title>Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation—Meteorological disasters information collection - QX/T 531-2019 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation—Meteorological disasters information collection

Basic Information

Standard ID: QX/T 531-2019

Standard Name:Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation—Meteorological disasters information collection

Chinese Name: 气象灾害调查技术规范 气象灾情信息收集

Standard category:Meteorological Industry Standard (QX)

state:in force

Date of Release2019-12-26

Date of Implementation:2020-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Meteorological Press

other information

drafter:Liao Yaoming, Gao Ge, Chen Yu, Wang Youmin

Drafting unit:National Climate Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Climate and Climate Change Standardization (SAC/TC 540)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Climate and Climate Change Standardization (SAC/TC 540)

Publishing department:China Meteorological Administration

competent authority:China Meteorological Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard number: QX/T 531-2019
Standard name: Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation---Meteorological disasters information collection
English name: Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation---Meteorological disasters information collection ||
tt||Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-12-26
Implementation time: 2020-04-01
Standard size: 855K
Standard introduction: This standard specifies the disaster categories, disaster information content and format requirements for meteorological disaster information collection
This standard applies to the collection, census and evaluation of meteorological disaster information
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T2260-2007 Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1,1-2009
This standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Climate and Climate Change (SAC/TC540)
The drafting unit of this standard: National Climate Center
The main drafters of this standard: Liao Yaoming, Gao Ge, Chen Yu, Wang Youmin.
This standard specifies the disaster categories, content and format requirements for the collection of meteorological disaster information. This standard is applicable to the collection, census and evaluation of meteorological disaster information.

Some standard content:

Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation-Meteorological disasters
Meteorological disaster information
Technical specifications for meteorological disasters investigation-Meteorological disasters informationcollection2019-12-26Release
China Meteorological Administration
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Meteorological disaster categories
Content and format of meteorological disaster information collection
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Meteorological disaster information collection field and attribute descriptionQX/T531—2019
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization (SAC/TC540)The drafting unit of this standard is: National Climate Center. The main drafters of this standard: Liao Yaoming, Gao Ge, Chen Yu, Wang Youmin 1 Scope
Technical Specifications for Meteorological Disaster Investigation
Collection of Meteorological Disaster Information
This standard specifies the disaster categories, content and format requirements for the collection of meteorological disaster information. This standard applies to the collection, census and evaluation of meteorological disaster information. 2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T2260—2007 Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Meteorological disasters
Meteorological disasters
Disasters caused directly or indirectly by weather and climate factors such as typhoons, heavy rains, droughts, tornadoes, cold waves, etc., which cause losses to people's lives and social economy.
Note: Rewrite QX/T336-2016, definition 3.2. 4 Categories of meteorological disasters
4.1 Drought disasters
Reduction in crop yields, water shortages, drinking water difficulties for people and livestock, tight urban water supply, obstruction of industrial and agricultural production caused by continuous low rainfall and high temperatures, as well as deterioration of the ecological environment caused by long-term droughts, and even social instability. 4.2 Heavy rain and flood disasters
Heavy rain, floods, mountain torrents, etc. caused by heavy rainfall or snowmelt, and the resulting waterlogging, waterlogging in farmland, urban waterlogging, landslides, mud-rock flows, etc.
4.3 Typhoon disasters
The wind and rain disasters brought by typhoons and the disasters caused by them, such as storm surges, waterlogging, waterlogging in farmland, urban waterlogging, landslides, mud-rock flows, etc. 4.4 Tornado disasters
The disasters caused by tornadoes, such as fallen trees, overturned vehicles, damaged buildings, and the resulting traffic interruptions, house collapses, danger to human and animal life, and economic losses.
4.5 Sandstorm disasters
The disasters caused by the strong winds and dust of sandstorms and the resulting traffic accidents, environmental pollution, and ecological environment deterioration, etc. 1
4.6 Cold wave disaster
The rapid drop in temperature, strong wind or rain and snow caused by the cold wave has caused serious impacts on industrial and agricultural production, people's lives and human health. 4.7 Strong wind disaster
Disasters caused by strong winds other than typhoons, tornadoes, sandstorms and cold waves, mainly including thunderstorms, strong winds and hurricane lines. 4.8 Ice and lightning disaster
Agriculture, animal husbandry, industrial and mining enterprises, telecommunications, transportation and people's lives and property have suffered great losses due to ice and lightning. 4.9 Lightning disaster
Casualties, fires, explosions or serious damage to electrical and electronic systems caused by lightning, causing major economic losses and major social impacts.
4.10 Snow disaster
Snowstorms, blizzards, snow (ice) avalanches, snow accumulation, sleet, blowing snow, etc. caused by heavy or prolonged snowfall have serious impacts on agriculture, animal husbandry, and road traffic.
4.11 Low temperature disasters
Caused by low temperatures above 0℃, causing damage to crops, withering, rotting, or disease, or even death of plants, mainly including low temperatures in summer, cold dew winds in autumn, and cold damage to tropical crops in winter. 4.12 Freezing disaster
Disasters caused by extreme low temperatures or freezing below 0℃, which cause damage to crops or people and animals, mainly including damage caused by freezing, freezing rain, icicles, electric wire icing, road icing, icicles, sleet, rime, mixed rime, frost, etc. 4.13 High temperature heat wave disaster
Due to high temperature, high humidity and long duration, it causes people to feel uncomfortable, causing diseases or casualties in people and animals, and may threaten public health and life safety, increase energy consumption, and affect social production activities, etc. 4.14 Heavy fog disaster
Disasters in water, land and air transportation caused by heavy fog, as well as disastrous effects on power transmission and people's lives, etc. 4.15 Continuous rain disaster
Due to long-term precipitation weather, crop seeds rot and cannot germinate, early rice seedlings rot, diseases and insect pests breed and spread, etc., which in turn cause agricultural production reduction, mainly including continuous rain in spring and autumn rain in western China, etc. 4.16 Forest and grassland fires
Forest and grassland fires caused by meteorological conditions such as high temperature, drought, and lightning bring certain harm and losses to forests and grasslands, forest and grassland ecosystems, and humans, including forest fires and grassland fires. 4.17 Other disasters
In addition to the above 16 meteorological disasters, other disasters caused by meteorological conditions, such as dry hot winds, ice floods, storm surges, and air pollution. 2
5 Content and format of meteorological disaster information collection
5.1 Content
5.1.1 Basic information
Should include 6 items, including record number, administrative division code of the reporting unit, name of the reporting unit, occurrence area, person filling in the form, and contact number, and should include data source
5.1.2 Disaster information
Should include 2 items, including disaster category and disaster start date, and should include associated disaster category, disaster end date, meteorological element status, warning release description, affected population, death population, missing population, injured population, population urgently relocated and resettled, number of collapsed houses, direct economic losses, crop disaster area, crop disaster area, crop failure area, agricultural economic losses and other disasters, totaling 16 items. Disaster category and associated disaster category are the categories listed in Chapter 4. 5.1.3 Additional information
It is advisable to include pictures, picture information description, video, video information description, audio, audio information description, and notes, a total of 7 items. 5.2 Format
The collection of meteorological disaster information should comply with the format requirements of Table A.1 in Appendix A. Among them, the administrative division code should comply with the requirements of GB/T2260-2007.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Meteorological disaster information collection fields and attribute descriptions Table A, 1 gives the meteorological disaster information collection fields and their attribute descriptions. Meteorological disaster information collection fields and attribute descriptions Table A.1
Field name
Record number
Administrative district where the reporting unit is located
Zone code
Name of the location of the reporting unit
Occurrence area
Contact number
Data source
Disaster category
Accompanying disaster category
Disaster start date
Disaster end date
Actual meteorological elements||tt| |Description of warning release
Affected population
Missing population
Injured population
Emergency evacuation and resettlement population
Number of collapsed houses
Direct economic loss
Area of ​​crops affected
Area of ​​crops with disaster-stricken crops
Area of ​​crops with complete crop failure
Agricultural economic loss
Data type
Text Original type
Text type
Text type
Text type
Text type
Text type
Text type
Date type
Date type
Text type
Text type
Single precision type
Single precision type
Single precision type
Single precision type
Default description|| tt||Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Cannot be empty
Digital code, such as the administrative code of Dongcheng District, Beijing is 110101
Province, city, county
Specific administrative district below the county
Name of the person filling in the form
Contact number of the reporting unit
Disaster Information source
Fill in a meteorological disaster category
You can fill in multiple meteorological disaster categories
Weather process overview
Warnings issued before the disaster occurs,
Including warnings, warning signals, and alarms issued by local meteorological departments, as well as the means of issuance and the recipients
Drought disaster refers to difficulties in drinking water. Population
Keep 2 decimal places
Keep 1 decimal place
Keep 1 decimal place
Keep 1 decimal place
Keep 2 decimal places
Field name
Other disasters
Picture information description
Video information description
Audio information descriptionwww.bzxz.net
Meteorological disaster information collection field and attribute description (continued)Data type
Text Type
Text type
Text type
Text type
Default description
Description of other impacts besides the above-mentioned impacts, including social impacts, agricultural impacts, impacts on animal husbandry, water conservancy impacts, forestry impacts, fishery impacts, transportation impacts, power impacts, communications impacts, etc.
Picture file
Video file
audio file
Contents that need further explanation during the filling process. For short-term severe convective weather such as ice, tornado, gale and thunder and lightning, the start
and end time should be specific to the hour and minute
QX/T336—2016 Meteorological Safety Assurance Specifications for Key Units in Meteorological Disaster Prevention[
The 12th National People's Congress Standing Committee. Meteorological Law of the People's Republic of China[M. Beijing: Legal Publishing House, 2016[2]
[[3]]State Council of the People's Republic of China. Regulations on Meteorological Disaster Prevention [Z], 20176
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
Technical Specification for Meteorological Disaster Investigation
Collection of Meteorological Disaster Information
Published and Distributed by Meteorological Press
No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://qxcbs.com
Issuing Department: 010-68408042
Beijing Zhongke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by Brush Co., Ltd.
Format: 880mmX1230mm
First edition in January 2020
Printing sheet: 0.75
Word count: 22.5 thousand words
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Report phone: (010)684063015,000 words
First printing in January 2020
Book number: 135029-6095
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Report phone number: (010)684063015,000 words
First printing in January 2020
Book number: 135029-6095
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Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.