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HG/T 2522-1993 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2522-1993

Standard Name: Industrial heavy potassium carbonate

Chinese Name: 工业重质碳酸钾

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-09-08

Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Inorganic Chemistry>>71.060.50 Salt

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Inorganic Chemical Raw Materials>>G12 Inorganic Salt

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HG/T 2522-1993 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate HG/T2522-1993 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Heavy Potassium Carbonate
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of industrial heavy potassium carbonate. This standard applies to industrial heavy potassium carbonate produced by ion membrane electrolysis and fluidized bed carbonization process. This product is mainly used as a raw material for the glass shell of a picture tube, and is also widely used as a raw material for glass and special glass, as well as for large fertilizer decarbonization, pond porcelain, welding rods, photographic printing and other industries. Molecular formula, K, CO3
Relative molecular mass: 138.21 (according to the international relative atomic mass in 1989) 2 Reference standards
Pictorial symbols for packaging, storage and transportation
GB/T 601
GB/T 602
GB/T 603
GB 1250
Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (volume analysis) of chemical reagentsPreparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities in chemical reagentsPreparation of preparations and products used in test methods for chemical reagentsExpression and determination methods of limit valuesGB/T 1587
GB/T 3049
GB/T 3050
GB/T 6678
GB/T 6682
GB 8946
Industrial potassium carbonate
General method for determination of iron content in chemical productsPhenanthroline spectrophotometric methodGeneral method for determination of chloride content in inorganic chemical productsPotentiometric titrationGeneral rules for sampling of chemical products
Specifications and analytical methods for water used in analytical laboratoriesPlastic woven bags
Flexible bulk bags
GB 10454
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Appearance: white granular.
3.2 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate shall meet the requirements of the following table: Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 8, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
Potassium carbonate (K,CO,) content (after ignition)
Chloride (as KCI) content
Sulfur compound (as KSO) content
Iron (Fe) content
Water-insoluble matter content
Loss on ignition
Particle size (1.40mm sieve residue)
(180μm sieve residue)
Bulk density, g/mL
HG/T 2522-93
Superior product
Note: The loss on ignition index is only applicable to inspection during product packaging. 4 Test methods
First-class products
Qualified products
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, refer to analytically pure reagents and grade 3 water specified in GB/T6682. The standard solutions, impurity standard solutions, preparations and products required in the test, unless otherwise specified, shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T601, GB/T602 and GB/T603. 4.1 Determination of potassium carbonate content
4.1.1 Potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method (arbitration method) Summary of the method
In a weakly acidic medium, potassium carbonate and sodium tetraphenylborate form potassium tetraphenylborate precipitate. The potassium sulfate content is calculated by deducting the mass of potassium chloride and potassium sulfate from the mass of potassium tetraphenylborate precipitate. Reagents and materials Anhydrous ethanol (GB/T 678); Glacial acetic acid (GB/T676) solution: 1+9; Sodium tetraphenylborate (HG3--1164) ethanol solution: 34g/L. Weigh 3.4g of sodium tetraphenylborate and dissolve it in 100mL of anhydrous ethanol. Filter it for later use if necessary; Saturated ethanol solution of potassium tetraphenylborate: Take 1g of potassium tetraphenylborate, add 50mL of 95% ethanol (GB/T679) and 950mL of water and shake it thoroughly to saturate it. Dry filter before use. The preparation method of potassium tetraphenylborate is the same as that of GB/T1587, Section; Methyl red (HG3-958) ethanol solution: 1g/L. Instruments and equipment Filter: pore size of filter plate 5~15um. Analysis steps
