GB 4166-1984 Test methods for variable capacitors for electronic equipment
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test methods of variable capacitors for electronic equipmentMethods of test of yariable capacitors inelectronilc equipment
: 621.317
GB 4166-84
JEC 418-
This standard is equivalent to IEC Standard 418-1 "Test methods of variable capacitors" (1st edition in 1974 and 2nd revision in 1981). Part I General Provisions
1 Model Figure
This standard applies to variable capacitors for electronic equipment and specifies applicable terms and test methods. The capacitors described in this standard are classified according to the type (function), dielectric, type and purpose defined in Articles 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10. Each "type specification" will specify the specific tests and requirements applicable to each type and level of capacitors. The detailed specifications for capacitors of a certain specification shall be formulated in accordance with the relevant "type specifications". 2 Purpose
The test date of the capacitors described in this standard shall be established under laboratory conditions as far as possible:. The applicability of the capacitor within the specified temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity range: b. The ability of capacitors to withstand specified mechanical impact conditions that may be encountered during transportation or operation. The ability of capacitors to withstand the harsh conditions of assembly (such as welding) during equipment assembly without compromising the above-mentioned items α and b.
Some tests in this standard are accelerated tests, or tests conducted under simulated conditions or even exceeding the worst conditions of use. These tests determine the appropriate quality standards and cannot be used to provide reliable data on any performance beyond the test cycle and test conditions. If the required operating conditions are substantially different from the test conditions specified in this standard, refer to the manufacturer's information on the adaptability of components for a specific purpose. In general, as long as the environment or load stress on the component is not too severe, a longer service life can be expected within a given performance range. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specifications, the tests specified in this standard apply to each unit of a multi-unit capacitor.: Terminology
In this standard, the following definitions are used:
a.1 Variable capacitor variable capacilor A capacitor designed to allow the capacitance to vary continuously over its entire capacitance range. 3.2 Differential capacitor A capacitor that is composed of two sets of insulated stators and a set of moving plates. The moving plates of this capacitor are properly designed and arranged so that when the capacitance between the moving plates and a set of stators increases, the capacitance between the moving plates and another set of stators decreases, but the sum of the two capacitances remains essentially unchanged at all adjustment positions. 3.3 Split stator capacitor A capacitor that is composed of two sets of insulated stators and a set of common moving plates connected in series. a.4 Section
Issued by the National Bureau of Standards on February 27, 1984
Implemented on December 1, 1984
A set of stators and a corresponding set of moving plates. GB 4166—84
3.5 Multi-section capacitor A capacitor with multiple sections, the capacitance of each section being changed simultaneously by a common drive mechanism. 3.B Reference section section
The section with which the other sections are synchronized.
3.7 Matchingsection
The section synchronized with the reference section.
3.8 Typetype
A classification determined by the function of the capacitor and its ability to withstand various degrees of mechanical endurance (see 29.1). 3.8.1 Class A: A capacitor intended to be frequently operated throughout its life. When used for tuning, this type of capacitor may be equipped with a control shaft on which a knob or transmission wheel can be mounted. 3.a.2 Class B: A capacitor used for fine adjustment or for other similar purposes, the number and duration of rotation of its movable electrode is much less than that of Class A.
To.8.3 Class C, a capacitor used exclusively as a pre-adjustment, which requires very few rotations during its life. 3.9 Style
A classification determined by the method of changing the capacitance of the capacitor. 3.9.11 style 1 - concentric - an air dielectric capacitor in which the capacitance is changed by the axial movement of the mover in the stator. 3.9.22 style 2 - vane
a capacitor in which the capacitance is changed by the rotation of the mover between the stators. 8.9.33 style 3 - tubular - a solid dielectric capacitor in which the capacitance is changed by the axial movement of an electrode in a tube. 3.8.44 style 4 - compression - a capacitor in which the capacitance is changed by a stack of electrodes and dielectric layers pressing against the core. 3.9.55 style 5 - disk
a solid dielectric capacitor in which the capacitance is changed by rotating a metallized disk. 3.10 Descriptive code The code for describing the type (function), dielectric, type and purpose of the capacitor can be expressed in the form of four characteristic codes according to the following provisions:
Descriptive code
Type (function)
A=tuning capacitor
B=fine-tuning capacitor
C=pre-tuning capacitor
1 2=solid
1=concentric type
2=sheet type
3=tube type
4-compression type
5=sheet type
1=Class 1 - special
12=Class 2 - civil
GB 4166-84
For example: the description code for special, tubular, solid dielectric, pre-adjusted capacitors is C231. 3.11 Maximum capacitance maximum capacitance The capacitance value obtained after adjusting the drive mechanism according to the method specified in the relevant specifications. .12 Minimum capacitance minimum capacitance The capacitance value obtained after adjusting the drive mechanism according to the method specified in the relevant specifications. .18 Capacitance swing The difference between the maximum capacitance and the minimum capacitance. 3.14 Capacitance law capacitance law The relationship between capacitance and the position of the drive mechanism. g.t5 Effective angle of rotation The angle (or number of turns) through which the rotor rotates between the maximum capacitance and the minimum capacitance positions. 3.1e Total angle of rotation The angle (or number of turns) through which the rotor rotates between the two stop ends. If there is no stop end, the total angle is the effective angle. 3.17 Nominal angle of rotation The angle used to determine the measuring point when performing capacitance measurement. 8.18 backlash
the difference in capacitance measured when the actuator rotates first clockwise and then counterclockwise to a specified measuring angle (expressed as a ratio).
