This standard specifies the type, basic parameters and main dimensions of the WGP vertically mounted drum gear coupling. The couplings specified in this standard are suitable for connecting vertical transmission shaft systems with two identical axes. Transmission nominal torque 710~160000N·m. JB/T 7002-1993 WGC type vertically mounted drum gear coupling type, parameters and dimensions JB/T7002-1993 Standard download and decompression password:
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J19 JB Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T7002-93 WGC type vertically mounted drum gear coupling Type , parameters and dimensions 1993-09-03 Released Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Released 1994-07-01 Implementation People's Republic of China Republic of China Machinery Industry Standard WGC type vertically mounted drum gear coupling Type, parameters and dimensions Theme content and scope of application JB/T7002-93 This standard specifies the type, basic parameters and main dimensions of the WGC vertically mounted drum gear coupling (hereinafter referred to as the coupling). The coupling specified in this standard is suitable for connecting two vertical coaxial lines Transmission shaft system, transmitting nominal torque 710~160000N·m. Reference standard 2 GB3507 GB3852 GB3931 GB12458||tt| |JB/T6136 Mechanical coupling nominal torque series Coupling shaft hole and keyway type and size Mechanical coupling terminology Mechanical Type coupling classification Hydraulic loading and unloading with interference fit 3 types, basic parameters and main dimensions The type, basic parameters and main dimensions of the coupling are as shown in the figure and table 3.1 D Y avoidance auxiliary recommendation Type 1 Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1993-09-03 Y plastic hole| |tt||Fengchui quasi-contact hole logo D oil injection hole oil injection hole logo||tt| |d, n Type 1 Implemented on 1994-07-01 1 JB/T7002-93 0| |tt||t'0 5900 500 to 20~0 620 Po'0||tt ||EO eO0 5600 TO0 91o*0 020'0 Device secret case uu 19000 6500 ZP00 200 6000 S:02 g'st||tt ||6 T's 1 29 0 0 8 0 8 8's 8 G 9 9 7 3 8| |tt||9 0 0 I o 0 91 08T||tt ||801 091 5 oot 9t 06 a S 0 S6T S91 801 81 a 8 SIT| |tt||OsT 0 zt 5 *12*02*599*09 5a5 69*09 95*ss*0s 5608 7 90.509 t*t*2*0m 5808||tt| |88*98 * *0 8292 22 61*81*91 azt pp 0099 00E9 0049 os tr/ 3 005 00s8 DL w·N oo oom 209 ee 中 JB /T 700293 as'0 0 2*0 80 tuu 0 860| |tt||Te 820 20 sto 090 98 上 福花品| |tt||se 20 ET0 0 s'0 OE'0 210 .8y 96S S' 868 2-2 8 'cs 196|| tt||8 5 0 5 G of 0 0||tt| |of 8 0 55 0 5 291 22 921 8 8 8 002 81 012 2 068|| tt||26 S sr s8 000 891 0t S||tt| |S S2-21-D11-DO S6*06*5808 S 12*02*59*9.09 9sss|| tt||ot1-01 $6*06*S8.08 *90 95ss *008*2+* 8ESEE Do $6*0558*08||tt ||S ***909 9sass 8 06*S8*08 10599*9 95ass|| tt||*08*2* 05 pp O0SF o00S os a/i||tt| |00000 0 00001 001 B·2 800 O 905||tt| |SOO 3 JB/T·7002-93 T' S +6'0 69\0 89*0 1 s'T T 6 20 s0||tt| |8\9 S 1s 1 91 t + 密密医|| tt||G'ET 0'8 6 88 99 8*0 8'f|| tt||9o1 Ss'9 ' 901 8 e 552 RET|| tt||s8 zhs 90f Ste 2 oft 91 91||tt| |96 + tt 三 08 of G t 5 0 o C 290o 9t% 9 st O| |tt||8 08 S 00 06p Dt o t||tt ||882 695 4 S OP ot 096 95 8 961 OSE 85 1 082 008 ote of| |tt||1 087 061 S 592 SOE STE 8||tt ||表 结 S OT E 20 2s ta 0202 0220006 081*061*09T 0 0810109 OSTO 002*05t 081021* 09 1 081'02*9 Set*et 5606.58 09 se0too0m $6* 06*9808 1 56*06*58*08 2*0*59 ipp 00E2 000| |tt||08 0598 ooof u/ 00091 002 000X8 X|| tt||00DOF 00092 W·N 联美维 AO e :XO Doom 600 刷 号 4 3.2 电影与电影 3.2.1 电视设计核校 G w 3.2.2 结果 C JB/T.700293 联美器包装代号 电视实体| |tt||鼓形麦式联辆器 无elastic element 譝性联辆器铝联结的联辆器可以GB3852的设计。 