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HG/T 20552-1994 Chemical water treatment design and calculation regulations for chemical enterprises

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20552-1994

Standard Name: Chemical water treatment design and calculation regulations for chemical enterprises

Chinese Name: 化工企业化学水处理设计计算规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-12-29

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Engineering Construction Standards Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry

other information

Publishing department:Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This regulation applies to the process design calculation of chemical water treatment equipment in newly built, expanded or rebuilt chemical enterprises. HG/T 20552-1994 Chemical Water Treatment Design Calculation Regulation HG/T20552-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 20552-- 94
Chemical Water Treatment in Chemical Enterprises
Design Calculation Provisions
1995 --03 --01
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Chemical Water Treatment in Chemical Enterprises
Design Calculation Provisions
HG/T 20552--94
Main Editor: China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company Approval Department: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Effective Date: March 1, 995
Engineering Construction Standards Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
1995 Beijing
Ministry of Chemical Industry Document
: Chemical Construction Development (1994) No. 893
Notice on the Issuance of the Chemical Industry Standard "Design and Calculation Regulations for Chemical Water Treatment in Chemical Enterprises" To all provincial, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, and independently planned cities, and all relevant design units:
The "Design and Calculation Regulations for Chemical Water Treatment in Chemical Enterprises" compiled by China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company has been reviewed and approved as a recommended chemical industry standard, with the number HG/T.2055294. It will be implemented from March 1, 995. This regulation is managed by the Ministry's Thermal Engineering Design Technology Center and published and distributed by the Ministry's Engineering Construction Standards Editing Center. During the implementation process, if you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ministry's Thermal Engineering Design Technology Center.
Ministry of Chemical Industry
December 29, 1994
1 General toilet
, '2 Verification and calculation of raw water quality
2:1 Requirements for water quality data
·2.2 Requirements for inlet water quality of water treatment equipment2.3 Verification and calculation of water quality analysis items
3 Calculation of water treatment equipment output and water quality
3.1 Calculation requirements
3.2 Calculation of output
3.3 Determination of boiler blowdown rate
3.4 ​​Allowable salt and silicon content of feed water for medium-pressure natural circulation boilers3.5 Allowable evaporation residue or alkalinity of feed water for low-pressure boilers3.6 Main indicators of outlet water quality||t t||Calculation of relative alkalinity of boiler water
3.8 Several water quality standards
4 Process calculation of ion exchange
4.1 Basis and requirements of calculation
4.2 Calculation method
4.3 Calculation for selection of diameter and number of mixed beds (in vivo regeneration)4.4 Mixed bed process calculation
4.5 Calculation of number of single-bed ion exchangers
4.6 Calculation of operating time and number of regenerations of single-bed ion exchangers4.7 Verification calculation of number and number of regenerations of single-bed ion exchangers4.8 Regeneration process calculation of single-bed ion exchangers4.9 Process calculation of double-chamber double-bed ion exchangers, 4.10 Calculation of discharge volume and concentration of acid and alkali wastewater from ion exchangers. 4.11 Estimation of ion exchanger pressure drop
5 Calculation of degasser selection
5.1 Cross-sectional area and diameter of degasser
5.2 Surface area of ​​degasser packing
5.3 Height of degasser packing
5.4 Calculation of blower selection
5.5 Calculation of vacuum degasser
6 Design calculation of electrodialyzer
|6.1 Determination of the designed desalination water volume Qa.
, 6.2 Determination of the designed pretreatment water volume Q.