s.19 apparent power
the maximum volt rating of a capacitor that can be used relative to a certain temperature rise, which depends on the applied frequency, current and voltage. 3.20 lower category temperature the lowest ambient temperature for which the capacitor is designed to operate continuously. s.21 upper category temperature the highest ambient temperature for which the capacitor is designed to operate continuously. $.22 category temperature range the range of ambient temperatures for which the capacitor is designed to operate continuously. 3.2a capacitance drift after adjustment the change in capacitance obtained within a specified time after the actuator rotates at a specified speed to a specified capacitance position (expressed as a ratio).
nominal capacitance
urgent,24 Nominal capacitance
Those capacitance values marked on the capacitor or packaging. The nominal capacitance value shall be specified in the corresponding specification and shall include one or more of the following items:
Capacitance range (nominal value)
Maximum capacitance (nominal value)
Minimum capacitance (nominal value)
3.25 Rated voltage ratedvoltage
The maximum peak voltage that can be continuously applied to the capacitor lead at any temperature within the category temperature range. Note: The rated voltage should be selected from the R5 series given in GB321, a pair of "Preferred Number System". If an intermediate value is required, it should be selected from the R series.
3.26 Rotor contact resistance rotorcontactresistance The resistance between the rotor contact lead and the rotor shaft. type tests
8.27 Type test
* GB 321-80\ replaces ISO/R3\. GB4166—84
A complete series of tests on ten representative specimens of a type, the purpose of which is to determine whether a manufacturer can be considered capable of producing products that meet the specifications. 28 Type approval type approval
A decision made by the relevant party (the user himself or his agent) that a manufacturer can be considered capable of producing a considerable number of products that meet the specifications.
acceptance tesls
3.29 Acceptance tests
Tests performed according to agreement between the user and the manufacturer to determine whether a delivery is acceptable. The agreement shall include: number of samples1
b. Selection of test items
. For the tests selected from the specification, the test samples shall comply with the requirements. Note: When the test results obtained by the user and the manufacturer are inconsistent, the force method specified in this standard shall be used for arbitration. 3.30 Faclory tests
Those tests performed by the manufacturer to check whether its products comply with the specifications. Part II General requirements for tests
4 Test conditions
Unless otherwise specified, for any test and measurement, the method originally specified must be used in all subsequent applications of the test or measurement.
For the measurement of capacitor stacks, the load method shall ensure that the measurement error does not exceed: 8. When measuring absolute capacitance, the rated capacitance is 10% of the rated capacitance. When measuring capacitance change, the specified maximum capacitance change is 10%. If torque is required during the test, the method used should be able to ensure that the accuracy of the applied torque is ±10%. 4.1 Standard atmospheric conditions for the test
Unless otherwise specified, the measurement of capacitors should be carried out within the specified time and under normal test atmospheric conditions specified in GB2421-81 "General Rules for Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical Products". During the measurement process, the test samples should be protected from the influence of wind and direct sunlight. Unless otherwise specified, the same requirements should be adopted when measurements are required during conditional tests. 4.2 Mounting method
If the mounting method is important, the relevant specification shall specify which of the following mounting methods shall be used: Method A: Mount the capacitor securely by a practicable method without causing abnormal stress Method B: Mount the capacitor securely by a practicable method without causing abnormal stress on a metal plate about 3 mm thick and at least 25 mm larger than the linear dimension of the capacitor mounting surface Method C: Mount the capacitor securely by a practicable method without causing abnormal stress on a metal plate larger than the projected dimension of the capacitor
Method D: Any other method specified in the relevant specification. Note: It should be noted that the mounting method should be described in detail in the relevant specification, as the mounting method will affect the determination of the minimum capacitance and temperature coefficient. 4.3 Test samples
When the test items described in this standard are specified in the type test list, the number of samples required shall be specified in the relevant specification. Capacitors that have undergone type testing shall not be used in equipment or returned to the finished product supply warehouse. 4. 4 Type test overview
, "GB'242[-81" replaces [FC68-1". GB 416684
Type test items should be specified in the relevant specifications. Part III Test Methods
5 Visual inspection
The surface condition, processing quality, marking and plating should be good by visual inspection. 6 Dimensions and effective rotation angles
Should comply with the specified values of the relevant specifications.
7 Capacitance
7.1 Capacitance measurement
The capacitor should be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. The low potential terminal of the test equipment is connected to the metal plate or the rotor lead-out terminal as applicable. The medium capacitance should be measured at a frequency of 800 to 1200 Hz, or at other frequencies, but the test equipment used must be the same as that at 1 kHz. If the measuring frequency is not 800 to 120 Hz, the measuring frequency shall be specified in the detailed specification.
