title>Specifications for lunar image plan making - GB/T 34054-2017 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specifications for lunar image plan making

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 34054-2017

Standard Name:Specifications for lunar image plan making

Chinese Name: 月球影像平面图制作规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-31

Date of Implementation:2018-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A46 Astronomy

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

drafter:Li Chunlai, Liu Jianjun, Mou Lingli, Ren Xin, Liu Yuxuan, Zeng Xingguo

Drafting unit:National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)

Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 34054-2017 Specification for the production of lunar image plan views GB/T34054-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and production requirements for 1:2 500 000, 1:1 000 000, 1:500 000, 1:250 000, 1:100 000, 1:50 000, 1:25 000 and 1:10 000 lunar image plan views. This standard is applicable to the production of 1:2 500 000, 1:1 000 000, 1:500 000, 1:250 000, 1:100 000, 1:50 000, 1:25 000, and 1:10 000 image maps using lunar remote sensing image data. The production of lunar image maps of other scales may refer to this standard.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for the production of lunar image plane maps
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of China
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Cartographic preparation
Original lunar image plan
Finishing and annotation
Printing lunar image plan
Inspection and acceptance
Appendix A (informative appendix) 1: 100000 lunar image plan decoration styleForeword
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Space Science and Its Applications (SAC/TC312). This standard was drafted by: National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Chunlai, Liu Jianjun, Mou Lingli, Ren Xin, Liu Yuxuan, Zeng Xingguo. GB/T34054—2017
1 Scope
Specification for the production of lunar image plane maps
This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and production requirements of 1:2500000, 1:1000000, 1:500000, 1:250000, 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000, 1:100000. This standard applies to the production of 1:2500000, 1:1000000, 1:500000, 1:250000, 1:100000, 1:500000, 1:25000, 1:10000 image planes using lunar remote sensing image data. The production of lunar image planes of other scales can refer to this standard. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T14511
Map printing specification
Photogrammetry and remote sensing terms
Lunar space coordinate system
Lunar basic scale topographic map division and numbering GB/T33990—2017 Quality inspection and acceptance of lunar digital maps CH/T1004—2005
3 Terms and definitions
Surveying and mapping technical design regulations
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T14950 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
Lunar image plan original After geometric correction, orthorectification and post-processing, the lunar image forms a two-dimensional mosaic image that meets the requirements of mapping. 3.2
Lunar image plan
lunar image plan
The original lunar image plan is rectified and annotated to form a two-dimensional image map reflecting the image characteristics of the lunar surface mapping area. 4 General
4.1 Basic requirements
4.1.1 The lunar image plan should have clear layers, rich content, uniform color, moderate contrast, easy to read, no obvious splicing marks, and truly reflect the image characteristics of the mapping area.
4.1.2 The difference between the actual side length and the theoretical size of the lunar image plan outline is less than 0.2mm. The difference between the diagonal length and the theoretical size is less than 0.3mm
2 Specifications
Mathematical basis of cartography
The lunar geographic coordinate system specified in GB/T30112 is adopted. 1:2500.000.1:1000000.1:5000001:250000,1:100000.1150000.1:25000,1:10000The lunar image plane map adopts Mercator, Lambert conformal and polar azimuthal projections in the latitude range of 0°~14°, 14°~84° and 84°~90° respectively.
Framing and numbering
1:2500000, 1:1000000, 1:50000011250000, 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000, 1:10000The lunar image plane map framing and numbering shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T32521. 4.2.3
Mapping color
The lunar image plane map can be in monochrome or color. 4.2.4
Mapping process
The lunar image plane map production process is carried out as shown in Figure 1. Mapping preparation
Lunar image plane original map production
Finishing and annotation
Lunar image plane map printing
Inspection and acceptance
Lunar image plane map production process
5 Mapping preparation
Image selection
The quality of single-view (track) lunar images should meet the requirements of 4.1.1. Multi-view (track) lunar images are selected according to the following requirements: spatial coverage requirements: adjacent lunar images of each view (track) should have an overlap of no less than 4% of the image width. In special cases, the overlap abzxZ.net
degree can be less than the above index;
