GB/T 8098-2003 Installation surface of flow control valves with compensation for hydraulic transmission
Some standard content:
This standard is a modification of the international standard 19062:1907 chain pressure transmission belt compensation throttling interference measurement
safety surface is for the installation of the missing type liquid flow control valve, and the following notes are given in this standard:
1) Based on the current standards in my country, this standard recommends the use of the "2-2 current reference document" chapter /83-5& pressure superimposed medical to replace TSO4131.1994 high pressure dynamic control valve installation surface 32) Considering the domestic self-designed and used products produced before the third month, the standard ball control belt should be added to increase the local oil port The maximum diameter is 35.4mm with compensation flow control network change surface; 31 Added Appendix 4 to help understand the text: From the date of implementation of this standard, the company will replace the G/0SH-17 plate type hydraulic flow control valve installation surface 3. According to the international standard 1S) 625: 1997 to 13/30981987 for revision, this standard has changed in the following five technical aspects, the installation code is written according to 1905783: 1905, the previous version of the standard is 150 =? 23: 13 "Continued 2) The total diameter of the oil port is 4.5mm with compensation flow control width installation surface: 3) The diameter of the bed port is 6. 3 mm is reduced to 7. 5mml, and the other dimensions remain unchanged. 1) In the text, the installation surface and the corresponding component graphic symbols are added: 5
block \ 3 definition "8# valve" "S second work force" \ Ju juice explanation \ Each chapter incorporates the changes in the previous version of the record A into the following text, and only adds suggestive content in Appendix A Ning 7) The standard name is changed to find 3 labor belt compensation flow basis: air control limit support surface?. The standard is proposed by the National Pneumatic Standardization Technical Committee (CSHTS-CS" H of the China Federation of Machinery Industry. The drafting unit of this standard is Beijing Machinery Industry Automation Research Institute. The main contributors of this standard are: Liu Xinyin, Yue Shoulin. The standard was first issued in July 1987, and this is the first warning of the mountain
GH/T 8C9B—2003
In a pressure transmission system, power is transmitted and controlled by the fluid in the return line. The hydraulic valve is a typical component in the system, and the filter pressure valve can control the flow direction, force or flow of the fluid in the circuit. 1 Fantian
Hydraulic transmission
Flow control valve with compensation
GP/T 8C98—2003
Mounting surface
This standard specifies the average dimensions and relevant data of the mounting surface of the compensated condensing flow control valve to ensure its interchangeability. This standard applies to the mounting surface of the compensated hydraulic flow control network commonly used in industrial equipment. 2 Normative references
The following documents are applicable to the provisions of this standard: All dated documents are used to indicate all revisions (not including the required revisions) and are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to use the latest edition of these documents. H is an undated document, the latest edition of which applies to this standard. CB/1 Mechanical drawing surface designation, code and its notation method CQ1SO1C2) GH/7E.1 Hydraulic and pneumatic graphic symbols (GS0129-1) Reliability parameters and their values (IS468) GB/T 103!
BT112 shape and position tolerance pass, full identification number and final sample representation ([S door) 1101) GB: SOSU
pressure superposition installation surface
R/17445 fluid transmission system and component terminology d1S055S6) 1S) 73: [5 hidden fast moving net installation surface and drag and drop milk identification code 3 definition
T: T/117415 The definition of Lunshan applies to this standard, and the number
4.1 of this standard is adopted The following symbols are used: a) I, P, T and V to indicate a groove: b) I, F, F to indicate a fixed screw: e) G and G to indicate a positioning pin hole:
c) to indicate a fixing screw diameter:
e) ax to indicate the installation radius:
4.2 This standard adopts the graphic symbols specified in B/[786.74.3. The semi-standard adopts the code system specified in 1S033. Examples of installation surface codes are given in Appendix 4. 5 Tolerance
5, 1 installation blood (in the help point, the surface within the line> should adopt the following common connection: R0GT1 and G13
surface flatness within 1uomm sound (.1mm Le 6/T1182) fixed pin lead. Diameter tolerance: H12
5.2 with the coordinate origin, the x-axis and output related dimensions should adopt the following tolerance: =1
oil port..+C.2m1.||tt| |GB/Te038—2003
other local chemical inch public worship personnel drawing small,
.1 distribution compensation flow control network installation value size should be small, 2~1, 11F specified in the medicine drawing. .2 Lanxiao or 1 port self-secret for 1.5r with compensation flow control limit special surface size (replaced with: GT/T921+20 drawing gives
6.3 maximum 7.5 compensation volume control installation size (replaced with, 3*-2n0 in the figure% middle road The maximum diameter of the
6.4 two-port is 17m to compensate for the flow control room installation surface size (code: /783+2003 in Figure 1), the maximum diameter of
6.5-11 is 14.7mm, the flow control valve installation surface size (code: k/1906C7-200 in Figure 7, the maximum oil port diameter of the
6.6 two-port is 17.5mm, with compensation flow control valve 3 Installation size (code: 63/09%079*20084 in Figure 1); Road Mountain
6.7: - soil agent 111 domain large 11 diameter is 17, mm, with compensation volume control valve installation size (code: H/30980★6C3 in Figure 1,
6.8-Shanghai Securities 1 book large diameter is 23.4rm, with compensation flow control network to install small size (code: /T3098-08-3-x2c2314 Institute 3 The maximum diameter of the medium transmission ±
6.9-1 is 2%4M with supplementary flow control flow into the installation surface size (code: GB/18098085*3 in the figure.
