title>HG/T 20703.3-2000 Material Professional Work Procedure - HG/T 20703.3-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20703.3-2000 Material Professional Work Procedure

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20703.3-2000

Standard Name: Material Professional Work Procedure

Chinese Name: 材料专业工作程序

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20703.3-2000 Material Professional Work Procedure HG/T20703.3-2000 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Working procedures of materials specialty
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the working procedures of materials specialty at each stage of the project, and is applicable to design management and engineering management. 2 Working procedures and their descriptions
The working procedures of materials specialty at each stage of the project are shown in the appendix working procedures diagram. The main work of materials specialty includes the preparation of engineering material selection regulations and pipeline material identification diagrams, the preparation of engineering standards and regulations for materials, welding, inspection, etc. of special materials, the review of design and procurement technical documents prepared by relevant specialties, the review of technical quotations of manufacturers, the attendance of manufacturer coordination meetings, the review of preliminary confirmation (ACF) and final confirmation (CF) drawings and documents provided by manufacturers, and the participation of special material inspection, welding process assessment, welder skill assessment and equipment inspection at material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and construction sites when necessary.
2.1 Preparation of engineering material selection regulations (including pipeline material identification diagrams) Engineering material selection regulations (including pipeline material identification diagrams) are mainly prepared by this specialty. Because its content involves the material selection regulations of equipment (including containers, heat exchangers, special equipment, industrial furnaces and pumps, etc.), pipelines, and instruments, the first draft of the document prepared by this specialty should be submitted to the above-mentioned specialties for review and comments in accordance with the requirements of the design quality assurance procedure. The engineering material selection regulations (including pipeline material identification diagram) are regulations for the selection of materials for chemical process equipment. When compiled, they should reflect the user's regulations and requirements, and the compiled documents should be submitted to the user for review and approval. When the chemical process equipment adopts the technology of the technology owner (patent owner), its documents should also be submitted to the technology owner (patent owner) for review and comments before being officially published.
The engineering material selection regulations (including pipeline material identification diagram) are guiding technical documents. They should be compiled at the beginning of the engineering design. Usually, the first draft should be compiled in the preliminary design stage. After the engineering design starts, it should be revised according to the commencement report and the documents published by the chemical process 235
specialty. After the R and IA versions of the PID of the process system specialty, the pipeline naming table, and the pipeline classification table of the pipeline material specialty are published, they will be checked again, and they can be officially published after being reviewed by the user and the patent owner. 2.2 Preparation of engineering standards and regulations
When the process equipment involves special materials, this profession should prepare corresponding engineering standards and regulations based on the requirements of engineering design, targeting special materials and their requirements in welding, inspection, etc. Because their content is related to the selection, manufacture and inspection of equipment (including containers, heat exchangers, special equipment, industrial furnaces, pumps, etc.), pipelines and instruments, they should be submitted to the above-mentioned professions for review and comments before formal publication.
2.3 Review of design and procurement technical documents
Design technical documents usually refer to engineering design regulations, engineering standards and regulations compiled by relevant professionals. Procurement technical documents usually refer to equipment/material (inquiry, order) purchase orders and technical specifications, general technical regulations, equipment schematics or data sheets, engineering standards and standard drawings, procedure manuals, etc. compiled by relevant professionals. When the above-mentioned documents involve materials and their testing, inspection and other issues, they should be submitted to this profession for review and comments before formal publication.
2.4 Review of Manufacturers' Technical Quotations
The technical quotations of equipment and material suppliers are mainly reviewed by the leading professional. This professional only reviews the selection of materials for key equipment and materials with special requirements. The review opinions are submitted to the leading professional for summary, and the leading professional completes the preparation of technical review forms and review opinions.
2.5 Manufacturer Coordination Meeting (VCM)
