Requirements for green products certification bodies—Part 2:Environment protection and resources conservation characteristics
other information
drafter:Chen Yunhua, Shi Xinbo, Li Tianen, Gu Jiangyuan, Wu Haiwen, Wang Yanping, Yu Jie, Tang Wei, Wang Ziliang, Wu Dachuan, Jiang Dinghe, Lei Dongbiao, Liu Xinggang
Drafting unit:China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, China Environmental United (Beijing) Certification Center Co., Ltd., Certification and Accreditation Technology Institute of the National Certification and Accreditation Administration,
Focal point unit:Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Proposing unit:Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
competent authority:Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Some standard content:
People's Republic of China Certification and Accreditation Industry Standard RB/T242.2—2018
Requirements for green products certification bodies-Part 2:Environment protection and resources conservation characteristicsReleased on 2018-06-04
China National Certification and Accreditation AdministrationImplemented on 2018-12-01
Normative references
Terms and definitions
General requirements
Structural requirements
Resource requirements
Process requirements
Management system requirements
Appendix A (informative appendix)
Knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the evaluation of environmental protection and resource conservation attributes7 Foreword
RB/T242 "Requirements for Green Product Certification Bodies" is currently divided into 4 parts: Part 1: General;
Part 2: Environmental protection and resource conservation;-Part 3: Utilization of renewable energy:
Part 4: Organic products.
This part is Part 2 of RB/T242.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This part was proposed and managed by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China. RB/T242.2-2018
The drafting organizations of this part are: China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, China Environmental United (Beijing) Certification Center Co., Ltd., Certification and Accreditation Technology Institute of the National Certification and Accreditation Administration, China Quality Certification Center, Beijing Xinhua Water-saving Products Certification Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongshui Runke Certification Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part are: Chen Yunhua, Shi Xinbo, Li Tianen, Gu Jiangyuan, Wu Haiwen, Wang Yanping, Yu Jie, Tang Wei, Wang Ziliang, Wu Dachuan, Jiang Dinghe, Lei Dongbiao, Liu Xinggang.
RB/T 242.2-2018
This part of RB/T242 "Requirements for Green Product Certification Bodies" specifies the specific requirements that certification bodies that evaluate the environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products should meet. The certification body shall be responsible to the stakeholders, including the clients of the certification body and the clients of the certified organization, to ensure that only qualified certification personnel are allowed to evaluate the environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of the product. The purpose of formulating this part is to enable all organizations that have the ability to evaluate the environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products and their related certification personnel to have the general capabilities described in RB/T242.1-2018, as well as the ability to conduct environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluations described in this part.
Complex, multi-site or large organization certification will require sufficient capacity resources to ensure the consistency of certification results. In terms of technical content, this part adds general and specific requirements for the professional capabilities of certification scheme compilers, application reviewers, evaluators, and certification decision (including review) personnel related to the evaluation of product environmental protection and resource conservation attributes in Chapter 6. Appendix A provides references to the environmental protection and resource conservation knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the certification process. This part is used in conjunction with RB/T242.1-
1 Scope
Requirements for green product certification bodies
Part 2: Environmental protection and resource conservation
This part of RB/T242 specifies the special requirements for resources of green product certification bodies that evaluate the environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products
This part applies to the establishment and implementation of an effective management system for green product certification bodies that evaluate the environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. RB/T241 Requirements for Green Product Testing Organizations
RB/T242.1-2018 Requirements for Green Product Certification Organizations Part 1: General
Terms and Definitions
Terms and definitions defined in RB/T242.1-2018 apply to this document. 4 General requirements
Should comply with the requirements of Chapter 4 of RB/T242.1-2018. 5
Should comply with the requirements of Chapter 5 of RB/T242.1-2018. 6
Resource requirements
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1Should comply with the requirements of Chapter 6 of RB/T242.1-2018. 6.1.2Green product certification organizations shall establish channels for obtaining laws and regulations related to environmental protection and resource conservation and documents related to the green product certification system, and ensure timely acquisition and implementation. 6.1.3 Green product certification bodies should identify and determine the relevant requirements for the life cycle stages, environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of the certified products, see Table 1.