6.1-111 is 2%4M with supplementary flow control flow into the installation surface size (code: GB/18098085*3 in the figure.
6.1-111 is 2%4M with supplementary flow control flow into the installation surface size (code: G3/1&98 09153003) Figure 19 shows:
7 Oil port marking
7.1 The maximum oil lubrication limit for compensation is selected according to the limit specified in 2-7.11. 7.2 The standard diameter of the raw oil is 4.5mm. The flow 4 wire with compensation starts from 11 (code, CB/T80%8-c2-91, 2232.
2.3 = The population direct price of the oil port is 75 The flow grid limit port with compensation is opposite (code, G1 3/8096-2.1-u3--203 in the figure road height:
7.4-+ adult oil diameter is 17m with compensation medicine flow month according to the production and purchase m port equal code, <9093--5 "2003) week 5 cattle gave:
7.5 oil quantity oil direct inspection 1 with compensation flow control limit port line number (code 13823-6-*3 center in the figure,
7.6 main side port product large oil - high price is 17.5 compensation The flow control network 11 symbol (code, B/T898-7-05*-2003> network 1 Zhong Peishan
of the Jinren oil straight is 17r with compensation flow stop pollution number (code: B3-07-1*-2143 left 12 Zhong give mountain
7.8 main tears Chen ruler mouth stand 4 is 28.4Tm. With compensation flow control network 11 symbol (code, B/806-13-13-x2C33): 1 Zhongshan
7.5-main The standard net diameter of the oil port is 23. +a with compensation standard production port symbol (code: B/8C93-03-1 = +23 in
7.10 The maximum standard diameter of the oil port is 28.1mm. The standard diameter of the main oil port is 28.4m micro-compensation flow control version oil port symbol <code: GB/T3098C9:303) is shown in Figure 20.
8 Stacking valve
For the mounting surface and oil port standard conditions specified in CB/&U>, the working pressure
catties is the upper limit and the upper limit is 1, 25, 11, 12517 and 15. Note 110 Marking instructions (reference this international standard)
When deciding to comply with the standard, it is recommended that the manufacturer must test the product samples and the sales parts using the following instructions, and the installation size meets GBT8 036.-200%) The flow of the pump drive compensation and control limit safety surface TS) 626: 1997: MOD):
Code: GB/T8098-02-01-*-2003
2 1: For inspection, the maximum pressure of the bed plate and the full decision should be specified 2: shape symbol 2,
Size: b: L
. The minimum entertainment pattern depth can be directly light door 1.! In order to ensure the stability and the minimum length of the specified course, the recommended length is 21), 5mi. For the expansion surface of the general material, the recommended screw length is 1.25D. The center of the installation surface is the smallest dimension of the installation surface. The straight line of the wave shape can also be the maximum radius of the medical standard... The effective point of the course is determined together.