Weigh 0.8~~0.85g of the sample burned to constant weight at 270~300℃, accurately to 0.0002g, dissolve in water, transfer to a 500mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, and shake well. If the test solution is turbid, dry filtration is required. Discard the initial 1015mL filtrate. Use a pipette to transfer 25mL of the test solution into a 100mL beaker, add 35mL of water, and 1 drop of methyl red indicator. Adjust to red with acetic acid solution, heat to 10C in a water bath, add 8.5mL of sodium tetraphenylborate ethanol solution dropwise while stirring, and let stand for 10min. Remove and cool to room temperature, filter with a crucible filter that has been dried to constant weight at 120-125°C, transfer the precipitate with a saturated solution of potassium tetraphenylborate in ethanol, and wash the precipitate 3 to 4 times with 15 mL of a saturated solution of potassium tetraphenylborate in ethanol each time and drain. Remove the crucible filter, wash along the filter wall with 2 mL of anhydrous ethanol, and drain. Dry at 120-125°C to constant weight. Expression of analysis results
The potassium carbonate (KCO) content (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (1): X = m×0.1928×100 (0.926 9X + 0.793 1X.)m×500
— (0.926 9X + 0.793 1Xs)
Wherein: m-
mass of potassium tetraphenylborate precipitate, g;
mass of sample, g;
coefficient for converting potassium tetraphenylborate into potassium carbonate; 0.192 8
content of chloride (calculated as KCl) determined in accordance with Article 4.4 of this standard, %; X
content of sulfide (calculated as KSO) determined in accordance with Article 4.5 of this standard, %; 0.926 9
The coefficient for converting potassium chloride into potassium carbonate; the coefficient for converting potassium sulfate into potassium carbonate. 0. 793 1 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results shall be taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.3%. 4.1.2 Acid-base titration method Method summary
Potassium carbonate is alkaline in aqueous solution. The test solution is titrated with hydrochloric acid standard titration solution. According to the consumption of hydrochloric acid standard titration solution, the consumption of sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate is deducted to determine the content of potassium carbonate. Reagents and materials Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) standard titration solution: c(HCI) about 0.5 mol/L; Bromocresol green (HG3-1226)-methyl red (HG3-958) mixed indicator solution. Analysis steps
Weigh about 1g of the sample calcined to constant weight at 270~300℃, accurate to 0.0002g. Place in a 250mL conical flask and add 50mL of water to dissolve. Add 5 drops of bromocresol green-methyl red mixed indicator solution and titrate with hydrochloric acid standard titration solution until the solution changes from green to dark red. Boil the solution for 2 minutes, cool it, and continue to titrate until it turns dark red, and do a blank test at the same time. Expression of analytical results
The potassium carbonate (KzCO:) content (X,) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (2): (V - Vo)c × 0.069 10 × 100 -- 3.06X - 5.686X, =
6.910(V -Vo)c - 3.006X, - 5.686X,m
-the volume of standard hydrochloric acid titration solution consumed by titrating the test solution, mL; where .V—-
V. ——The volume of the standard hydrochloric acid solution consumed in the titration of the blank test solution, mL; c--the actual concentration of the standard hydrochloric acid solution, mol/L; m
The mass of the sample, g;
0.06910--The mass of potassium carbonate expressed in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of the standard hydrochloric acid solution c(HC1)=1.000mol/LJ;
The sodium content measured in accordance with Article 4.2 of this standard, %; The calcium and magnesium (in terms of Mg) content measured in accordance with Article 4.3 of this standard, %; 505
-The coefficient for converting sodium into potassium carbonate;
-The coefficient for converting magnesium into potassium carbonate. Allowable difference
HG/T 2522—93
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results as the determination result, and the absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.3%. 4.2 Determination of sodium content
4.2.1 Method summary
Sodium emits characteristic light with a certain wavelength in a high-temperature flame, and its light intensity is proportional to the sodium ion concentration in the test solution. The sodium content in the sample is determined by measuring the intensity of the emitted light. 4.2.2 Reagents and materials Potassium carbonate (spectrally pure) solution: 20g/L, Sodium standard solution: 1mL solution contains 0.1mgNa. 4.2.3 Instruments and equipment Flame photometer.
4.2.4 Drawing of working curve
In a series of 250mL volumetric flasks, add 10mL of potassium carbonate solution, and then add 0.00, 2.50, 5.00, 10.00, 15.00, 20.00, 25.00, and 30.00mL of sodium standard solution, dilute with water to the scale, and shake well. Use a flame spectrophotometer to zero at a wavelength of 589nm with water, and measure the emission intensity. Use the sodium content as the horizontal axis and the corresponding emission intensity after subtracting the reagent blank as the vertical axis to draw a working curve.
