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Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 578-2002

Standard Name:Cucumber

Chinese Name: 黄瓜

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-11-05

Date of Implementation:2002-12-20

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Food Technology>>Fruits, vegetables and their products>>67.080.20 Vegetables and their products

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Cash Crops>>B31 Fruit and Vegetable Planting and Products

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2002-12-20

other information

drafter:Liu Su, Fang Xiujuan, Gu Xingfang, Ma Dehua

Drafting unit:Vegetable Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Beijing), Vegetable and Flower Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of cucumbers. This standard applies to fresh cucumbers, not to processed cucumbers. NY/T 578-2002 Cucumber NY/T578-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of cucumbers. This standard applies to fresh cucumbers, not to processed cucumbers.

Some standard content:

1cs 67. 080. 20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/T 5782002
Issued on November 5, 2002
Implementation on December 20, 2002
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Drafting units of this standard: Chemical Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Ministry of Agriculture (Beijing) The main drafters are Ying Xingshi, Liu, Li Xiujuan, Ma Beihua, 1 Fan Tian
This standard stipulates the requirements, test methods, inspection and measurement, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of cucumber. This standard applies to fresh edible yellow meat, not to cucumber: 2 Normative references NY/T5782002 The following documents refer to this standard and also become the references of this standard. They are lighter than the date of application. All previous documents (excluding errata) or revisions after the date of application are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties involved in the standard may reach an agreement to study whether the latest version of this document can be used. The latest referenced documents are applicable to this standard (5S.i1 General definition of food users
G/T5CC5.12 Specific definition of food in China
GB,T $00S.17
GB:T :00S.18
Determination of total pesticide residues in products
G,T =0S.21:
Determination of pesticide residues in organic film in products G13/T((5.38New method for determination of total hygienic standard for vegetables, fruits and vegetables
Determination of amino acid content in fruits and vegetables (2. Amino acid titration) Fresh fruits and vegetables
Determination of amino acid content in fruits and vegetables GBTASES
Determination of amino acid residues in foods Determination of amino acid residues of methyl parathion and ethamidophos in foods G144
GR I46/Y
Method for determination of the residual amount of high-grade and medium-grade pesticides in foods GB1=878
Method for determination of the residual amount of single-dose pesticides in foods G:B/T24973 Method for determination of the amount of potassium nitrate in foods Gl4/T:17332
Determination of the residual amount of organic and organic pesticides in foods 3 Terms and definitions
A list of requirements and definitions applies to this standard. 3. 1
Same variety
Varieties with the same biological characteristics. 3.2
Similar cultivars
Varieties with similar biological characteristics and biological characteristics. NY/T5782002
Appropriate degree of eating
Fresh||tt ||Surface should be shiny, not dehydrated, not boxed
color calm
fruit surface moist and free.
in fact, the appearance should be consistent.
smell otr-flavor
bad environment and other small causes. 3.8
surface soil or other external contamination. 3. 9
freezing injury
damage caused by freezing at or below freezing point, low temperature environment, red weaving. 3.11
Nechanical damage
Damage caused by internal and external forces,
dixe and pest injury
Pest and disease injury
Grain shape caused by disease damage:
Fruit neck
The part near the lower part is the part that must be thin or without seeds.3. 14
Goose shape
The straight shape of the strip should be.
The maximum curvature is the distance from the end to the end of the strip. 4
4.1 Grade specification
According to its quality, it can be divided into three grades: first-grade product, second-grade product and third-grade product. According to its length, it can be divided into special long, long, medium and long melon. The grade or specification should meet the requirements of requirement 1, step
economically advanced
medium and long n
Table 1 Cucumber grade and specification
type? The surface of the ball has not grown, and the color rating is not limited to the increase in coldness and cleanliness. It has the color rating of this kind. The yellow bag strips of the product are uniformly visible without any shadow. The first part of the continent, the volume of the product has changed, and the quality standard of the batch product has not been exceeded. The percentage should not be exceeded, and no individual product has reached the product standard. The hospital, ball review, abnormality and drop of good soil purple defects, 4.2 Nutrient index 4. 2. 1 Vitamin (6 ng/1((. 4.2.2 A thing book, 4.2.3 Total sugar 21.5%.
4.3 Hygiene index
Health index The standard of the standard is as follows: The color of the product should be three years old, and the curvature should be greater than 1.5m per 10cm. The length of the piece should not exceed the sixth of the size of the piece. The standard point is the standard of the state. The minimum length is 3 yuan. The benzene degree is 15. The product quality requirement is not individual. The price percentage is not too high. The standard of the three grades should be NYT578-7D02. tt||The variety must be consumed
The variety is not mature, the chemical reaction is not slow, and the quality is good. There is light inside and outside, and the product has raw water. It must be relatively crisp
