This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hair dyes. This standard applies to oxidative and non-oxidative hair dyes that can change the color of hair. QB/T 1978-2004 Hair Dye QB/T1978-2004 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS71.100.70 Classification number: Y42 Registration number: 15116-2005 Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China OB/T1978-2004 Replaces QB/T1978-1994 Hair dye Hair coloring preparation Published on 2004-12-14 China National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China 2005-06-01 implementation YIKAONIKAca- QB/T1978-2004 This standard is a revision of QB/T1978-1994 "Hair Dyes, Hair Dye Water, Hair Dye Powder, Hair Dye Growth", and the following contents have been modified: Added the reference of GB5296.3 "Instructions for Use of Consumer Products, General Labeling of Cosmetics": Added the reference of the Ministry of Health and Law Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Republic of China Reference to the 20021 No. 229 "Hygiene Standards for Cosmetics": Net content is in accordance with the State Administration of Technical Supervision Order C1995 No. 43 "Measurement Supervision Regulations for Quantitative Packaged Goods": Dye-based hair dyes are clearly defined as non-oxidative hair dyes in product classification; Sensory and physical and chemical indicators increase requirements for oxidative powder, water two-component products, and non-oxidative hair dyes: - The pH range of single-component hair dye powder is adjusted from 8.0~11.5 to 7.0~11.5; - The pH range of the dye in the two-component hair dye powder is adjusted from 4 .0~7.5 is adjusted to 4.0~9.0; - The pH range of dyes in hair dyes is adjusted from 8.0~11.0 to 7.0~11.0; The pH range of oxidants in hair dyes and hair dyes is adjusted from 2.0~5.0 to 1.8~5.0; - The limit of oxidant content (%) in hair dyes and hair dyes is adjusted from 4.0~7.0 to no more than 12.0; - Dyeing ability increases color hair dyeing: - The content limit of p-phenylenediamine is clearly based on the actual content in use. This standard is proposed by the China Light Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Flavors, Fragrances and Cosmetics. This standard was drafted by L'Oreal (China) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Henkel Daily Chemicals Service Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Jiang Yifan and Chen Xiangdong. This standard was first issued in 1989 as the light industry professional standard ZB/TY42005-1989 "Hair dye, hair dye powder" and ZB/TY42006-1989 "Hair dye emulsion". It was first revised in July 1994 and merged into the light industry industry standard QB/T1978-1994 "Hair dye, hair dye, hair dye lotion". This is the second revision. From the date of implementation, this standard replaces the light industry industry standard QB/T1978-1994 "Hair dye, hair dye, hair dye cream" issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. -1- YIKAONIKAca- QB/T1978-2004 1 Scope Hair dye This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hair dye. This standard applies to oxidative and non-oxidative hair dyes that can change the color of hair. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated references, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB5296.3 Instructions for use of consumer products General labeling of cosmetics GB/T13531.1 General test methods for cosmetics Determination of pH value QB/T1684 Inspection rules for cosmetics QB/T1685 5 Requirements for the appearance of cosmetic product packaging QB/T1863 Determination of p-phenylenediamine in hair dyes Gas chromatography JJF1070-2000 Metrological inspection rules for net content of quantitatively packaged goods State Bureau of Technical Supervision Order [1995] No. 43 Metrological supervision regulations for quantitatively packaged goods Health Law Supervision [2002] No. 229 Cosmetic Hygiene Standards 3 Product classification 3.1 Products can be divided into: hair dye powder, hair dye water and hair dye cream (gambling gel) according to their form. 3.2 Products can be divided into: single-dose and two-dose according to dosage form. 3.3 Products can be divided into: oxidative hair dyes and non-oxidative hair dyes according to the dyeing principle 4 Requirements 4.1 Hygienic and chemical indicators should meet the requirements of Table 1. The raw materials used should comply with the provisions of Weifajianfa [2002] No. 229. Table 1 Hygienic and chemical indicators Lead/(mg/kg) Limit of toxic substances Restricted substances Mercury/(mg/kg) Arsenic/(mg/kg) Paraphenylenediamine/% 4.2 Sensory and physical and chemical indicators should meet the requirements of Table 2 Requirements (Subject to the actual content in use) Sensory indicators Physical and chemical indicators Oxidation Agent Oxidant content/% Dyeing ability 4.3 Net content deviation Single dosage form Table 2 Sensory and physicochemical indicators Oxidative hair dye Two dosage forms Powder-powder type Powder-water type Hair dye Comply with the specified requirements Comply with the specified fragrance Should comply with the provisions of the State Administration of Technical Supervision Order [1995] No. 43. 