4.2.5 Analysis steps
Weigh about 0.2g of sample, accurate to 0.0002g, place in a beaker, add a small amount of water to dissolve, transfer to a 250mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, and shake well. Use a flame spectrophotometer to zero at a wavelength of 589nm with water. Measure the emission intensity of the test solution. 4.2.6 Expression of analysis results
The sodium (Na) content (X,) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (3): X, = mX10-3
m(1-X,) × 100 =
i0m(1 - X.)
Wherein: m, the sodium content in the test solution obtained from the working curve, mg; m--the mass of the sample, g;
X.--the ignition loss determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %. 4.2.7 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results is: not more than 0.005% for the determination value between 0.01% and 0.10%, and not more than 0.05% for the determination value above 0.10%. 4.3 Determination of total calcium and magnesium
4.3.1 Method summary
At pH=10, in ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer solution, Ca2+, Mg2+ and EDTA form complexes, and the total calcium and magnesium are determined based on the consumption of EDTA standard titration solution.
4.3.2 Reagents and materials Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) solution: 1+1; Ammonia water (GB/T631) solution: 2+3; Ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer solution A: pH10; Magnesium standard solution: 1mL solution contains 1.00mgMg. Weigh 1.660g of magnesium oxide burned to constant weight at 800℃, dissolve in 25mL hydrochloric acid and a small amount of water, transfer to a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the mark, and shake well; 4.3.2:5 Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (GB/T1401) standard titration solution: c(EDTA) is about 0.05mol/I; Chrome black T indicator.
4.3.3 Instruments and equipment
HG/T 2522—93 Microburette: the graduation value is 0.02mL. 4.3.4 Analysis steps
Weigh 5g of sample, accurate to 0.01g, place in a 250mL conical flask, add 90mL of water to dissolve. Add hydrochloric acid solution to neutralize until pH=4 (check with pH test paper). Heat and boil for 5min, and cool. Use a pipette to transfer 5.00 mL of magnesium standard solution and adjust the pH to 8 with ammonia water (check with pH test paper). Add 5 mL of ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer solution A and 0.1 g of chrome black T indicator and shake well. Titrate with EDTA standard titration solution until the solution changes from purple-red to blue.
In addition to not adding the sample, a blank test is performed at the same time and under the same conditions as the sample. 4.3.5 Expression of analytical results
The total amount of calcium and magnesium (in terms of Mg) expressed as mass percentage (X:) is calculated according to formula (4): V -Vo)c × 0. 024 31 × 100
m(1 - Xg)
_2. 431(V- Vo)c
m(i - X.)
Where: V——the volume of EDTA standard titration solution consumed by the titration test solution, mL; V. —The volume of EDTA standard titration solution consumed in titrating the blank test solution, mL; the actual concentration of EDTA standard titration solution, mol/L; m——the mass of the sample, g;
X. —The loss on ignition determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %; (4)
0.02431-——The mass of magnesium expressed in grams equivalent to 1.00mL EDTA standard titration solution (c(EDTA)=1.000mol/LJ).
4.3.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results shall be taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall be: not more than 0.005% for the determination value between 0.01% and 0.10%, and not more than 0.05% for the determination value above 0.10%. 4.4 Determination of chloride content
|4.4.1 Summary of the method
Same as Article 2 of GB/T3050.
4.4.2 Reagents and materials Potassium chloride (GB10736) standard solution: c(KCI)=0.005mol/L. Weigh 1.864g of standard potassium fluoride burned to constant weight at 500~~600℃, accurate to 0.001g. Place in a beaker, add water to dissolve, transfer all to a 500mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the mark, and shake well.
Use a pipette to transfer 10mL of the solution to a 100mL volumetric flask. Dilute with water to the mark, and shake well. . Silver nitrate (GB/T670) standard titration solution: c (AgNO,) is about 0.005mol/L. Use a pipette to transfer 5mL of the silver nitrate standard titration solution prepared according to GB/T601, place it in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute it to the mark with water, and shake it well. Others are the same as Article 4 of GB/T3050.