Life cycle stage
Resource acquisition
Treatment and disposal
Table 1 Product life cycle stage, environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products Environmental protection and resource conservation attributes of products Reduce pollution such as water, air, noise, and radioactivity; reduce excessive use and damage to natural and ecological resources; long life, high utilization rate of resources, energy and recyclable resources, strictly control the use of harmful substances, reduce solid waste emissions, etc. Strictly control the use of harmful substances;
Reduce excessive use and damage to natural and ecological resources b)
Increase the utilization rate of resources, energy and recyclable resources Reduce pollutant emissions;
Strictly control the use of harmful substances:
Reduce excessive use and damage to natural and ecological resources; improve the utilization rate of resources, energy and recyclable resources Simplified installation: | |tt||Avoid product damage
Reduce waste discharge
Reduce natural ecology
Resources and energy consumption
High utilization rate of recyclable resources:
Service life
Utilization of recyclable resources
Low environmental damage
Use of harmful substances within the scope
Discharge of pollutants
Reasonable disposal of harmful substances and solid waste: High utilization rate of recyclable resources
6.2 Personnel of green product certification bodies
6.2.1 Green product certification bodies shall formulate and implement certification schemes for product environmental protection and resource conservation attributes by personnel with corresponding capabilities, and shall have measures to ensure that personnel have knowledge and capabilities related to the scope of certification. 6.2.2 Green product certification bodies shall specify the criteria for personnel capabilities, including at least education, training, work experience and relevant professional knowledge requirements related to the certified products. The capabilities of certification personnel include general requirements and professional requirements, see Table 2. The knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluation process are shown in Appendix A. Certification
Should obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate degree
or above in environmental protection and resource conservation
Related or similar majors
Should obtain a nationally recognized science
or above
Degree or equivalent, and have been engaged in product certification work for 1 year
Table 2 General and professional requirements for certification personnel's competence requirements for certification personnel
|Received relevant professional knowledge and basic product certification knowledge training
Received appropriate relevant work experience
Has 2 years or more of professional work experience in technical production, testing, inspection, certification and other fields related to the environmental protection and resource conservation properties of products
Certified electrical RB/T242.2—2018
Relevant professional knowledge
Relevant professional knowledge includes but is not limited to the following:
Master the requirements for the preparation of the certification scheme;
Master the scope of the certification scheme, including the types of covered products;
Master the entire certification process;
Understand the laws, regulations and other requirements related to environmental protection and resource conservation,
Understand the terms, product technologies and management standards related to environmental protection and resource conservation;
Have the ability to conduct risk assessment related to environmental conservation and resource conservation
Knowledge Including but not limited to the following professional regulations and other requirements related to environmental protection and resource conservation; 1) Products, technologies and management standards related to environmental protection and resource conservation: 1) Understanding the basic theory of the life cycle, 2) Understanding the key stages and key indicators of the life cycle of products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes and their technical methods of evaluation, mainly including product functional characteristics and green attribute indicators; 3) Product process flow and key equipment.
Master the certification standards, evaluation methods and implementation rules for products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes, as well as their application in certification implementation;
Understand the ability to assess certification risks related to products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes
Should obtain a bachelor's degree or above in a related or similar major recognized by the state and related to products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes
Table 2 (continued)
Competency requirements for certification personnel
Work experience
Received relevant professional knowledge
and basic knowledge of product certification More than 2 years of experience in design, technology, production, testing, inspection, certification and other professional work related to products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes. Relevant professional knowledge Relevant professional knowledge includes but is not limited to the following: a. Master the laws, regulations and other requirements related to environmental protection and resource conservation; master the terms, products, technologies and management standards related to environmental protection and resource conservation; master the basic theory of life cycle; master the basic theoretical knowledge of quality management and quality assurance capability requirements; master the The key stages of the product life cycle, key indicators and technical methods for their evaluation related to environmental protection and resource conservation shall at least include but not be limited to: 1) Environmental standards, hazardous substance limit standards and other policy requirements; 2) Product eco-design information review methods, product design, technical indicators, process flow and equipment, installation, service and testing processes: Product main raw material control requirements, raw material use data and information sampling methods; Regeneration technology for recyclable materials, environmental impact of product production and use stages ||Sampling methods for impact data and information:
Product end-of-life treatment and disposal
Knowledge of pollutant emission control and relevant requirements, toxic and hazardous substance control
requirements, environmental risk control requirements during product production, use and disposal, including
pollutant emissions from disassembly, refining, processing and other processes,
process of pollutant emissions and knowledge of the impact
mechanisms of pollutant diffusion;
9) Knowledge of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions:
Requirements of applicable greenhouse gas (GHG) plans.
f) Master the certification standards, evaluation methods and implementation rules for products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes, as well as their application in certification implementation;
Be familiar with the basic theoretical knowledge of quality management and quality assurance capability requirements:
Understand product testing requirements and testing methods
(including complex
Should obtain a nationally recognized bachelor's degree or above in related
or similar majors related to
products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes
Table 2 (continued)
Capability requirements for certification personnel
Work experience
Received relevant professional knowledge
and product certification basics. More than 2 years of experience in design, technology, production, testing, certification and maintenance of products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes. RB/T242.2—2018. Relevant professional knowledge. Relevant professional knowledge includes but is not limited to the following: a) Master the laws, regulations and other requirements related to environmental protection and resource conservation; Master the terms, products, technologies and management standards related to environmental protection and resource conservation; Master the basic theory of life cycle; d) ) Master the basic theoretical knowledge of quality management and quality assurance capability requirements. Master the key indicators and technical methods for true evaluation of the key stages of the life cycle of products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes, including at least but not limited to environmental standards, hazardous substance limit standards, other policy requirements, product eco-design information review, product design, technical indicators, process flow and equipment, installation, service and testing processes, product main raw material control requirements, raw material use data and information sampling, recycling technology of recycled materials; product production and use stages Environmental impact data and information by sampling methods; Product life cycle post-treatment and disposal Knowledge of pollutant emission control and relevant requirements, toxic and hazardous substance control requirements during product production, use and disposal, environmental risk control requirements, including pollutant emissions from disassembly, refining, processing and other processes, knowledge of the pollutant emission process and the impact mechanism of pollutant diffusion: Knowledge of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the requirements of applicable greenhouse gas (GHG) plans.
