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CB/T 3886-2002 Rating of main performance levels of ocean transport vessels

Basic Information

Standard ID: CB/T 3886-2002

Standard Name: Rating of main performance levels of ocean transport vessels

Chinese Name: 海洋运输船主要性能水平评级

Standard category:Ship Industry Standard (CB)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:2003-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>47.020.01 General standards for shipbuilding and offshore structures

Standard Classification Number:Ships>>Ship General>>U13 Ocean Transport Ship General

associated standards

alternative situation:CB/T 3886-1999

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

CB/T 3886-2002 Rating of the main performance levels of ocean transport vessels CB/T3886-2002 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 47. 020. 01
Registration number: 11135-2003
Ship industry standard of the People's Republic of China
CB/T 3886-2002
Replaces CB/T3866-1999
Assesment of main general performance level for sea-going transport shipsPublished on 2002—11—20
Published by Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense
Implementation on 2003—02—01
This standard is a revision of CB/T3886-1999 Assessment of main general performance level for sea-going transport ships. CB/T3886--2002
CB/T 3886-1999 is based on the "Notice on the Abolition of Professional Standards and the Transformation into National Standards after Rectification" of the Standardization Department of the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision and the "Notice on the Adjustment of Ship Professional Standards and Relevant National Standards to Industry Standards" of the former China National Shipbuilding Corporation. It was directly adjusted from GB11679-1989 "Rating of Main Performance Levels of Ocean Transport Ships" in June 1999. Compared with the original standard, the main changes of this standard are 1. The standard scores of the main performance rating indicators are changed to a percentage system: 2. The unit of C for container ships is changed from units per ton (unit/t) to boxes per 100 cubic meters (TEU/100m); the unit of CHC for ro-ro ships is changed from vehicle tons (vehicle/t) to auxiliary ton per 100 cubic meters (CAR/100m). 3. For ships with rating comparison, the difference in the common continuous power of the main engine is changed from no more than ±5% to ±10%; 4. The provisions of 1.25~2.24 in the appendix are cancelled, and the provisions of the allowance value are added to take two decimal places: 5. The English name of the standard is slightly changed.
This standard replaces CR/T386~1999 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is drafted by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. This standard is drafted by China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Shanghai Ship Research and Design Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Sun Yongnian, Qi Mingjun, Shi Aizhong. This standard was first issued in 1989 as a national standard: in June 1999, it was directly adjusted to an industry standard. 1 Scope
Main performance level rating of ocean transport ships
This standard specifies the basis, indicators and methods for the main performance level rating of ocean transport ships. CB/T 3886 --2002
This standard is applicable to the following steel motor ocean transport ships (hereinafter referred to as registered ships) delivered for use: cargo ships, bulk carriers, liquid cargo ships, multipurpose ships, container ships and ro-ro ships. This standard can also be used for the development of new ship types of the above ships, as well as the reference for the design analysis of the ship type update of the built ships. 2 Main ship attributes
The main ship attributes involved in the ship main performance level rating are shown in the table]. Table 1 Main requirements of ships and return line length Gross tonnage Ship: Cost element name Cutting weight (full load condition at design draft) Deadweight (maximum loading condition at structural draft) Service speed (full load, engine running smoothly, with 1% sea-going power) Daily fuel consumption (standard calorific value of fuel oil 12700kJ/kg) Cargo hold volume (bulk) 20-foot standard container capacity Vehicle capacity Main engine continuous power Rating basis The main basis for rating is: Ship design assignment or technical specification: The following requirements are specified in the ship technical specification Relevant specifications, conventions, regulations and technical standards; design drawings and technical documents:
Test reports and certificates of shipbuilding plants;
Certificates of ship inspection departments:
Cubic meters
Product units
Technical data of similar type comparative ships with international advanced level designated or approved by relevant competent authorities; f
Owner’s feedback on ship performance. g
4 Classification
Ship performance is divided into three levels: special grade, first grade and second grade. 4.1 Special grade: On the premise of meeting the design task book or technical specification book, the main performance level of the ship reaches or exceeds the current international advanced level of the same type of general ships.