4.4.3 Instruments and equipment
Same as Article 3 of GB/T3050.
4.4.4 Analysis steps
Weigh 1.9~2.1g of sample, accurate to 0.01g, place it in a 50mL beaker, add a small amount of water Wet. Add 4mL nitric acid solution to dissolve the sample. Add one drop of bromophenol blue indicator, continue to add nitric acid solution until the test solution turns yellow, then add 15mL ethanol, and the following operations are as described in Article 4.73 of GBT3050, from "putting in the electromagnetic stirrer" to "recording the starting potential value". Then, titrate with silver nitrate standard titration solution, first add 0.5mL, then add 0.1mL in batches, and the following operations are as described in Article 4.7.3 of GB/T3050 starting from "recording the total volume after each addition of silver nitrate standard solution". 507
4.4.5 Blank test
HG/T 2522-93
While preparing the test solution, prepare a blank test solution. In another 50ml beaker, add 4mL of nitric acid solution and adjust the pH value to neutral with sodium hydroxide solution in Article 4.5 of GB/T3050 (check with pH test paper). The following operation starts from "adding a drop of bromophenol blue indicator" and is carried out in the same way as the test solution. 4.4.6 Expression of analytical results
The chloride content (in terms of KCl) expressed as mass percentage (X) is calculated according to formula (5): X, =V-VX0,074 55 × 100
m(1 - Xg)
- 7. 455(V4 - V,)c
m(1 - Xg)
Where: V,—volume of silver nitrate standard titration solution consumed by titrating the test solution, mL; Vs—volume of silver nitrate standard titration solution consumed by titrating the blank test, mL; c——actual concentration of silver nitrate standard titration solution, mol/L; m—mass of the sample, g;
X:——loss on ignition determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %;*(5)
0.07455—-mass of potassium chloride expressed in grams equivalent to 1.00mL silver nitrate standard titration solution Lc (AgNO,) = 1.000mol/L.
4.4.7 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference of the two parallel determination results is not more than 0.003% for superior and first-class products; and not more than 0.02% for qualified products.
4.5 Determination of sulfur compound content
4.5.1 Method summary
Use hydrogen peroxide to convert all sulfur compounds in potassium carbonate into sulfate. In an acidic medium, sulfate ions and barium ions form barium sulfate precipitation. Compare the suspension with the standard turbidity solution to determine the sulfur compound content. 4.5.2 Reagents and materials 30% hydrogen peroxide (GB/T6684); 95% ethanol (GB/T679); Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) solution: 1+11; Potassium sulfate (HG3--920) solution: 1mL solution contains 0.100mgKzSO4. Accurately weigh 0.1000g of anhydrous potassium sulfate (K,SO,) dried to constant weight at 105110℃, dissolve in water, transfer to a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the mark, and shake well; Chloride (GB/T652) solution: 100g/L. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Weigh about 10g of the sample for superior and first-class products, and about 2g of the sample for qualified products, accurate to 0.01g. Dissolve in water, transfer to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the mark, and shake well. Use a pipette to transfer 10mL of the test solution to a 50mL beaker. Add 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide, neutralize with 15mL of hydrochloric acid solution for superior and first-class products, and 3mL of hydrochloric acid solution for qualified products, and heat and boil for 2min. After cooling, pour into a 50mL colorimetric tube, rinse the beaker with a small amount of water, pour into the colorimetric tube, and add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution. Dilute with water to 40mL, add 5mL of ethanol, 3mL of barium chloride solution, and shake well. Keep in a 30-35C water bath for 10min. Dilute with water to the mark, and shake well. Compare with the standard turbidimetric solution. The standard turbidity solution is 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 mL of potassium sulfate standard solution added to 10 mL of water and 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide, and the same operation as the sample is performed starting from "Add 2 mL of hydrochloric acid solution."
