Standard number: QX/T 344.2-2019
Standard name: The method of fire monitoring by satellite remote sensing---
Part 2: Fire spot discerning
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-09-30
Implementation time: 2020-01-01
Standard size: 1539K
Standard introduction: Qx/T344 "Satellite remote sensing fire monitoring method" is divided into 6 parts
Part 1: General principles;
Part 2: Fire spot identification
Part 3: Fire spot intensity estimation
Part 4: Estimation of burned area;
Part 5: Statistics of spatiotemporal distribution of fire points
Part 6: Fire monitoring products.
This part is Part 2 of QX/T344.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Satellite Meteorology and Space Weather (SAC/TC347).
Drafting unit of this part: National Satellite Meteorological Center
Main drafters of this part: Li Yajun, Liu Cheng, Zheng Wei, Zhao Changhai, Yan Hua, Wang Meng, Chen Jie
This part specifies the data preparation requirements for satellite remote sensing fire point identification, automatic fire point identification methods, human-computer interactive fire point identification methods and basic processing procedures for fire point identification, etc.
This part is applicable to the fire point identification processing of satellite remote sensing forest and grassland fires, straw burning and other fire monitoring.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version is applicable to this document
Document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document QX/T344.1-2016 Satellite remote sensing fire monitoring method Part 1: General 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
Image enhancementimage enhancement ment
Use appropriate algorithms to change the output grayscale distribution of an image to highlight the grayscale difference between the target of interest and other targets
Neighborhoodneigh borhood
Pixels in the area around a pixel
This part specifies the data preparation requirements for satellite remote sensing fire point identification, automatic fire point identification methods, human-computer interactive fire point identification methods, and the basic processing flow of fire point identification.
This part is applicable to the fire point identification and processing of satellite remote sensing fire monitoring such as forest and grassland fires and straw burning.
Some standard content:
ICS07.060 Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China QX/T344.2—2019 The method of fire monitoring by satellite remote sensing-Part 2: Fire spot identification The method of fire monitoring by satellite remote sensing-Part 2: Fire spot discerning industry standard information service platform Release on September 30, 2019 China Meteorological Administration Implementation on January 1, 2020 Industry standard information service platform Normative reference documents Terms and definitions Data preparation Automatic fire point identification method Human-computer interactive fire point identification method Basic processing flow of fire point identification Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Fire monitoring Key parameters of main satellite remote sensing instruments Multi-channel image enhancement formula QX/T344.2—2019 Industry standard information service platform Industry standard information service platform QX/T344 "Satellite remote sensing fire monitoring method" is divided into 6 parts: Part 1: General principles; Part 2: Fire point identification; Part 3: Fire point intensity estimation; -Part 4: Estimation of the area of the burned area: Part 5: Statistics of the spatiotemporal distribution of fire points; -Part 6: Fire monitoring products. This part is the second part of QX/T344. This part is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. QX/T344.2—2019 This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Satellite Meteorology and Space Weather (SAC/TC347). Drafting unit of this part: National Satellite Meteorological Center. Main drafters of this part: Li Yajun, Liu Cheng, Zheng Wei, Zhao Changhai, Yan Hua, Wang Meng, Chen Jie. Industry Standard Information Service Platform Industry Standard Information Service Platform QX/T344.2—2019 In order to ensure the quality of satellite remote sensing fire monitoring business products and facilitate the full application and consultation of satellite remote sensing fire monitoring information by remote sensing application departments in forest fire prevention services, it is necessary to establish unified specifications and standards for satellite remote sensing fire monitoring data processing methods, monitoring information content, product form and format, so as to improve the service level and application benefits of satellite remote sensing fire monitoring technology by meteorological systems and relevant industry remote sensing departments. Fire point identification is an important part of satellite remote sensing fire monitoring. This part is based on the collection and collation of the existing more mature technical