title>HG/T 2358-1992 5244 2244 6244 color film - HG/T 2358-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2358-1992 5244 2244 6244 color film

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2358-1992

Standard Name: 5244 2244 6244 color film

Chinese Name: 5244 2244 6244型彩色电影正片

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1994-12-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G81 Photosensitive Materials

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HG/T 2358-1992 5244 2244 6244 Color Film HG/T2358-1992 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Type 5244
Published on August 25, 1992
Type 2244
Type 6244
Color Film
Implementation on March 1, 1993
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Published by Standard Loss Finder Network.bz8o.ocm
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Type 5244
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Type 2244
Type 6244
Color Film
This standard specifies Type 5244 Technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, storage and transportation requirements for type 2244, 2244, and 6244 color motion picture positive films.
This standard applies to color motion picture positive films developed according to the ECP-2 process for making color motion picture copies. 2 Reference standards
GB2924 Measurement of sensitivity of negative films for color photography and its expression methodGB6843
Photosensitive material coating melt Point determination method
Determination method of film curl
Dimensions of film core
Determination method of film brittleness
Minimum content of unexposed film box label Determination of resolution of photosensitive materials
Determination method of water absorption of photosensitive materials
Determination method of scratch resistance during development of photosensitive films Determination method of root mean square granularity of photosensitive materials Geometric conditions for photographic transmission density measurement
Spectral conditions for photographic density measurement
Dimensions of movie films
HG2355 Principles for the arrangement of movie film models
3Product categories
Determination method of uniformity of photosensitive materials|| tt||The color positive film specified in this standard is made of cellulose triacetate film base or polyester film base as support, coated with gelatin silver halide emulsion containing color formers.
According to the provisions of HG2355, the models of 35mm, 32mm and 16mm color positive films specified in this standard are 5244, 2244 and 6244 respectively.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Photographic properties and physical properties
Measured under the conditions specified in this standard, they should meet the indicators specified in Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on August 25, 1992 -
Standard screen changer.m.bzs080/00m1993-03-01
Minimum density Da
Contrast coefficient!
Sensitivity S
Density of the first point on the shoulder Ds1
Density of the second point on the shoulder Ds2
Density of both toes D!
Gamma balance?
Green and red contrast balance?. 1.
Sensitivity balance S
Blue and green sensitivity balance 3:0
Gray toe tilt balance AG
Uniformity 4D
Resolution RP, c/mm
Root mean square granularity
Emulsion layer melting point, C
Brittleness, mm
Scratch resistance during processing, N
Water absorption, %
Joint tensile strength, N
5244 type
Blue sensitive layer
Green sensitive layer
Red sensitive layer
2244 type, 6244 type
Blue sensitive layer
(0. 20 ~0. 30) ±0. 05
Green-sensitive layer
Red-sensitive layer
Note: 1) The nominal density value of this part of this standard is a range, and the nominal values ​​of different enterprises are allowed to differ. However, a film manufacturer can only choose one value within the range specified in this standard as the nominal value of the enterprise. The standard deviation specified by the enterprise shall not conflict with this standard. 4.2 Size
The cutting and punching size of the film shall comply with the relevant provisions of HG71350. The length of a small roll of film shall not be less than 290m, and the length of a large roll of film shall not be less than 580m. There shall be no more than 1 joint for small rolls and no more than 2 joints for large rolls.
Standard exchange net mm.besoaa,con4.3 Other performance
4.3.1 Appearance quality of raw film
The film surface shall be clean, without fingerprints, oil stains, delamination, drawing, stripes and mechanical scratches. The tooth holes and film edges shall be smooth and free of burrs.