4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The content of sulfur compounds (measured in K,SO) expressed as mass percentage (X.) is calculated according to formula (6): 508
HG/T 2522-93
VX 0. 000 1
m(1 - X.) ×
10m(1 = X,)
× 100
The volume of potassium sulfate standard solution contained in the standard turbidimetric solution corresponding to the turbidity of the test solution, ml; where. v—
the mass of the test sample, g;
0.0001——the mass of potassium sulfate in 1.00mL potassium sulfate standard solution, g; X:——the loss on ignition determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %. 4.6 Determination of iron content
4.6.1 Method summary
Same as Article 2 of GB/T3049.
4.6.2 Reagents and materials Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622);
Others are the same as Article 3 of GB/T3049.
4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Spectrophotometer: with a 3cm absorption cell. 4.6.4 Drawing of working curve
Draw the working curve according to Article 5.3 of GB/T3049, using a 3cm absorption cell and the corresponding amount of iron standard solution. 4.6.5 Analysis steps
Weigh about 2g of sample, accurate to 0.01g, place in a 100mL beaker, add 30mL of water to dissolve. Add 4mL of hydrochloric acid, heat and boil for 3min, and cool. The following operations are carried out according to Article 5.4 of GB/T3049, starting from "If necessary, add water to about 60 mL." until the absorbance of the solution is measured.
4.6.6 Blank test
While preparing the test solution, prepare a blank test solution. In another 100 mL beaker, add 30 mL of water and 4 mL of hydrochloric acid, and neutralize with 1+1 nitrogen water to a pH value of 7 (check with pH test paper). Heat and boil for 3 minutes, cool, and perform the following operations in the same way as the test solution.
4.6.7 Expression of analysis results
The iron (Fe) content (X.) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): _(m = m.) × 10-3
m(l. - X.)
mr -- mo
10m(1 -- X.)
× 100
Where: m,~
The mass of iron in the test solution found from the working curve, mg; m,--The iron content in the blank test solution found from the working curve, mg; m—The mass of the sample, g;
X. --The ignition loss determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %. 4.6.8 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the results of two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.0005%. 4.7 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
4.7.1 Summary of the method
Dissolve the sample in water, filter it with a Gooch crucible, and then dry the insoluble matter to constant weight. Determine the water-insoluble matter content based on the mass of the insoluble matter. 4.7.2 Reagents and materials Hydrochloric acid (GB/T622) solution: 1+3; HG/T 2522-93 Potassium carbonate (GB/T1397) solution: 70g/L; Phenol (GB/T10729) Z alcohol solution: 10g/L; Acid-washed asbestos (HG3-1062): Take an appropriate amount of acid-washed asbestos and soak it in hydrochloric acid solution and boil it for 20 minutes. Filter it with a Buchner funnel and wash it with water until it is neutral. Soak it in potassium carbonate solution and boil it for 20 minutes. Filter with a Buchner funnel and wash with water until neutral, mix with water to make a paste, and set aside.
4.7.3 Instruments and equipment Gooch crucible: 20mL.
4.7.4 Analysis steps Prepare the filter crucible
Place the Gooch crucible on the suction flask, and evenly spread a layer of asbestos on the upper and lower sides of the sieve plate, with each layer about 3mm thick. Wash with distilled water until the filtrate does not contain asbestos wool. Move the Gooch crucible into an electric oven. Dry at 105-110℃ and weigh. Repeat the operation from "wash with distilled water until the filtrate does not contain asbestos wool" until the Gooch crucible has a constant weight. Place the Gooch device on the suction flask, wet the asbestos layer with water, and set aside. Determination of the sample
Weigh about 20g of the sample, accurate to 0.01g. Place in a 400mL beaker and add 300mL water to dissolve it. Filter with a prepared Gooch crucible. Wash the insoluble matter with distilled water until the red color disappears after adding 2 drops of phenolic acid to 20mL of the washing solution. Dry the insoluble matter and the Gooch crucible together at 105~110℃ to constant weight.