the solar altitude angle and azimuth angle during imaging are similar to ensure that the tones and shadows of adjacent images are consistent: b)
the imaging bands are the same or similar;
the lunar image resolution required for the lunar image plane map of different mapping scales should be higher than the minimum requirements specified in Table 1: TTKAoNTKAca
mapping scale
Requirements for lunar image resolution
Image resolution
Unit: meter per pixel
Making a monochrome lunar image map requires selecting a panchromatic or single-band image. Making a color lunar image map requires selecting a multispectral image with no less than 3 bands, and the mapping registration error of each band image is no more than 0.2mm, and the image registration error is no more than 0.3mm.
Collection of auxiliary data
The following auxiliary data should be collected:
The latest maps and digital elevation model (DEM) data with a scale equal to or larger than the resulting lunar image plan; b)
Topical data with strong timeliness:
Ephemeris orbit, position attitude, installation parameters, etc. related to image formation. 5.3
Technical design
The design of the content, compilation and printing of the lunar image plan shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of F.4 of CH/T1004:2005. 5.4
Requirements for mapping equipment
The hardware and software equipment for the production of lunar image plan should be in good condition and used and maintained in accordance with the equipment operating procedures. 6
Production of original lunar image plan
Collation of lunar image data
Collect lunar images and auxiliary data in accordance with the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2, and organize them according to the following requirements: a)
Organize the camera ephemeris orbit, position attitude and installation parameters to meet the needs of data processing: Cut the image data of the mapping area into appropriate sizes according to the requirements of the mapping environment and plan F.4 in CH/T1004-2005;
Convert the format and projection of reference data such as DEM, image and topographic map of the mapping area to facilitate data reading and query: Review the above data and ensure that the relevant data can be correctly used and edited in the mapping environment. Monochrome lunar image plane map production
Lunar image preprocessing
For the unprocessed data, use the camera imaging parameters to perform dark current, radiation and photometric correction as needed. 3
6.2.2 Lunar image geometric correction Data input
For image data with camera imaging parameters, input control points, ephemeris orbit, position attitude, installation parameters and DEM data. For image data with only reference base map, input data as control points with the same name. Control point selection
On the reference base map, select control points with obvious features. The number of selected control points should meet the requirements of the correction method. After eliminating gross errors, at least two (including) redundant control points should be retained to facilitate adjustment calculation. Geometric Correction
For images with only a reference base map or large position deviation, the control points should be used to directly perform geometric correction on the image. For image data with a strict geometric imaging model, the following requirements should be followed: a) Based on the full moon adjustment or regional adjustment method, use image data, ephemeris orbit, position attitude, installation parameters, DEM data and control point data to build a full moon or regional adjustment network, and calculate the geometric correction rational polynomial model parameters of each scene (track) image: b) Use the orbit parameters and rational polynomial model of the scene (track) image data to perform geometric correction on the image, and obtain single scene (track) image data whose projection meets the requirements of 4.2.1. 6.2.3 Orthorectification of Lunar Images
For lunar image planes with high accuracy requirements, each image needs to be orthorectified, and the correction error requirement should not be greater than 0.2mm on the map.
6.2.4 Post-processing of lunar images Image enhancement
According to the requirements of 4.1.1, linear grayscale stretching is generally used, and other image enhancement methods can also be used. Image mosaicking
Use the coordinates of the mosaicked images to locate and align them to form a complete picture, thus realizing image mosaicking. The mosaicking requirements are as follows: a) Design the color tone of the mosaicked image according to the characteristics of the mapping area; b) Draw the mosaicked dividing line under the principle of ensuring the integrity of the lunar surface objects as much as possible; when the color tones of adjacent images are quite different, re-adjust the image tones according to the designed color tone; use the grayscale and color smooth transition method at the image seams to reduce the splicing line and ensure the grayscale and color tone of the whole mosaicked image are coordinated; d)
The relative position deviation of the mosaicked image is less than 2 pixels; cut the mosaicked image according to the requirements of 4.2.2 or thematic needs to form the original lunar image plane map 6.2.5 Image output