Tuning capacitors are usually constructed with pre-adjusted capacitors electrically connected to them. Therefore, these tuning capacitors shall be subjected to various tests according to the conditions specified in the detailed specification related to this type of tuning capacitor. When they are not electrically connected, the pre-adjusted capacitors shall be tested separately according to the corresponding detailed specification. 7.1.1 Maximum Capacitance
When measured in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7.1 and the drive mechanism is adjusted in accordance with the method specified in the relevant specification, the capacitance shall comply with the specified value in the relevant specification.
The relevant specification shall specify:
a. Maximum capacitance and its value range,
b. The position of the drive mechanism or the method of obtaining this position. 7.1.2 Minimum Capacitance
When measured in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7.1 and the method specified in the relevant specification When the drive mechanism is not adjusted by the method specified in the relevant specification, the capacitance shall comply with the specified value of the relevant specification.
The relevant specification shall specify:
Capacitance: minimum capacitance and its value range; b, the position of the drive mechanism or the method of obtaining this position. 7.1.3 Capacitance range
The calculated capacitance range shall be within the value range specified in the relevant specification. 7.2 Capacitance rule
7.2.1 When measuring according to the provisions of 7.1, the different measurement rules specified in the relevant specification shall be The capacitance value of the reference connection should be within the numerical range specified in the relevant specifications. The reference connection of multi-connected capacitors should be specified in the relevant specifications. 7.2.2 When measuring, each measuring point should be selected from 0-5*-1095
-100% (in 5% intervals) of the nominal rotation angle (usually 180°) specified in the relevant specifications. The maximum capacitance position defined in Article 3.11 is the rotation angle position of 100%, which is also the reference point of the nominal rotation angle. *5% or the rotation angle percentage specified in the detailed specification. The capacitance value of the first measurement point (usually at 5% rotation angle) selected by GB4166-84
should be the zero reference capacitance of this test (see Figure 1). For capacitors whose capacitance can be increased in both directions of rotation, the rotation direction of the driving mechanism to increase the capacitance should be specified in the relevant specifications.
The relevant specification shall specify the capacitance difference after deducting the zero reference capacitance from the capacitance of each selected measuring point. When the drive mechanism is adjusted in the same direction between the minimum and maximum capacitance positions, the capacitance change shall never be reversed. Maximum capacitance
Zero reference capacitance
5 Position specified in the detailed specification
Nominal angle
Figure 1 Capacitor measurement position diagram
7.2.3 The synchronization between any other-link and the reference link of a multi-link capacitor (excluding differential capacitors) shall be within the value range specified in the relevant specification. For such measurements, the measuring circuit shall be balanced at 5% of the nominal angle or at the position specified in the relevant specification. 7.3 Coupling capacitance
If the coupling between multi-link capacitor links is important, the value range of the coupling capacitance shall be specified in the relevant specification. If the coupling capacitance between multiple capacitors must be measured, the following three-terminal measurement method should be used: The capacitor should be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications and one of the methods described in Article 4.2, and placed in the minimum capacitance position. When measuring the coupling capacitance between two capacitors, the remaining capacitors should be connected to the ground terminal of the test device. The basic circuit of the test mouse is shown in Figure 2.
In the figure: CC2—
The capacitor to be tested,
Coupling capacitor.
The coupling capacitor Ck to be tested is connected to the H and L terminals, C,and C, the other two ends of the coupling are connected to the M terminal. The coupling capacitance shall be measured at a frequency of 8 to 1200 Hz, or at other frequencies, but the test equipment used must be calibrated with a capacitance calibrator calibrated at 1 kHz. If the measurement frequency is not 800 to 1200 Hz, the measurement frequency shall be specified in the detailed specification. The relevant specification shall specify the value range of the coupling capacitance. The coupling capacitance shall not exceed the value range specified in the relevant US specification. 8 Hysteresis 8.1 The appliance shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant US specification using one of the methods described in 4.2. 8.2 Start from the minimum capacitance position and rotate the rotor to a position approximately 50% of the total capacitance, and measure the maximum capacitance (C) at this position.
8.3 Under the adjustment accuracy specified in the relevant specifications, turn the rotor continuously and smoothly to the position close to the maximum capacitance, and then turn it to the measurement point specified in the above 8.2, and repeat the capacitance (C.). 8.4 Based on the difference between the capacitance values measured in 8.2 and 18.3, the difference is calculated by the following formula: d-
Where d is the difference, 10·\,
The capacitance measured in accordance with 8.2
The capacitance measured in accordance with 8.3.
(Ch -C)
8.SThe value measured in accordance with the above provisions should be within the value range specified in the relevant specifications. 8.6 The relevant specifications should specify:
Installation method,
The value range of the hysteresis.
9 Loss tangent value
9.1 Capacitors shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 9.2
The loss tangent value shall be measured at the frequency specified in the relevant specifications and when the rotor is placed at the capacitance value specified in the relevant specifications. The loss tangent value shall be within the numerical range specified in the relevant specifications. 9.3
9.4 The relevant specifications stipulate:
Installation method,
Measurement frequency,
Capacitance value,
Maximum value of loss tangent value.
