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JB/T 8831-2001 Selection method of lubricating oil for industrial enclosed gears

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8831-2001

Standard Name: Selection method of lubricating oil for industrial enclosed gears

Chinese Name: 工业闭式齿轮的润滑油选用方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-05-23

Date of Implementation:2001-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical systems and general parts >> 21.200 Gears and gear transmissions

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J17 Gears and Gear Drives

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 8831-1999

Procurement status:neq ANSI/AGMA 9005-D94

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-24

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Gear Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8831—2001 JB/T 8831-2001 Selection of lubricating oil for industrial enclosed gears JB/T8831-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Methods for oil selection of industrial enclosed gears2001-05-23Published
China Machinery Industry Federation
2001-10-01 Implementation
Reference standard
Main code
1Classification and application of industrial closed gear lubricantsRequired selection of lubricant types
6Selection of lubricity
Selection of lubricating method
In-depth study of lubrication
Appendix A (Appendix to the standard)
Appendix B (Appendix to the standard)
Appendix (Appendix to the suggestion)
Industrial closed gear quality index
High-speed gear lubricant index
Classification of industrial lubricating oil viscosity grades and kinematic viscosity of each grade at different viscosity ratio index and different temperature
JR/T 8831-2001
This standard adopts the American Gear Manufacturers Association standard ANSVAGMA9005D94 for the lubrication of industrial gears, and amends the JB/T1-19991 industrial gear oil selection method 3. Compared with 8/T8631-1599, this standard has been modified in the following aspects: 1. The oil selection method for high-speed gears with a pitch circle diameter not exceeding 1 ms has been added, including the classification and selection method of high-speed gear lubricants.
2. Considering that circular arc gears have been successfully applied in my country, the lubrication of four-arc gear transmission is included in the applicable filter crown of this standard.
3. In the use requirements of industrial enclosed gear lubricants, the environmental temperature, low temperature industrial gear oil and cooling are added. 4. The viscosity of the lubricant in B/883[-1599 is selected based on the force-velocity factor. This is mainly based on the fact that there were few industrial applications of extreme pressure industrial gear oils at that time. From the perspective of lubrication mechanism, the viscosity of lubricating oil plays a major role. Therefore, gears with heavy loads should choose lubricating oil with relatively high viscosity. In addition, the viscosity sample correction clause makes the selected lubricating oil obviously biased in some cases. In addition, the viscosity selection method in B/T8831-1999 is complicated to calculate, and the viscosity of the oil product must be determined by a curve chart. In addition, various correction clauses are added, which makes it very inconvenient to use.
With the continuous improvement of the types and performance of additives, such as the continuous updating of additive formulation technology, the application of medium and high gear lubricating oil has been urgent. The bearing capacity of gear oil is no longer mainly determined by viscosity, but mainly depends on the type and content of additives. Therefore, the method of selecting lubricating oil according to the speed factor in B/T8831-1999 is no longer in line with the current status and development direction of lubricating oil technology. The factors that determine the viscosity grade of lubricating oil are mainly the two parameters of the gear pitch circumferential speed and ambient temperature. Therefore, the revised JB/T883 refers to the relevant provisions of ANSI/AGM49005-D94, and uses the two parameters of low-speed short gear pitch dummy circumference and environmental leakage to select the viscosity grade of industrial idle gear oil. This viscosity grade selection method uses the table method, which is clear and practical, bringing convenience to the application work.
5. In the chapter on maintenance of lubricating oil, the oil change index of industrial closed gear oil and steam turbine oil is added. 6. The quality index of steam turbine oil is added in the appendix. This standard was first issued in 1989 as 2BJ17003-89: in April 15999, the standard number was changed to JB/T8831-1999, and this is the first revision.