The output image should meet the requirements of mapping scale and map printing, and its resolution should not be less than 300dpi. 6.3 Production of color lunar image plane map original map 6.3.1 Color lunar image data should be processed according to the requirements of 6.2.1 to 6.2.5. 6.3.2 When using the synthesis method to produce the original color lunar image plane map, the following provisions shall be followed: a) Select a method that meets the requirements of the topic for color image synthesis; 4
b) The basic color tone standard image should meet the requirements of 4.1.1; c) It is advisable to select the same or similar spectral band data as the basic color tone standard image GB/T34054-2017
When synthesizing, the mapping registration error of each band image shall not exceed 0.2mm, and the image overlay error shall not exceed 0.3mm. d
7 Decoration and annotation
The main contents of the decoration may include the map name, map number, map sheet connection table, internal and external map outlines and their latitude and longitude annotations, kilometer grid lines and their annotations, 7.1
image connection outline, image status and data acquisition time, geographical location, coordinate system, scale, compilation time and production unit, etc. For the style, please refer to Appendix A.
2 The annotations on the lunar image map are mainly the names of lunar surface entities. The number, font size, font and font shape of the annotations should be adapted to the purpose of mapping, and the coordination of the map content should be maintained. 7.2
Printing of lunar image maps
Small batches of lunar image maps can be directly printed by digital printing or digital printing output. 8.2
Large batches of lunar image maps shall be printed in accordance with GB/T14511. Inspection and acceptance
Requirements and methods
The lunar image plan should meet the requirements of 5.3 9.1.1
The inspection, acceptance and quality assessment methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T33990 Inspection items
Drawing inspection
The drawing inspection contents are as follows:
The mosaic edge error of the lunar image plan is less than 0.2mm; a)
The edge error between the lunar image plan and the surrounding maps is less than 0.3mm; b)
The image quality of the lunar image, such as color tone, information volume, image clarity and contrast, meets the design requirements; the map outline size, kilometer grid and the internal and external decoration and annotations of the map meet the design requirements. Mathematical precision detection
According to the provisions of 5.2 of GB/T33990--20175
1:100000 Moon image plane map decoration style see Figure A.1 map sheet connection table
Image connection platform
Amount 2
Picture home 2
2 meter school
Light source/connected time material
Zhongtong/# home
Industry/wide system time full
Home class/stock happy time ground
Light speed/connected time view
District Zhong Songti
Ten home you
Moon bomb galaxy 68%00300
20 18 years
China Song Art
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
1100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style 1:100000 Lunar image plane surface decoration style Central Bay Group
Map sheet number
In this specification, the scale is in units of rate. Format description
The map is mostly commercial. The interval between 10 characters is 20 characters, the interval between 10 characters is one, and the interval between more than 4 characters is o
OX China Family God
Gao Family Yuan
This service adopts: Haiyin-2 satellite lunar image price teaching ticket home
1:100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style e.2 When using the synthesis method to produce the original color lunar image plane map, the following provisions shall be followed: a) Select a method that meets the requirements of the topic for color image synthesis; 4
b) The basic color standard image should meet the requirements of 4.1.1; c) It is advisable to select the same or similar spectral band data as the basic color standard image GB/T34054-2017
When synthesizing, the mapping registration error of each band image shall not exceed 0.2mm, and the image overlay error shall not exceed 0.3mm. d
7 Decoration and annotation
The main contents of the decoration may include the map name, map number, map sheet connection table, internal and external map outlines and their latitude and longitude annotations, kilometer grid lines and their annotations, 7.1
image connection outline, image status and data acquisition time, geographical location, coordinate system, scale, compilation time and production unit, etc. For the style, please refer to Appendix A.
2 The annotations on the lunar image map are mainly the names of lunar surface entities. The number, font size, font and font shape of the annotations should be adapted to the purpose of mapping, and the coordination of the map content should be maintained. 7.2
Printing of lunar image maps
Small batches of lunar image maps can be directly printed by digital printing or digital printing output. 8.2
Large batches of lunar image maps shall be printed in accordance with GB/T14511. Inspection and acceptance