The manufacturer coordination meeting is usually held for key equipment. When necessary, the manufacturer coordination meeting can also be held for special materials. The manufacturer coordination meeting is usually held after the supplier that may win the bid is identified and before the order contract is signed. The preparation work of the meeting is generally the responsibility of the leading professional. During the manufacturer coordination meeting, this professional can attend the entire process of the meeting or participate in the agenda of the relevant part of this professional according to the situation and be responsible for the compilation and preparation of the minutes of the material-related topics. When the entire minutes are compiled and written by the leading professional, this professional should focus on reviewing the contents of the minutes related to materials and inspection. 236
2.6 Review of the preliminary confirmation (ACF) and final confirmation (CF) drawings and documents provided by the manufacturer. The preliminary confirmation (ACF) and final confirmation (CF) drawings and documents provided by the manufacturer shall be reviewed comprehensively by the leading professional, and the material professional shall only be responsible for the selection of materials, welding documents and the review of welding-related structural design. The review opinions shall be submitted to the leading professional for summary and then sent to the manufacturer. If necessary, the manufacturer may be contacted, negotiated and resolved directly for relevant issues.
When the equipment manufacturing drawings are designed by our company (institute), our company (institute) will review these manufacturing drawings on relevant materials and inspections and make comments. Usually, the welding process specifications are still provided by the manufacturer and are reviewed by this professional. 2.7
Inspection work related to special materials
When the manufacturing of equipment enters a certain stage, this major will send material engineers to the equipment manufacturer or material production plant to participate in the inspection of special materials, welding process assessment, welder skill assessment and related equipment inspection work as needed. 237
Technology owner
(patent holder)
Technical regulations
Technical regulations
Design manager
Start-up report and attachments
Chemical process
Process flow and description
Material balance sheet
Process data sheet
(including equipment condition sketch)
Process system
PIDR version
PID1A version and naming
Management Pipeline materials
Pipeline material classification table
Technology owner
(patent holder)
Design manager
Prepare engineering materials
Selection regulations and pipeline material identification diagram
Review and make comments
Related majors
Engineering materials selection regulations
and pipeline material identification diagram
Process, system, pipeline,
Pipeline machinery, pipeline materials
Containers, heat exchangers,
Special equipment, industrial furnaces,
Machine pumps, analysis, instruments, etc.
Prepare special requirements for materials,
welding, inspection and other requirements
Engineering standards and instructions
Review and give opinions
Related professional
Engineering standards and instructions
Containers, heat exchangers,
Special equipment, industrial furnaces,
Machine pumps, analysis, instruments Tables, etc.
Review the relevant contents in the design and procurement technical documents of each relevant profession
Design and procurement technical documents
Related professions
Material professional engineering design phase work procedure chartProcurement department
Design manager
Quotation technical evaluation table and
Evaluation opinions
Related professions
Review the relevant contents in the manufacturer's quotation
Related Professional
Purchasing department
Create quotation
Related manufacturers
Attend meetings
Related majors
Prepare VCM minutes
Related majors
Attend part of the manufacturer coordination meeting held by the relevant majors
Working procedure chart of engineering design stage of materials professional procurement department
Design manager
Quotation technical evaluation table and| |tt||Evaluation Opinion
Relevant Major
Review the content related to materials in the manufacturer's quotation
Relevant Major
Purchasing Department
Manufacturer's quotation
Relevant Manufacturer
Prepare VCM minutes
Relevant Major
Participate in part of the agenda of the manufacturer coordination meeting held by the relevant major
|Purchasing department
ACF drawings and materials
Review opinion
Related majors
Review of the manufacturer's ACF drawings
Materials and related technical documents
Related majors
Purchasing department
ACF drawings and materials
Purchasing department
CF drawings and materials
Review opinion
Related majors
Review CF drawings and materials of the manufacturer and related technical related professional procurement department CF drawings and materials of the manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer participates in special material inspection, welding process assessment, welder assessment and equipment inspection Arrange and save the test specimens and samples provided by the manufacturer Only when the equipment and materials that require the manufacturer coordination meeting are related to this profession. When the contract stipulates that the equipment is purchased by the user and clearly requires procurement technical services. When the project has regulations, the relevant profession can directly contact the manufacturer.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.