Along each installation surface, the ends of the specified installation surface are also equal. This dimension is required for the installation surface. The core size is also located on the center line of the two reference points on the general plan. The same small size here also includes
. After the assembly, the outer part of the change point shall not exceed this dimension. d The same as the above, the total depth is 4:u, F
. n:sx
Main oil port diameter is 4.5mm with compensation flow control installation surface (specification 2) F
Two main ports with compensation flow control installation surface
Ten oil ports with bypass valve with pressure relief
Size factor
Main oil port with compensation flow control measurement
Gh/T 8098-2003
Figure 2 Main oil port volume large oil port diameter is 4.5u with compensation volume control adjustment (code, GD/T8098-02-01-+-2003) GB/T8098-2003
: GB/T6G9A-03-:-*-2c53
juice: long risk commercial heat urine special etiquette method of the most T successor note figure
The minimum ideal effect is 1. In order to improve the replacement and small setting practice, a detailed safety practice is recommended 21+rnm, for the safety of the ten metal materials, the fixed dense case pattern tourists become 1.35[. The center of the net is the smallest size that can be installed. The angle of the surface is the most important point in the grid. The direction of each coordinate axis is determined by the center of mass of the most people. The distance from the end hole to the edge of the table is the most important. The second dimension is also located between the concave center line of the two installation surfaces. The whole assembly is not installed in this direction. The upper pin is 4u, B
. 5 max
.5 nax
Figure 3 The maximum diameter of the main oil port is 7.5mm. The flow control product with compensation is installed on the surface of the standard 03) E,
stop with compensation control measurement
temperature version of the main belt compensation learning
flow control two
three-step oil step quality control
GB/T 8098—2003
around 4 The main oil port maximum oil port diameter is 7. 5 mm with compensation cover control ((Code: GD/T 6C98-03-03--2003)CB/T8098—2003
Code: GB/T 8098-06-5-*-2005
Note 1, the supplier stipulates the height of the base plate and the resolution, Note 2: The lead-in number is 6,
inch: mm
The minimum depth is 1.E of the lamp diameter, in order to improve the interchangeability of the flash and reduce the length of the same foot: the recommended depth of the whole frequency pattern is 2D-Gmm, for the surface of the black gold grid material, the recommended surrounding frequency nail length is suspected to be 1.251), the area within the line from the point Liu is the minimum size of the installation surface, the right angle of the shape can be calculated, the maximum angle radius is the lower limit of the diameter of the fixed nail
each midpoint is the direction, and the distance between each fixing hole and the edge of the installation surface is equal. This dimension shows the minimum position required for this type of installation surface. This dimension is the minimum distance between the center stations of the same oil trap. The total width must not exceed this dimension. The holes on the curve can be matched with the specified sieves. The minimum thickness is 4mm, A
: 414.7 mmx
Figure 5 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (specification 06) 8
Dial 0578 Selection
1: Flow control valve with compensation
One-way main oil port compensation type flow control valve with bypass 3
Internal position
Figure 6 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (code GB/TB098-06-05--2003) GB/T 8098—2003
GB/T 8098--20C3
Code: G8/ 3098-06-97--2003
Note 2: Long business should be more than the main force of the absorption and oil circuit decision, Note 2, the graph is shown in Figure 8,
: The small screw technology law is the third light "for the pregnancy, for the five-way limit of the west, the expected reduction of the group fixed frequency nails are all formed, and the deep square 2D+Gu., gold material inside the clothes, the screw screw effect is the original 1.! ] by the system point line total three new team confirmed The size of the ten-foot-long suit is the same as the total size of the small size of the ground. The rectangular corners can be used as a doctor. The largest area is in the radius of the user T fixed payment policy diameter
and the seat shows the push back. The same slow hole has no changes and the edge rises from the machine. This size is tested only with the small position of the country where the object is safe. The size is correct! The same strict road decision will come from the center of the two networks. Of course, the minimum height
is completed. After the assembly is completed, the height of each part of the city will not exceed the maximum
#4, 7 x±14. 7 mex:f13. 7 .9x19
The maximum diameter of the three main oil ports is 14./mm. The flow control foot with compensation is installed on the surface. Specifications C622.55mm flow control with compensation mounting surface (specification 2) F
Flow control with two main ports and compensation
Flow control with bypass valve Ten oil ports with bypass valve
Screening factor
Main oil port with compensation flow control measurement
Gh/T 8098-2003
Figure 2 Main oil port volume large oil port diameter is 4.5u with compensation volume control adjustment (code, GD/T8098-02-01-+-2003) GB/T8098-2003
: GB/T6G9A-03-:-*-2c53
juice: long risk commercial heat urine special etiquette method of the most T successor note figure