4.7.5 Expression of analysis results
The water-insoluble matter content (X,) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (8): X,
-the mass of the Gooch crucible, g;
where: mn—
m1--the content of the Gooch crucible and the insoluble matter·g; m--the mass of the sample, g;
X. —-the ignition loss determined in accordance with Article 4.8 of this standard, %. 4.7.6 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results shall be taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.005%. 4.8 Determination of loss on ignition
4.8.1 Summary of method
Ignite the sample at 270-300℃ and determine the loss on ignition based on the reduction before and after ignition. 4.8.2 Instruments and equipment High-temperature furnace: capable of operating at 270-300℃. 4.8.3 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of sample, accurate to 0.0002g, place in a porcelain crucible with constant weight, and ignite at 270-300℃ to constant weight. 4.8.4 Expression of analysis results
The ignition loss (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (9): m = ml × 100
Wherein: m1-
-mass of the sample after ignition, g;
-mass of the sample before ignition, g.
4.8.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.05%. 510
4.9 Determination of bulk density
4.9.1 Method Summary
HG/T 2522—93
A quantitative sample passes through a conical funnel into a cylindrical material tank of known volume, and the mass of the sample required to fill the material tank is determined. 4.9.2 Instruments and Equipment
The bulk density measuring device is shown in the figure. Figure 112
Bulk Density Determination Device
1-Material tank, 2-Stand; 3-Funnel
4.9.3 Analysis Steps
Assemble the bulk density determination device according to the figure.
Weigh the mass of the material tank, accurate to 1g. Close the bottom of the funnel, fill the sample naturally, and scrape off the protruding part with a ruler. Place the material tank of known mass, open the bottom of the funnel, let the sample flow into the material tank automatically, and scrape off the protruding part with a ruler (do not move the material before scraping it flat). Weigh the mass of the sample and the material tank, accurate to 1g.
4.9.4 Expression of analysis results
The bulk density (X2) expressed as mass per unit volume is calculated according to formula (10): X2 =
Wherein: m2 - mass of the tank, g;
m2 - mass of the tank and the sample, g;
V - volume of the tank, mL.
4.9.5 Allowable difference
m2 - mi
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result. The absolute difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed 0.02 g/mL. 4.10 Determination of particle size
4.10.1 Summary of method
Put the sample on a standard sieve with a specified mesh, sieve it on a vibrating sieve machine, and weigh the sieve residue. 4.10.2 Instruments and equipment
HG/T 2522-93 Test sieve (GB6003): R40/3 series $200×50/1.40mm, $200×50/180μm, with sieve bottom and sieve cover. Vibrating screen machine: Use a vibrating sieving machine with a swing frequency of 200~~300 times/min. 4.10.3 Analysis steps
Weigh 100g of sample, accurate to 0.1g. Put it into the test sieve with the sieve bottom installed. The aperture of the test sieve is 1.40mm and 180μm. Cover the sieve cover and shake the sieve horizontally for 2min manually. Vibrate 80 times per minute, or sieve with a vibrating screen machine for 10min, and weigh the mass of the sieve residue, accurate to 0.1g. 4.10.4 Expression of analysis results
The sieve residue (X1.) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (11): X1. = m×100
Where: ml—mass of sieve residue, g;
m——mass of test material, g.
4.10.5 Permissible difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result, and the absolute difference between the two determination results is not greater than 0.5%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate products shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all industrial heavy potassium carbonate shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. The content includes: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date, certificate of product quality compliance with this standard and the number of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the industrial heavy potassium carbonate received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The mass of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t.
5.4 The number of sampling units shall be determined in accordance with Article 6.6 of GB/T6678. When sampling, the sampler shall be inserted from the vertical center line of the packaging bag to three-quarters of the material layer. The manufacturer can directly take samples at intervals at the packaging mouth, mix the sampled products, and use the quartering method to reduce them to about 500g, and pack them in two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles. Seal and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection and the other bottle is kept for three months for reference.
