This standard specifies the identification system for the identification of issuers of identification cards used in international exchanges. GB/T 15694.1-1995 Identification of issuers of identification cards Part 1: Numbering system GB/T15694.1-1995 Standard download decompression password:
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GB/T15694.1--1995 This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO/IEC7812-1:1993 "Identification of issuers of identification cards Part 1: Numbering system". The main differences between this standard and ISO/IEC7812-1 are as follows: 1) When quoting standards in the text and appendix, the standard number of my country is used instead of the corresponding international standard number. The corresponding relationship is: GB2659--81 replaces ISO3166:1988; GB/T14916--94 replaces ISO7810:1985; GB/T15120.3--94 replaces ISO7811-3:1985; GB/T15150--94 replaces ISO8583:1987. 2) The current ISO/IEC7812 is the third edited and revised international standard, which will cancel and replace the international standard content of ISO7812 edited for the second time in 1987. my country does not have a national standard equivalent to the 1987 version of ISO7812. This national standard is formulated for the first time. GB/T15694, under the general title "Identification of card issuers", includes the following parts: - Part 1: Numbering system - Part 2: Application and registration procedures Appendix B is the appendix to the standard. Appendix A is a reminder appendix. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Electronics of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The drafting units of this standard are: the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the People's Bank of China, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Yunqin, Zhang Yiping, Zhong Anni, Wang Yunsheng, and Liu Zhong. 51 GB/T 15694.1-1995 ISO/IEC Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) have established a worldwide standardized special system. National member bodies of ISO or IEC participate in the preparation of international standards through technical activities in specialized fields covered by technical committees established by the respective organizations. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of common interest. Other international organizations, official or non-official, in liaison with ISO and IEC also take part in this work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee ISO/IECJTC1. Draft international standards proposed by the joint technical committee shall be circulated to the member bodies for voting. Approval for publication as an international standard requires at least 75% of the member bodies voting in favor. International Standard ISO/IEC7812-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IECJTC1, Information Technology, Subcommittee SC17, "Identification cards and related equipment". The third edited standard will cancel and replace the second edited standard (ISO7812:1987) which has been technically changed. ISO/IEC 7812, under the general title "Identification of issuers of identification cards", consists of the following parts: Part 1: Numbering system Part 2: Application and registration procedures Annex B forms an integral part of ISO/IEC 7812. Annex A is attached for reference only. 52 GB/T 15694.1-1995 This standard is one of a series of standards that describe the parameters of identification cards and the use of such cards in international exchange. 53 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Identification cards--Identification of issuers-Part 1: Numbering system This standard specifies the numbering system for identification of issuers of identification cards used in international exchange. 2 Referenced standards GB/T 15694.1--1995 idtISO/IEC7812-1:1993 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB2659-81 Country and region codes of the world (idtISO3166:1988) GB/T14916--1994 Physical characteristics of identification cards (idtISO7810:1985) GB/T15120.3-1994 Identification card recording technology Part 3: Position of embossed characters on ID-1 cards (idtIS0)7811-3:1985) GB/T15150-1994 Bank card exchange message specification for generating messages - Financial transaction content (idtISO8583:1987) ISO4909:1987 Data content of the third track of the magnetic stripe of a bank card ISO/IEC7812-2:1993 Identification card issuer identification application and registration procedures CCITTE.118 Recommendation for International Telecommunication Charge Cards 3 Definitions The definition of "identification card" given in GB/T14916 and the following definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Card issuer The institution (or its agent) that issues the identification card to the cardholder. 3.2 Cardholder The customer associated with the identification number. 3.3 Identification number The number that identifies the cardholder and the issuer. Note: Equivalent to the primary account number (PAN) defined in ISO4909. 3.4 Personal account identification The number assigned by the card issuer to identify an individual account. 3.5 Interchange The exchange of transaction data (generated or activated by the card) between two or more different entities or institutions on the basis of mutual agreement. 3.6 Issuer identification number (IN) The number that identifies the primary industry and the issuer, forming the first part of the identification number. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on August 30, 1995 5.1 Implemented on April 1, 1996 3.7 Issuer identifier Issuer identifier GB/T 15694. 1--1995 A number that identifies the issuer together with the major industry identifier. 3.8 Major industry identifier (MI) The first digit of the IIN, used to identify the major industry of the issuer. 3.g Registration authority The registration authority is a qualified international responsible organization appointed by the ISO Council. Its responsibility is to allocate issuer identification numbers and maintain the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) register of issuer identification numbers. 3.10 Registration management group (RMG) A working group established by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 that manages the registration of issuer identification numbers on behalf of SC17. 