4.3.2 Quality of transparent film
The film shall be directly developed and fixed without exposure and processed into transparent film. The film emulsion layer shall not wrinkle, bubble or fall off. The anti-halation layer shall be removable and shall not have spots, static electricity or marks caused by light leakage. 4.3.3 Quality of gray film
When the film is processed into gray film, there shall be no defects such as uneven density, spots and tea marks that affect the quality of the picture. 4.4 Warranty period
Starting from the date of leaving the factory, the film is transported, stored and used under the conditions specified in this standard, and the warranty period of the film is 1 year. 5 Test methods
5.1 Determination of general photographic properties (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 5.1.1 Test conditions and sampling
The test should be carried out under the environmental conditions of temperature 23±2℃ and relative humidity 45%~55%. The test of other items in this standard should be carried out under the above conditions unless otherwise specified. The film used for testing should be sampled after reaching equilibrium under the above conditions. Two fragments slightly longer than the wedge should be taken from any part 1.5m after the beginning or end of the film roll as samples.
5.1.2 Dawn
The exposure of the sample should be carried out on a dimming type sensitometer. The color temperature of the test light source is 2856K. The dimmer of the sensitometer should comply with the relevant provisions of GB2924. The exposure time should be selected within 1/100~1/5s. 5.1.3 Sample washing
After the sample is exposed, it should be washed within 1h.
The Kodak ECP-2 solution and process should be used for sample washing. The sample washing can also be carried out using the process and formula recommended by the manufacturer. The sample washing machine uses a small washing machine, or it can be washed manually. The test is carried out using a small washing machine. 5.1.4 Density measurement and curve drawing
The geometric conditions for density measurement should comply with the provisions of GB11501: the spectral conditions for density measurement should comply with the provisions of the A state transmission density in GB11500.
Measure the optical density of the processed sample, measure the optical density of the yellow, magenta and cyan layers under blue, green and red light respectively, and draw the photosensitive characteristic curve of the film with the density value as the vertical coordinate and the logarithm of the light climbing amount as the horizontal coordinate. The photosensitive characteristic curve of a certain layer is shown in Figure 1. The standard is changed according to the obstacle o.bzsoao,con various standards industry information free download 6
5.1.5 Calculation of general photographic performance index values Minimum density
Figure 1 Photosensitive characteristic curve diagram
Unexposed samples are processed under standard conditions and the glue measured according to method 5.1.4 is The total density of the film photosensitive layer and the film base, Sensitivity
The sensitivity of each photosensitive layer is calculated according to formula (1): S
Wherein: S-
The exposure amount corresponding to point M on the characteristic curve, L5.1.5.3 Contrast coefficient
The contrast coefficient of each layer is calculated according to formula (2) y=tga
Wherein:-contrast coefficient;
The angle between the extension line of the straight line part of the characteristic curve and the horizontal axis. Shoulder density
: The density of point M is equal to the minimum density plus 1.0.1)
Take the corresponding density values ​​of the first shoulder point S and the second shoulder point S on the characteristic curve. The difference between the logarithm of the exposure of point S and the logarithm of the sensitivity reference point M is 0.5IgH. The difference between the logarithm of the exposure of point S and the logarithm of the exposure of point S is 0.4IgH. Toe density
The difference between the instantaneous light of the density value point T corresponding to the toe point T of the characteristic curve and the exposure of the sensitivity reference point M is -0.4IgH5.1.5.6 Contrast coefficient balance
Contrast coefficient balance is expressed by the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three contrast coefficients of the three photosensitive layers. Green-red contrast coefficient balance
It is expressed by the difference between the contrast coefficient of the green layer and the contrast coefficient of the red layer. Sensitivity balance
Sensitivity balance S is the ratio of the sensitivities SB, SG, and S of the blue, green, and red layers based on the sensitivity of the red layer. The order of proportion is S./SR:SG/SR:Sa/Sa. Blue-green sensitivity balance
It is expressed by the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue layer to the sensitivity of the green layer. 5.2 Determination of the balance of the slope of the toe of graying
Except that the exposure conditions are different from those in 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1~5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter shall be added to the optical path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter shall comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the points M and T on the photosensitive characteristic curves of the blue, green and red layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which are the toe slopes of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by net xbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
According to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determination
According to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Root mean square particle size determination
According to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Emulsion layer melting point determination
According to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Curl determination
According to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Brittleness determination
According to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 axis measurement once
Measure each formula number once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of the axis number. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses:
The film that has been accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3.1 can be returned after verification if there are indeed manufacturing quality problems of the film within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the film with quality problems exceeds 20% of the total number of boxes, the entire axis can be returned. 65. If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user through consultation: The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 This type of 35mm film has a factory mark printed on the edge of the film. After development, the mark should be clearly visible: 7.2 Under the illumination of a safety light, the content of the film box label can be identified. The label content should comply with the provisions of GB6850. 7.3 This type of film can be a small roll or a large roll as the minimum packaging unit (2 rolls per box of 16mm film). In the EI method, that is, the emulsion layer is wound inward on the film core, and the outer end is glued with adhesive tape. The size of the film core should comply with the provisions of GB6848. The film roll is packed in a light-proof paper bag, and then packed in a metal film box, which is sealed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. 7.4 If this type of film is packaged in small rolls, each transport packaging unit contains the same small roll of film (32 boxes). If it is packaged in large rolls, the same roll of film is divided into two transport packaging units (16 boxes per unit). The transport packaging box can be a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box should be marked with: registered trademark, product name, model, specification, standard number, box number (axis number) and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". For polyester film, the words "polyester film" should be added. 7
Standards are obtained by the network 8
Transportation and storage
Films must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and severe vibration during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films should meet the following requirements: a .