This standard is issued on the date of implementation of the standard 8831-1999, the appendix A of this standard, Appendix 9 is the annex to the standard, and the appendix is ​​the appendix to the requirements. This standard is proposed and approved by the China Gear Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting unit of this standard is Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Gan Wenzheng, Yan Xiaoling, Zhang Jimian and Ti Xiaohong. Scope
China Machinery Industry Standard
Methods for oil selcetion of industrial enclused gears
JB/T 8831—2001
This standard specifies the methods for oil selection of industrial enclused gears, including the type, strength and lubrication method of the selected lubricating oil. This standard applies to industrial enclosed gear transmissions with the following gear types: including disconnected linear gears, cylindrical gears and stepping gears, whose speed should be less than 3600r/min or the pitch circle speed should not exceed m/s. This standard does not apply to vehicles, clocks, instruments and meters, and step-wheel transmissions with special requirements in the food and pharmaceutical industries. 2
Cited Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard by reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards will be finalized. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest editions of the following standards: GB/T 260-1988
GB/T 264-1983
GB.T 265.1988
GBT 511-1988
GD.T 254—1981
GBT 3141 — 1994 | | tt | 5903-1995
GB/T 10062
Determination of moisture content in oil products
Determination of acid value in oil products
Determination of kinematic viscosity of petroleum products
Determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products (open cup method)Determination of ash content in petroleum products
Determination of mechanical impurities in petroleum products and end additives (by weight)Determination of density of petroleum and single petroleum products (densitometer method)Calculation of viscosity index of petroleum products
Calculation table of viscosity index of petroleum products
Industrial filter element lubricant 1SO viscosity category
Determination of bearing capacity of lubricant (four-ball method)New open line temperature column gear bearing capacity calculation methodPour point of petroleum Determination method
Determination of flash point and fire point of oil products (Cleveland open cup method)Determination of neutralization value of petroleum products and lubricants [color indicator method]No oil product lazy piece corrosion test method
Closed gear oil
Determination of emulsification properties of petroleum and synthetic liquidsClassification of lubricating and related products (Class L) Part 7: Determination of anti-emulsification properties of lubricating oils of group C (gears)
Calculation method of gear load capacity
Approved by China Machinery Industry Federation on 20m1-5-23, implemented on 2001-10-01
GB/T 11143—1990
GB/T 1I144--1990
GB/T 12579--1990
GB/T 13799-1992
SH/T 012 3—1992
SH/T 0193-1992
8H/T 0200...1992
SH/T 0209—1992
SH/T 0308—1992
SH 03621996
SII/T 0566-1994
S11/T 06361996
3: Main code name
JB/T 8831—2001
L-TSA turbine oil (rust-proof turbine oil) with inhibitors, mineral oil in water, anti-rust performance test, lubricating oil pressure performance determination method (Timken test machine hunting) lubricating oil Determination of foam properties
Determination of oxidation properties of mineral oil with inhibitors Double arc circular hanging gear grain bearing capacity meter method Determination of fine lubrication sedimentation value
Determination of oxidation properties of extreme pressure lubricating oil Method
Anti-ammonia turbine oil change index
Lubricating oil anti-wear performance determination method (four-ball machine method )Oxidation stability test method for lubricating oil (rotating oxygen bomb method)Shear stability test method for lubricating oil containing polymer (gear machine method)Thermal qualitative test method for hydraulic oil
Test method for nitrogen resistance of ammonia-resistant turbine oil
Method for determining the load-bearing capacity of lubricants (CL-1 ton gear machine) Method for determining the air condensation value of lubricating oils
Ammonia-resistant turbine oil
L-CKC Industrial closed gear oil change Oil index
L-TSA turbine oil change index
The main codes, meanings and units of this standard are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Main codes
T. Effective teeth for calculating gear contact angle
Width of pinion
Pitch diameter of pinion ||tt || Female teeth are small and light. When the pitch circle diameter of the cylindrical teeth is in the state, the nominal tangential force on the pitch circle of the step gear is used as the nominal tangential force coefficient on the midpoint of the gear tooth plan|| tt||dynamic system teaching
connection strength calculation of the kidney will be the distribution coefficient according to the contact strength calculation of the load distribution system sensitivity diagram gear connection melting trace distribution system effect
