title>JB/T 5822-1991 Phenolic glass fiber molding compound for electrical insulation - JB/T 5822-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5822-1991 Phenolic glass fiber molding compound for electrical insulation

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5822-1991

Standard Name: Phenolic glass fiber molding compound for electrical insulation

Chinese Name: 电气绝缘用酚醛玻璃纤维模塑料

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-10-17

Date of Implementation:1992-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrical Materials and General Parts>>K15 Electrical Insulating Materials and Products

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Machinery Industry Press

Publication date:1992-10-01

other information

drafter:Yi Juqing

Drafting unit:Dongfang Insulation Materials Factory

Focal point unit:Guilin Electrical Science Research Institute

Proposing unit:National Insulating Materials Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Mechanical and Electronic Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of phenolic glass fiber molding compounds for electrical insulation. This standard applies to thermosetting molding compounds in the form of strips, bundles, and balls made of alkali-free glass fibers impregnated with modified phenolic resin and baked. JB/T 5822-1991 Phenolic glass fiber molding compound for electrical insulation JB/T5822-1991 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Theme content and application scope of phenolic glass fiber molding compounds for electrical insulation
This standard specifies the phenolic glass fiber molding compounds for electrical insulation Classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage.
This standard is applicable to thermosetting molding compounds in the form of strips, bundles, and balls made of unreduced glass fibers impregnated with modified phenolic resin and baked. Reference standards
Plastic Density and Relative Density Test Methods
Test Methods for Industrial Electrical Strength of Solid Insulating Materials Relative dielectric constant and medium of solid insulating materials under industrial, audio, high particle (including meter wavelength) conditions Test methods for solid loss
Test methods for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid insulating materials Test methods for tensile properties of oriented fiber-reinforced plastics Test methods for tensile properties of glass fiber-reinforced materials Test methods for thermosetting molding compounds for electrical insulation ZBK08002 General rules for inspection, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fiberglass molding compounds for electrical insulation 3
Product classification
Products are divided into the following two types:
4330-1 General strength chaos Technical requirements for 43302 high-strength directional glass fiber molding compound for glass fiber molding compound
The technical requirements for phenolic glass fiber molding compound for electrical insulation should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Serial number
Resin content
Indicator name
Volatile content|| tt | |tt||Ministry of Mechanical and Electronic Industry Approved 22 on 1991-10-17
g / cm | ||1.65~1.85
To be agreed upon by both parties
3. 0~6. 0
Implemented on 1992-10-01
Serial number|| tt||6
14||tt| |Martin Territory
Test strength
Not less than
Not less than
Tensile strength|| tt||Impact strength (side branch)
Surface electricity rate
Volume electricity rental car
Dielectric loss solid number iMHz
Relative dielectric constant 1MHz||tt ||Electrical strength
Test method
Not less than
Not less than
Not less than||tt ||Not lower than
Not higher than
Not higher than
Not lower than
Continued Table 1
a?m|| tt||MV/m
refers to
1.0 ×10*
0. 04
4330 —2
- 0. 04
Take 5% of the packages from each batch of products, but not less than three packages, from each package taken out Take a sample of about 1ks so that the total mass after collection is not less than 3kg. Mix the sample and seal it tightly in a film bag, and indicate the product name, model, batch number, manufacturing date, etc.,
5.2| |tt||Preparation of sample
For the measurement of properties 4 to 14 in Table 1, the sample should be prepared first. The equipment for preparing the sample should comply with the provisions of Article 2 of JB3961. The preparatory steps when preparing the sample Thermal conditions, molding conditions are as follows, preheating conditions
Preheating temperature: 105~115℃
Preheating time: 3~8min
Molding Conditions
Molding conditions should comply with the provisions of Table 2
Table 2
Sample specifications
Sample name
Length Strips
Type I
Medical tablets
(120±1)×(15±0.5)×(10±0.5)(120±1)×( 10±0.5)×(4±0.2)(230±2)×(12. 5±0.5)×(3±0.2) complies with the requirements for Type I specimens in GB1447-83
@(100±1) × (3±0. 2)
155±5||tt ||155±5
Molding conditions
Unit pressure
Note: ① In order to prevent the sample from deforming, the sample after being released from the mold can be cooled to room temperature under a certain pressure. ② When molding the surrounding sheet sample, the air should be properly deflated, 5.3
Sample pretreatment and test environment
Curing time
15||tt| |10