10 Insulation resistance
Capacitors shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 10.1
The insulation resistance shall be measured with the following applicable test voltage: 10.2
*The original text is "under the installation accuracy achieved in 1.2"*. Since this article does not cover the installation, it is changed to "under the adjustment accuracy specified in the relevant specifications". Rated voltage U. (V)
U, 100
GB 4166--84
The test voltage shall be applied between the insulated parts for 60±5 seconds. During the entire test, the rotor shall be placed in the position specified in the relevant specifications. 10.3 The insulation resistance shall not be less than the value specified in the relevant specifications. The relevant specifications shall specify:
a, installation method
b. Location of voltage application
Motor position,
Minimum value of insulation resistance.
11 Withstand voltage
Test voltage(V)
500 ± 50
100 ± 15
11.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Clause 4.2. 11.2 When the test voltage specified in the relevant specifications is applied between the moving and stator plates of each group, there shall be no breakdown. If an AC power supply is used, the test shall be carried out at the nominal power supply frequency. For type tests, the test voltage shall be applied for 60 ± 5 seconds, during which the moving plate shall rotate through the entire effective angle.
For measurements made during other tests or at the end of the test, the test voltage shall be applied for 2 seconds, during which the capacitor is placed in the maximum capacitance or other position specified in the relevant test. Note: For air dielectric capacitors, initial ignition due to dust accumulation may be ignored. 11.3 If the capacitor is provided with an insulating mounting device, the test voltage shall be applied between the following locations specified in the relevant specifications: moving plate and mounting plate
stator and mounting plate:
each set of moving plates (if applicable).
114 The relevant specifications shall specify:
Installation method:
Test voltage;
The location where the test voltage is applied (other locations except the above-mentioned locations). 12 Rotor contact resistance
12.1 The oscillator shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 12.2 The rotor contact resistance shall be measured between the rotor contact and the rotor shaft by allowing current to flow through the contact point but causing a potential drop of no more than 20mV. The measuring current shall not exceed 1A (DC). If selected If the current value is less than F1A (DC), it should be specified in the relevant specifications. The measuring instrument should ensure that it has an accuracy of ±10%. 12.3 When measuring according to Article 12.2, the rotor contact resistance of the rotor in any position should not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications.
12.4 The relevant specifications should specify
group. Measuring current (if less than 1A),
b, the maximum value of the rotor contact resistance.
13 Temperature coefficient
GB 4166--84
13.1 The capacitor should be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications and one of the methods described in Article 4.2. The rotor should be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test process.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance, Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. 13.2 The capacitor shall be maintained at the following temperatures in sequence: +15°C to +35°C (standard room temperature for the test) a.
b. Lower category temperature '°C
c. +15°C to +35°C,
d. Upper category temperature \°C;
e. +15°C to +35°C.
Items a, c, and e shall differ from each other by within 4 :. This cycle shall be completed once and temperature shocks shall be avoided. 13.8 After the capacitor has reached thermal stability, the capacitance shall be measured at each of the temperatures specified in 13.2, and the electrical conditions shall be the same for each measurement.
The capacitor shall be deemed to have reached thermal stability when the difference between two capacitance readings taken 5 minutes apart does not exceed the error caused by the measuring instrument.
Special attention shall be paid to the fact that the capacitance between the leads of the test equipment connected to the capacitor shall remain constant for each measurement. Each time the capacitance is measured, the temperature of the test chamber shall be recorded. The temperature measurement shall be accurate to 0.5°C. 13.4 The temperature coefficient shall be calculated between items a and b and between items c and d (see 13.2). The temperature coefficient of this test shall be the larger of the two values obtained. The temperature coefficient (unit: 10-6/°C) is calculated as follows: AC
When calculating the temperature coefficient between item a and item b: C——capacitance of item a;
AC—capacitance difference between item a and item b,
At—temperature difference between item a and item b.
When calculating the temperature coefficient between item and item: C
—capacitance of item c,
-capacitance difference between item c and item d:
-temperature difference between item c and item d.
13.5 The temperature coefficient determined in accordance with the above provisions shall be within the numerical range specified in the relevant specifications. 13.6 The relevant specifications shall specify:
. Installation method
b. The numerical range of the temperature coefficient.
14 Capacitance drift
14.1 Capacitance drift is the difference between the capacitances obtained at temperature a and c in 13.2. This difference is expressed in decimeters of the capacitance value measured at temperature a in 13.2 f1. GB4166-84
14.2 Capacitance drift shall be within the numerical range specified in the relevant specifications. 14.3 The relevant specifications shall specify the numerical range of capacitance drift. 15 Torque
15.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in 4.2, and the rotor shaft shall be in a horizontal position.
15.2 The torque (including the starting torque) required to rotate the drive mechanism to any angle in both directions, i.e., in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions, shall be measured.