The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 13℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%; the film should be kept in its original packaging, and the film box should be stored flat, more than 15cm above the ground, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight; the film should not be damaged by harmful gases and radioactive substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and mercury. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the technical unit responsible for the standardization of photosensitive materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Xiankai, Qi Yushan, Wang Lei and Wang Xinfu. Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 5 Words 15000 First Printing in May 1993
First Edition in May 1993
Print Quantity 1-300
Standard Replacement Network w.brsDsb,con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-8con6-86 Gamma-ray contrast balance
Gamma-ray contrast balance is expressed as the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three contrast coefficients of the three photosensitive layers. Green-red contrast balance
It is expressed as the difference between the contrast coefficient of the green layer and the contrast coefficient of the red layer. Sensitivity balance
Sensitivity balance S is the ratio of the sensitivities SB, SG, and S of the blue, green, and red layers based on the sensitivity of the red layer. The order of proportion is S./SR:SG/SR:Sa/Sa. Blue-green sensitivity balance
It is expressed as the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue layer to the sensitivity of the green layer. 5.2 Determination of the slope balance of the gray toe
Except that the exposure conditions are different from those in 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1~5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter should be added to the light path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter should comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the M and T points on the photosensitive characteristic curves of the blue, green and red layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which is the toe slope of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) color filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by netxbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
Performed according to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determination
Performed according to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Determination of root mean square particle size
Perform according to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Perform according to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Determination of curl
Perform according to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Determination of brittleness
Perform according to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should comply with the provisions of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 axis measurement once
Measure each formula number once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of the axis number. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses:
The film that has been accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3.1 can be returned after verification if there are indeed manufacturing quality problems of the film within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the film with quality problems exceeds 20% of the total number of boxes, the entire axis can be returned. 65. If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user through consultation: The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 This type of 35mm film has a factory mark printed on the edge of the film. After development, the mark should be clearly visible: 7.2 The content of the film box label can be identified under the lighting of a safety light. The label content should comply with the provisions of GB6850. 7.3 This type of film can be a small roll or a large roll as the minimum packaging unit (2 rolls per box of 16mm film). In the EI method, that is, the emulsion layer is wound inward on the film core, and the outer end is glued with adhesive tape. The size of the film core should comply with the provisions of GB6848. The film roll is packed in a light-proof paper bag, and then packed in a metal film box, which is sealed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. 7.4 If this type of film is packaged in small rolls, each transport packaging unit contains the same small roll of film (32 boxes). If it is packaged in large rolls, the same roll of film is divided into two transport packaging units (16 boxes per unit). The transport packaging box can be a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box should be marked with: registered trademark, product name, model, specification, standard number, box number (axis number) and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". For polyester film, the words "polyester film" should be added. 7
Standards are obtained by the network 8
Transportation and storage
Films must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and severe vibration during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films should meet the following requirements: a .
