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Quality testing and evaluation of fundamental geographic information database system

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39623-2020

Standard Name:Quality testing and evaluation of fundamental geographic information database system

Chinese Name: 基础地理信息数据库系统质量测试与评价

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Zhang He, Shang Yaoling, Ji Jianpei, Ma Wei, Li Miao, Zhang Pengcheng, Liu Jianjun, Huo Liang, Li Chong, Hou Yajuan, Jiang Kunli, Liu Guang, Zhao Yousong, Dong Quan, Liu Jianwei, Li Qian, Wang Jianfeng, Shen Tao, Jing Changfeng, Zhang Ning, Xin Yafang

Drafting unit:National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Zhejiang Surveying and Mapping Quality Super

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 230)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39623-2020.Quality testing and evaluation of fundamental geographic information database system.
1 Scope
GB/T 39623 specifies the quality testing and evaluation process, test design, test implementation, quality evaluation and report preparation of the basic geographic information database system.
GB/T 39623 is applicable to the construction units and testing institutions of the basic geographic information database and its management system to carry out quality testing and evaluation of the basic geographic information database system.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 25000.10-2016 Systems and Software Engineering System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 10: System and Software Quality Model
GB/T 33447-2016 Geographic Information System Software Testing Specification
3 Terms and Definitions
GB/T 25000.10-2016, GB/T 33447-2016 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T 25000.10-2016 and GB/T 33447-2016 are repeated below.
Fundamental geographic information database system
A database system consisting of basic geographic information datasets and their management systems.
Note: Datasets generally include digital line maps, digital elevation models, digital orthophotos, place names and addresses, topographic map data and corresponding metadata. Management systems generally have management and distribution functions such as input, editing, browsing, querying, statistics, analysis, expression, output, update and maintenance.
Quality model
The defined feature set and the relationship set between them provide a framework for specifying quality requirements and evaluating quality.
[GB/T 25000.10-2016, definition 3.18]
This standard specifies the quality test and evaluation process, test design, test implementation, quality evaluation and report preparation of basic geographic information database systems. This standard is applicable to the construction units and testing institutions of basic geographic information databases and their management systems to carry out quality testing and evaluation of basic geographic information database systems.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Quality testing and evaluation of fundamental geographic information database system
Published on 2020-12-14
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2020-12-14
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Quality testing and evaluation process
Test design
Test data preparation
Test requirement establishment
Test plan design
Plan review
6Test implementation
Establish quality model
Test content
Quality evaluation
Evaluation indicators and result judgment
Quality evaluation result judgment principle
8Report preparation
Main content
Preparation requirements
Appendix A (informative appendix) Test report format A.1
Basic provisions
Text homepage
Text other pages
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39623-—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Zhejiang Surveying and Mapping Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing University of Civil Engineering, Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang He, Shang Yaoling, Ji Jianpei, Ma Wei, Li Miao, Zhang Pengcheng, Liu Jianjun, Huo Liang, Li Chong, Hou Yajuan, Jiang Kunli, Liu Guang, Zhao Yousong, Dong Quan, Liu Jianwei, Li Qian, Zhu Jianfeng, Shen Tao, Jing Changfeng, Zhang Ning, Xin Yafang 1
Quality testing and evaluation of basic geographic information database system GB/T39623-—2020
This standard specifies the quality testing and evaluation process, test design, test implementation, quality evaluation and report preparation of basic geographic information database system.
This standard applies to the construction units and testing organizations of basic geographic information database and its management system to conduct quality testing and evaluation of basic geographic information database system.