6.3 Common calculation formulas
6.4 Calculation of current I), voltage (U), power consumption (W) and current efficiency () ·***7 Calculation of pressure mechanical filter selection
7.1 Calculation of the number and diameter of filters
7.2 Estimation of continuous operation time of filters
7.3 Number of backwashing times per filter per night n7.4 Amount of compressed air for flushing
7.5 Calculation of flushing water consumption
8 Calculation of lime pretreatment design
8.1 Lime softening treatment
8.2 Lime coagulation magnesium agent desiliconization treatment
8.3 Lime treatment with other agents added
9, Calculation of storage and metering equipment
9.1 Calculation of storage equipment capacity,
9 .2 Calculation of the capacity of the regeneration agent metering tank
9.3 Selection of various water tank capacities
10 Calculation of water dosing and in-boiler dosing
: 10.1 Calculation of water (make-up water) dosing treatment 10.2 Calculation of in-boiler phosphate blue steel supplementary treatment: List A Water quality analysis project condition table
Appendix B Influent water quality requirements of water treatment device Appendix C Feed Water Quality Standard (GB12145-89) Appendix D Low Pressure Boiler Water Quality Standard (GB.1576-85) Appendix E Hot Water Boiler Water Quality Standard (GB1576-85) Appendix F Boiler Feed Water Quality Standard (GB12145-89) Appendix G Boiler Water Quality Standard (GB12145-89) Turbine Condensate Quality Standard (GB121 45-89). Appendix H
Design reference data for downstream ion exchangers
Design reference data for countercurrent ion exchangers (i.e., water flows downward and regeneration liquid flows upward)
Design reference data for countercurrent ion exchangers (single-chamber floating bed, operating water flows upward and regeneration liquid flows downward)
Appendix L
Design reference data for countercurrent ion exchangers (double-chamber double-layer Bed) Design Reference Data (85)
Appendix M
Appendix N
Density of sulfuric acid solution (20℃)
Density of hydrochloric acid solution (20℃)
Density of sodium hydroxide solution (20℃)
Appendix Q
Appendix P
Density of sodium chloride solution (20℃)
Density of ammonia water (20℃)
Appendix Q Main||tt ||Appendix R
Appendix S
Density of lime milk (20℃)
Density of several salt aqueous solutions (g/cm3)Appendix T
Hardness unit conversion table
Appendix U
Appendix V
Sieve mesh table
Basic units of common substances and their molar masses·Chinese
Explanation of terms used in this regulation
Tea text explanation
1 General
1.0.1 In order to unify the calculation methods for chemical water treatment and ensure the design quality, this regulation makes principled provisions on the items, requirements, calculation methods, formulas and data that should be generally calculated in the process design of chemical water treatment.
1.0.2 This regulation applies to the process design calculation of chemical water treatment equipment in newly built, expanded or renovated chemical enterprises. The calculation contents are as follows: Design calculation of feed water treatment for boilers. Calculation of feed water dosing treatment and in-boiler dosing supplementary treatment. Design calculation of soft water and demineralized water treatment required by chemical process equipment and other users.
1.0.3 This regulation is compiled in accordance with the current national specifications and standards and combined with the characteristics of chemical enterprises. If it conflicts with the superior standards, the superior standards shall be used as the reference. Wb
Verification calculation of raw water quality
2.1 Requirements for water quality data
The historical water quality data of raw water (or pre-treated water) and its annual changes shall be collected according to Table A in Appendix A, and representative partial water quality analysis data shall be selected as the design basis. When the raw water is groundwater, a total of 4 water quality analysis data for each quarter of the year shall be provided; when the raw water is surface water, a total of 12 water quality analysis data for each month of the year shall be provided. 2.2 Requirements for inlet water quality of water treatment devices
The permissible water quality indicators for water entering ion exchangers, electrodialysis and reverse osmosis devices after pretreatment are shown in Table B in Appendix B.
2.3 Calibration calculation of water quality analysis items
Generally, the following methods should be used for calibration: 2. 3. 1.1
Calibration of the sum of the volume molar concentrations of cations and anions Ca2+
-ion concentration in raw water, mg/,
39.10~22.99, mass of corresponding ions EC-EA
ZC—The sum of the volume molar concentrations of various cations in raw water, mmol/l:
Three A---the sum of the molar concentrations of various anions in the raw water, mmol/l, i.e. equivalent concentration me/l, the same below); 0---analytical error, 191≤4% is allowed.·Calibration of calculated and measured values ​​of dissolved solids IHCO:
ReSiO2+RO +EC+EA' --
(2. 3. 1.2-1)
--Calculated value of dissolved solids in raw water, mgRG
Rc--Measured value of dissolved solids in raw water, mg/l;--Total silicon content in filtered water sample, mg
RO--Content of iron and aluminum oxides in raw water, mg/--Total content of cations in raw water except iron and aluminum ions, ZC
--Total content of anions in raw water except SiO2, mg/l; HCOF--HCO3 concentration in raw water, mg/;
a--Analytical error For water samples with a salt content less than 100 mg/, an allowable error of 1 to 20% is allowed; For water samples with a salt content greater than or equal to 100 mg/, an allowable error of 18 ≤ 10% is allowed. Verification of calculated and measured pH values ​​When the contents of [HCO?] and [CO] are expressed in mg/milligram, pH--6.21+g[HCO, --Ig[CO2]
When the contents of [HCO: and [CO] are expressed in mmol/milligram, pH - 6.35+g[HCO:]-Ig[CO,
In the formula:
is the calculated value of pH in raw water;
is the measured value of H in raw water:
- analytical error, 190.2 is allowed.
(2. 3. 1. 3 -+ 2)
(2. 3. 1.-33)
Note: This formula is only applicable to raw water with a temperature of 25℃ and a H of 8.3. Raw water with a H of 8.3 should consider the secondary equilibrium of carbonic acid.