Figure Gear contact strength calculation contact trace load distribution coefficient unit
wheel ratio coefficient
running point area votes
elastic lineage excitation
contact theory calculation Single seat coefficient
Old touch strength calculation of spiral family is fruit agent
JB/T 8831—2001
Table" (end)
The gear contact strength calculation efficiency
The gear contact strength calculation efficiency is better than the gear contact source Length coefficient
Number of small gear torque
Speed ​​of small cam
Number of small gear teeth
Number of gear teeth
Ratio of gear ratio, 2,
only the gear ratio of the national gear
the longitudinal length of the whole part
1 penalty, two speed
operation is actually used
Measurement of gear contact force
Classification and use of industrial enclosed gear lubricants"Classification and specifications of industrial enclosed gear oils
Applicable to industrial enclosed inner gear oils It is used for lubrication of low-speed industrial closed gear transmission with a contact current of less than 25m/s. According to the provisions of GT7611.7, the industrial closed gear oils are classified as follows: 4.1.1 L-CKD1 Industrial gear Pool (anti-oxidation and anti-rust industrial inner wheel oil) This oil is refined mineral oil and has anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion (ferrous and non-ferrous metals) and anti-interference properties. It is suitable for use under light loads.
4.1.2L-CKC. Industrial gear oil (medium load industrial gear) This product is based on L-CKB oil to improve its extreme pressure and anti-wear properties. It is suitable for maintaining Gears running under normal or medium constant oil temperature and medium load.
4.1.3L-CKI> Industrial Gear Oil [Heavy Duty Industrial Gear Oil] This oil is a complete product of L-CK core oil. Improve its thermal/oxidation stability and can be used at higher temperatures. Suitable for gears that operate under high constant oil temperature and heavy loads.
A.1 .4L-KS[Industrial Gear Oil (Extreme Temperature Industrial Gear Oil) JB/T8831-2001
This oil is made of synthetic oil or refined mineral oil containing some synthetic oil. 4.1.5: L-CKT Industrial Gear Oil (Extreme Load Industrial Gear Oil) Pyrotechnic oil) This oil is made from synthetic oil or partially synthetic oil, and added with extreme pressure, anti-rust agent and rust inhibitor: it has anti-oxidation, anti-rust, anti-wear and high Low temperature performance. Suitable for gears running under higher, lower or higher rated oil temperature and heavy load; Design: Oil rating or environmental temperature: Low resistance - -34℃
Positive temperature—16~+70C;
Medium temperature: .70-100%;
High temperature: 100-120℃
Higher benefit——>[20 The viscosity grades (Vmz:) of industrial enclosed gear oils are divided into 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460 and 680, a total of 7. The quality indicators of industrial enclosed gear oils are shown in Appendix A. (Appendix 4.2 of the standard: Classification and specifications of high-speed gear lubricants. At present, high-speed gears (speed greater than 25m/s) are usually lubricated with a type of turbine oil (also known as turbine oil). It is commonly used in high-speed gear transmission lubrication in my country. The types of turbine oil are as follows: 4.2. [L-TSA steam turbine oil (rust-proof steam turbine oil, GB11120) oil-penetrating effect depth belt, detreading lubrication pool is divided into base oil: anti-oxidation, anti-rust, anti- It is made of pool dew additives and has excellent lubricity, cooling, oxygen disturbance, rust prevention, anti-emulsification, anti-magnetic and foam disturbance properties. It is suitable for engines, industrial weak motion devices and their matching Control system and super-speed driving device without changing the load capacity of general gear. d.2.2 Anti-steam turbine oil (SH0362)
This oil is based on refined ore shaft or low-temperature synthetic lubricating oil. It is made of anti-oxidation, anti-rust, anti-fouling additives, and meets the performance requirements of anti-rust turbine oil. It also has good ammonia resistance and is suitable for large-scale ammonia fertilizer equipment and centrifugal test equipment. Gas compressor, cold mill steam grab assembly can lubricate and seal, 4.2.3L-T S turbine oil (Yueka turbine hole) extreme pressure turbine lubrication layer refers to the addition of FZG gear load capacity of not less than 9 index requirements on the basis of reducing the anti-rust turbine oil quality plate index. Rongguo has not yet formulated this The viscosity grades (V) of steam turbine oil are divided into 4 types: 32, 46, 68 and 10. The quality indicators of rust-proof steam turbine oil and Hang Ammonia steam turbine oil are shown in Appendix B (Appendix of the Standard). 4.3 Industrial 4.3.1 Ambient temperature: Under normal circumstances, the installed gear can work in the range of -40 to +55 degrees. Definition of ambient temperature For the closest The specific type and viscosity grade of the circulating oil bath used will, to some extent, be determined by the ambient temperature.