Learn the certification standards, evaluation methods and implementation rules for the certification of products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes and their application in the implementation of certification;
Be familiar with the basic theoretical knowledge of quality management and the quality assurance capability requirements;
h) Understand the product testing requirements and testing methods5
3Green product certification bodies that carry out product environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluation should take necessary measures to ensure that all relevant certification personnel have and continuously update the relevant technical knowledge and have and maintain the ability to certify the relevant products they are engaged in. In particular, they should: identify training needs for various types of personnel, formulate training plans and implement corresponding training;a)
Implement continuous evaluation in accordance with the personnel capability evaluation criteria. Process requirements
Should meet the requirements of Chapter 7 of RB/T242.1—2018. 8
Management system requirements
Should meet the requirements of Chapter 8 of RB/T242.12018. 6
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluation process Table A.1 gives the knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluation process. Table A.1 Knowledge and skills that various certification personnel need to master during the environmental protection and resource conservation attribute evaluation process Functions
Knowledge and skills
For RB/T242.1—2018, this part, the implementation rules and the certification body procedures, including: product sampling requirements and application;
Inspection time requirements and application
Ability to identify the following according to the category of the product applied for certification: a) Production and operation qualification requirements;
b) Legal requirements
Ability to identify the evaluator according to the certification body's procedures and this form
Ability to determine the following elements:
Have basic professional theoretical knowledge and practical experience related to the environmental protection and resource conservation of the corresponding products; be familiar with the requirements of major laws, regulations, standards and other normative documents on environmental protection and resource conservation of the corresponding products; understand the management knowledge of the business scope of product certification with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes, and be able to conduct an evaluation based on the application information, determine the scope of certification and the certification unit; Ability to formulate an evaluation activity plan according to this form and the certification body's procedures:
Understand the personnel capability requirements required to implement the evaluation activities, and be able to a) Ability to arrange product evaluation activities according to the information in the application; identify special factors required for implementation of the evaluation.
Arrange evaluation activities to ensure that:
The personnel and resources involved in the evaluation process are sufficient and have sufficient capabilities; b) The certification cycle planned to be completed meets the requirements; c) The evaluation objectives determined in this part can achieve the ability to identify the following related to products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes and their recognized control mechanisms: a) Risk identification and control
Relevant laws and regulations and Requirements of the standard;
Use of certificates and logos:
Evaluate the ability of customers to identify their compliance with safety regulations and other requirements d)
Apply for review
Selection of evaluation
Planning of evaluation activities
Evaluation implementation
(including review)
Knowledge and skills
Table A.1 (continued)
Apply for review
Master the product The ability to use product certification marks and management system-related requirements, including:
Requirements for the use of certification marks (including green product certification marks);
Requirements for the use of certification certificates;
Resource management:
Implementation of internal inspections:
Effectiveness of the traceability system;
Product recall;
g) Training;
h) Continuous improvement:
Apply the following knowledge and skills related to products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes
a) Laws and regulations related to environmental protection and resource conservation;
Types of green products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes and their functional attributes;
Product life cycle with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes:
Environmental impact, energy consumption and green attributes of products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes: Basic performance requirements of products other than environmental protection and resource conservation attributes
Products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes Knowledge of the realization process of green products with environmental protection and resource conservation attributes:
Understand the key process flow and basic equipment of such products: b) Be familiar with the functional characteristics of products and the main environmental protection and resource conservation evaluation indicators;
Be able to identify key control processes;
Understand the control requirements of key parts:
Understand product design specifications and design review requirements: Master the key inspection standards for such products (inspection methods, inspection requirements, sampling standards);
Be familiar with the implementation rules of such product certification, and be able to evaluate customer product production in combination with product characteristics and key stages of the life cycle to ensure the effectiveness of the evaluation;
h) Be familiar with the quality management system for the production of related products; Be familiar with the management system requirements related to environmental protection and resource conservation
The ability to issue evaluation reports in accordance with RB/T242.1-2018, this part and the requirements of the certification body and/or scheme Note: "V" represents that the corresponding personnel should have this knowledge and skills. Selection of evaluation
Planning of evaluation activities
Evaluation implementation
(including review)
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