The minimum ideal effect is 1. In order to improve the replacement and small setting practice, a detailed safety practice is recommended 21+rnm, for the safety of the ten metal materials, the fixed dense case pattern tourists become 1.35[. The center of the net is the smallest size that can be installed. The angle of the surface is the most important point in the grid. The direction of each coordinate axis is determined by the center of mass of the most people. The distance from the end hole to the edge of the table is the most important. The second dimension is also located between the concave center line of the two installation surfaces. The whole assembly is not installed in this direction. The upper pin is 4u, B
. 5 max
.5 nax
Figure 3 The maximum diameter of the main oil port is 7.5mm. The flow control product with compensation is installed on the surface of the standard 03) E,
stop with compensation control measurement
temperature version of the main belt compensation learning
flow control two
three-step oil step quality control
GB/T 8098—2003
around 4 The main oil port maximum oil port diameter is 7. 5 mm with compensation cover control ((Code: GD/T 6C98-03-03--2003)CB/T8098—2003
Code: GB/T 8098-06-5-*-2005
Note 1, the supplier stipulates the height of the base plate and the resolution, Note 2: The lead-in number is 6,
inch: mm
The minimum depth is 1.E of the lamp diameter, in order to improve the interchangeability of the flash and reduce the length of the same foot: the recommended depth of the whole frequency pattern is 2D-Gmm, for the surface of the black gold grid material, the recommended surrounding frequency nail length is suspected to be 1.251), the area within the line from the point Liu is the minimum size of the installation surface, the right angle of the shape can be calculated, the maximum angle radius is the lower limit of the diameter of the fixed nail
each midpoint is the direction, and the distance between each fixing hole and the edge of the installation surface is equal. This dimension shows the minimum position required for this type of installation surface. This dimension is the minimum distance between the center stations of the same oil trap. The total width must not exceed this dimension. The holes on the curve can be matched with the specified sieves. The minimum thickness is 4mm, A
: 414.7 mmx
Figure 5 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (specification 06) 8
Dial 0578 Selection
1: Flow control valve with compensation
One-way main oil port compensation type flow control valve with bypass 3
Internal position
Figure 6 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (code GB/TB098-06-05--2003) GB/T 8098—2003
GB/T 8098--20C3
Code: G8/ 3098-06-97--2003
Note 2: Long business should be more than the main force of the absorption and oil circuit decision, Note 2, the graph is shown in Figure 8,
: The small screw technology law is the third light "for the pregnancy, for the five-way limit of the west, the expected reduction of the group fixed frequency nails are all formed, and the deep square 2D+Gu., gold material inside the clothes, the screw screw effect is the original 1.! ] by the system point line total three new team confirmed The size of the ten-foot-long suit is the same as the total size of the small size of the ground. The rectangular corners can be used as a doctor. The largest area is in the radius of the user T fixed payment policy diameter
and the seat shows the push back. The same slow hole has no changes and the edge rises from the machine. This size is tested only with the small position of the country where the object is safe. The size is correct! The same strict road decision will come from the center of the two networks. Of course, the minimum height
is completed. After the assembly is completed, the height of each part of the city will not exceed the maximum
#4, 7 x±14. 7 mex:f13. 7 .9x19
The maximum diameter of the three main oil ports is 14./mm. The flow control foot with compensation is installed on the surface. Specifications C622.55mm flow control with compensation mounting surface (specification 2) F
Flow control with two main ports and compensation
Flow control with bypass valve Ten oil ports with bypass valve
Screening factor
Main oil port with compensation flow control measurement
Gh/T 8098-2003
Figure 2 Main oil port volume large oil port diameter is 4.5u with compensation volume control adjustment (code, GD/T8098-02-01-+-2003) GB/T8098-2003
: GB/T6G9A-03-:-*-2c53
juice: long risk commercial heat urine special etiquette method of the most T successor note figure
The minimum ideal effect is 1. In order to improve the replacement and small setting practice, a detailed safety practice is recommended 21+rnm, for the safety of the ten metal materials, the fixed dense case pattern tourists become 1.35[. The center of the net is the smallest size that can be installed. The angle of the surface is the most important point in the grid. The direction of each coordinate axis is determined by the center of mass of the most people. The distance from the end hole to the edge of the table is the most important. The second dimension is also located between the concave center line of the two installation surfaces. The whole assembly is not installed in this direction. The upper pin is 4u, B
. 5 max
.5 nax
Figure 3 The maximum diameter of the main oil port is 7.5mm. The flow control product with compensation is installed on the surface of the standard 03) E,
stop with compensation control measurement
temperature version of the main belt compensation learning
flow control two
three-step oil step quality control
GB/T 8098—2003
around 4 The main oil port maximum oil port diameter is 7. 5 mm with compensation cover control ((Code: GD/T 6C98-03-03--2003)CB/T8098—2003
Code: GB/T 8098-06-5-*-2005
Note 1, the supplier stipulates the height of the base plate and the resolution, Note 2: The lead-in number is 6,