For pre-adjusted capacitors with intentionally increased starting torque, the starting torque should be measured. 15.3 The torque should be within the numerical range specified in the relevant specifications. 15.4 The relevant specifications should specify:
. Installation method
b, the numerical range of the torque;
c: For pre-adjusted capacitors with intentionally increased starting torque, the numerical range of the starting torque. 16 Locking
16.1 The unlocked electric piercer shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2, and the moving piece shall be placed at a position equivalent to 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance, and the capacitance shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 16.2 Then, the torque specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the locking device to lock the drive mechanism and re-measure the capacitance. 16.8 The change in capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 16.4 Then, the torque specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the locked drive mechanism in a clockwise direction and the capacitance is re-measured. 16.5 Then, the torque specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the locked drive mechanism in a counterclockwise direction and the capacitance is re-measured. 16.6 The capacitance measured after each application of torque shall be compared with the capacitance measured after the drive mechanism is locked (see Article 16.2). The change in capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 18.7 The relevant specifications shall specify:
fish. Installation method
b. Locking torque,
the range of values of capacitance change after locking; d.
the torque applied to the locked drive mechanism, e. the range of values of capacitance change after torque is applied to the locked drive mechanism. 17 Locking torque resistance
17.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 17.2 Apply a torque equal to twice the locking torque specified in Article 16.2 to the locking device. 17.3 There shall be no looseness in the components.
17.4 The relevant specifications shall specify the installation method. 18 End stop torque
18.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 18.2 Place the moving piece against a stop and apply the torque specified in the relevant specifications to the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 18.8 Place the moving piece against the other end of the differential and repeat the test. 18.4 There should be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 18.5 The relevant specifications should specify;
a. Installation method;
b. Torque applied.
1 Thrust and tension (axial)
18.1 Thrust
GB 41B6-84
No. 1.1.1 The capacitor should be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications and one of the methods described in Article 4.2. If there is a locking device, it should be removed or loosened. The moving piece should be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test. Class A, 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. Then measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 19.1,2 The axial thrust specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism. Care should be taken to ensure that the specified load is not exceeded. 11.1.3 Under the conditions specified in 19.1.2, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. The capacitance shall not change more than the value specified in the relevant specifications when compared with the capacitance measured in 19.1.1. 19.1.4 The relevant specifications shall specify the value range of capacitance change after the push and hit applied.
19.2 Maximum allowable thrust
The thrust specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.2.1
There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection.
The relevant specifications shall specify the allowable thrust.
19.3 Maximum allowable tension
The tension specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.3.1
19.3.2There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 19.3.3 The relevant specifications shall specify the permissible tensile force. 20 Side thrust
20.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. The rotor shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. The capacitance shall then be measured in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 20.2 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specifications, the thrust specified in the relevant specifications shall be applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism 10 mm from the outer surface of the bearing in a direction perpendicular to the shaft.
In this state, the capacitance shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 20. This capacitance shall be compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 20.1, and its change shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 20.4 Then, the thrust shall be applied in turn along the circumference at positions 90°, 180°, and 270° from the position where the torque is initially applied, and the capacitance of the disk shall be measured each time the thrust is applied. 20.5 The capacitance shall not vary more than the value specified in the relevant specification when compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with 20.1. 20.6 The relevant specification shall specify:
sale. Installation method
b, thrust applied
e.: point of force application (if not 10mm) ld. 'Maximum allowable capacitance change.
21 Strength of lead terminals
21.1 Tensile test
GB 4166-84
21.1.1 The lead terminals shall be subjected to the test Ua procedure in GB2423.29-82* according to the severity specified in the relevant specifications. In addition, the burst lead terminals shall be subjected to the thrust test specified in the relevant specifications. 21.1.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 21.2 Bending test
21.2.1 Terminals designed for bending shall be subjected to one cycle of the test Ub procedure in GB 2423.29-82*. 21.2.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 21.3 Torque test
21.3.1 Threaded terminals shall be subjected to the test Ud procedure in GB2423.29-82*. 21.8.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 22 Rapid temperature change
22.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in 4.2, with the rotor placed at the nominal maximum capacitance position, and the capacitance shall be measured.
22.2 The capacitor shall be subjected to the temperature change test specified in the test Na in GB 2423.2281** at the upper and lower category overflows specified in the relevant specifications. Each exposure to the category temperature lasts for 30 minutes. After recovery, the following requirements shall be met:
No obvious mechanical damage:
Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 22.1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specification. The torque shall be within the value range specified in Chapter 15! Sealed capacitors shall comply with the sealing test specified in Chapter 30. 22.4
The relevant specification shall specify:
Installation method;
Number of capacitance changes;
Number of cycles.
23 Welding
23.1 The welding part of each lead-out terminal designed for welding shall be subjected to the appropriate procedure of Test T in GB2423.28-82*** in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications.
23.2 At the end of the test, there shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. Any additional requirements shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 23.3 The relevant specification shall specify:
Appropriate procedure for test T!
Any immersion depth different from that specified (weld tank method); b.
Welding time, pot wetting time and ferrochrome size (ferrochrome method); recovery time:
Any additional requirements (if necessary).
24 Impact
*Replace "1EC68-2-21\ with "GB 2423.29—82". *Replace *IEC68-2-[4\ with "GB 2423.22—81\". ***Replace 4IEC68-2-20\ with "GB 2423.28—82\".