Basically, it has a flat rate and should have an internal rate.
The color of the melon is obvious
There is a significant drop in the price
The melon system can be-10 m in size
Not more than one-fifth of the length
The weight of the product
The total sample size is not in line with the requirements
The information distribution is not scientific
Decline 2 Health indicators
Dilurenyu (
acetaldehyde acetyl waist group zepte)
Change Europe to diahinrg1
Full-unified construction (ux:m)
New (eltare-hrin)
Three years of Hongkai medicine are irnlnthrn
White liloro:halanil||tt| |Accumulated by F:
Note: Sodium tannin, also known as triazole
Note 2: According to the agricultural products contract and agricultural products contract of the People's Republic of China, the tax on local products shall not be paid in a month. Test methods
5.1 Inspection of appearance indicators
5.1.1 Inspection of appearance indicators
Appearance indicators are for the variety of living things, such as rot, cold, disease and machine damage: oral measurement method is used for identification: the disease is not recorded immediately, and the degree of maturity is tested by dissection and tasting.
5.1.2 The maturity, freshness and tenderness of melons are tested and tasted separately.
5.1.3 Maximum curvature
Measured by ruler (Figure 1).
5.1.4 Length of melon strips and melon handles
Use a ruler to measure:
5-1.5 Nose
The effect of melon body = the length of the melon strips/length of melon strips
The taste and crispness of melon can be measured.
5.1.6 Uniformitybzxz.net
NY/I 5782002
Package, randomly sample the pieces, use a ruler to measure the uniformity of the pieces, use a self-weighing single plate, calculate the uniformity, use the average value of the length to take "110%" and the pressure difference to take \120% to weigh. 5.2 Testing of nutritional indicators
5.2.1 Vitamin C
According to GB/61 regulations:
5.2.2 Dry matter
According to GB/T8858 regulations:
5.2.3 Total loss
According to GB19 regulations:
5.3 Testing of hygiene indicators
5.3.1 BHC, DDT, cypermethrin, and chloranthemic acid shall be carried out according to B/T17322 regulations.
5.3.2 Acetaldehyde methyl ester
According to the provisions of B14876,
5.3.3 Dimethoate, dichlorvos, and chlorpyrifos
According to the provisions of GP/T:0S.G.
5.3.4 Xin Sulfur
According to the provisions of GB14873
5.3-5 Anti-Yan Sen
According to the provisions of GB1187
5.3.7 Bacterial spirit
According to the provisions of GB/T50.33:
5.3.8 Triadimefon
According to the provisions of R/4973.
5.3. 9 Arsenic
According to G/T 5699.11,
NY/T 5782002
5.3.10 Lead
According to S/T00.18,
5.3.11 Mercury
According to 3/T004.17,
5. 3. 12 oxygen
According to GB/T500,18 standard, it is implemented as follows:
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
6-1.1 Type inspection
Type inspection is a comprehensive inspection of the product, that is, all the requirements of the vehicle standard are carried out. Type inspection shall be carried out only if one of the following circumstances occurs;
The national quality supervision agency or the competent department of the industry proposes type inspection requirements: 6) The difference between the results of the previous and subsequent light inspections is large;) There are significant changes in the production environment caused by human factors or the whole production process. 6.1.2 Delivery inspection
Before each batch of products is delivered, the production unit shall conduct delivery inspection: The delivery inspection content includes product inspection, and the delivery inspection content includes animal husbandry. After the inspection is qualified and the details are qualified, it can be delivered
The same place of origin is present, and the yellow exchange purchased at the same time is inspected for free. The wholesale market shall take the same product as the inspection standard, and the clothing market shall take the same product as the inspection standard. 6.3 The sampling method shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/3855. The items written on the date shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions. If the product does not conform to the type, grade, or specification of the product list, or the packaging is seriously defective, the product shall be re-sampled after the delivery. 6.4 Packaging inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3. 6.5 Judgment rules 6.5-1 Each batch of samples to be inspected shall be sampled, and the single products that do not meet the quality requirements shall be recorded in order. If a sample has multiple defects at the same time, one defect shall be calculated as a defective product, and the percentage of qualified products shall be calculated according to formula (1), and the calculation shall be the lowest after the decimal point.
Percentage of single item failure:
, the mass of single item failure (in grams) - the total mass of the sample of the inspection batch (in grams) - the sum of the percentage of each single item failure is the total percentage of qualified. 6.5.2 Limit range
Each batch of products is unqualified. The average of each inspection unit (such as each unit, each unit) is calculated, and its value does not exceed the specified limit of the grade:
If the percentage of failure of a sample in the same batch exceeds the specified limit, in order to avoid the failure rate from changing to a higher level, it is stipulated that if the total exceeds the specified limit, the upper limit of the percentage of failure of any package shall not exceed 10%; if the total exceeds the limit, the total percentage of any package and qualified percentage exceeds 5. NY/T578-2002
