title>Micrographics-Quality criteria and control of micrography of technical drawings and documentations - GB/T 8989-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Micrographics-Quality criteria and control of micrography of technical drawings and documentations

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 8989-1998

Standard Name:Micrographics-Quality criteria and control of micrography of technical drawings and documentations

Chinese Name: 缩微摄影技术 技术图样和技术文件缩微摄影的质量标准与检验

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1998-03-27

Date of Implementation:1998-10-01

Date of Expiration:2007-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging Technology>>37.080 Document Imaging Technology

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 8989-1988

Procurement status:eqv ISO 3272-2:1994

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-09

other information

Release date:1988-04-11

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:National Meteorological Administration Data Room

Focal point unit:National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the quality requirements and inspection methods for technical drawings and technical documents photographed on 35mm silver-gelatin black-and-white microfilm. This standard applies to the first and second generations of various technical drawings and technical documents microfilmed and silver salt films for issuance (except COM films). GB/T 8989-1998 Microfilming Technology Quality Standard and Inspection of Microfilming of Technical Drawings and Technical Documents GB/T8989-1998 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the quality requirements and inspection methods for technical drawings and technical documents photographed on 35mm silver-gelatin black-and-white microfilm. This standard applies to the first and second generations of various technical drawings and technical documents microfilmed and silver salt films for issuance (except COM films).

Some standard content:

This standard adopts the international standard ISO3272-2:1994 equivalently, and is consistent with the international standard in terms of technical content. According to the situation in my country, the specific content has been slightly modified in the process of equivalent adoption. The technical parameter changes are: the minimum density requirements for the first generation, second generation and issued microforms of negative films in Article 1.7 are 0.8, 0.8 and 0.8 respectively. The requirements of ISO3272-2 are 0.9, 0.9 and 0.9 respectively. The order changes are: the requirements for clarity and resolution are incorporated into the "Quality Requirements" chapter; Appendix A and Appendix B of ISO3272-2 are included in the "Test Methods" chapter of the main text of this standard, and Appendix C is placed in the "Density Control" chapter of the main text. The purpose of these changes is to enhance operability. In addition, GB8988·88 "Microfilm Technology Inspection Technical Drawing Microfilm Quality Test Plate Production" already contains the technical content of Chapter 6 of IS03272-2, so it is not included in this standard. The appendix to this standard is the appendix of the original standard.
This standard is proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Microfilm Technology Standardization. This standard is drafted by the Second Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Microfilm Technology Standardization. The main drafters of this standard: Hao Zhuqing, Shen Beiyun. CB/T 89891998
ISO Foreword
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO member bodies) from various countries. ISO develops international standards through its technical committees. Any ISO member interested in the subject of an established technical committee has the right to send representatives to participate in the technical committee. All parties and non-official international organizations that have a relationship with ISO may participate in this work. ISO) collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all aspects of electrotechnical standardization. Draft international standards adopted by the technical committee are first circulated to the member bodies for comments: at least 75% of the votes cast are required to be approved for publication as an international standard.
International Standard ISO 3272-2 was prepared by ISO/IC 171 Technical Committee, Microphotographic Storage for Documentary and Image Recording, Storage and Applications. The second edition repeals and replaces the first edition (ISO 3272-2: 1978) and constitutes a technical revision of the second edition.
1S03272, under the general heading "Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing room documents", includes the following: Part 1: Operating procedures Part 2: Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver-gelatin type microfilm Part 3: 35 mm microfilm window cards Part 4: Photography of special and individual size drawings Part 5: Inspection procedures for diazo copy images of window cards Part 6: Enlargement, quality criteria and control of 35 mm microfilm ISO 3272 Part 1 consists of the text and Annexes A, B, C and D. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Microfilming Technology Quality criteria and control of micrography af technical drawings and documentations GB/T 8989-1998 eqvISO 3272-2:1994
Replaces GB/T 8989-88
This standard specifies the quality requirements and inspection methods for technical drawings and technical documents photographed with 35Im silver gelatin type black microfilm.
This standard applies to various technical drawings and technical documents of the first generation of J-microfilm, excluding the first generation and silver salt film (CC)M film for distribution).
2 Referenced standards
The texts contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB6159.1-85 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 1-General terms GB6159.285 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 4: Materials and packaging GB/T6160-1995 Microfilm Density of the first generation of silver-gelatin microfilm GB/T6161-91 Microfilm No. 2 test chart characteristics and its application in microfilm technology GB/T684719 95 Determination of the curl of photographic film and paper GB7519-87 Microfilm technology Determination of thiosulfate residue in microfilm after processing Methyl blue paste method
G8988-88 Microfilm technology Inspection of technical drawings Microfilm quality test plate preparation GB8990-88 Microfilm technology Reflectivity gray plate used for inspection of technical drawings Microfilm quality test plate GR11500-89 Geometric conditions for photographic transmission density measurement GB[150189 Photographic density measurement Spectral conditions GB/T15021-94 Microfilming technology Provisions for photographing technical drawings and technical documents with 35mm roll film GJ3/T15737-1995 Microfilming technology Silver-gelatin microfilm processing and preservation ISO446:1991 Microfilming technology - ISO symbols and ISO No. 1 test chart - characteristics and application 3 Definitions
The definitions of terms used in this standard can be found in GB6159. 4 Quality requirements
4.1 Overview
GB/T 8989-1998
The characters and lines in the microfilm image should have sufficient contrast and clarity to facilitate reproduction, communication and use. 4.2 Discarding
Any frame in the microfilm that does not comply with the provisions of this standard should be marked as discarded in an appropriate manner. 4.3 Processing
The residual amount of thiosulfate spots on the microfilm after processing should comply with the provisions of GB/T15737. 4.4 Defects
The film shall be free from scratches, fingerprints, dry spots or any other defects that may impair the quality of reproduction and reading clarity. 4.5 Curl
The curl of the microfilm shall not be too large. After exposure and development, cut a film section according to the size of the window card and measure it according to Method A of GB/T6817-1995. The curl shall not exceed the following limits: Horizontal curl: 6
-Vertical curl: 8
4.6 Protective layer
If the microfilm is coated with a protective layer, the protective layer shall not affect the quality required for the storage of the original film. 4.7 Background density
When the density is determined by the method in 5.1.3, the background density value in the image area of ​​the silver halide film shall comply with the provisions in Table 1. The density referred to shall be the diffuse transmission visual density specified in GB/T6160. Table 1
Background density requirements
4.8 Film base density plus fog density
C.8~ 1. 2
Film base density plus fog density should not exceed 0.12, 4.9 Clarity and resolution
Second generation
0. &~1. 2
When checking the first generation, the third generation and the issuance microforms, the clarity and resolution should meet the requirements of Table 2. Table 2 Clarity and resolution requirements
5 Test method
5.1 Background density measurement
5. 1.1 Densitometer
First generation
No. 1 test image character size
Second generation
All densitometers should be calibrated frequently with standard density samples. 5.1.2 Sampling
The printerwwW.bzxz.Net
issuing microfilm
0. 8~1. 3
No. 2 test pattern mark digital
first generation
issuing printer
first pass the microfilm through a lighting fixture to check whether the product is visible on the display. The density of the product is the same as that of the product ... 5.2 Determination of clarity and resolution
5.2.1. Photographing the test target
At the beginning of the microfilm roll, photograph the test target once at the lowest reduction ratio used (e.g. 1/15 or 1/16); at the end of the roll, photograph the test target at each reduction ratio used, or photograph the test target once each time the reduction ratio changes. The characteristics of the test target are shown in GB8988.
In addition to photographing the test target during normal photographing, the target should also be photographed in some other cases, see Appendix A. The use of the test target can only verify whether the entire system used for photographing, developing and copying complies with the requirements of the standard: it cannot guarantee the quality of each microfilm image.
5.2.2 Determination
After the microfilm is exposed and developed, the density of the 50% reflectivity gray card image on the test target It should be controlled between 1.0 and 1.2. When the images of the 5 resolution test pattern characters and patterns on the frame are checked separately under a microscope, their quality should meet the requirements of Table 2. The method for detecting the image of test pattern No. 1 is shown in IS0446, and the method for detecting the image of test pattern No. 2 is shown in GB/T6161. Valley density control
When the lighting and washing conditions can control the density of the 50% reflectivity gray card image in the range of 1.0 to 1.2, the density of the 6% reflectivity gray card image represents the minimum density of the image area on the film, and the value shall not exceed 0.20. When contact copying is made on microfilm, the density of the 50% reflectivity gray card area of ​​the copy represents the background density of the image, and the density of the 6% reflectivity gray card area represents the character or line pattern of the image. GB/T 8989—1998
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Several situations where test targets need to be photographed
In addition to photographing test targets during normal photographing, test targets should also be photographed in the following situations to control the quality of microfilm images: a) after maintenance and repair of the camera, film processor or integrated camera processor; b) when the chemicals used to process the film are changed; c) when the processing conditions are changed; d) when the film emulsion is changed; d) when the illumination of the microfilm machine is changed or fails; and any situation that is not conducive to the operation of the system occurs.
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