title>HG/T 20639.3-1998 Standard Catalogue for Automation Engineering Design - HG/T 20639.3-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20639.3-1998 Standard Catalogue for Automation Engineering Design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20639.3-1998

Standard Name: Standard Catalogue for Automation Engineering Design

Chinese Name: 自控专业工程设计用标准目录

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes 71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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Publication information

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HG/T 20639.3-1998 Standard Catalog for Automation Engineering Design HG/T20639.3-1998 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Code and Standards List for Engineering Design of InstrumentationHG/T20639.3—1998Compiled by: Donghua Engineering Company, National Chemical Automation Design Technology CenterStationApproved by: State Petroleum and Chemical Industry BureauEffective date: January 1, 1999Compiled by: Su ZhixiongJi Ronggao1Industry regulations and management regulationsDeep content regulations for preliminary design of chemical plants (88) Chemical Foundation Design No. 251. 1.2Supplement to the changes in the content of the depth regulations for preliminary design of chemical plants [(92) Chemical Foundation Development No. 695].
Regulations on the depth of construction drawing design content for automatic control specialty (HG20506) 1.3
1.4 Regulations on the design of automatic control engineering for chemical plants (HG/T20636-20639) 1.4.1 Regulations on the design management of automatic control specialty (HG/T20636) (1) Scope of responsibilities of automatic control specialty (HG/T20636.1) 2) Relationship between the design conditions of automatic control specialty and process and system specialty (HG/T20636.2) (3) Division of design between automatic control specialty and pipeline specialty (HG/T20636.3) (4) Division of design between automatic control specialty and electrical specialty (HG/T20636.4) (5) Division of design between automatic control specialty and telecommunications, pumps and safety (fire protection) specialty (HG/T20636.5) (6) Design of automatic control specialty engineering 1.4.2 Provisions for the preparation of design documents for automatic control engineering (HG/T20637) (1) Composition and preparation of design documents for automatic control engineering (HG/T20637.1) (2) Graphic symbols and text codes for automatic control engineering design (HG/T20637.2) (3) Preparation of instrument design provisions (HG/T20637.3) (4) Instrument construction Preparation of installation requirements (HG/T20637.4) (5) Preparation of instrument purchase orders (HG/T20637.5) (6) Preparation of instrument technical specifications (HG/T20637.6) (7) Statistics of instrument installation materials (HG/T20637.7) (8) Numbering of instrument auxiliary equipment and cables, pipes and cables (HG/T20637.8) 1.4.3 Depth requirements for automatic control engineering design documents (HG/T20638) 1.4.4 Typical diagrams and standard catalogs for automatic control engineering design (HG/T20639) (1) Typical tables for automatic control engineering design (HG/T20639.1) (2) Typical condition tables for automatic control engineering design (HG/T20639.2) (3) Standard catalogs for automatic control engineering design 1.5 Chemical Plant Process System Engineering Design Regulations (HG20557~20559) 1.5.1 Process System Design Management Regulations (HG20557) 1.5.2 Regulations on the Content of Process System Design Documents (HG20558) 1.5.3 Pipeline Instrument Flowchart Design Regulations (HG20559) 1.6 Provisions on the Depth of Preliminary Design Contents of Petrochemical Plants (SHSG-033) 1.7 Guidelines for the Depth of Construction Drawings for Petrochemical Automation Engineering Design (SHB-ZO1) 377
2 Graphic Symbols
2.1 Graphic Symbols and Text Codes for Process Detection and Control Flowcharts (GB2625) 2.2 Text Codes and Graphic Symbols for Process Detection and Control Systems (HG20505) 2.3 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification [SHB-Z02 (=ISAS5.1) 2.4 Binary Logic Diagrarns for Process Operations [SHB-Z03 (=ISAS5.2) Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic 2.5
and Computer Systems
Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic and Computer Systems Graphic Symbols [SHB-Z04 (=ISAS5.3) 1
2.6 Instrument Loop Diagrams [SHB-Z05 (=ISAS5.4)] 2.7 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays (ISAS5.5) 2.8 Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control System Hardware Equipment (JB/T5539) 2.9 Process Measurement Control Function and Instrumentation-Symbolic Representa-tion(ISO3511).Recommended Graphical Symbols Part 15:BinaryLogic Elements (IEC 117-2.10
15).Recommended Graphical Symbols: Binary Logic ElementsGraphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (two state devices)(ANSI Y32.14).2.11
Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (two state devices)(ANSI Y32.14).2.12 Syrnbolic Representation for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation(BS1646).