5 Test methods 5.1 Hygienic and chemical indicators -rKAONKAca- QB/T1978-2004 Non-oxidative Hair dye (Gel) Hair dye Keep at (40±1)℃ for 6h, and there will be no oil-water separation after returning to room temperature Keep at (-10±2)℃ for 24h, and there will be no oil-water separation after returning to room temperature Dye the hair to the color specified in the mark Inspect according to the method specified in QB/T1683 and Weifajianfa [2002] No. 229. 5.2 Sensory indicators 5.2.1 Appearance Take the sample and observe it visually at room temperature and not under direct sunlight. 5.2.2 Aroma Take the sample and identify it by membrane sense. 5.3 Physical and chemical indicators 5.3.1 Heat resistance Instrument Constant temperature incubator: temperature control accuracy ±1℃: Operation procedure Pre-adjust the constant temperature incubator to (40±1)℃, and place a bottle of the sample with complete packaging in the constant temperature incubator. Take it out after 6 hours, and return it to room temperature for visual observation. 5.3.2 Cold resistance Refrigerator: temperature control accuracy ±2℃. Operation procedure Pre-adjust the refrigerator to (-10±2)℃, and place a bottle of the sample with complete packaging in the refrigerator. Take it out after 24 hours, and return it to room temperature for visual observation. QB/T1978-2004 Hair dye powder Powder Perform the reagents and instruments specified in GB/T13531.1. The analysis steps are as follows: Sample volume: 1 part: Solvent: 100 parts of water, and heat to (65±5)℃ with constant stirring, cool to room temperature, and measure. Aqueous agent Measure according to the method specified in GB/T13531.1 (direct measurement method). Hair dye water Measure according to the method specified in GB/T13531.1 (direct measurement method). Hair dye cream Measure according to the method specified in GB/T13531.1 (dilution method). Non-oxidative hair dye Determine according to the method specified in GB/T13531.1 (dilution method). 5.3.4 Oxidant concentration Instruments and reagents a) Balance: accuracy 0.1mg: b) Erlenmeyer flask: 150mL; c) Sulfuric acid: 1:1 (volume fraction); d) Potassium permanganate standard solution: 0.1mol/L. Operating procedures Accurately weigh about 1g of the sample into a 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add 10mL of distilled water and 10mL of 1:1 (volume fraction) sulfuric acid, and shake the hook. Use 0.1 mol/L potassium permanganate standard solution is titrated until pink appears and does not fade for 30 seconds, which is the end point. Oxidant content, expressed in %, is calculated according to formula (1). Oxidant content (%)= Where: 0.01701XcXV -The mass of hydrogen peroxide (H202) expressed in grams (g) equivalent to 1.00mL potassium permanganate standard solution [c (1/5KMn0.) = 1.000mol/L], in grams per millimole (g/mmo1). C The concentration of potassium permanganate standard solution, in moles per liter (mo1/L): The volume of potassium permanganate standard solution used for titration, in milliliters (m): The mass of the sample, in grams (g). 5.3.5 Dyeing ability Apparatus and materials a) Beaker: 50mL; b) Measuring cylinder: 10mL; c) Glass plate: 20cmX15cm; d) Take a bunch of human white or black hair that has not been dyed with hair dye, washed and dried, or a bunch of white goat beard, 9cm to 11cm long, and tie one end with a thread. Operating procedures Oxidative hair dye Take an appropriate amount of sample according to the instructions in the product manual, stir evenly, and evenly apply the sample to the hair placed on the glass plate. After leaving it there for the specified time and method in the product manual, rinse it with water, dry it, and observe it in a bright place without direct sunlight. Non-oxidative hair dye YrKAONTKAca- QB/T1978-2004 According to the instructions for use in the product manual, apply the sample evenly to the hair placed on the glass plate until it reaches a saturated state. When applying, the sample should evenly cover all hair strands, but not cause adhesion. Then, after leaving it for the time specified in the product manual, observe it in a bright place without direct sunlight. If the product manual does not specify the waiting time, leave it for 15 minutes before observing. 6 Net content deviation Determine it according to the method specified in 6.1.1 of JJF1070-2000. 7 Inspection rules According to QB/T1684 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage, shelf life 8.1 Marking of sales packaging According to GB5296.3. 8.2 Packaging According to QB/T1685. 7.3 Transportation Should be loaded and unloaded with care, and stacked according to the box icon. Avoid severe vibration, impact, sun and rain. 7.4 Purchase and storage Should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse with a temperature not higher than 38°C, and should not be close to water sources, stoves or heaters. When stored, it should be at least 20cm away from the ground and at least 50cm away from the inner wall, and there should be a passage in the middle. Stack according to the box icon and strictly follow the first-in-first-out principle. 7.5 Shelf life Under the prescribed transportation and storage conditions, the product is packaged intact and unopened, and the shelf life is implemented according to the sales packaging mark. TTKAONTKAca- QB1978-2004 00-82612 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.