Normative referenced documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T25000.10-2016 System and Software Engineering System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 10: System and Software Quality Model
GB/T33447-2016 Geographic Information System Software Testing Specification Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T25000.10-2016 and GB/T33447-2016 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T25000.10-2016 and GB/T33447-2016 are repeated below. 3.1
fundamentalgeographicinformationdatabasesystem A database system consisting of fundamentalgeographicinformationdatasets and their management systems. Note: Datasets generally include digital line maps, digital elevation models, digital orthophotos, place names and addresses, topographic map data, and corresponding metadata. Management systems generally have management and distribution functions such as input, editing, browsing, query, statistics, analysis, expression, output, update, and maintenance. 3.2
The set of characteristics defined by the quality model
and the set of relationships between them provide a framework for specifying quality requirements and evaluating quality [GB/T25000.10—2016. Definition 3.18] 3.3
Test casetestcase
A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results compiled for a specific purpose in order to test a program path or verify whether a specific requirement is met.
[GB/T33447—2016, definition 3.9]
4 Quality testing and evaluation process
The quality testing and evaluation workflow of the basic geographic information database system should include test design, test implementation, quality evaluation, and report preparation. The specific process is shown in Figure 1
Test design
Test data preparation
Test requirement establishment
Test resource design
Scheme evaluation
Test implementation
Quality expectation model
To confirm the test content
Test execution
Remember the summary
Test item evaluation
Three-element final evaluation
Quality evaluation
Quality evaluation conclusion
Basic geographic information database Quality testing and evaluation workflow of database system 5 Test design
5.1 Test data preparation
Collect the documents and materials required for quality testing and evaluation, including: a) Relevant standards and specifications for basic geographic information database and data production; b) Quality inspection report on data source in the basic geographic information database under test: report preparation
The basic geographic information database system under test generally includes technical documents such as implementation plan, design book, data dictionary, system requirements, system detailed design, user documentation, technical summary, etc. The specific content can be collected according to the actual construction requirements of the basic geographic information database system;
d) Quality control records, operation and maintenance records, system backup system, security and confidentiality system, etc. of the basic geographic information database system under test. The specific content can be collected according to the actual construction requirements of the basic geographic information database system. 5.2
Test requirements establishment
Quality test and evaluation requirements analysis and planning, including: determining the quality model and test content;
b) Determine the test objectives;
Determine the test resources and technical requirements
3 Test plan design
When preparing a quality test plan, the following contents should be clearly defined:a)
Test objectives: The overall objectives that the test activities should achieve through the implementation of the plan. Test basis: The standards, specifications, technical designs, etc. on which the test is based.b))
c) Test environment: Describe the resource requirements required for the test, including software, hardware, network, data, personnel, etc. The test operating environment should meet the requirements of the system test contract (or project design), usually the real working environment of the basic geographic information database system. The test data simulates the actual operating environment of the basic geographic information database system to be tested, collects as real data as possible, performs necessary data conversion and other processing, and confirms the test data. d) Test content: generally includes the spatial reference system, logical consistency, integrity, location accuracy, time accuracy, thematic accuracy of the dataset, functionality, performance, security of the management system, and integrity and standardization of data quality, etc., which can be adjusted according to specific circumstances such as technical design, user needs or system purpose. Test case: including the name and identification of the test case, case description, test case initialization requirements, input data preparation, expected test results, test sequence, etc.
Test method: the methods, techniques, means and test tools used in the test, and estimate the time required to perform each task, the main limitations of the test, etc.
Test personnel: the division of labor of each member of the test team. h)
Schedule: the time arrangement of different stages of the test, the test entry criteria, and the test end criteria. i)
Risk and strategy: according to the test focus of each stage, conduct risk analysis and assessment of the test work, and formulate countermeasures. 5.4 Plan Review
Before the test is executed, the test plan should be reviewed. The specific content and requirements of the review should include: the completeness, correctness and standardization of the test document content; a)
b) whether the test environment meets the test requirements; c)
the independence of the test activities;
the completeness and rationality of the test item selection; the feasibility, correctness and adequacy of the test cases; the rationality, effectiveness and feasibility of the test methods: g)
the rationality of the test schedule.
6 Test Implementation
Establish a Quality Model
According to the test requirements and test plan, the quality elements and quality sub-elements of the database system under test are established, and the quality model of the basic geographic information database system shown in Figure 2 is constructed. The quality model can be adjusted accordingly according to the actual specific content of the basic geographic information database system.