4.3.2 Oil bath temperature
The maximum oil bubble temperature of synthetic industrial gear oil is JE/T8831-2001. When the pool temperature is too high, many lubricants lose their stability. 4.3.3 Other conditions that need to be considered
For direct sunlight, high humidity is beneficial, avoid floating dust or chemicals in the air. The environmental conditions of the product should be given special consideration. A gear unit exposed to the sun's rays will run hotter than a gear unit that is rugged but protected from knocks. Gear units that are exposed to severe or physically hazardous conditions (such as heat, humidity, dust, chemicals or other factors) should be specially considered by their manufacturers and a suitable 4.3.4 Low temperature gear oil
Gear transmission devices working in cold areas must ensure that the lubricating oil can circulate freely and does not cause excessive starting torque. At this time, you can send Choose a suitable low temperature industrial gear oil (extreme overflow industrial gear oil becomes extreme temperature and load-free industrial gear oil). The lubricant selected should have at least two 5°C lower than the minimum humidity of the scheduled environment. The lubricant must have a low enough viscosity to allow the lubricant to flow freely at the starting temperature, but the lubricant must have a high enough viscosity to withstand the negative pressure at the operating temperature. 4.3. Oil pool heater
If the ambient temperature is close to the pouring point of the selected lubricating oil, the gear transmission device must be equipped with an oil pool heater to heat the lubricating oil to a certain temperature. The temperature value of the energy dissipation circulation flow during operation. The design of the heating system should avoid excessive concentrated combustion that may cause the lubricant to accelerate the decomposition of the wind. 4.3.6. When the gear transmission device is operated continuously for a long time and the operating temperature of the lubricating oil exceeds the above-mentioned maximum temperature of the oil pool, measures must be taken to cool the lubricating oil. 5. Selection of lubricating oil types 5.1.1 Contact stress on the tooth surface of involute cylindrical gears. . Calculate according to formula (1): CH = ZuZZ, Zp.
The "+" in the formula is used for external meshing transmission, and the "" in the formula is used for internal meshing transmission. The selection and calculation of specific parameters in the formula shall be in accordance with the provisions of GBT1480.
5.1.2 Dimensional gear tooth surface contact stress is calculated according to formula (2): na=zuzgz.2h2kyaba
The selection and calculation of specific parameters in the formula shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB10062. 5.1.3 Double arc gear tooth surface contact stress is calculated according to formula (3): 0r=-(3KaKvkikn)on 2gz,22
The selection and calculation of specific parameters in the formula shall comply with the provisions of QB/T13799. 2ym219
5.1.4 Based on the calculated tooth surface contact stress and gear use conditions, the type of industrial closed gear can be determined by referring to Table 2. 5
Surface contact stress r
(lightweight gear)
(medium gear)
(heavy gear)
Table 2 Selection of lubricating oil types for industrial closed gears
Gear application conditions
General gear transmission
Gear control
Impact transmission or
Gear transmission of mine hoists, open pits, cement mills, chemical machinery, hydraulic power machinery, gold mining machinery, shipbuilding machinery, etc.