The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 13℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%; the film should be kept in its original packaging, and the film box should be stored flat, more than 15cm above the ground, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight; the film should not be damaged by harmful gases and radioactive substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and mercury. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the technical unit responsible for the standardization of photosensitive materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Xiankai, Qi Yushan, Wang Lei and Wang Xinfu. Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 5 Words 15000 First Printing in May 1993
First Edition in May 1993
Print Quantity 1-300
Standard Replacement Network w.brsDsb,con6-86 Gamma-ray contrast balance
Gamma-ray contrast balance is expressed as the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three contrast coefficients of the three photosensitive layers. Green-red contrast balance
It is expressed as the difference between the contrast coefficient of the green layer and the contrast coefficient of the red layer. Sensitivity balance
Sensitivity balance S is the ratio of the sensitivities SB, SG, and S of the blue, green, and red layers based on the sensitivity of the red layer. The order of proportion is S./SR:SG/SR:Sa/Sa. Blue-green sensitivity balance
It is expressed as the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue layer to the sensitivity of the green layer. 5.2 Determination of the slope balance of the gray toe
Except that the exposure conditions are different from those in 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1~5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter should be added to the light path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter should comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the M and T points on the photosensitive characteristic curves of the blue, green and red layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which is the toe slope of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) color filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by netxbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
Performed according to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determination
Performed according to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Determination of root mean square particle size
Perform according to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Perform according to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Determination of curl
Perform according to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Determination of brittleness
Perform according to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 measure each axis once
Measure each formula once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of the axis number. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses:
The film that has been accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3.1 can be returned after verification if there are indeed manufacturing quality problems of the film within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the film with quality problems exceeds 20% of the total number of boxes, the entire axis can be returned. 65. If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user through consultation: The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 This type of 35mm film has a factory mark printed on the edge of the film. After development, the mark should be clearly visible: 7.2 The content of the film box label can be identified under the lighting of a safety light. The label content should comply with the provisions of GB6850. 7.3 This type of film can be a small roll or a large roll as the minimum packaging unit (2 rolls per box of 16mm film). In the EI method, that is, the emulsion layer is wound inward on the film core, and the outer end is glued with adhesive tape. The size of the film core should comply with the provisions of GB6848. The film roll is packed in a light-proof paper bag, and then packed in a metal film box, which is sealed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. 7.4 If this type of film is packaged in small rolls, each transport packaging unit contains the same small roll of film (32 boxes). If it is packaged in large rolls, the same roll of film is divided into two transport packaging units (16 boxes per unit). The transport packaging box can be a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box should be marked with: registered trademark, product name, model, specification, standard number, box number (axis number) and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". For polyester film, the words "polyester film" should be added. 7
Standards are obtained by the network 8
Transportation and storage
Films must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and severe vibration during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films should meet the following requirements: a .
The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 13℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%; the film should be kept in its original packaging, and the film box should be stored flat, more than 15cm above the ground, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight; the film should not be damaged by harmful gases and radioactive substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and mercury. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the technical unit responsible for the standardization of photosensitive materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Xiankai, Qi Yushan, Wang Lei and Wang Xinfu. Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 5 Words 15000 First Printing in May 1993
First Edition in May 1993
Print Quantity 1-300
Standard Replacement Network w.brsDsb,con6-87 Green-red contrast balance
is expressed as the difference between the contrast coefficient of the green layer and the contrast coefficient of the red layer. Sensitivity balance
Sensitivity balance S is the ratio of the sensitivities SB, SG, and S of the blue, green, and red layers based on the sensitivity of the red layer. The order of proportion is S./SR: SG/SR: Sa/Sa. Blue-green sensitivity balance
is expressed as the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue layer to the sensitivity of the green layer. 5.2 Determination of the slope balance of the gray toe
Except for the differences in exposure conditions from 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1 to 5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter should be added to the light path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter should comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the M and T points on the photosensitive characteristic curves of the blue, green and red layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which is the toe slope of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) color filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by netxbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
Performed according to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determination
Performed according to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Determination of root mean square particle size
Perform according to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Perform according to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Determination of curl