Basic geographic information database system quality model
Dataset quality
Spatial precision
Temporal accuracy
Thematic accuracy
6.2 Test content
System quality
Figure 2 Basic geographic information database system quality modelData quality
The test content of the basic geographic information database system includes the spatial reference system, logical consistency, integrity, positional accuracy, temporal accuracy and thematic accuracy of the dataset, the functionality, performance and security of the management system, and the integrity and standardization of the data. The specific test contents are shown in Table 1.
Quality elements
Management system
Quality sub-elements
Reference system
Position accuracy
Temporal accuracy
Test items
Geod datum
Elevation datum
Map projection
Basic geographic information database system test contentTest content
Conformity of database coordinate system
Conformity of database elevation system
Conformity of various projection parameters used by the databaseConformity of database definition with technical design requirements. Including the compliance of database structure design with conceptual consistency
format consistency
topological consistency
domain consistency
association consistency
plane accuracy
elevation accuracy
attribute correctness
image features
grid parameters
geometric anomalies
compliance of data layer definition and naming in the database, compliance of definition of attribute item name, type, length etc. of data layer, etc.
compliance of database storage with physical structure requirements in technical design. Including the conformity of the file organization method, path, file naming, etc. stored in the database, the conformity of the database file format, etc.
The conformity of the data topological relationship in the database; the conformity of the value pair range of the attribute items in the database; the consistency of the geographical expression and position accuracy among various types of results of the same scale in the database: the consistency of the geographical expression, primary and secondary selection, and position accuracy of the elements among the same types of results of adjacent scales in the database
Whether the overall coverage and content of the database exceed the design requirements; whether the number of elements in the database exceeds the number of elements of the production results before the database is built
Whether the overall coverage and content of the data do not meet the design requirements; whether the number of elements in the database is less than the number of elements of the production results before the database is built
Whether the plane position accuracy of the element objects in the database meets the design requirements: whether the continuity of the geometric position of the elements between the results data of different production responsibility areas in the database meets the design requirements; the coordinates of the start and end points of the data stored in sections and the range of the map Whether the scope meets the design requirements; Whether the elevation position accuracy of the feature objects in the database meets the design requirements: Whether the rationality of the transition of elevation values ​​between the results data of different production responsibility areas in the database meets the design requirements; Whether the timeliness of the database meets the design requirements; The correctness of the attribute values ​​in the database, including the correctness of the metadata attribute values, and the accuracy of the correlation between the metadata and the library data; Whether the continuity of the feature attributes between the results data of different production responsibility areas in the database is consistent; The correctness of the attribute items assigned in the database construction stage; Whether there is information loss in the stored images; Whether the overall color tone of the results images of different production responsibility areas in the database is basically consistent;
Conformity of the ground resolution of digital orthophotos in the database; Conformity of the grid size of the digital elevation model in the database; Whether there are geometric anomalies in the data in the database; Whether the coverage of the system functions meets the design requirements; Whether the correctness of the output results of the management system functions meets the design requirements; Whether the management system is fault-tolerant and easy to recover. Including providing validity prompts for important data entries, and giving prompts for illegal inputs such as incorrect attribute values; being able to screen out common misoperations, and giving warnings and confirmation prompts for the deletion of important data; the ability to recover the system and data in the event of a failure; the ability to recover after abnormal system exit or damage caused by operational errors, illegal input, etc.; in the event of failure, the ability to remedy the last saved or automatically saved data, etc. 7
Quality elements
Management system
Data quality
Quality sub-elements
Quality evaluation
Test items
Physical security
Authorization control
Data security
Backup and recovery
Integrity of technical documents,
Operation and maintenance records,
Quality control records
Normativity of technical documents, operation
Maintenance records, quality
Control records
Evaluation indicators and result judgment
Table 1 (continued)
Test content