4 Numbering system 4.1 General The identification number on the identification card (the maximum length is defined in GB/T15120.3) consists of two main parts, namely: a) IIN (see Article 4.2); b) Personal account identification (see Article 4.3). (See Figure 1 for the number format) This standard mainly deals with the first part, namely IN. Issuer identification number (see 4.2.1) Issuer identifier (fixed length is 5 digits) Personal account identifier 1(variable length, generally 12 digits, see GB/T [5120.3)Identification number Figure 1 Composition of identification number on identification card Check digit room (see 4.4) All issuer identification numbers (IIN) allocated in accordance with this standard shall be applied for and registered in accordance with the instructions of ISO/IFC7812-2. IIN consists of two parts (see Figure 1): a) MII (see 4.2.1); b) Issuer identifier (see 4.2.6). Applicants who meet the application requirements specified in ISO/IEC7812-2 will be assigned a 6-digit IIN. In the case of segment allocation, a group of 6-digit IIN segments will be assigned. 4.2.1 MI The ten-digit MII is allocated as follows: 0—allocated by ISO/TC68 and assigned to other future industries1———Aviation 2-Allocated to aviation and other future industries 3--Tourism and entertainment 4--Banking/financial industry 5Banking and financial industry 6—Commerce and banking 7——Petroleum industry GB/T 15694.1—1995 Allocated to telecommunications and other future industries 9—Allocated by national standards bodies New industry allocations should be approved by RMG MII does not affect or restrict the application of available cards in any form. The one-digit MII is used to describe the main business scope of the applicant on the application form (see Appendix A of ISO/IEC7812-2). 4.2.2 Numbers starting with "00" To meet the requirements of GB/T15150, 10,000 numbers starting with "00\" have been allocated to ISO/TC68 to designate other card issuers. 4.2.3 Numbers starting with "59" INs starting with "59" are issued by financial institutions, not by the registration authority specified in this standard. Numbers starting with 59\ are used in conjunction with the National Financial Institution Identification System and identify the existence of the National Financial Institution Identification System. They do not have a fixed length and do not appear in the ISO registered issuer identification numbers. 4.2.4 Numbers starting with "89" IINs starting with "89\" are used for cards issued by telecommunications administrations and identify specific operating departments in accordance with CCITTE.118 recommendations. These IINs are maintained by the International Telecommunication Union. 4.2.5 Major Industry Identifier\9" (MI9) The major industry identifier "9\" has been allocated to national standards bodies for national use; it should be the first or first digit, followed by a three-digit numerical country code as specified in GB2659 (as specified in GB2659). Note: In the interest of international consistency, it is recommended that national standards bodies allocate numbers in accordance with the recommendations given in Appendix A. 4.2.6 Issuer Identifier The issuer identifier is generally a fixed-length 5-digit number. Note: Although there have been exceptions throughout history, INs are now assigned only 6 digits. In some special cases, the second digit defines the length of the IN or indicates the issuing authority of the IN outside of GB/T 15694. 4.3 Personal Account Identification The personal account identification number (see Figure 1) shall be assigned by the card issuer. It follows the IIN and has a variable length with a maximum length of 12 digits (see GB/T 15120.3). 4.4 Check Digit A check digit shall follow the personal account identification (see 4.3). This digit shall be calculated from all the digits preceding the identification number (see Figure 1) and calculated using the Luhn modulo 10 check digit formula, see Appendix B.56 A1 Introduction GB/T 15694.1--1995 Appendix A (Informative Appendix) National numbering systems for identification cards The Major Industry Identifier 9 (MII9) has been allocated for use by national standards bodies to establish national numbering systems for identification cards. A2 Role of the Registration Management Group (RMG) The RMG responsible for this standard on behalf of the ISO technical department (see 3.10) shall provide, upon request, advice and recommendations on the establishment and use of a national numbering system to any national standards body. A3 Contact with the RMG National standards bodies wishing to establish a national numbering system for identification cards should provide the RMG with details of the relevant national registration procedures, including the allocation of numbers, identification, The method used by the issuer and the name of the organization that administers the system. RMG considers that this information will be helpful to countries considering establishing a national numbering system. A4 Operation of the national numbering system National standards bodies are recommended to develop rules in the form of national standards or other methods for identifying issuers and individual cardholders (or accounts) in a national numbering system (see 4.2.5). They are also recommended to make arrangements for the administration of the system, the application and allocation of issuer identifiers, and the maintenance of a registry of allocated IINs. [Copies of the standard or other system should be made available free of charge to the RMG Secretariat (see ISO/IEC 7812-2). Finally, national standards bodies may appoint a responsible organization to act as their agent for the administration and maintenance of the system within their country. NOTE: In countries where no national standards body exists or is unable to establish a national numbering system, issuers may apply for assistance from the secretariat of the ISO technical body responsible for this standard. Appendix B (Standard Appendix) The calculation steps of the "Luhn modulo 10" check digit formula are as follows: Step 1: Multiply every other digit by 2 starting from the first digit on the right (low order). Step 2: Add the digits of the product obtained in step 1 to the digits of the original number that have not been multiplied by 2. Step 3: Subtract the sum obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in 0 [this is equivalent to finding the \10's complement of the low-order digit (the unit digit) of the sum]. If the sum obtained in step 2 is a number ending in 0 (30, 40, etc.), the check digit is 0. Account number without check digit 4992 4+1+8+9+4+7+6+9+1+6+7+2=64 70- 64=6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Account number with check digit GB/T 15694. 