Sample size and feeding requirements
Oriented molding compound along the fiber direction||tt ||Cut the material according to the length of the sample, add the material into the mold in the
direction, do not make the fiber
evenly curved, and make the molding material uniform in the random direction
Add the material
Cut into 10~
20mm length, mix evenly
add ingredients,
5.3.1 Provide volatile content, resin Samples for content testing should be tested at room temperature immediately after opening. 5.3.2 The measurement of other properties shall be carried out in accordance with Article 3.2 of JB3961, and the pretreatment time shall be 16 to 24 hours. 5.4 Resin content
should be carried out according to Appendix A.
5.5 volatile content.
Follow Appendix A.
5.6 soluble resin content
To be determined.
5.7 Density
According to GB1033 Article 4.1 Method A (immersion method). Sample size, mm: (120±1) 5.8 Water absorption
According to JB3961 Chapter 8 Method 1. Express the test results in milligrams of water absorption. 5.9 Martin temperature
is carried out according to Appendix B.
5.10 Bending strength
According to Chapter 17 of JB3961, sample size, mm; (120±1)×(10±0.5)×(4×0.2), indenter speed 2mm/min5 .11 Tensile strength
Oriented glass fiber molding compound is tested according to GB3354 parallel fiber direction (0°). The random glass fiber molding compound shall be manufactured in accordance with GB1447, and shall be tested in type 1.
5.12 Impact strength (simply supported beam)
According to Chapter 16 of JB3961. Type 2 (unnotched) specimens are used, and the load is applied in the direction parallel to the molding force. 5.13 Surface resistivity and volume resistivity
shall be carried out in accordance with GB1410. Sample size, mm: Φ(100±1)×(3±0.2), using oil-coated aluminum electrode or conductive rubber electric plate, electrode size: d, =50mmd, =54mm, dd=74mm, test voltage is 1000V. 5.14 Relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor are carried out according to GB1409. Sample size, mm: Φ(50±1)×(3±0.2) Number of samples: 3. Use oil-coated aluminum box contact two-electrode system or non-contact Microelectrode.
5.15 electrical strength
According to GB1408. Sample size, mm, @ (100 ± 1) × (3 ± 0.2). The diameter of the upper and lower electrodes is 25mm, and the height is 25mm. The test is conducted in normal transformer oil. A rapid voltage boost test is used. The arithmetic mean of five tests is used. as test results. 6
Inspection rules
The factory test items are items 2, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 14 in Table 1 of this standard. 6.2 Other provisions shall be carried out in accordance with ZBK08002, 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The mass of each batch of products does not exceed 2500kg, and the net weight of each package does not exceed 40kg: the product storage period is three months from the date of shipment. Others should comply with ZBK08002 regulations
Appendix A
Test methods for volatile content and resin content (supplement)
This supplement specifies acid-aldehyde glass Test method for volatile content and resin content of fiber molding compounds. A1 Definition
A1.1 Volatile content
Heat a quantitative sample under certain conditions, and calculate the volatile content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after heating. A1.2 Resin content
Place a quantitative sample in a Maofu furnace and burn it until all carbon disappears. Calculate the resin content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after the test. A2
Equipment and tools
blast drying oven, maximum temperature 200C.
A2.2 analytical balance, sensitivity 0.001g
A2.3 porcelain glazing, 50ml
A2.4 dryer
A2.5 Maofu furnace|| tt | For molding materials, randomly cut three samples of about 3g. For bulk molding materials, cut samples of about 5g from each of three different pellets. Step A4
A4.1 Heat the crucible in a Maofu furnace at 600 ± 20°C for 10 to 20 minutes, take it out and put it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001g. Repeat this operation until constant weight Accurate to 0.001g. A4.2 Place the prepared sample into a sugar pot with constant weight and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A4.3 Place the crucible containing the sample in a constant temperature drying oven at a temperature of 160 ± 2°C, bake for 15 minutes, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A4.4 Place the crucible containing the sample after completing step A4.3 into the Maofu furnace, raise the temperature to 600±20℃, and keep the temperature constant for about 2 hours until all carbon disappears.
A4.5 Take out the blockage with residue from the Maofu furnace, place it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A5 calculation and result expression
A5.1 Volatile content is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W
In the formula: V volatile content, %;
W. Mass of porcelain, g:
A5.2 Resin content is calculated according to formula (A2):
(A1)|| tt||(A2)
In the formula, W,——resin content, %
W. W—Same as formula (A1):
W, the mass of the crucible and residue after burning, g. A5.3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed Text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three test devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