Whether the time characteristics and resource utilization of the management system meet the design requirements. Including the time required for the system to complete the specified task: the average time required for the system to execute several parallel tasks: the limit of the time required for the system to complete a task under maximum load conditions; the number of specified tasks that can be successfully completed by the system throughput within a given time period: the degree of use of central processing unit, memory, network and other resources when the system runs specified tasks or concurrent accesses under the specified operating environment, etc. Whether the security of the computer room site, communication line security, and system equipment security meet the design requirements; whether the operating system, application software system, network system and equipment related to the system adopt identity authentication and access control mechanisms, and the management system is not illegally used and accessed by unauthorized users, and is not used and accessed by legitimate users beyond their authority: whether the management system has a password policy, including password input test, password hiding method test, password modification policy test, etc. Whether relevant technologies are used to ensure the system stores, processes and transmits data Confidentiality; whether relevant technologies are used to ensure the integrity of transmitted data; whether the system has backup and recovery capabilities, and whether the system backup meets the design requirements; whether the system is portable; whether the system has log management functions; the integrity of technical documents such as the database system implementation plan, design book, data dictionary, system requirements, system detailed design, user documents, technical summaries, and test documents. The specific document content can be adjusted according to the actual requirements of the basic geographic information database system: the integrity of the database system operation and maintenance records; the integrity of the database system quality control records, the integrity of the data source quality inspection report in the database; the integrity of the database backup system, security and confidentiality system, etc.
The standardization and authority of technical documents such as the database system implementation plan, design book, data dictionary, system requirements, system detailed design, user documents, technical summaries, and test documents.The specific document content can be adjusted according to the actual requirements of the basic geographic information database system; the standardization of the database system operation and maintenance records; the standardization of the database system quality control records, the standardization of the data source quality inspection report in the database; the integrity of the database backup system, security and confidentiality system, etc.
Basic geographic information database system quality evaluation indicators are shown in Table 2S
Quality elements
System quality
Data quality
Reference system
One Consistency
Position accuracy
Time accuracy
Evaluation indicators and result judgment test items of basic geographic information database system
Elevation datum
Map projection
Conceptual consistency
Format consistency
Topological consistency
Domain consistency
Association consistency
Plane accuracy
Elevation accuracy
Currentity| |tt||Attribute correctness
Image features
Grid parameters
Geometric anomalies
Physical security
Authorization control
Data security
Backup and recovery
Completeness of technical documents, operation
Maintenance records, quality
Control records
Evaluation indicators
Compliance/non-compliance Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Compliant/Not compliant
Error rate
Compliance judgment
Compliance judgment
Compliance judgment
Error rate
Functional coverage
Test case pass rate
Test case pass rate
Compliant/Not compliant Comply
Comply/Not Comply
Test case pass rate
Test case pass rate
Test case pass rate
Comply/Not Comply
Evaluation result judgment
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements
Comply with database design requirements Request
Meet the database design requirements
Meet the database design requirements
Meet the database design requirements
Meet the database design requirements
Error rate does not exceed the limit: extremely important factor tolerance 0%; important factor tolerance 0.05%; general factor tolerance 0.3%
Meet the database design requirements
Meet the database design requirements
Meet the database design requirements
Error rate does not exceed the limit: extremely important factor tolerance 0%; important factor tolerance 0.07%; general factor tolerance 0.4%
Important function item coverage rate 1 00%
General function item coverage is not less than 95%
Important function item pass rate is 100%
General function item pass rate is not less than 95%
Test case pass rate is not less than 95%
Meet database design requirements
Meet database design requirements
Test case pass rate is 100%
Test case pass rate is 100%
Test case pass rate is 100%
Meet project requirements
Quality elements
Data quality
Test items
Technical documents, operation
Maintenance records, quality
Control records
Table 2 (continued)
Evaluation indicators
Evaluation result judgment
Compliance with relevant standards and specifications, compliance with project requirements Note 1: Test items can be determined according to the actual situation, test requirements, and test content of the basic geographic information database system being tested, and can be expanded or adjusted Note 2: Error rate: The ratio of the number of errors to the total number of elements (items) within the inspection scope. The corresponding test items can be sampled and checked, generally at a rate of 3% to 5%, and the test personnel shall specify it in the test design according to the actual situation of the basic geographic information database being tested. Note 3: Refer to GB/T18316-2008. Extremely important elements refer to national boundaries, national boundary stakes, boundary monuments, and their annotations. Important elements include boundaries, boundary stakes, boundary monuments, place names and settlements at or above the county level, roads and bridges at or above the county level, survey control points, on-line railways and bridges, expressways and bridges, rivers above level 6 and connected lakes and reservoirs, important pipelines, and names of first- and second-level mountain ranges. In sparsely populated remote and desert areas, village-level and township-level place names, settlements, roads and bridges, railways and bridges, and independent geographical features with orientation and importance should be treated as important elements. The annotations of important elements are important elements. Important elements can be determined based on the scale of the specific basic geographic information database and the scope of administrative regions.