Perform according to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Determination of brittleness
Perform according to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 axis measurement once
Measure each formula number once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of the axis number. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses:
The film that has been accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3.1 can be returned after verification if there are indeed manufacturing quality problems of the film within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the film with quality problems exceeds 20% of the total number of boxes, the entire axis can be returned. 65. If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user through consultation: The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 This type of 35mm film has a factory mark printed on the edge of the film. After development, the mark should be clearly visible: 7.2 Under the illumination of a safety light, the content of the film box label can be identified. The label content should comply with the provisions of GB6850. 7.3 This type of film can be a small roll or a large roll as the minimum packaging unit (2 rolls per box of 16mm film). In the EI method, that is, the emulsion layer is wound inward on the film core, and the outer end is glued with adhesive tape. The size of the film core should comply with the provisions of GB6848. The film roll is packed in a light-proof paper bag, and then packed in a metal film box, which is sealed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. 7.4 If this type of film is packaged in small rolls, each transport packaging unit contains the same small roll of film (32 boxes). If it is packaged in large rolls, the same roll of film is divided into two transport packaging units (16 boxes per unit). The transport packaging box can be a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box should be marked with: registered trademark, product name, model, specification, standard number, box number (axis number) and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". For polyester film, the words "polyester film" should be added. 7
Standards are obtained by the network 8
Transportation and storage
Films must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and severe vibration during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films should meet the following requirements: a .
The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 13℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%; the film should be kept in its original packaging, and the film box should be stored flat, more than 15cm above the ground, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight; the film should not be damaged by harmful gases and radioactive substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and mercury. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the technical unit responsible for the standardization of photosensitive materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Xiankai, Qi Yushan, Wang Lei and Wang Xinfu. Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 5 Words 15000 First Printing in May 1993
First Edition in May 1993
Print Quantity 1-300
Standard Replacement Network w.brsDsb,con6-87 Green-red contrast balance
is expressed as the difference between the contrast coefficient of the green layer and the contrast coefficient of the red layer. Sensitivity balance
Sensitivity balance S is the ratio of the sensitivities SB, SG, and S of the blue, green, and red layers based on the sensitivity of the red layer. The order of proportion is S./SR: SG/SR: Sa/Sa. Blue-green sensitivity balance
is expressed as the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue layer to the sensitivity of the green layer. 5.2 Determination of the slope balance of the gray toe
Except for the differences in exposure conditions from 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1 to 5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter should be added to the light path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter should comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the M and T points on the photosensitive characteristic curves of the blue, green and red layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which is the toe slope of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) color filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by netxbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
Performed according to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determinationbzxz.net
Performed according to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Determination of root mean square particle size
Perform according to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Perform according to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Determination of curl
Perform according to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Determination of brittleness
Perform according to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 measure each axis once
Measure each formula once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of the axis number. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses:
The film that has been accepted by the user department in accordance with 6.3.1 can be returned after verification if there are indeed manufacturing quality problems of the film within the warranty period and under the storage and normal use conditions specified in this standard. If the film with quality problems exceeds 20% of the total number of boxes, the entire axis can be returned. 65. If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user through consultation: The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 This type of 35mm film has a factory mark printed on the edge of the film. After development, the mark should be clearly visible: 7.2 Under the illumination of a safety light, the content of the film box label can be identified. The label content should comply with the provisions of GB6850. 7.3 This type of film can be a small roll or a large roll as the minimum packaging unit (2 rolls per box of 16mm film). In the EI method, that is, the emulsion layer is wound inward on the film core, and the outer end is glued with adhesive tape. The size of the film core should comply with the provisions of GB6848. The film roll is packed in a light-proof paper bag, and then packed in a metal film box, which is sealed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. 7.4 If this type of film is packaged in small rolls, each transport packaging unit contains the same small roll of film (32 boxes). If it is packaged in large rolls, the same roll of film is divided into two transport packaging units (16 boxes per unit). The transport packaging box can be a wooden box or a carton. The outside of the box should be marked with: registered trademark, product name, model, specification, standard number, box number (axis number) and words or logos such as "handle with care", "moisture-proof and sun-proof", and "radiation-proof". For polyester film, the words "polyester film" should be added. 7
Standards are obtained by the network 8
Transportation and storage
Films must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and severe vibration during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films should meet the following requirements: a .