inch: mm
The minimum depth is 1.E of the lamp diameter, in order to improve the interchangeability of the flash and reduce the length of the same foot: the recommended depth of the whole frequency pattern is 2D-Gmm, for the surface of the black gold grid material, the recommended surrounding frequency nail length is suspected to be 1.251), the area within the line from the point Liu is the minimum size of the installation surface, the right angle of the shape can be calculated, the maximum angle radius is the lower limit of the diameter of the fixed nail
each midpoint is the direction, and the distance between each fixing hole and the edge of the installation surface is equal. This dimension shows the minimum position required for this type of installation surface. This dimension is the minimum distance between the center stations of the same oil trap. The total width must not exceed this dimension. The holes on the curve can be matched with the specified sieves. The minimum thickness is 4mm, A
: 414.7 mmx
Figure 5 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (specification 06) 8
Dial 0578 Selection
1: Flow control valve with
One-way main oil port compensation type flow control valve with bypass 3
Internal position
Figure 6 The maximum oil port diameter of the main oil port is 14.7mm. Flow control valve with compensation (code GB/TB098-06-05--2003) GB/T 8098—2003
GB/T 8098--20C3
Code: G8/ 3098-06-97--2003
Note 2: Long business should be more than the main force of the absorption and oil circuit decision, Note 2, the graph is shown in Figure 8,
: The small screw technology law is the third light "for the pregnancy, for the five-way limit of the west, the expected reduction of the group fixed frequency nails are all formed, and the deep square 2D+Gu., gold material inside the clothes, the screw screw effect is the original 1.! ] by the system point line total three new team confirmed The size of the ten-foot-long suit is the same as the total size of the small size of the ground. The rectangular corners can be used as a doctor. The largest area is in the radius of the user T fixed payment policy diameter
and the seat shows the push back. The same slow hole has no changes and the edge rises from the machine. This size is tested only with the small position of the country where the object is safe. The size is correct! The same strict road decision will come from the center of the two networks. Of course, the minimum height
is completed. After the assembly is completed, the height of each part of the city will not exceed the maximum
#4, 7 x±14. 7 mex:f13. 7 .9x19
The maximum diameter of the three main oil ports is 14./mm. The flow control foot with compensation is installed on the surface. Specifications C622.57mm with compensation language control valve (code GB/TB098-06-05--2003) GB/T 8098-2003
GB/T 8098--20C3
Code: G8/3098-06-97--2003
Note 2: The long supply should be more than the main force of the oil circuit, Note 2, the graphic line is shown in Figure 8,
: The small screw technology law is the third light "for the purpose of supply, for the purpose of reducing the frequency of the group fixed nail, the five-frequency nail is uniformly formed, and the explosion effect of the deep square 2D+Gu., gold material inside the clothes, the solid screw effect of the original 1.!]. By the system point line total three new team confirmed The size of the ten-foot-long suit is the same as the total size of the small size of the ground. The rectangular corners can be used as a doctor. The largest area is in the radius of the user T fixed payment policy diameter
and the seat shows the push back. The same slow hole has no changes and the edge rises from the machine. This size is tested only with the small position of the country where the object is safe. The size is correct! The same strict road decision will come from the center of the two networks. Of course, the minimum height
is completed. After the assembly is completed, the height of each part of the city will not exceed the maximum
#4, 7 x±14. 7 mex:f13. 7 .9x19
The maximum diameter of the three main oil ports is 14./mm. The flow control foot with compensation is installed on the surface. Specifications C622.57mm with compensation language control valve (code GB/TB098-06-05--2003) GB/T 8098-2003
GB/T 8098--20C3
Code: G8/3098-06-97--2003
Note 2: The long supply should be more than the main force of the oil circuit, Note 2, the graphic line is shown in Figure 8,
: The small screw technology law is the third light "for the purpose of supply, for the purpose of reducing the frequency of the group fixed nail, the five-frequency nail is uniformly formed, and the explosion effect of the deep square 2D+Gu., gold material inside the clothes, the solid screw effect of the original 1.!]. By the system point line total three new team confirmed The size of the ten-foot-long suit is the same as the total size of the small size of the ground. The rectangular corners can be used as a doctor. The largest area is in the radius of the user T fixed payment policy diameter
and the seat shows the push back. The same slow hole has no changes and the edge rises from the machine. This size is tested only with the small position of the country where the object is safe. The size is correct! The same strict road decision will come from the center of the two networks. Of course, the minimum height
is completed. After the assembly is completed, the height of each part of the city will not exceed the maximum
#4, 7 x±14. 7 mex:f13. 7 .9x19
The maximum diameter of the three main oil ports is 14./mm. The flow control foot with compensation is installed on the surface. Specifications C622.5
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.