5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the amount of packaging bags for verification. If the re-verification results show that only one indicator does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Interim Measures for National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection". 5.7 During the storage and transportation of industrial heavy potassium carbonate, the loss on ignition often increases due to the absorption of moisture or carbon dioxide. When the user inspects the product weight, the increased loss on ignition can be deducted. 5.8 This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB1250 to determine whether the inspection results meet the standard. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bag should have a firm and clear mark. Note: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, trademark and standard number and the mark specified in GB1917\"wet-afraid" mark. 6.2 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate can be packed in plastic woven bags or container bags. Plastic woven bags are double-layered, with polyethylene plastic film bags as the inner packaging, with specifications of 800mm×480mm and a thickness of not less than 0.08mm. Plastic woven bags are used for outer packaging. Specifications: 680mm×660mm. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with GB8946B The net weight of each bag of industrial heavy potassium carbonate is 25kg. 10 bags are randomly selected, and the average deviation during weighing should be within 0.2kg.
Container bag packaging: Use flexible container bags specified in GB10454, and its specifications, dimensions, performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB10454. The net weight of each bag is 1000kg.
6.3 [When industrial heavy potassium carbonate is packaged in plastic woven bags, the inner bag is sealed with a plastic heat sealer; the outer bag is sealed at a distance of not less than 20mm from the edge of the bag 512
HG/T 2522
Seam. Needle length 12~14mm. The stitches are neat and the stitch length is uniform, without leaking seams or skipped stitches. 6.4 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be covered during transportation. Prevent it from rain and moisture. The transportation tools should be clean and dry. Containers, nets or pallets should be used for loading, unloading and transportation as much as possible.
6.5 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be stored in a cool and dry place, prevent it from rain, moisture, sunlight and heat, and should not be mixed with acid. It should not collide with or hook with sharp objects.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Sichuan Chengdu Chemical Plant. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Shuying, Wang Youkun, Yang Qianshuang and Chen Xi. 51340mm and 180μm. Cover the sieve cover and shake the sieve horizontally for 2 minutes manually. Vibrate 80 times per minute, or sieve with a vibrating sieve machine for 10 minutes, and weigh the sieve residue to an accuracy of 0.1g. 4.10.4 Expression of analysis results
The sieve residue expressed as mass percentage (X1.) is calculated according to formula (11): X. = m×100
Where: ml—mass of sieve residue, g;bzxZ.net
m——mass of test sample, g.
4.10.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results is taken as the determination result, and the absolute difference between the two determination results shall not exceed 0.5%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate products shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all industrial heavy potassium carbonate shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. The contents include: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date, proof that the product quality meets this standard and the number of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the industrial heavy potassium carbonate received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The quality of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t.
5.4 Determine the number of sampling units in accordance with Article 6.6 of GB/T6678. When sampling, insert the sampler from the vertical center line of the packaging bag to three-quarters of the material layer for sampling. The manufacturer can directly take samples at intervals at the packaging mouth, mix the sampled samples, and use the quartering method to reduce them to about 500g, and pack them in two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles. Seal and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection and the other bottle is kept for three months for reference.
5.5 When one indicator of the test result does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples should be taken from twice the amount of packaging bags for re-verification. Even if only one indicator of the re-verification result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the quality of the product, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Interim Measures for National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection". 5.7 During the storage and transportation of industrial heavy potassium carbonate, the loss on ignition often increases due to the absorption of moisture or carbon dioxide. When users check the weight of the product, they can deduct the increased loss on ignition. 5.8 This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB1250 to determine whether the test results meet the standard. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bag should have a firm and clear mark. Note: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, trademark and standard number and the mark specified in GB1917\"wet-afraid" mark. 6.2 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate can be packed in plastic woven bags or container bags. Plastic woven bags are double-layered, with polyethylene plastic film bags as the inner packaging, with specifications of 800mm×480mm and a thickness of not less than 0.08mm. Plastic woven bags are used for outer packaging. Specifications: 680mm×660mm. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with GB8946B The net weight of each bag of industrial heavy potassium carbonate is 25kg. 10 bags are randomly selected, and the average deviation during weighing should be within 0.2kg.
Container bag packaging: Use flexible container bags specified in GB10454, and its specifications, dimensions, performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB10454. The net weight of each bag is 1000kg.