The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 13℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%; the film should be kept in its original packaging, and the film box should be stored flat, more than 15cm above the ground, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight; the film should not be damaged by harmful gases and radioactive substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and mercury. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the technical unit responsible for the standardization of photosensitive materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Xiankai, Qi Yushan, Wang Lei and Wang Xinfu. Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 5 Words 15000 First Printing in May 1993
First Edition in May 1993
Print Quantity 1-300
Standard Replacement Network w.brsDsb,con6-89 The balance of blue-green sensitivity
is expressed as the ratio of the sensitivity of the blue-sensitive layer to the sensitivity of the green-sensitive layer. 5.2 Determination of the balance of the slope of the gray toe
Except for the differences in the exposure conditions from 5.1.2 of this standard, other tests shall be carried out according to the methods specified in 5.1.1 to 5.1.4. When the sample is exposed, a Kodak 1700 color filter shall be added to the optical path of the photosensitive instrument. The transmission absorption curve of the color filter shall comply with the provisions of Figure 2. Connect the points M and T on the sensitivity characteristic curves of the blue-sensitive, green-sensitive and red-sensitive layers respectively, and calculate the slopes of the MT line segments of the three photosensitive layers according to formula (2), which are the toe slopes of each layer. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three toe slopes is the toe slope balance. T%
Figure 2 Kodak 1700 (Corning 3207 plus Pittsburgh 2043) filter spectral transmittance diagram standard obtained by net xbesnocta5.3 Uniformity determination
According to the method specified in ZBG80001
5.4 Resolution determination
According to the method specified in GB9045.
5.5 Root mean square particle size determination
According to the method specified in GB10558
5.6 Emulsion layer melting point determination
According to the method specified in GB6843.
5.7 Curl determination
According to the method specified in GB6847.
5.8 Brittleness determination
According to the method specified in GB6849. Test temperature 23±2C, relative humidity 35%±5% 5.9 Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Perform according to the method specified in GB9861,
5.10 Determination of water absorption
Perform according to the method specified in GB9860,
5.11 Determination of joint tension
Perform according to the method specified in GB12683. However, when sampling, samples with joints should be taken, the joints should be located in the middle of the specimen, and the specimen should not have tooth holes.
5.12 Size determination
The punching size of the film shall be measured according to the test method of HG7-1350. The length of the film shall be measured in meters during production and use, and the number of joints shall be checked at the same time. 5.13 Other performance tests
5.13.1 Raw film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and visually inspect it under white light. The quality of the film shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1. 5.13.2 Transparent film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and directly develop it without exposure to make a light-proof film. Visually inspect the transparent film, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.2. 5.13.3 Gray film test
Remove 1.5m from the head or tail of the film roll, take a piece of raw film at random, and expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0. Visually inspect the gray film. Its quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
Factory inspection
This product should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 2. Only qualified products can be shipped. Standard replacement net mbeeaca Inspection items
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1)
Uniformity, balance of slope of gray toe
Photographic performance (items 1 to 10 in Table 1) 13, 14 items)
Physical properties (items 15 to 19 in Table 1)
Other performance
Punching size
Joint tensile strength
6.2 Type inspection
Inspection batch setting
One batch of film with each emulsion coating number
One batch of production per shift for each equipment
The production volume each time is! Batch
Inspection frequency
Measure each axis once
10 axis measurement once
Measure each formula number once
Measure each batch once
Measure each axis once
Inspect each batch once
At least once per batch
When any of the following conditions occur, this product shall be subject to type inspection, which shall include all items specified in the technical requirements of this standard. :, When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes: b. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; c. When long-term normal production is in progress, periodic inspection shall be conducted; d. When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result.6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 Acceptance inspection is based on axis, and each axis number shall be sampled at 5% of the total number of boxes, but shall not be less than 1 box. If the acceptance is qualified, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, 20% of the total number of boxes of the film of the axis number shall be sampled for the second time to check the unqualified items. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of the axis number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the above requiremen
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