The torque applied to the locked drive mechanism, e. The numerical range of the change in capacitance after the torque is applied to the locked drive mechanism. 17 Locking torque resistance
17.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 17.2 A torque equal to twice the locking torque specified in Article 16.2 shall be applied to the locking device. 17.3 There shall be no looseness in the components. wwW.bzxz.Net
17.4 The relevant specifications shall specify the installation method. 18 End torque
18.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 18.2 Place the rotor against one end and apply the torque specified in the relevant specifications for ten seconds. 18.8 Place the rotor against the other end and repeat the test. 18.4 There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 18.5 The relevant specifications shall specify;
a. Installation method;
b applied torque.
1 Thrust and tension (axial)
18.1 Thrust
GB 41B6-84
No. 1.1.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. If there is a locking device, it shall be removed or loosened. The moving piece shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test. Class A, 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. Then measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 19.1,2 Apply the axial thrust specified in the relevant specifications to the operating end of the drive mechanism. Care should be taken to ensure that the specified load is not exceeded. 11.1.3 Under the conditions specified in Article 19.1.2, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. The change of this capacitance compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with 19.1.1 shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 19.1.4 The relevant specifications shall specify
, Installation method:
The range of values of capacitance change after pushing
19,2 Maximum allowable thrust
The thrust specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.2.1
There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection.
The allowable thrust shall be specified in the relevant specifications.
19.3 Maximum allowable tension
The tension specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.3.1
19.3.2There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 19.3.3The allowable tension shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 20 Side thrust
20.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications in one of the methods described in 4.2. The rotor shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. Then measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20.2 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specifications, the thrust specified in the relevant specifications shall be applied perpendicular to the axis to the operating end of the drive mechanism 10 mm from the outer surface of the bearing.
In this state, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20. This capacitance shall not change more than the value specified in the relevant specifications when compared with the capacitance measured in 20.1. 20.4 Then, this thrust shall be applied along the circumference in turn at positions 90°, 180°, and 270° from the position where the torque is initially applied, and the capacitance shall be measured each time the thrust is applied. 20.5 The capacitance shall not vary more than the capacitance measured in accordance with 20.1. 20.6 The relevant specifications shall specify:
sale. Installation method
b, applied thrust
e.: point of force application (if not 10mm) ld. 'Maximum allowable capacitance change.
21 Strength of lead terminals
21.1 Tensile test
GB 4166-84
21.1.1 The lead terminals shall be subjected to the test Ua procedure in GB2423.29-82* according to the severity specified in the relevant specifications. In addition, the cracked lead terminals shall be subjected to the thrust test specified in the relevant specifications. 21.1.2 The lead terminals or capacitors shall be free of damage. 21.2 Bend test
21.2.1 Terminals designed for bending shall be subjected to the test Ub procedure in GB 2423.29-82* for one cycle. 21.2.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 21.3 Torque test
21.3.1 Threaded terminals shall be subjected to the test Ud procedure in GB2423.29-82*. 21.8.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 22 Rapid temperature change
22.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in 4.2, with the rotor placed at the nominal maximum capacitance position, and the capacitance measured.
22.2 The capacitor shall be subjected to the temperature change test specified in test Na in GB 2423.2281** at the upper and lower category overflows specified in the relevant specifications. The duration of each exposure to the category temperature is 30 minutes. After recovery, it shall meet the following requirements:
No obvious mechanical damage:
Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 22.1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. The torque shall be within the value range specified in Chapter 15! Sealed capacitors shall comply with the sealing test specified in Chapter 30. 22.4
The relevant specifications shall specify:
Installation method;
Number of capacitance changes;
Number of cycles.
23 Welding
23.1 The welding part of each lead-out terminal designed for welding shall be subjected to the appropriate procedure of test T in GB2423.28-82*** in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications.
23.2 At the end of the test, there shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. Any additional requirements shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 23.3 The relevant specifications shall specify:
Appropriate procedure for test T!
Any immersion depth different from that specified (weld tank method); b.
Welding time, pot-wetting time and ferrochrome size (ferrochrome method); recovery time:
Any additional requirements (if necessary).
24 Impact
*Replace "1EC68-2-21\ with "GB 2423.29—82". *Replace *IEC68-2-[4\ with "GB 2423.22—81\". ***Replace 4IEC68-2-20\ with "GB 2423.28—82\".
The torque applied to the locked drive mechanism, e. The numerical range of the change in capacitance after the torque is applied to the locked drive mechanism. 17 Locking torque resistance
17.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 17.2 A torque equal to twice the locking torque specified in Article 16.2 shall be applied to the locking device. 17.3 There shall be no looseness in the components.
17.4 The relevant specifications shall specify the installation method. 18 End torque
18.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2. 18.2 Place the rotor against one end and apply the torque specified in the relevant specifications for ten seconds. 18.8 Place the rotor against the other end and repeat the test. 18.4 There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 18.5 The relevant specifications shall specify;
a. Installation method;
b applied torque.