2) The upper and lower electrodes have a diameter of 25mm and a height of 25mm. The test is conducted in normal transformer oil, using a rapid voltage boost test, and the arithmetic mean of five tests is used as the test result. 6
Inspection rules
The factory test items are items 2, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 14 in Table 1 of this standard. 6.2 Other provisions shall be carried out in accordance with ZBK08002, 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The mass of each batch of products does not exceed 2500kg, and the net weight of each package does not exceed 40kg: the product storage period is three months from the date of shipment. Others should comply with ZBK08002 regulations
Appendix A
Test methods for volatile content and resin content (supplement)
This supplement specifies acid-aldehyde glass Test method for volatile content and resin content of fiber molding compounds. A1 Definition
A1.1 Volatile content
Heat a quantitative sample under certain conditions, and calculate the volatile content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after heating. A1.2 Resin content
Place a quantitative sample in a Maofu furnace and burn it until all carbon disappears. Calculate the resin content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after the test. A2
Equipment and tools
blast drying oven, maximum temperature 200C.
A2.2 analytical balance, sensitivity 0.001g
A2.3 porcelain glazing, 50ml
A2.4 dryer
A2.5 Maofu furnace|| tt | For molding materials, randomly cut three samples of about 3g. For bulk molding materials, cut samples of about 5g from each of three different pellets. Step A4
A4.1 Heat the crucible in a Maofu furnace at 600 ± 20°C for 10 to 20 minutes, take it out and put it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001g. Repeat this operation until constant weight Accurate to 0.001g. A4.2 Place the prepared sample into a sugar pot with constant weight and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A4.3 Place the crucible containing the sample in a constant temperature drying oven at a temperature of 160 ± 2°C, bake for 15 minutes, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A4.4 Place the crucible containing the sample after completing step A4.3 into the Maofu furnace, raise the temperature to 600±20℃, and keep the temperature constant for about 2 hours until all carbon disappears.
A4.5 Take out the blockage with residue from the Maofu furnace, place it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A5 calculation and result expression
A5.1 Volatile content is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W
In the formula: V volatile content, %;
W. Mass of porcelain, g:
A5.2 Resin content is calculated according to formula (A2):
(A1)|| tt||(A2)
In the formula, W,——resin content, %
W. W—Same as formula (A1):
W, the mass of the crucible and residue after burning, g. A5.3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed Text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three testing devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
2) The upper and lower electrodes have a diameter of 25mm and a height of 25mm. The test is conducted in normal transformer oil, using a rapid voltage boost test, and the arithmetic mean of five tests is used as the test result. 6
Inspection rules
The factory test items are items 2, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 14 in Table 1 of this standard. 6.2 Other provisions shall be carried out in accordance with ZBK08002, 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The mass of each batch of products does not exceed 2500kg, and the net weight of each package does not exceed 40kg: the product storage period is three months from the date of shipment. Others should comply with ZBK08002 regulations
Appendix A
Test methods for volatile content and resin content (supplement)
This supplement specifies acid-aldehyde glass Test method for volatile content and resin content of fiber molding compounds. A1 definition
A1.1 Volatile content
Heating a quantitative sample under certain conditions, the volatile content of the plastic is calculated based on the change in sample mass before and after heating. A1.2 Resin content
Place a quantitative sample in a Maofu furnace and burn it until all carbon disappears. Calculate the resin content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after the test. A2
Equipment and tools
blast drying oven, maximum temperature 200C.
A2.2 analytical balance, sensitivity 0.001g
A2.3 porcelain glazing, 50ml
A2.4 dryer
A2.5 Maofu furnace|| tt | For molding materials, randomly cut three samples of about 3g. For bulk molding materials, cut samples of about 5g from each of three different pellets. Step A4
A4.1 Heat the crucible in a Maofu furnace at 600 ± 20°C for 10 to 20 minutes, take it out and put it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001g. Repeat this operation until constant weight Accurate to 0.001g. A4.2 Place the prepared sample into a constant weight sugar pot and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A4.3 Place the crucible containing the sample in a constant temperature drying oven at a temperature of 160 ± 2°C, bake for 15 minutes, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A4.4 Place the crucible containing the sample after completing step A4.3 into the Maofu furnace, raise the temperature to 600±20℃, and keep the temperature constant for about 2 hours until all carbon disappears.