Gear transmission in metallurgical steel rolling, underground, high-impact, water-containing areas, etc.
Gear transmission operating under lower, low or higher environmental conditions or light loads
In lower, low or higher environmental conditions and heavy Gear transmission running under load
Recommend the best industrial gear lubrication channel
Anti-rust industrial gear oil (LC white!
Anti-oxidation and anti-rust industrial gear oil (L-CKB
Medium-load industrial gear oil (1-CKC)
Medium-load industrial gear oil (1-KC)
Heavy-load industrial gear oil (1.-XI
Extremely wet heavy-load industrial gear oil (1.-CK
Extremely wet heavy-load industrial gear oil (L·CKI
1) When the calculated tooth surface contact becomes slightly less than 10Nmm , if the gear is full, impacted or contains water, for safety reasons, the Li Anhe II industrial gear oil should be selected.
5.2 Selection of high-speed gear lubricating oil types
5.2.1 The tooth surface contact negative coefficient is calculated according to formula (4): F+±
Where: K--tooth surface contact load coefficient, N/mrml: F
The nominal tangential force on the end face internal indexing, N, working tooth width, mm:
d--pinion pitch circle diameter, mm; output ratio, N2
The "+" sign in the formula is used for external meshing transmission, and the "-" sign is used for internal meshing transmission. (4)
5.2.2 According to the calculated tooth contact load coefficient and the working conditions of the gear, refer to Table 3 to determine the type of high-speed gear lubricating oil, tooth load coefficient K
hard gear! :K2
Tooth surface,
Gear surface:
Gear surface,
Table 3 Selection of high-speed gear lubricant types
This gear is used in the following conditions
Small gear contact with water, hot steam or chlorine. Generally, high-speed gear transmission is easy to contact with water, steam or swimming water. For example, high-speed gearboxes connected to steam turbines, water turbines, and turbine blowers, commercial speed gearboxes working in an ammonia environment such as large synthetic chlorine fertilizer devices, centrifugal gas compressors, refrigerators, and steam turbine gears. According to the requirements of the gear bearing capacity, industrial devices and commercial speed gear types
Gear surface: HR45
2) Relatively Tooth surface gear: HR pen 350
6 Selection of lubricating oil
6.1 Calculation of gear pitch circle circumferential speed
Gear pitch circle circumferential speed is calculated by formula (5): rdwm
k—gear pitch circle speed, m
pinion pitch diameter, mm:
n—pinion speed, r/m,
6.2 Selection of lubricating oil maturity
Recommended high-speed gear lubricating oil
European rust-resistant steam turbine oil
Rust-supported steam light engine oil
Anti-ammonia steam turbine oil
Extreme steam turbine oil
According to the calculated low-speed gear pitch circle maturity and ambient temperature, refer to Figure 4 to determine the viscosity of the selected lubricating oil. 4 Selection of viscosity grade of lubricating oil for industrial closed gear transmission
Speed ​​​​extreme inner wheel circumferential elasticity
10) (composite)
100 (composite or type)
6 [synthetic type]
32 (composite type)
Ambient temperature
Viscosity grade i, met nmlis
1) When the gear speed is more than 25mvg, the lubricant selected in the table is industrial closed gear oil. When the gear circumferential speed is more than 25m, the lubricating oil grade selected in the table is gasoline engine oil. When the gear bearing is subjected to severe impact load, the viscosity grade can be appropriately increased. 2) The pitch of the gear transmission section is the pitch of the midpoint of the fast pulley. 320
3) When the pitch is used at a speed of 80, the gear should be specially considered and a suitable lubricant should be selected. 35-55
Selection of lubrication method
The lubrication method directly affects the lubrication effect of the gear transmission device and must be taken seriously. The lubrication method of the gear transmission device is determined according to the pitch speed (see Table 5). If special measures are taken, the pitch speed can be temporarily exceeded by the standard value given in Table 5, such as using cooling devices and special boxes. Table 5 Relationship between circumferential thickness and lubricating plate type Circumferential thickness rvs
