This standard specifies the symbols of common terms for turbines, pump turbines and storage pumps. This standard is applicable to the compilation of standards, technical documents, scientific articles and books. JB/T 6478-1992 Symbols for turbines, pump turbines and storage pumps JB/T6478-1992 Standard download decompression password:
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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Symbols for turbines, pump-turbines and storage pumps Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the symbols of common terms for turbines, pump-turbines and storage pumps. This standard is applicable to the compilation of standards, technical documents, scientific and technological articles and books and periodicals. Reference standards GB2900.45 Electrical terminology Turbines, turbines and storage pumps Terminology General terms Flow area Turbine (ticket) inlet (outlet) area Turbine (pump) outlet (inlet) area Total specific energy change Euler number Specific pressure energy||tt| |Specific kinetic energy Specific potential energy Froude number Acceleration due to gravity Reynolds number Struha number Specific gravity of water Apparent specific gravity of water Relative density Dynamic viscosity Remote dynamic viscosity Density of water Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on August 6, 1992 3. 2. 1.1 3. 2. 1.17 JB/T647892 Terms and terms Density of air Performance parameters Head (lift) Head, full lift Static head (lift) Maximum head (lift) Minimum head (lift) Net head (turbine) Design head (lift) Static suction of turbine (pump) (person) height Total head (lift) Weighted average head Pump zero flow head Environmental pressure head Head (lift) loss Turbine (pump) suction (person) Pressure head (lift) Velocity head (lift) Vaporization pressure head Position head (lift) Implemented on 1993-01-01 3. 2. 1. 18 3. 2. 1.19 3. 2.1.20 3. 2. 2. 3 3. 2. 2. 4 3.2. 2. 5 3. 2.2. 8 2.3. 2 3. 2.3. 6 3. 2. 3. 7 3. 2. 3. 8 5. 2. 3. 9 3. 2.3.10 JB/T6478--92 Terms and terms Sangjing suction head Allowable minimum water level Flow and speed Turbine (pump) flow Exponential flow Maximum flow Minimum flow Design flow Relative flow of index test Turbine no-load flow Unit flow Water leakage Circumferential speed Average speed Volute inlet flow velocity||tt ||Axial velocity Radial component of velocity Circumferential component of velocity Axial component of velocity Relative velocity Discharge coefficient Angular velocity Critical speed Highest speed of the system Lowest speed of the system (Pump) flow rate specific speed Steady-state runaway speed of turbine, steady-state reverse runaway speed of pump (pump condition of pump-turbine) Maximum steady-state runaway speed Unit runaway speed Rated speed Specific speed 3. 2. 4.1 3. 2. 4. 2 3. 2. 4. 4 3. 2. 4. 5 3. 2.4. 6 3.2. 4. 8 Terms Turbine no-load speed Unit speed Turbine output power, input power Output power measured at the generator Input power measured at the generator end Turbine input power, pump output power Mechanical loss power Turbine (pump) maximum output (input) power Turbine (pump) minimum output (input) power Turbine (pump) rated output (input) power Pump zero flow input power Unit power||tt ||Loss coefficient Arithmetic mean efficiency Hydraulic efficiency Model efficiency Mechanical efficiency Optimum efficiency Prototype efficiency Integral mean efficiency Design efficiency Relative efficiency Energy recovery coefficient of tail tube Volume efficiency Weighted mean efficiency Cavitation safety factor Cavitation coefficient Critical cavitation coefficient Model cavitation coefficient Power station cavitation coefficient Flow channel parameters 3. 3. 5-1 JB/T 6478-92 Terms Runner (impeller) blade opening Guide vane opening Double-stroke turbine runner length Elbow tailwater pipe outlet width Guide vane height Guide vane relative height Turbine runner diameter, ticket impeller diameter Seat ring inner diameter Seat ring outer diameter, bulb body diameter Bubble body ratio Model runner diameter Prototype runner diameter Turbine tailwater pipe inlet diameter||tt| |Guide vane distribution circle diameter Runner inlet diameter, impeller outlet diameter Runner outlet diameter, impeller inlet diameter Runner body diameter Wheel-to-impeller ratio Nozzle orifice diameter Jet diameter Voltage constant, water thrust coefficient Length from unit center to tailwater pipe outlet Chord length Relative eccentricity of guide vane Runner (impeller) blade inlet and outlet pitch Voltage inlet section radius Needle stroke 3. 4. 1. 3 3. 4.1. 4 3. 4.1. 6 3. 4. 1.10 3. 4.1.11 3. 4. 1.12 3. 4. 2.2 Depth of straight taper tailwater pipe, length of straight taper tailwater pipe3.4.2.5Pitch Maximum width of inner surface of bucket Number of guide vanes Runner (impeller>number of blades + number of buckets Angle of absolute speed and circumferential speed, guide vane opening3.53.5.1 Volute inlet velocity coefficient Guide vane outlet angle Terms and terms Angle between circumferential velocity and relative velocity Blade placement angle Volute water flow angle, angle of attack, blade thickness Guide vane eccentricity Blade wrap angle Volute radius Volute wrap angle, runner (impeller) blade rotation angle force properties Action force Relative value of double amplitude Hydraulic torque coefficient Drag coefficient Lift coefficient Servomotor action Hydraulic thrust Unit water thrust Hydraulic torque Unit water torque Absolute pressure force ambient pressure gauge pressure initial pressure vaporization pressure hydrostatic pressure turbine (pump) inlet (outlet) pressure turbine (pump) outlet (inlet) pressure gauge elevation head measurement relative error subscript code additional instructions: JB/T6478—92 terms speed measurement relative error flow measurement relative error power measurement relative error random error system error torque measurement relative error efficiency relative error cavitation coefficient relative error Error Standard error Regulation guarantee Pressure wave propagation speed Final speed Initial speed Turbine decomposition speed Turbine (pump) inlet (outlet) Turbine (pump) inlet (inlet) Absolute Environmental Critical Hydraulic Mechanical Maximum Minimum Model Optimum Prototype, pump-turbine pump operating conditions Rated, designed Relative Specified Turbine operating conditions of pump-turbine This standard is provided by the Mechanical The Tianjin Electric Drive Design Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry proposed and coordinated this standard. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Electric Drive Design Institute. The main drafters of this standard are An Liran and Wang Xiuli. 860 Terms and terms Maximum transient overspeed of turbine Final pressure Maximum transient pressure of turbine Unit feedback time constant Shortest closing time of relay Shortest opening time of relay Relay stationary time Pipeline reflection time Guide vane closing time Water flow inertia time constant Maximum transient speed change rate Permanent slip rate Servomotor stroke Maximum decompression pressure change rate of turbine Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.