When producing soft water, the following method can also be used for verification: 2. 3. 2. 1
Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of total hardness
Ca2+ ↓ Mg2+
H. -Calculated value of total hardness in raw water, mmol/l: Ca2+-Calcium ion concentration in raw water, mg/l; Mg2+
-Magnesium ion concentration in source water, mg/l
20.04--Molar mass of Ca2+, mg/mmol12, 15--Molar mass of Mg2+, mg/mmol; (2. 3.2.1---1)
(2. 3.2. 1-2)
HMeasured value of total hardness in raw water, mmot/l, -.Analytical error, allowable 181≤10% Alkalinity verification
(1) Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of phenolic alkalinity 1 .CO-↓OH-
A.--Calculated value of phenolic acid and alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l; Co Co- content in raw water.mg
(2. 3. 2. 2—1)
(2. 3. 2. 2-2).
OH--—OH- content in raw water, mg/l;
30.01--Molar mass of CO2-, mg/mmol;17.01--Molar mass of OH-, mg/mmol A\-Measured value of phenolic alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l. Analytical error, allowable 18≤4%.
[2). "Comparison of calculated and measured values ​​of methyl orange alkalinity 4
A--Calculated value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l;-Measured value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l: A
HCO-, CO~, OH---Ion content, mg/l; 61.02, 30.01, 17.01--Molar mass of corresponding ions, mg/mmol ;
Error, allow a≤4% The calibration method for the sum of the molar concentrations of cations and anions is the same as, but 1≤10% is allowed. The calibration method for the calculated value of H and the measured value is the same as
3 Calculation of water treatment device output and water quality
3.1 Calculation requirementsWww.bzxZ.net
3.1.1 Calculate the average and maximum hourly soft water, demineralized water and refined water required for the entire plant. The maximum water consumption is used as the basis for selecting the main equipment, and the average water consumption is used as the calculation technical and economic indicators, and the operating flow rate and regeneration cycle of the calibration equipment. 3.1.2 Calculate the allowable water quality indicators for boiler feed water. 3.1.3 Determine the output of the water treatment device.
3.2 Calculation of output
QQ: K--Qz+Q(m/h)
Q--the maximum water consumption required by each user, m/h; Q--the actual amount of condensed water that can be recovered, m3/, (3.2)
Q--the surplus water. m/h;
K--the total self-use water coefficient of the water treatment device, generally 1.1~1.2. The total self-use water coefficient K is the continuous product of (1 + self-use water rate) of each device. The self-use water rate of each device is generally selected according to the following empirical data: Mechanical filter self-use The water rate is generally estimated as follows: when the original suspended solids content is: 10mg/1, single flow takes 3%~6%, double flow takes 2%-4%: when the original water suspended solids content is 20m/, single flow takes 6%-12% and double flow takes 4%-8%. Anthracite filter material takes the lower value, and quartz sand filter material takes the higher value. When the salt content of the original water is less than 500mg/ and the exchange agent is resin, the self-use water rate of the exchanger is generally estimated as follows (take the higher value when the salt content is high or the hardness is high): cation exchanger (hydrogen 6
Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of total hardness
Ca2+ ↓ Mg2+
H. -Calculated value of total hardness in raw water, mmol/l: Ca2+-Calcium ion concentration in raw water, mg/l; Mg2+
-Magnesium ion concentration in source water, mg/l
20.04--Molar mass of Ca2+, mg/mmol12, 15--Molar mass of Mg2+, mg/mmol; (2. 3.2.1---1)
(2. 3.2. 1-2)
HMeasured value of total hardness in raw water, mmot/l, -.Analytical error, allowable 181≤10% Verification of alkalinity
(1) Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of phenolic alkalinity1 .CO-↓OH-
A.--Calculated value of phenolic acid alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l; Co Co- content in raw water.mg
(2. 3. 2. 2—1)
(2. 3. 2. 2-2).
OH--—OH- content in raw water, mg/l;
30.01--Molar mass of CO2-, mg/mmol;17.01--Molar mass of OH-, mg/mmol A\-Measured value of phenolic alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l. Analytical error, allowable 18≤4%.