CB/T 3886-2002
4.2 level: On the premise of meeting the design task book or technical specification book, the main performance level of the ship reaches the current international good level of the same type of ships.
4.3 level 2: On the premise of meeting the design task book or technical specification book, the main performance level of the ship reaches the current international good level of the same type of ships.
5 rating indicators
5.1 Name, calculation formula and standard score of the main rating indicators: as specified in Table 2. Table 2 Main performance rating indicators
Indicator name
General weight and main scale ratio
Drop weight, speed and main engine power ratio CDSC Ship profit margin
Gross tonnage and load ratio RGT
Calculation formula
DWs / pp-E+Dj
1 (DW** - Vs'/GSR: 1X0. 7385yg(L·HD)
[w/ (ipp+m Jx100
[N /(Ipp -B. D: =X100
[F: ( 24 DB, )1x1m
g/(t - mile)
None: -%
Container ship
Ling ship
When none, DF
Note: The calculated value of CS shall be rounded to two significant figures after the decimal point. The calculated values ​​of CC, RD and RG shall be rounded to significant figures after the decimal point. 5.2 Explanation of technical parameters
5.2.1 The technical parameters in the first section shall be based on the actual ship test and converted when necessary. 5.2.2 When the actual ship trial speed is available, the service speed shall be based on the conversion value of the actual ship trial speed. 5.2.3 The common continuous power CSR of the main engine shall be based on the design usage, which is generally equivalent to 90% of the maximum continuous power MK of the main engine. 5.2.4 When the main engine and generator set efficiency are qualified, the daily power consumption Fc shall be the design calculated value. 6 Rating method
6.1 Select two ships of the same type that have reached the current international advanced level (hereinafter referred to as advanced ships) as the benchmark, and calculate the scores of the rated ship compared with the advanced ship respectively. The smaller of the two scores shall be taken as the final score of the rated ship. When it is difficult to select two advanced ships, one advanced ship may be selected, but the situation must be explained. 6.2 The premise for comparison between the rated ship and the advanced ship is that their ship types are similar (referring to navigation area, endurance, volume reduction factor of main cargoes loaded), maximum deadweight is similar (difference within ±10), common continuous power of seven engines is similar (difference within ±10%), and the ship energy type is the same (for container ships and standard pushers, the weight of each box is equal; for ro-ro ships, the loading types are different). 6.3 For technical parameters such as navigation power cycle and calorific value of fuel oil, the rated ship and the advanced ship should be compared under the same conditions. www.bzxz.net
6.4 The standard score of main performance rating indicators is 100 points. The rating score of the rated ship is obtained as follows:
RD news of sent-class ship
CDSC of advanced ship
RDW of advanced ship
×30+RC7 of light-in-the-water ship
RFD of advanced ship
RFD of rated ship
Special grade: Rated ship score ≥98 points
First grade: 98 points>Rated ship score ≥94 points2
Rated ship RGT
ICHC of rated ship
Advanced ship C
Second grade: 94 points》Rated ship score 90 points For each type of rated ship (for batch-produced ships, it refers to the first batch), Form 3 and Form 4 need to be filled in. 6.5
Table 3 Main parameters of the ship
Ship type and classification rules
Board function
Number of crew
Line length
No juice
10Hook draft1
Design draftDownload weight
Structural draftDownload grams
Service speed Vs
Interval filling plate Fe
Cargo age case accumulation
Main engine maximum continuous power city
Main engine normal continuous power (
Machine maximum continuous power when rated speed RPM
Continuous power
21 year 1
Completion year D2
Construction of Guangyang or resource source
24Data retrieval number
Evaluation of slow navigation
First escape ship protection·
CB/T 38862002
Avoid ships 2
Note 1: Ship code: BS-Bulk carrier: CS-Container ship:-Dry cargo, general cargo ship: MS·Multi-purpose selection: 0-Liquid cargo ship: RS-Ro-Ro ship. Note 2: For the cargo hold capacity of No. 16, for container ships, it is changed to the number of containers loaded, and for departure ships, it is changed to the number of vehicles worn N. Table 4 Rating ship scoring
1 Model score
2 Age rating ship index
3|No entry-index
4 This value (2) /(8)
5 Bid (3) / (2)
6 Each index is divided equally into (4)×(1) or (5) ×(1) "Comparison of advanced ship navigation in the week, rating ship auction score 8 advanced reverse ship two indicators
9 ratio (2) / (8)
[10 ratio (8) (2)
each indicator score (9) into (1) load (10) × (1) 1
and advanced movement of the second comparison, the class ship score 12
13 row class ship final score degree taken () and (12) small 1 load to and the
scale ratio
cut to the station
speed and main engine
power ratio honey
and utilization rate
Yanhai Li
CHG >CHG ≥0. 95 CHC
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