methods, and formulates the satellite remote sensing fire point identification method and processing specifications to provide technical reference for satellite remote sensing fire point identification and processing. Industry Standard Information Service Platform Industry Standard Information Service Platform 1 Scope Satellite Remote Sensing Fire Monitoring Method QX/T344.22019 Part 2: Fire Point Identification This part specifies the data preparation requirements for satellite remote sensing fire point identification, automatic fire point identification methods, human-computer interactive fire point identification methods and basic processing procedures for fire point identification. This part is applicable to the fire point identification and processing of satellite remote sensing forest and grassland fires, straw burning and other fire monitoring 2 Normative Reference Documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. QX/T344.1—2016 Satellite Remote Sensing Fire Monitoring Method Part 1: General 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Image enhancement imageenhancement Use appropriate algorithms to change the output grayscale distribution of the image to highlight the grayscale difference between the target of interest and other targets. 3.2 Neighborhood Pixels in the area surrounding the detection pixel. Industry Standards 4 Symbols The following symbols apply to this document. RNIR: Near infrared channel reflectance, expressed as a percentage (PRNIRTWTH: Near infrared channel reflectance water body identification value, expressed as a percentage (%) RvIs: Visible light channel reflectance, expressed as a percentage (%). Slint: Solar flare angle, in degrees (°). Te: Far infrared channel brightness temperature, in Kelvin (K) TFIRBG: Far infrared channel background area brightness temperature average, in Kelvin (K). TFIR.i: Far infrared channel i-th pixel brightness temperature, in Kelvin (K). TeIR_TCTH: Far infrared channel brightness temperature cloud area identification value, in Kelvin (K). TM-F: Brightness temperature difference between medium-wave infrared channel and far infrared channel, The unit is Kelvin (K). TM-FBG: The average value of the brightness temperature difference between the medium-wave infrared channel and the far-infrared channel in the background area. The unit is Kelvin (K). TMIR: The brightness temperature of the medium-wave infrared channel, the unit is Kelvin (K). 1 QX/T344.2—2019 TMIRBG: The average brightness temperature of the background area of the medium-wave infrared channel, the unit is Kelvin (K). TMIRTC: The brightness temperature discrimination threshold of the medium-wave infrared channel for cloud pollution of fire pixel, the unit is Kelvin (K). TMIR.i: The brightness temperature of the i-th pixel in the medium-wave infrared channel, the unit is Kelvin (K). TMIR_TI.OWTH: The low temperature area discrimination value of the brightness temperature of the medium-wave infrared channel, the unit is Kelvin (K). TMIRWM: The brightness temperature threshold of the medium-wave infrared channel for judging suspected high-temperature pixels, in Kelvin (K). T: The upper limit of the standard deviation of the brightness temperature of the infrared channel in the background area for fire point identification, in Kelvin (K). Tgtmin: The lower limit of the standard deviation of the brightness temperature of the infrared channel in the background area for fire point identification, in Kelvin (K). TFIRBG: The standard deviation of the brightness temperature of the background area in the far-infrared channel, in Kelvin (K). TMIRBG: The standard deviation of the brightness temperature of the background area in the medium-wave infrared channel, in Kelvin (K). STM-FBG: The standard deviation of the average brightness temperature difference between the medium-wave infrared channel and the far-infrared channel in the background area, in Kelvin (K). ATFIRTCR: The brightness temperature identification threshold of the far-infrared channel for fire point cloud contamination. Value, unit is Kelvin (K) △TMIR: The threshold value of the brightness temperature increment of the medium-wave infrared channel for judging suspected high-temperature pixels, unit is Kelvin (K). 5 Data preparation 5.1 Data source For requirements, see Chapter 3 of QX/T344.1-2016. For key parameters of the main satellite remote sensing instruments for fire monitoring, see Table A.1 to Table A.9 in Appendix A. 5.2 Data pre-processing 5.2.1 Polar orbit satellite data For requirements for pre-processing of polar orbit satellite data, see 4.1 and 4.2 of QX/T344.1-2016. 5.2.2 Geostationary satellite data For requirements for pre-processing of geostationary satellite data, see 4.1 and 4.3 of QX/T344.1-2016. Industry Standard Xinhui) 6 Automatic fire point identification method 6.1 Generate pixel labeling map 6.1.1 Cloud area pixel labeling Hui service platform If the pixel satisfies RVIs>RvISTCTH and TFIR Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.