Symbols for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation2.13 Bildzeichen fur messen,steuern,regeln:Allgemeine bildzeichen.Automation legend: General graphics (DIN19228) 2.14 Instrument symbols (JISZ8204)
3 Engineering design specifications
3.1 Technical requirements for computer station sites (GB2887) 3.2 Technical conditions for raised floors in computer rooms (GB6650) 3.3
Urban and rural gas design specifications (GB50028)
Oxygen station design specifications (GB50030)
Acetylene station design specifications Design specification (GB50031)
Industrial enterprise lighting design standard (GB50034) Boiler room design specification (GB50041)
Small thermal power plant design specification (GB50049) Computer room design regulations (GB50174) Hydrogen station design specification (GB50177)
Compressed air station design specification (GBJ29)
Cold storage design specification (GBJ72)
Clean workshop design specification ( GBJ73)
Petroleum depot design specification (GBJ74)
Design specification for industrial soft water desalination (GBJ109)Engineering design specification for industrial television system (GBJ115)Architectural design specification for chemical plant control room (HG20556)Design specification for tank area of ​​storage and transportation system of petrochemical enterprises (SHJ7)Technical regulations for design of fuel oil and gas boiler room in refinery (SHJ1026)379
Automation instrument
4.1Power supply for industrial automation instrument , voltage (GB3368) 4.2 Uninterruptible power supply equipment (GB7260)
4.3 Analog pneumatic signals for industrial automation instruments (GB777) 4.4 Analog DC current signals for industrial automation instruments (GB3369) 4.5 Performance measurement methods for electric and pneumatic analog recorders and indicators for industrial process measurement and control systems (GB3386)
Accuracy levels of detection instruments and display instruments for industrial process measurement and control (GB/T13283) 4.6
Gas source pressure range and quality for industrial automation instruments (GB4830) Temperature and atmospheric pressure for working conditions of industrial automation instruments (ZBY120) Test method for electromagnetic interference and current distortion of industrial automation instruments (ZBY092) Working conditions of industrial automation instruments ~ vibration (GB4439) Basic dimensions and types of industrial automation instrument panels (GB7353) Drawing method for panel layout of industrial automation instrument panels (JB/T1396) Drawing method for wiring connection diagram of industrial automation instrument panels (JB/T1397) Nominal diameter value series of industrial automation instruments (ZBN10004) 4.14
Working pressure value series of industrial automation instruments (ZBN10005) 4.15
Basic parameters of flow measurement instruments (GB1314) General test methods for industrial automation instruments Grounding effect (ZBN10003.26) 4.17
Quality Standard for Instrument Air (ISAS7.3) 4.18
Quality standard of instrument air
Design specification of automatic control engineering
5.1 Flow measurement throttling device uses orifice plate, nozzle and venturi to measure the flow of fluid filled in the circular pipe (GB/T2624=ISA5167)
Automation instrument selection regulations (HG20507) 5.2
5.3 Control room design regulations (HG2 0508) 5.4 Instrument power supply design regulations (HG20509) Instrument gas supply design regulations (HG20510)
5.6 Signal alarm interlock system design regulations (HG20511) Instrument piping and wiring design regulations (HG20512) 5.7
Instrument system grounding design regulations (HG20513) 5.9
Instrument and pipeline heating and insulation design regulations (HG20514) Instrument isolation and flushing Design regulations (HG20515) 5.10
Design regulations for automatic analyzer rooms (HG20516) Design regulations for distributed control system engineering (HG/T20573) Common terms and terms for automatic control design
Design specifications for selection of automation instruments in petrochemical industry (SH3005) Design specifications for control rooms and automatic analyzer rooms in petrochemical industry (SH3006) Design specifications for piping and wiring of petrochemical instruments (SH3019) Design specifications for grounding of petrochemical instruments (SH3081) Design specifications for power supply of petrochemical instruments (SH3082) Design specifications for DCS engineering in petrochemical industrywww.bzxz.net
Design specifications for signal alarm and interlocking systems in petrochemical enterprises (SHJI18) Design specifications for gas supply of instruments in petrochemical enterprises (SHJ20) Design specifications for thermal insulation and isolation and flushing of petrochemical instruments (SH3021) Design guidelines for safety interlocking in petrochemical enterprises (SHB-Z06) Environmental protection 5.24