1 Thrust and tension (axial)
18.1 Thrust
GB 41B6-84
No. 1.1.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications and in one of the methods described in Article 4.2. If there is a locking device, it shall be removed or loosened. The moving piece shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test. Class A, 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. Then measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 19.1,2 Apply the axial thrust specified in the relevant specifications to the operating end of the drive mechanism. Care should be taken to ensure that the specified load is not exceeded. 11.1.3 Under the conditions specified in Article 19.1.2, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. The change of this capacitance compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with 19.1.1 shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 19.1.4 The relevant specifications shall specify
, Installation method:
The range of values of capacitance change after pushing
19,2 Maximum allowable thrust
The thrust specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.2.1
There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection.
The allowable thrust shall be specified in the relevant specifications.
19.3 Maximum allowable tension
The tension specified in the relevant specifications is applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.3.1
19.3.2There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 19.3.3The allowable tension shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 20 Side thrust
20.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the relevant specifications in one of the methods described in 4.2. The rotor shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. Then measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20.2 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specifications, the thrust specified in the relevant specifications shall be applied perpendicular to the axis to the operating end of the drive mechanism 10 mm from the outer surface of the bearing.
In this state, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20. This capacitance shall not change more than the value specified in the relevant specifications when compared with the capacitance measured in 20.1. 20.4 Then, this thrust shall be applied along the circumference in turn at positions 90°, 180°, and 270° from the position where the torque is initially applied, and the capacitance shall be measured each time the thrust is applied. 20.5 The capacitance shall not vary more than the capacitance measured in accordance with 20.1. 20.6 The relevant specifications shall specify:
sale. Installation method
b, applied thrust
e.: point of force application (if not 10mm) ld. 'Maximum allowable capacitance change.
21 Strength of lead terminals
21.1 Tensile test
GB 4166-84
21.1.1 The lead terminals shall be subjected to the test Ua procedure in GB2423.29-82* according to the severity specified in the relevant specifications. In addition, the cracked lead terminals shall be subjected to the thrust test specified in the relevant specifications. 21.1.2 The lead terminals or capacitors shall be free of damage. 21.2 Bend test
21.2.1 Terminals designed for bending shall be subjected to the test Ub procedure in GB 2423.29-82* for one cycle. 21.2.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 21.3 Torque test
21.3.1 Threaded terminals shall be subjected to the test Ud procedure in GB2423.29-82*. 21.8.2 There shall be no damage to the terminals or capacitors. 22 Rapid temperature change
22.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in 4.2, with the rotor placed at the nominal maximum capacitance position, and the capacitance measured.
22.2 The capacitor shall be subjected to the temperature change test specified in test Na in GB 2423.2281** at the upper and lower category overflows specified in the relevant specifications. The duration of each exposure to the category temperature is 30 minutes. After recovery, it shall meet the following requirements:
No obvious mechanical damage:
Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 22.1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. The torque shall be within the value range specified in Chapter 15! Sealed capacitors shall comply with the sealing test specified in Chapter 30. 22.4
The relevant specifications shall specify:
Installation method;
Number of capacitance changes;
Number of cycles.
23 Welding
23.1 The welding part of each lead-out terminal designed for welding shall be subjected to the appropriate procedure of test T in GB2423.28-82*** in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications.
23.2 At the end of the test, there shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. Any additional requirements shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 23.3 The relevant specifications shall specify:
Appropriate procedure for test T!
Any immersion depth different from that specified (welding tank method); b.
Welding time, wetting time and ferrochrome size (ferrochrome method); recovery time:
Any additional requirements (if necessary).
24 Impact
*Replace "1EC68-2-21\ with "GB 2423.29—82". *Replace *IEC68-2-[4\ with "GB 2423.22—81\". ***Replace 4IEC68-2-20\ with "GB 2423.28—82\".1
There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection.
The permissible thrust shall be specified in the relevant specification.
19.3 Maximum permissible tension
The tension specified in the relevant specification shall be applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.3.1
19.3.2There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 19.3.3The permissible tension shall be specified in the relevant specification. 20 Side thrust
20.1 The capacitor shall be installed in one of the methods described in 4.2 as specified in the relevant specification. The rotor shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. The capacitance is then measured in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20.2 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification, the thrust specified in the relevant specification shall be applied perpendicular to the axis to the operating end of the drive mechanism 10 mm from the outer surface of the bearing.
In this state, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 20. Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 20.1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 20.4 Then, the thrust shall be applied along the circumference at positions 90°, 180°, and 270° from the position where the torque is initially applied, and the capacitance of the disk shall be measured each time the thrust is applied. 20.5 Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 20,1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 20.6 The relevant specifications shall specify:
sale. Installation method
b, applied thrust
e.: point of force application (if not at 10mm) ld. 'Maximum allowable capacitance change.
21 Terminal Strength
21.1 Tensile Test
GB 4166-84
21.1.1 The terminal shall be subjected to the test Ua procedure in GB2423.29-82* according to the severity specified in the relevant specifications. In addition, the threaded terminal shall be subjected to the thrust test specified in the relevant specifications. 21.1.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 21.2 Bending Test
21.2.1 The terminal designed for bending shall be subjected to the test Ub procedure in GB 2423.29-82* for one cycle. 21.2.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 21.3 Torque Test
21.3.1 The threaded terminal shall be subjected to the test Ud procedure in GB2423.29-82*. 21.8.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 22 Rapid temperature change
22.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2, with the rotor placed at the nominal maximum capacitance position and the capacitance measured.
