a limit in arrow directicn withskip cfastop,limitec 1501 7000:1983(0934) Graphical symbols GB/T 16273. 4—2001 Table 1 (continued) Continuous limiting swing nsrilling rotary movement (continuaus)Automatic cycle automatic cycle one cycle interruption of automatic cycle and return tostart position position subcycle subcycle right rotation revolution,right left rotation revolution,left revolution-cycle une revolutian limited part of a revolution and returnlimited rotation limitcd parl of onc rtvolution statement ISO 7000:1989(C008) ISO7000:1989(0026) ISO 7C00:1985(0426) ISO 7000,1989(0427) 1SO 7000:1989(0428) ISC)7000:1389(0258) S0)7001989((937) 1SO)7000:1989(0009) 150 7000:1989(0938) 1SO)7000:1989(0939) Graphical symbols GB/T16273.42001 Table 1 (continued) direction of continuous clockwise rotation direction of continuous counterclockwise rotation continuous clockwise terrlock- direction of interrupted rotation.clockwise counterclockwise direction of interrupted rotation,cauntercluck-wise number of revolutions per minute number of revolutions per minutet rutationalspeed change of rotational speed c:hange of rsthlional speed back-stop for linear motion back-stop forrotary motion back-stop forrotary motion forward (forward motion); vehicle forward motion backward (backward motion); vehicle aftmovemen ISO 7000:1989(0440) IS0 7000:1989(0941) ISO 7000;1989(0912) IS 7000:1989(0943) 150 7000:1989(0010) 15Q 7030:1989(0592) IS0 7000:1989(0947) 1SQ 7000:1959(0948) IS) 7000:1999(0775) IS0 7100:1989(0776) Graphical symbols Spiral motion GB/T16273.4—2001 Table 1 (continued) helical moveinent reversal of sequence zero-point adjustment zero-point shift zero-point motion Central position central position material, direction of production flow direction of maleriai tdirectiun of prafuctionMovement in direction of production Invement in direction of productionMovement against the flow of production niavenent aggins! cirectior of pruductiunInterrupted movement in direction cf pioduc-rion Interrupted movement against the direction cf production ISO 7C00:1989(0951) IS0 700:):1989:(0339) IS0 7000:1989(0540) ISO 7000:1989(0940) 1S0 7000:1989(0514) 1S()7000:1989(093) 1SO 7000:1989(0954) 1S0 7000 :1959(0955) 150 7000:1989(0956) 1S07000.1989709573 Graphic line number GB/T 16273. 42001 Table 1 (continued) Novement upwards, seen in the dircction olpraduetion mnvement downwards,seeer in the directien ofproduction interrupted rinvemeut upwards ,seen i:l the di-rectian of Production intrupted movemun: clownward,seen i- thedirection af production mnvement to the left, seern in the direction cipreductin movement to the: right-suen in lhe dircetiom uijiradueticn interruplel movement to the left, seen ir thedirecrion of production process direction, interrupted mnerrent 'p :he right,seen in thedirertion tf productisn 1production process direction can be rotated : rotation ir the direction o= product:on reverse production flow direction rotation rotation against the directin: of production process said 1S() 7000:1989(0963) ISO 7990:1989(0961) 1S0) 70c0:1989(0962) IS0 7000:198170953) 1S01 7000:1989(09643) IS( 7000:1989(09653 150 7000:1959(0866) 190 7000:1080(5567) ISO 7000:1089(3968) IS0) 7(00:1989(0960) Graphical symbols GB/T 16273. 4--200T Table 1 (continued) interrupted rotation in the direction of production interrupted rotation against the direction ofProduction rotational sountercleckwise t with rolalicn ixis transverse to the direction of prcduction interrupted rotation movement counter-close-wise,with rotation axis transverse to the direc-lion of production rotatinnal mvement cltckwise, with rotationaxis lrunsverse to the direction of productioninterrupted rrtation fkvenicnt closewise,rotational movement counter-clockwise, with rotatian axis parallel to the direction of production ISQ 7000:1989(0970) ISO7000:1989(0971) ISQ 7000:1989(0972) ISQ 7000:1989(0970) ISO7000:1989(0971) ISQ 7000:1989(0972) ISQ 7000:1989(0970) ISO7000:1989(0971) ISQ 7000:1989(0972) ISQ 7000:1989(0970) ISO7000:1989(0971) ISQ 7000:1989(0972) ISQ 7000:1989(0972) 7000:1989(0973) IS0) 7000:1989(0974) 180 7000:1989(0975) ISO 7000:1989(0976) 1S0 7000:1989(0978) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.