Note 4: Important functional items and general functional items can be determined in the test design in combination with actual conditions. Note 5: Test case pass rate: the test pass rate of a test item for all its related test cases. Principles for judging quality evaluation results
In the quality test of the basic geographic information database system, if any test item fails, its corresponding quality sub-element will fail: if any quality sub-element fails, its corresponding quality element will fail. The evaluation conclusions of the quality test of the basic geographic information database system are divided into two types: pass and fail. The judgment conditions are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Principles for judging evaluation results
Test results
Report preparation
8.1 Main content
Judgment conditions
All quality elements passed
Any quality element failed
After the quality test and evaluation of the basic geographic information database system are completed, a test report is prepared, including the description of the test object, test time, test basis, test content and method, test conclusion, etc. The test report mainly includes the cover, cover 2, text, attachments, etc. The format is shown in Appendix A.
8.2 Preparation requirements
Test reports should be prepared in accordance with the following requirements: a) The order of the test report is: cover, cover 2, text, and attachments; b) The measurement units in the test report should adopt the legal measurement units GB/T39623-2020
The full names of the entrusting unit, construction unit, test unit, and system name in the test report should be filled in; the addresses in the test report should be filled in with detailed addresses; the official seal of the test unit or the special seal of the test should be used where the official seal is required, and the cover seal and the interline seal should be affixed; the preparation, review, and approval columns in the test report should be signed by the corresponding personnel A.1 Basic provisions
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Test report format
The test report uses A4 paper. Page margin settings: top margin 2cm, bottom margin 2cm, left margin 2.8cm, right margin 2.5cm. A.1.2
Line spacing is generally single line spacing, 0 before and after a paragraph, and can be adjusted appropriately depending on the content. Except for the cover, other pages (including attachments) should have headers and footers, and uniformly compile continuous page numbers. The header margin is 1.5cm, A.1.3
The footer margin is 1.75cm.
A.1.4The Chinese font regulations are shown in Table A.1, and the Western font is Times New Roman. A.2Cover
The format of the test report cover is shown in Figure A.1. The system name, entrusting unit, and construction unit should fill in the full name. The official seal of the test unit or the special seal of the test should be used in the place where the official seal is stamped, and the cover seal and the saddle seal should be stamped. A.3Second cover
The format of the second cover is shown in Figure A.2. The detailed address should be filled in the address column in the "Contact Information". A.4Homepage of the text
The format of the first page of the text is shown in Figure A.3.
The columns of Preparation, Review and Approval shall be signed by the corresponding personnel. A.5
Other pages of the text
A.5.1 The format and content of other pages of the text are shown in Figure A.4. A.5.2
The terminator line shall be a thick solid line, one quarter of the length of the page, placed after the last content of the test report, and centered on a new line. It shall not be arranged on a new page.
Font size and font in the test report
Text line
3 blank lines, size 2 Song, 4th line
5th line of text
12 blank lines, size 4 Song, indent 15 characters from the 18th
line, 1 blank line between each
line of text
2nd line (centered)
2nd line (centered)
3rd to 6th line
Text content
Test report
Report number
System name to construction
Font size and font, character spacing
Initial bold bold, widenedbZxz.net
4th bold Song, standard
Small size 4 Song, standard
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