If the total exceeds the specified limit, the upper limit of the percentage of failure of any package shall not exceed %: If it exceeds the prescribed value, it shall be treated as a substandard product. 5.5.3 If any of the hygiene indicators are not in compliance or banned pesticides are detected, the batch of products shall be deemed unqualified. 6.5.4 If the batch of products is not qualified, the production unit shall be allowed to conduct a re-inspection once. If the appearance and hygiene indicators are not qualified, the re-inspection shall be carried out. The packaging shall indicate the product name, product standard number, trademark, production unit name, detailed address, place of origin, specifications, net content and packaging information, etc. The markings shall be complete and accurate. Transportation and storage
B.1 Packaging
8.1.1 The packaging containers for cucumbers such as plastic shelves, grade pins, etc. should be designed according to the size specifications of the cucumbers. The sizes of the cucumbers should be consistent, and the packaging should be neat, breathable, and light-proof. There should be no sharp objects on the walls, no exudates, brain disinfection, toxicity, etc. The cartons should be damp and out of the room after washing. Plastic boxes should meet the requirements of 886.
8-1.2 The varieties, grades and specifications of cucumbers should be packed separately. The cucumbers in the same package should be evenly distributed and packed together with the net content of the packaging used for the batch. 8.1.4 Packaging inspection regulations: Weigh each piece or collect each sample The net content of the fruit should be consistent with that of the packaging, and should not be lower than the net content marked on the outside of the package. According to the results of the humidity meter, determine the specifications of the sample taken, and check whether it is consistent with the specifications shown on the outside of the package.8-2 Transportation
Pre-selection should be carried out before transportation. The minimum temperature during transportation is 10℃~13℃ and the relative humidity is 30%-0%. During transportation, pay attention to anti-freeze, anti-drying, sun protection, ventilation and heat dissipation. 8-3 Storage
8.3.1 Storage should be carried out according to variety, grade and specification. 8.3.2 Storage temperature should be 77℃~13℃, and the relative humidity of air should be kept at 6%~95%. The airflow in the warehouse should be uniform and unobstructed:2 Delivery inspection
Before each batch of products is delivered, the production unit must conduct a delivery inspection: the delivery inspection content includes the product, and the delivery inspection content includes the product. Only after the inspection is qualified and the detailed information is qualified can it be delivered
The same place of origin and the purchased batches are inspected at the same time. The wholesale market will take the same standard as the inspection, and the same standard as the market will take the same standard as the inspection. 6.3 The sampling method
shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/3855. The items written on the date shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions. If the type, grade, and specifications are not consistent with the confidentiality list, and the packaging is seriously narrow, the delivery unit shall re-sample after the goods are returned. 6.4 Packaging inspection
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3
6.5 Judgment rules
6.5-1 Each batch of samples to be inspected shall be sampled and the single items that do not meet the quality requirements shall be recorded in order. If a sample has multiple defects at the same time, one defect shall be counted as a defective product, and the percentage of qualified products shall be calculated according to formula (1) and the calculation shall be made to the lowest decimal point.
Percentage of single item failure:
, the mass of single item failure (m (g)) is the total mass of the sample in the inspection batch, and the sum of the percentage of each single item failure (m (g)) is the total? 6.5.2 Limit range
Each batch of products shall be unqualified and its inspection unit (such as each unit, each unit average, its value shall not exceed the specified limit of that grade:
If the unqualified percentage of a certain sample in the same batch exceeds the specified limit, in order to avoid the unqualified rate from changing, the total of the specified items exceeds the specified limit, the unqualified percentage of each package shall not exceed 10%; the total exceeding the limit may not exceed 1% of any package and the qualified percentage exceeds 5 of the specified limit. NY/T578-2002
If the total exceeds the specified limit, the upper limit of the unqualified percentage of any package shall not exceed %: If it exceeds the prescribed value, it shall be treated as a substandard product. 5.5.3 If any of the hygiene indicators are not in compliance or banned pesticides are detected, the batch of products shall be deemed unqualified. 6.5.4 If the batch of products is not qualified, the production unit shall be allowed to conduct a re-inspection once. If the appearance and hygiene indicators are not qualified, the re-inspection shall be carried out. The packaging shall indicate the product name, product standard number, trademark, production unit name, detailed address, place of origin, specifications, net content and packaging information, etc. The markings shall be complete and accurate. Transportation and storage
B.1 Packaging
8.1.1 The packaging containers for cucumbers such as plastic shelves, grade pins, etc. should be designed according to the size specifications of the cucumbers. The sizes of the cucumbers should be consistent, and the packaging should be neat, breathable, and light-proof. There should be no sharp objects on the walls, no exudates, brain disinfection, toxicity, etc. The cartons should be damp and out of the room after washing. Plastic boxes should meet the requirements of 886.
