Gas-liquid separator design HG/T20570.8—95 Compiled by: China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Corporation Approved by: Ministry of Chemical Industry Effective date: September 1, 1996 Prepared by: Wang Wen, China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Corporation Reviewed by: Wang Qingyu, China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Corporation Sheng Qingping, Process System Design Technology Center, Ministry of Chemical Gong Renwei 1 Explanation 1.0.1 This regulation applies to the design of two types of gas-liquid separators: vertical and horizontal gravity separator design and vertical and horizontal wire mesh separator design. Vertical and horizontal gravity separator design 2.1 Scope of application 2.1.1 Gravity separators are suitable for gas-liquid separation with droplet diameters greater than 200um. 2.1.2 To improve separation efficiency, valves, feed materials and material diversion should be avoided directly in front of the gravity separator. 2.1.3 If the amount of liquid is large and the residence time between the high and low liquid levels is 6 to 9 minutes, a horizontal gravity separator should be used. 2.1.4 If the amount of liquid is small and the liquid level is not determined by the residence time but is limited by the minimum distance of 100mm between each adjustment point, a vertical gravity separator should be used. 2.2 Dimensional design of vertical gravity separator 2.2.1 Gas velocity in separator Approximate estimation method V,=K,(=P)0.5 -Floating (settling) velocity, m/s; PL, PG Liquid density and gas density, kg/m3 -Coefficient When d*=200μm, K0.0512; When d*=350μm, K. =0.0675. (2.2.1-1) The approximate estimation method is based on the material flow process in the separator, assuming Re=130, and the corresponding resistance coefficient C=1 is obtained from Figure 2.5.1-1. This coefficient is included in K, and the coefficient K. is selected according to formula (2.2.1-1). Calculate the floating (settling) velocity (V.) by formula (2.2.1-1), and then set a gas velocity (ue), which is the gas velocity in the separator, but the ue value should be less than Vt. The actual material flow state may be greatly different from the assumed value, which will cause inaccurate calculation results. Therefore, the approximate estimation method can only be used for preliminary calculations. 300 Accurate algorithm From the equilibrium condition of the floating droplet, it can be concluded that: V,=[4gd*(pt-Pc) V.-floating (settling) velocity, m/s d*——droplet diameter, m; L, Pc—liquid density and gas density, kg/m; g—gravitational acceleration, 9.81m/s; Cw——drag coefficient. (2.2.1-2) First, find Cw from Figure 2.5.1-1 based on the assumed Re number, then calculate V from the required floating droplet diameter (d) and pL, Pc according to formula (2.2.1-2), and then calculate Re from this V. Gas viscosity, Pa·s The rest of the symbols have the same meanings as before. (2.2.1-3) Get the Re number by calculation, check Figure 2.5.1-1, find the new Cw, substitute it into formula (2.2.1-2), and calculate repeatedly until the Re numbers selected twice are equal, that is, V=V. Take u Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.