22.2 The capacitor shall be subjected to the temperature change test specified in Test Na in GB 2423.2281** at the upper and lower category overflows specified in the relevant specifications. The duration of each exposure to the category temperature is 30 minutes. After recovery, it shall meet the following requirements:
No obvious mechanical damage:
The capacitance shall not change more than the value specified in the relevant specifications compared with the capacitance measured in Article 22.1. The torque shall be within the value range specified in Chapter 15! Sealed capacitors shall comply with the sealing test specified in Chapter 30. 22.4
The relevant specifications shall specify:
Installation method;
Number of capacitance changes;
Number of cycles.
23 Welding
23.1 The welded area of each lead-out terminal designed for welding shall be subjected to the appropriate procedure of test T in GB2423.28-82*** as specified in the relevant specifications.
23.2 At the end of the test, there shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. Any additional requirements shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 23.3 The relevant specifications shall specify:
Appropriate procedure for test T!
Any immersion depth different from that specified (weld tank method); b.
Welding time, pot wetting time and ferrochrome size (ferrochrome method); recovery time:
Any additional requirements (if necessary).
24 collision
*"GB 2423.29—82" replaces "1EC68-2-21\.*"GB 2423.22—81\ replaces *IEC68-2-[4\".***"GB 2423.28—82\ replaces 4IEC68-2-20\.1
There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection.
The permissible thrust shall be specified in the relevant specification.
19.3 Maximum permissible tension
The tension specified in the relevant specification shall be applied to the operating end of the drive mechanism for 10 seconds. 19.3.1
19.3.2There shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. 19.3.3The permissible tension shall be specified in the relevant specification. 20 Side thrust
20.1 The capacitor shall be installed in one of the methods described in 4.2 as specified in the relevant specification. The rotor shall be placed in the following position and remain unchanged throughout the test.
Class A: 40% to 60% of the nominal maximum capacitance Class B and Class C: 60% to 80% of the nominal maximum capacitance. The capacitance is then measured in accordance with the provisions of 7.1. 20.2 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification, the thrust specified in the relevant specification shall be applied perpendicular to the axis to the operating end of the drive mechanism 10 mm from the outer surface of the bearing.
In this state, measure the capacitance in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1. 20. Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 20.1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 20.4 Then, the thrust shall be applied along the circumference at positions 90°, 180°, and 270° from the position where the torque is initially applied, and the capacitance of the disk shall be measured each time the thrust is applied. 20.5 Compared with the capacitance measured in accordance with Article 20,1, the change in this capacitance shall not exceed the value specified in the relevant specifications. 20.6 The relevant specifications shall specify:
sale. Installation method
b, applied thrust
e.: point of force application (if not at 10mm) ld. 'Maximum allowable capacitance change.
21 Terminal Strength
21.1 Tensile Test
GB 4166-84
21.1.1 The terminal shall be subjected to the test Ua procedure in GB2423.29-82* according to the severity specified in the relevant specifications. In addition, the threaded terminal shall be subjected to the thrust test specified in the relevant specifications. 21.1.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 21.2 Bending Test
21.2.1 The terminal designed for bending shall be subjected to the test Ub procedure in GB 2423.29-82* for one cycle. 21.2.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 21.3 Torque Test
21.3.1 The threaded terminal shall be subjected to the test Ud procedure in GB2423.29-82*. 21.8.2 There shall be no damage to the terminal or capacitor. 22 Rapid temperature change
22.1 The capacitor shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications using one of the methods described in Article 4.2, with the rotor placed at the nominal maximum capacitance position and the capacitance measured.
22.2 The capacitor shall be subjected to the temperature change test specified in Test Na in GB 2423.2281** at the upper and lower category overflows specified in the relevant specifications. The duration of each exposure to the category temperature is 30 minutes. After recovery, it shall meet the following requirements:
No obvious mechanical damage:
The capacitance shall not change more than the value specified in the relevant specifications compared with the capacitance measured in Article 22.1. The torque shall be within the value range specified in Chapter 15! Sealed capacitors shall comply with the sealing test specified in Chapter 30. 22.4
The relevant specifications shall specify:
Installation method;
Number of capacitance changes;
Number of cycles.
23 Welding
23.1 The welded area of each lead-out terminal designed for welding shall be subjected to the appropriate procedure of test T in GB2423.28-82*** as specified in the relevant specifications.
23.2 At the end of the test, there shall be no mechanical damage after visual inspection. Any additional requirements shall be specified in the relevant specifications. 23.3 The relevant specifications shall specify:
Appropriate procedure for test T!
Any immersion depth different from that specified (weld tank method); b.
Welding time, pot wetting time and ferrochrome size (ferrochrome method); recovery time:
Any additional requirements (if necessary).
24 collision
*"GB 2423.29—82" replaces "1EC68-2-21\.*"GB 2423.22—81\ replaces *IEC68-2-[4\".***"GB 2423.28—82\ replaces 4IEC68-2-20\.28—82\ replaced 4IEC68-2-20\.28—82\ replaced 4IEC68-2-20\.
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