[2). "Comparison of calculated and measured values ​​of methyl orange alkalinity 4
A--Calculated value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l;-Measured value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l: A
HCO-, CO~, OH---Ion content, mg/l; 61.02, 30.01, 17.01--Molar mass of corresponding ions, mg/mmol ;
Error, allow a≤4% The calibration method for the sum of the molar concentrations of cations and anions is the same as, but 1≤10% is allowed. The calibration method for the calculated value of H and the measured value is the same as
3 Calculation of water treatment device output and water quality
3.1 Calculation requirements
3.1.1 Calculate the average and maximum hourly soft water, demineralized water and refined water required for the entire plant. The maximum water consumption is used as the basis for selecting the main equipment, and the average water consumption is used as the calculation technical and economic indicators, and the operating flow rate and regeneration cycle of the calibration equipment. 3.1.2 Calculate the allowable water quality indicators for boiler feed water. 3.1.3 Determine the output of the water treatment device.
3.2 Calculation of output
QQ: K--Qz+Q(m/h)
Q--the maximum water consumption required by each user, m/h; Q--the actual amount of condensed water that can be recovered, m3/, (3.2)
Q--the surplus water. m/h;
K--the total self-use water coefficient of the water treatment device, generally 1.1~1.2. The total self-use water coefficient K is the continuous product of (1 + self-use water rate) of each device. The self-use water rate of each device is generally selected according to the following empirical data: Mechanical filter self-use The water rate is generally estimated as follows: when the original suspended solids content is: 10mg/1, single flow takes 3%~6%, double flow takes 2%-4%: when the original water suspended solids content is 20m/, single flow takes 6%-12% and double flow takes 4%-8%. Anthracite filter material takes the lower value, and quartz sand filter material takes the higher value. When the salt content of the original water is less than 500mg/ and the exchange agent is resin, the self-use water rate of the exchanger is generally estimated as follows (take the higher value when the salt content is high or the hardness is high): cation exchanger (hydrogen 6
Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of total hardness
Ca2+ ↓ Mg2+
H. -Calculated value of total hardness in raw water, mmol/l: Ca2+-Calcium ion concentration in raw water, mg/l; Mg2+
-Magnesium ion concentration in source water, mg/l
20.04--Molar mass of Ca2+, mg/mmol12, 15--Molar mass of Mg2+, mg/mmol; (2. 3.2.1---1)
(2. 3.2. 1-2)
HMeasured value of total hardness in raw water, mmot/l, -.Analytical error, allowable 181≤10% Verification of alkalinity
(1) Verification of calculated and measured values ​​of phenolic alkalinity1 .CO-↓OH-
A.--Calculated value of phenolic acid and alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l; Co Co- content in raw water.mg
(2. 3. 2. 2—1)
(2. 3. 2. 2-2).
OH--—OH- content in raw water, mg/l;
30.01--Molar mass of CO2-, mg/mmol;17.01--Molar mass of OH-, mg/mmol A\-Measured value of phenolic alkalinity of raw water, mmol/l. Analytical error, allowable 18≤4%.
[2). "Comparison of calculated and measured values ​​of methyl orange alkalinity 4
A--Calculated value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l;-Measured value of raw water methyl orange alkalinity (i.e. total alkalinity), mmol/l: A
HCO-, CO~, OH---Ion content, mg/l; 61.02, 30.01, 17.01--Molar mass of corresponding ions, mg/mmol ;
Error, allow a≤4% The calibration method for the sum of the molar concentrations of cations and anions is the same as, but 1≤10% is allowed. The calibration method for the calculated value of H and the measured value is the same as
3 Calculation of water treatment device output and water quality
3.1 Calculation requirements
3.1.1 Calculate the average and maximum hourly soft water, demineralized water and refined water required for the entire plant. The maximum water consumption is used as the basis for selecting the main equipment, and the average water consumption is used as the calculation technical and economic indicators, and the operating flow rate and regeneration cycle of the calibration equipment. 3.1.2 Calculate the allowable water quality indicators for boiler feed water. 3.1.3 Determine the output of the water treatment device.
3.2 Calculation of output
QQ: K--Qz+Q(m/h)
Q--the maximum water consumption required by each user, m/h; Q--the actual amount of condensed water that can be recovered, m3/, (3.2)
Q--the surplus water. m/h;
K--the total self-use water coefficient of the water treatment device, generally 1.1~1.2. The total self-use water coefficient K is the continuous product of (1 + self-use water rate) of each device. The self-use water rate of each device is generally selected according to the following empirical data: Mechanical filter self-use The water rate is generally estimated as follows: when the original suspended solids content is: 10mg/1, single flow takes 3%~6%, double flow takes 2%-4%: when the original water suspended solids content is 20m/, single flow takes 6%-12% and double flow takes 4%-8%. Anthracite filter material takes the lower value, and quartz sand filter material takes the higher value. When the salt content of the original water is less than 500mg/ and the exchange agent is resin, the self-use water rate of the exchanger is generally estimated as follows (take the higher value when the salt content is high or the hardness is high): cation exchanger (hydrogen 6
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