Requirements and methods
The lunar image plan should meet the requirements of 5.3 9.1.1
The inspection, acceptance and quality assessment methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T33990 Inspection items
Drawing inspection
The drawing inspection contents are as follows:
The mosaic edge error of the lunar image plan is less than 0.2mm; a)
The edge error between the lunar image plan and the surrounding maps is less than 0.3mm; b)
The image quality of the lunar image, such as color tone, information volume, image clarity and contrast, meets the design requirements; the map outline size, kilometer grid and the internal and external decoration and annotations of the map meet the design requirements. Mathematical precision detection
According to the provisions of 5.2 of GB/T33990--20175
1:100000 Moon image plane map decoration style see Figure A.1 map sheet connection table
Image connection platform
Amount 2
Picture home 2
2 meter school
Light source/connected time material
Zhongtong/# home
Industry/wide system time full
Home class/stock happy time ground
Light speed/connected time view
District Zhong Songti
Ten home you
Moon bomb galaxy 68%00300
20 18 years
China Song Art
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
1100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style 1:100000 Lunar image plane surface decoration style Central Bay Group
Map sheet number
In this specification, the scale is in units of rate. Format description
The map is mostly commercial. The interval between 10 characters is 20 characters, the interval between 10 characters is one, and the interval between more than 4 characters is o
OX China Family God
Gao Family Yuan
This service adopts: Haiyin-2 satellite lunar image price teaching ticket home
1:100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style e.2 When using the synthesis method to produce the original color lunar image plane map, the following provisions shall be followed: a) Select a method that meets the requirements of the topic for color image synthesis; 4
b) The basic color standard image should meet the requirements of 4.1.1; c) It is advisable to select the same or similar spectral band data as the basic color standard image GB/T34054-2017
When synthesizing, the mapping registration error of each band image shall not exceed 0.2mm, and the image overlay error shall not exceed 0.3mm. d
7 Decoration and annotation
The main contents of the decoration may include the map name, map number, map sheet connection table, internal and external map outlines and their latitude and longitude annotations, kilometer grid lines and their annotations, 7.1
image connection outline, image status and data acquisition time, geographical location, coordinate system, scale, compilation time and production unit, etc. For the style, please refer to Appendix A.
2 The annotations on the lunar image map are mainly the names of lunar surface entities. The number, font size, font and font shape of the annotations should be adapted to the purpose of mapping, and the coordination of the map content should be maintained. 7.2
Printing of lunar image maps
Small batches of lunar image maps can be directly printed by digital printing or digital printing output. 8.2
Large batches of lunar image maps shall be printed in accordance with GB/T14511. Inspection and acceptance
Requirements and methods
The lunar image plan should meet the requirements of 5.3 9.1.1
The inspection, acceptance and quality assessment methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T33990 Inspection items
Drawing inspection
The drawing inspection contents are as follows:
The mosaic edge error of the lunar image plan is less than 0.2mm; a)
The edge error between the lunar image plan and the surrounding maps is less than 0.3mm; b)
The image quality of the lunar image, such as color tone, information volume, image clarity and contrast, meets the design requirements; the map outline size, kilometer grid and the internal and external decoration and annotations of the map meet the design requirements. Mathematical precision detection
According to the provisions of 5.2 of GB/T33990--20175
1:100000 Moon image plane map decoration style see Figure A.1 map sheet connection table
Image connection platform
Amount 2
Picture home 2
2 meter school
Light source/connected time material
Zhongtong/# home
Industry/wide system time full
Home class/stock happy time ground
Light speed/connected time view
District Zhong Songti
Ten home you
Moon bomb galaxy 68%00300
20 18 years
China Song Art
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
1100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style 1:100000 Lunar image plane surface decoration style Central Bay Group
Map sheet number
In this specification, the scale is in units of rate. Format description
The map is mostly commercial. The interval between 10 characters is 20 characters, the interval between 10 characters is one, and the interval between more than 4 characters is o
OX China Family God
Gao Family Yuan
This service adopts: Haiyin-2 satellite lunar image price teaching ticket home
1:100000 Lunar image plane map decoration style e.
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