perature and humidity
5.25 Control Centers Facilities (ISA RP60.1)5.26 Human Engineering for Control Centers (ISARP60.3)5.271
Electrical Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.8)5.281
Piping Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.9)5.29
Recommended Practice for the Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Sys-5.30
tems inRefineries (APIRP520)Vibration, Axial Position, and Bearing Temperature Monitoring Systems5.31
Axial Vibration, Axial Position, and Bearing Temperature Monitoring Systems (API670)5.32 Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluids5. 33 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves (ISA S75. 01)5.34 Control Valve Terminology (ISA S75.05) Control Valve Terminology
Control Valve Manifold Designs (ISARP75.06) 5.35
Control Valve Manifold Design
Control Valve Size Calculation (ANSI FCI 62-1) 5.36
Control Valve Seat Leakage (ANSI B 16.104/FCI 70-2) 5.37
Control Valve Leakage
5.38 Terminology for Automatic Control (ANSIC85.1)Automatic Control Terminology
6 General Atlas and Design Manual
6.1 Automatic Control Installation Atlas (HG/T21581)6.2 Instrument Unit Wiring Atlas (TC50B1)6.3 Instrument Loop Wiring Atlas (TC50B2)Automatic Control Design Anti-Corrosion Manual (CADC051)
6.5 Instrument Repair Shop Design Manual (CADC052)6.6 Petrochemical Enterprise Instrument Repair Shop Design Guide (SHB-Z002)6.7
Instrument Maintenance Equipment Selection Manual (SHB-Z003)6.8 Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control systems (API RP550)Refinery Instrument and Control System Installation Manual Part II Installation Operation and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments6.9
struments(ISA S12.13)
Installation, operation and maintenance of combustible gas detection instruments 383
Pipe flanges and pipe threads
Compilation of national standards for steel pipe flanges (GB9112~9128) 7.2
Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fasteners (HG20592~20635-97) General design of high-pressure pipes, pipe fittings and fasteners (H1~37) 7.3
7.4 Steel pipe flanges for petrochemical enterprises (SH3406) 7.5||t t||Pipe flanges and gaskets (JB/T74~90)7.6
Pipe threads sealed with threads (GB7306, corresponding to 55°conical pipe threads)Pipe threads not sealed with threads (GB7307, corresponding to 55°cylindrical pipe threads)7.7
60°conical pipe threads (GB/T12716)
Steel pipe threads [ISO7/1(R.RC)
Straight pipe threads [ISO228/1(G.Ga
Pipe Flanges and Falanged FittingsFlange surface shall be smooth.Pipe flanges and flange fittings (ANSI B16.5)7.12 Steel Orifice Flanges (ANSI B16.36, B16.36a) Steel orifice flange
Flange Mounted Sharp Edged Orifice Plates for Flow Measurement (ISARP3.2)
Flange Mounted Sharp Edged Orifice Plates for Flow Measurement
7.14 Pipe thread (ASMEB1.20.1)
8.1 Explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres (GB3836)8.2 Classification of enclosure protection levels (GB4208)8.3
Guidelines for safety design of electrical equipment (GB4064)Safety requirements for electronic measuring instruments (GB4793)Full
Design specification for electrical installations in explosive and fire hazardous environments (GB50058)Petrochemical enterprises Fire protection design code for chemical enterprises (GB50160) Code for seismic design of structures (GB.50191) Code for seismic design of buildings (GBI11)
Code for fire protection design of buildings (GBJ16)
Design code for automatic fire alarm system (GBJ116) Design code for electrical power in explosive and fire hazardous environments of chemical enterprises (HGJ21) Design code for static grounding of chemical enterprises (HGJ28)8.13
Design code for combustible gas detection and alarm in petrochemical enterprises (SH3063)Electrical 8.14 Instrument in Hazardous Atmospheres (ISARP12.1)8.15 Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification (ISA S12. 4)8.16 Installation of Intrinsically Safe Systems for Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISA RP12.6)8.17 Area Classification in Hazardous (Classified) Dust Locations (ISA S12.10)Electrical Equipment for Use in Class 1, Division 2Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISAS12.12)8.19 Classification of Degrees 8. 20 . Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres part 10: Classification of haz-ardous areas. 8. 21 Part 14: Electrical installations in explosive gas atmospheres. 8. 22 Intrinsically Safe Apparatus in Division I Hazardous Locations (NFPA 493) Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations in Petroleum Refineries (APlRP500A)
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