Marking example: 例1 电影端:Y型美孔.A型论混.d,=50mm,L=112mm;从动端:Y型美孔.A型论混d=50mm.L=112mmt1型WGC6联美器: WGC6联美器50X112JB/T7002-93 例2 电影端:Y型美字.A型论混.d,=100mm.L=212mm;从动端:Y型美孔B型设混.dz-130mm,L=252mm;1型WGC1o联美器: WGC10联美器B130×252 100×212 JB/T 700293. Example 1: Y型美州孔.过盈进行油去装设计,d,=90mm,L=172mm:从动端:Y型美州孔.过盈进行油去装设.d:=100mm,L=212mm ;I型WGC6联美器: WGC6联美器 U90×172 U100X212 JB/T7002-93 例2问题端:Y型長孔.过盈发油去裂器,d,=100mm,L=212mm从动端:Y型陈孔.过盈器油去裂器.d,-100mm.L=212mm:I型WGC10联美器: WGC10联美器U100×212-1 JB/T 700293 AI联美器选用更多 JB/T 700293|| tt||附较A 鼓形麦式联长器选用设计 (动车件) A1.1WGT型联辅器选用Y、J型辆孔WGZ和WGP型联法器电影YJZ型长式:WGC型联法器用Y型长式,The same specification of the 联法器can be selected according to the different 联报引式,according to the standard of any combination.A1.2 key slot type according to GB3852这些,如是过盈进行油去拆带的型式,环形混和油孔接发的剧情手JB/T6136的设计,A1.3联美器充安全正、反转。 A1.4选用WGT型联美器应生算临界开开:=300× 式中:m-.-临界金属.r/min; E—— elastic模量.20.6×10*N/mm;G-每1mm 这些的量属.kg/mm; 76.8 EI GA A一—两外追长奔轮?宽中部在在在·其设计见冒性矩.mm。 n( d: - d) ||lower than 临界高开的容许值:n≤0.75m:higher than 临界 高周的容许值:\≥1.35mmm n的可以工作工作的高开,r/min。 (A1) (A2) A1.5 When there is no radial displacement of the two axes, the allowable angular compensation amount between the axis of the external gear sleeve and the axis of the internal gear gear and the maximum angular compensation amount of the two axes are shown in Figure A1: Figure A||tt ||6 JB/T7002-93 A1.6 When the two axes have no angular displacement, the allowable radial compensation amount of the coupling is shown in Figure A2 and Table A1 Figure A2|| tt||Table A1 WGZ.WGP,WGC Coupling model Radial compensation amount AY Coupling model|| tt||Radial compensation amount Coupling model Radial compensation amount Coupling model Allowable radial compensation amount Coupling model Allowable radial compensation amount ar 2.0 1. 3 WGZ.WGP,WGC 1 3. + 1.6 WGZ.WGP,WGC 4. 8 2.1 WGZ.WGP.WGC| |tt||10 6. 6 2.9 WGZ,WGP,WGC 13 9. 6 4. 2 Note: The allowable inter-diameter compensation amount of WGP type coupling is given according to type 1. WGZ.WGP.WGC 2 2. 4 1. 4 WGZ.WGP.WGC 5 1| |tt||a. 9 1.7 WGZ,WGP,WGC 8 5. 3 2.5 WGZ, WGP.WGC 7. 2 3. 4 WGZ.WGP,WGC 14 10. 8 4. 8 WGZ.WGP.WGC 3 3. 6 nm 1.5 WGZ.WGP.WGC||tt ||6 4. 5 1.8 WGZ.WGP.WGC 5. 7 2.7 WGZ.WGP. WGC 12 8.3 3.8 JB/T7002-93 A1.7WGT type intermediate sleeve coupling allowable radial compensation The amount AY (mm) is calculated according to Figure A3, and Figure A3WGT type is connected to the intermediate sleeve coupling YAtga Type 1: A=H+1.5B Type I: A~H+1.1B, AY0.0262(H+1.5B) AY0.0262(H+1.1B.) where: A-one The distance between the middle parts of the tooth widths of the two externally toothed pulleys, mm: H——the distance between the two end flanges of the middle tooth in mm; BB, -the length of the inner tooth circle (see the standard series table). mm, calculation of A2 coupling torque A2.1 coupling is selected based on comprehensive factors such as working conditions, driving power, operating speed, shaft hole size, etc. A2.2 The calculated torque is obtained by the following formula and should satisfy: Pw T, =KT =K × 9550 where: T. Calculated torque.N·m: || tt||T Theoretical torque.N·m: P. Drive power.kW; Working speed, r/min; K-|| tt||T. Working condition coefficient (see record B): One nominal torque, N·m. Correction of A3 allowable speed A3.1 A3.2 8 ST The rotational speed is determined when the equivalent angular offset of the coupling shaft is s, ≤ 0.25°. The equivalent angular offset is approximately calculated as follows Aa, AY AY (A3) (A4) ·(A5) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.