6.3 [When industrial heavy potassium carbonate is packaged in plastic woven bags, the inner bag is sealed with a plastic heat sealer; the outer bag is sealed at a distance of not less than 20mm from the edge of the bag 512
HG/T 2522
Seam. Needle length 12~14mm. The stitches are neat and the stitch length is uniform, without leaking seams or skipped stitches. 6.4 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be covered during transportation. Prevent it from rain and moisture. The transportation tools should be clean and dry. Containers, nets or pallets should be used for loading, unloading and transportation as much as possible.
6.5 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be stored in a cool and dry place, prevent it from rain, moisture, sunlight and heat, and should not be mixed with acid. It should not collide with or hook with sharp objects.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Sichuan Chengdu Chemical Plant. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Shuying, Wang Youkun, Yang Qianshuang and Chen Xi. 51340mm and 180μm. Cover the sieve cover and shake the sieve horizontally for 2 minutes. Shake 80 times per minute, or sieve with a vibrating sieve machine for 10 minutes, and weigh the sieve residue to an accuracy of 0.1g. 4.10.4 Expression of analysis results
The sieve residue expressed as mass percentage (X1.) is calculated according to formula (11): X. = m×100
Where: ml—mass of sieve residue, g;
m——mass of test sample, g.
4.10.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results as the determination result, and the absolute difference between the two determination results shall not exceed 0.5%. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate products shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all industrial heavy potassium carbonate shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. The contents include: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date, proof that the product quality meets this standard and the number of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the industrial heavy potassium carbonate received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The quality of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t.
5.4 Determine the number of sampling units in accordance with Article 6.6 of GB/T6678. When sampling, insert the sampler from the vertical center line of the packaging bag to three-quarters of the material layer for sampling. The manufacturer can directly sample at intervals at the packaging mouth, mix the sampled products, reduce them to about 500g by quartering method, and pack them in two clean and dry wide-mouth bottles. Seal and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection and the other bottle is kept for three months for reference.
5.5 When one of the test results fails to meet the requirements of this standard, samples should be taken from twice the amount of packaging bags for re-verification. If even one of the re-verification results fails to meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Interim Measures for National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection". 5.7 During the storage and transportation of industrial heavy potassium carbonate, the loss on ignition often increases due to the absorption of moisture or carbon dioxide. When users check the product weight, they can deduct the increased loss on ignition. 5.8 This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB1250 to determine whether the test results meet the standard. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging bags should have firm and clear markings. Note: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, trademark and standard number as well as the mark specified in GB1917\"wet-afraid" mark. 6.2 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate can be packed in plastic woven bags or container bags. Plastic woven bags are packed in double layers, with polyethylene plastic film bags as inner packaging, with specifications of 800mm×480mm and thickness of not less than 0.08mm. Plastic woven bags are used for outer packaging. Specifications of 680mm×660mm. Its performance and inspection methods shall comply with GB8946B The net weight of each bag of industrial heavy potassium carbonate is 25kg. 10 bags are randomly selected, and the average deviation during weighing should be within 0.2kg.
Container bag packaging: Use flexible container bags specified in GB10454, and its specifications, dimensions, performance and inspection methods should comply with the relevant provisions of GB10454. The net weight of each bag is 1000kg.
6.3 [When industrial heavy potassium carbonate is packaged in plastic woven bags, the inner bag is sealed with a plastic heat sealer; the outer bag is sealed at a distance of not less than 20mm from the edge of the bag 512
HG/T 2522
Seam opening. Needle length 12~14mm. The stitches are neat and the stitch length is even, without leaking seams or skipped stitches. 6.4 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be covered when transported. Prevent it from rain and moisture. The transportation vehicles should be clean and dry. Containers, nets or pallets should be used for loading, unloading and transportation as much as possible.
6.5 Industrial heavy potassium carbonate should be stored in a cool and dry place, prevent it from rain, moisture, sunlight and heat, and should not be mixed with acid. It should not collide with or hook with sharp objects.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Sichuan Chengdu Chemical Plant. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Shuying, Wang Youkun, Yang Qianshuang and Chen Xi. 513
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