8-1.2 The varieties, grades and specifications of cucumbers should be packed separately. The cucumbers in the same package should be evenly distributed and packed together with the net content of the packaging used for the batch. 8.1.4 Packaging inspection regulations: Weigh each piece or collect each sample The net content of the fruit should be consistent with that of the packaging, and should not be lower than the net content marked on the outside of the package. According to the results of the humidity meter, determine the specifications of the sample taken, and check whether it is consistent with the specifications shown on the outside of the package.8-2 Transportation
Pre-selection should be carried out before transportation. The minimum temperature during transportation is 10℃~13℃ and the relative humidity is 30%-0%. During transportation, pay attention to anti-freeze, anti-drying, sun protection, ventilation and heat dissipation. 8-3 Storage
8.3.1 Storage should be carried out according to variety, grade and specification. 8.3.2 Storage temperature should be 77℃~13℃, and the relative humidity of air should be kept at 6%~95%. The airflow in the warehouse should be uniform and unobstructed:2 Delivery inspection
Before each batch of products is delivered, the production unit must conduct a delivery inspection: the delivery inspection content includes the product, and the delivery inspection content includes the product. Only after the inspection is qualified and the detailed information is qualified can it be delivered
The same place of origin and the purchased batches are inspected at the same time. The wholesale market will take the same standard as the inspection, and the same standard as the market will take the same standard as the inspection. 6.3 The sampling method
shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/3855. The items written on the date shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions. If the type, grade, and specifications are not consistent with the confidentiality list, and the packaging is seriously narrow, the delivery unit shall re-sample after the goods are returned. 6.4 Packaging inspection
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3
6.5 Judgment rules
6.5-1 Each batch of samples to be inspected shall be sampled and the single items that do not meet the quality requirements shall be recorded in order. If a sample has multiple defects at the same time, one defect shall be counted as a defective product, and the percentage of qualified products shall be calculated according to formula (1) and the calculation shall be made to the lowest decimal point.
Percentage of single item failure:
, the mass of single item failure (m (g)) is the total mass of the sample in the inspection batch, and the sum of the percentage of each single item failure (m (g)) is the total? 6.5.2 Limit range
Each batch of products shall be unqualified and its inspection unit (such as each unit, each unit average, its value shall not exceed the specified limit of that grade:
If the unqualified percentage of a certain sample in the same batch exceeds the specified limit, in order to avoid the unqualified rate from changing, the total of the specified items exceeds the specified limit, the unqualified percentage of each package shall not exceed 10%; the total exceeding the limit may not exceed 1% of any package and the qualified percentage exceeds 5 of the specified limit. NY/T578-2002
If the total exceeds the specified limit, the upper limit of the unqualified percentage of any package shall not exceed %: If it exceeds the prescribed value, it shall be treated as a substandard product. 5.5.3 If any of the hygiene indicators are not in compliance or banned pesticides are detected, the batch of products shall be deemed unqualified. 6.5.4 If the batch of products is not qualified, the production unit shall be allowed to conduct a re-inspection once. If the appearance and hygiene indicators are not qualified, the re-inspection shall be carried out. The packaging shall indicate the product name, product standard number, trademark, production unit name, detailed address, place of origin, specifications, net content and packaging information, etc. The markings shall be complete and accurate. Transportation and storage
B.1 Packaging
8.1.1 The packaging containers for cucumbers such as plastic shelves, grade pins, etc. should be designed according to the size specifications of the cucumbers. The sizes of the cucumbers should be consistent, and the packaging should be neat, breathable, and light-proof. There should be no sharp objects on the walls, no exudates, brain disinfection, toxicity, etc. The cartons should be damp and out of the room after washing. Plastic boxes should meet the requirements of 886.
8-1.2 The varieties, grades and specifications of cucumbers should be packed separately. The cucumbers in the same package should be evenly distributed and packed together with the net content of the packaging used for the batch. 8.1.4 Packaging inspection regulations: Weigh each piece or collect each sample The net content of the fruit should be consistent with that of the packaging, and should not be lower than the net content marked on the outside of the package. According to the results of the humidity meter, determine the specifications of the sample taken, and check whether it is consistent with the specifications shown on the outside of the package.8-2 Transportation
Pre-selection should be carried out before transportation. The minimum temperature during transportation is 10℃~13℃ and the relative humidity is 30%-0%. During transportation, pay attention to anti-freeze, anti-drying, sun protection, ventilation and heat dissipation. 8-3 Storage
8.3.1 Storage should be carried out according to variety, grade and specification. 8.3.2 Storage temperature should be 77℃~13℃, and the relative humidity of air should be kept at 6%~95%. The airflow in the warehouse should be uniform and unobstructed:
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