1--1995 7398711--1995 Appendix A (Informative Appendix) National numbering system for identification cards The Major Industry Identifier 9 (MII9) has been allocated for use by national standards bodies to develop national numbering systems for identification cards. A2 Role of the Registration Management Group (RMG) The RMG, which is responsible for this standard on behalf of the ISO technical department (see 3.10), provides advice and recommendations on request to any national standards body establishing and operating a national numbering system. A3 Contact with the RMG National standards bodies wishing to establish a national numbering system for identification cards should provide the RMG with details of the national registration procedures, including the allocation of numbers, the method used to identify the issuer and the name of the organization that administers the system. The RMG believes that this information will be helpful to countries considering establishing a national numbering system. A4 Operation of the national numbering system It is recommended that national standards bodies develop rules in the form of national standards or other means for identifying the issuer and individual cardholders (or accounts) in the national numbering system (see 4.2.5). They are advised to make arrangements for the administration of the system, the application and allocation of issuer identifiers, and the maintenance of the registry of allocated IINs. [Copies of the standard or other system should be provided free of charge to the RMG Secretariat (see ISO/IEC 7812-2. Finally, national standards bodies may appoint a responsible organization to act as their agent for the administration and maintenance of their national internal system. Note: In countries where no national standards body exists or where the national standards body is unable to establish a national numbering system, issuers may apply for assistance from the ISO technical body secretariat responsible for this standard. Appendix B (Standard Appendix) Calculation of the Luhn modulo 10 "double-add" check digit The calculation steps of the formula are as follows: Step 1: Multiply every other digit from the first digit on the right (low order) by 2. Step 2: Add the digits of the product obtained in step 1 to the digits of the original number that have not been multiplied by 2. Step 3: Subtract the sum obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in 0 [this is equivalent to finding the \10's complement of the lower digit (the unit digit) of the sum]. If the sum obtained in step 2 is a number ending in 0 (30, 40, etc.), the check digit is 0. Account number without check digit 4992 4+1+8+9+4+7+6+9+1+6+7+2=64wwW.bzxz.Net 70- 64=6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Account number with check digit GB/T 15694. 1--1995 7398711--1995 Appendix A (Informative Appendix) National numbering system for identification cards The Major Industry Identifier 9 (MII9) has been allocated for use by national standards bodies to develop national numbering systems for identification cards. A2 Role of the Registration Management Group (RMG) The RMG, which is responsible for this standard on behalf of the ISO technical department (see 3.10), provides advice and recommendations on request to any national standards body establishing and operating a national numbering system. A3 Contact with the RMG National standards bodies wishing to establish a national numbering system for identification cards should provide the RMG with details of the national registration procedures, including the allocation of numbers, the method used to identify the issuer and the name of the organization that administers the system. The RMG believes that this information will be helpful to countries considering establishing a national numbering system. A4 Operation of the national numbering system It is recommended that national standards bodies develop rules in the form of national standards or other means for identifying the issuer and individual cardholders (or accounts) in the national numbering system (see 4.2.5). They are advised to make arrangements for the administration of the system, the application and allocation of issuer identifiers, and the maintenance of the registry of allocated IINs. [Copies of the standard or other system should be provided free of charge to the RMG Secretariat (see ISO/IEC 7812-2. Finally, national standards bodies may appoint a responsible organization to act as their agent for the administration and maintenance of their national internal system. Note: In countries where no national standards body exists or where the national standards body is unable to establish a national numbering system, issuers may apply for assistance from the ISO technical body secretariat responsible for this standard. Appendix B (Standard Appendix) Calculation of the Luhn modulo 10 "double-add" check digit The calculation steps of the formula are as follows: Step 1: Multiply every other digit from the first digit on the right (low order) by 2. Step 2: Add the digits of the product obtained in step 1 to the digits of the original number that have not been multiplied by 2. Step 3: Subtract the sum obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in 0 [this is equivalent to finding the \10's complement of the lower digit (the unit digit) of the sum]. If the sum obtained in step 2 is a number ending in 0 (30, 40, etc.), the check digit is 0. Account number without check digit 4992 4+1+8+9+4+7+6+9+1+6+7+2=64 70- 64=6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Account number with check digit GB/T 15694. 1--1995 739871 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.