"】 In special cases, it is possible to use oil-soluble lubrication and oil-lubricated lubricating Maintenance
Recommended lubrication method
Oil spray lubrication
8.1 During the storage and custody of lubricating oil, oils of different types and viscosity grades must be separated and clearly marked. Open-air storage is not allowed. At the same time, during the storage and transportation of lubricating oil, special attention should be paid to prevent the introduction of impurities and other substances. 8.2 When selecting lubricants, especially the oils used in important equipment and key equipment, the main physical and chemical indicators of the oils must be rechecked. 8.3 Lubricants produced by different manufacturers should not be mixed: Under special circumstances, a small mixing test must be carried out before the lubricant is used. 8.4 During the use of lubricating oil, it is necessary to pay attention to the changes in oil quality and take oil samples for testing regularly. 8.4.1 Oil change indicators for L-CKCT closed gear oil (see Table 6) Table 6 Oil change indicators for L-CKC1 closed gear oil (SHT0586) R
Change in kinematic viscosity: [40%)
Functional impurities
Chip corrosion (100%, 3h)
Sample OK position
Oil connection index
Exceeds +15 or -24 ||tt ||....>0.5
Test method
1) When the anti-foaming performance of the oil product changes during use, anti-leakage additives can be added to the oil product according to the use conditions. 214% Kinematic viscosity change rate (%) The actual viscosity of the oil product in use is - the viscosity of the new oil changes by %,
The actual viscosity of the oil is
%.4,2 Turbine oil change index (see Table 7, Table 8) Power
Station, etc. [According to GB3141!
44 Operation viscosity change rate! !
European value, mgKOH/gAdditional value
Oxidation stability
Internal point [π口"
Table L-TSA turbine oil change index (SHT0636) Oil change index
Micro-chemical, (4--), 54n
lower than the light
phase steel he tested some (synthetic seawater 1
Jianzhong asked the turbine after the replacement of the actual value of the new Shanshan frost immersion actual value L0D1/hardening year%-
New oil seat actual value
2, when using Sichuan No. 100: full test humidity is 8268
Table anti-ammonia turbine oil change index [SH/ TO13T? Company
Sports viscosity waste (41%), change rate
Calling point (opening)
Acidification time
Stainless steel test [15# steel: 241
Weathering stability
Anti-component energy test
Swallow drowning
Oil change index
More than 10
Beixin Taobiao non-general 8
Used turbine oil viscosity measured value-new drop viscosity measured value ≥101] Change rate%=
8.5 Clean and efficient selection
Oil viscosity measured value
Not in accordance with the emperor
Test position
GB/T 264
SH/T 0193
COVT 3536
Testing method
GB-T 265
GB/T 264
When the equipment is overhauled or the oil is changed, the oil must be carefully cleaned. When the gear transmission device is at operating temperature and the lubricating oil is released, it is advisable to use detergent oil to clean it. The detergent must be clean and soluble in the working oil. Use solvent to clean
Unless there is oxidation deposit in the gear box that cannot be cleaned with detergent oil Lubricants that have been contaminated by sediment or contamination should be removed by solvents. When there is long-term sedimentation and solvents are needed, cleaning oil must be used to remove the residues left in the system. 8.5.2 Used Lubricants
Used lubricants and cleaning oils should be completely removed from the system to avoid contamination of the newly added oil. 8.5.3 Inspection
The internal surfaces of the box must be inspected: if possible, all residues on the internal surfaces of the box should be removed. New lubricants should be added and circulated so that all internal surfaces are coated with lubricants. 9
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