GB/T 3720-1988 Basic parameters of optical length measuring instruments GB/T3720-1988 standard download decompression password:
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LC531.J15 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GH3720—88 Optical length measuring instruments Basic parameters Optical length.measuring instrunments-Basicparameters 1935-01-08 Issued National Standard Implementation on 1989-01-01 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Optical length measuring instruments Basic parameters Optical length measuring instrumentsBasicparameters Implementation standard is suitable for optical meters for unidirectional length measurement. The basic parameters of the optical length instrument shall comply with the following table: Instrument name Vertical contact type Next section Detailed history of the instrument Vertical optical type Vertical front length Divided into two types: ~, : External specification, =0,02 Specification: 0.002 Reading type of the potentiometer Optical reading Digital display For heat use, 120 minutes minutes operation Test type of the instrument Optical consistency Test diagram: Comparison test verification: minutes will match minutes rate National Machinery Industry Commission 1987-12-28 approved the instrument's indication reading base limit or the instrument's accuracy) E -10.23 +1.5m ± +C.05 + 60:20 Exceeding ±50um also uses:=0.25 Accuracy of the receiver LDC 531.T15 GB3720—88 G372083 ·The inspection points on the bottle will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: , and the detection points will be divided into the following clauses: tt||1989-01-01 implementation instrument old name universal reader Lanmi to length machine large to length measuring machine receiver reading type optical family digital love product display measurement plate range: direct residual, ~[00 outside: 050 use large and small pairs. Case concubine from 1-50 attachment: 10-20: measurement installation: - 201 Division of the Institute Division of energy crown, -[C00 division, division of hydrogen: to range: 0-6000 minutes, GB372088 the quality of the instrument has no (or received) m diagnosis loss direct measurement of the accuracy of supervision, outer dimensions: inner dimensions: several meters, according to the continental electrical area: within the range of ±601m: =0.29: More than ±304m micrograph: ±0.2 b, to the area ±(9.61200 , decimeter measurement area, , if there is no explanation, it is a warning point. Additional remarks: This standard is from the Institute of Photoelectricity and Electronics, the main drafter is Zhou Shao'an. Measurement craftsman, mm "For non-first-class length machines. The accuracy of within the range of 0cm is: 1.—length, m Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.