A4.5 Take out the blockage with residue from the Maofu furnace, place it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A5 calculation and result expression
A5.1 Volatile content is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W
In the formula: V volatile content, %;
W. Mass of porcelain, g:
A5.2 Resin content is calculated according to formula (A2):
(A1)|| tt||(A2)
In the formula, W,——resin content, %
W. W—Same as formula (A1):
W, the mass of the crucible and residue after burning, g. A5.3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three testing devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Apparatus Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
2. Resin content
Place a quantitative sample in a Maofu furnace and burn it until all carbon disappears. Calculate the resin content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after the test. A2
Equipment, instruments and tools
blast drying oven, maximum temperature 200C.
A2.2 analytical balance, sensitivity 0.001g
A2.3 porcelain glazing, 50ml
A2.4 dryer
A2.5 Maofu furnace|| tt | For molding materials, randomly cut three samples of about 3g. For bulk molding materials, cut samples of about 5g from each of three different pellets. Step A4
A4.1 Heat the crucible in a Maofu furnace at 600 ± 20°C for 10 to 20 minutes, take it out and put it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001g. Repeat this operation until constant weight Accurate to 0.001g. A4.2 Place the prepared sample into a sugar pot with constant weight and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A4.3 Place the crucible containing the sample in a constant temperature drying oven at a temperature of 160 ± 2°C, bake for 15 minutes, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A4.4 Place the crucible containing the sample after completing step A4.3 into the Maofu furnace, raise the temperature to 600±20℃, and keep the temperature constant for about 2 hours until all carbon disappears.
A4.5 Take out the blockage with residue from the Maofu furnace, place it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A5 calculation and result expression
A5.1 Volatile content is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W
In the formula: V volatile content, %;
W. Mass of porcelain, g:
A5.2 Resin content is calculated according to formula (A2):
(A1)|| tt||(A2)
In the formula, W,——resin content, %
W. W—Same as formula (A1):
W, the mass of the crucible and residue after burning, g. A5.3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed Text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three test devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
2. Resin content
Place a quantitative sample in a Maofu furnace and burn it until all carbon disappears. Calculate the resin content of the plastic based on the change in sample mass before and after the test. A2
Equipment, instruments and tools
blast drying oven, maximum temperature 200C.
A2.2 analytical balance, sensitivity 0.001g
A2.3 porcelain glazing, 50ml
A2.4 dryer
A2.5 Maofu furnace|| tt | For molding materials, randomly cut three samples of about 3g. For bulk molding materials, cut samples of about 5g from each of three different pellets. Step A4
A4.1 Heat the crucible in a Maofu furnace at 600 ± 20°C for 10 to 20 minutes, take it out and put it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001g. Repeat this operation until constant weight Accurate to 0.001g. A4.2 Place the prepared sample into a sugar pot with constant weight and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A4.3 Place the crucible containing the sample in a constant temperature drying oven at a temperature of 160 ± 2°C, bake for 15 minutes, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A4.4 Place the crucible containing the sample after completing step A4.3 into the Maofu furnace, raise the temperature to 600±20℃, and keep the temperature constant for about 2 hours until all carbon disappears.
A4.5 Take out the blockage with residue from the Maofu furnace, place it in a desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh it to the nearest 0.001g. A5 calculation and result expression
A5.1 Volatile content is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W
In the formula: V volatile content, %;
W. Mass of porcelain, g:
A5.2 Resin content is calculated according to formula (A2):
(A1)|| tt||(A2)
In the formula, W,——resin content, %
W. W—Same as formula (A1):
W, the mass of the crucible and residue after burning, g. A5.3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed Text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three test devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
3Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is used as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Fixed Text
In the air that rises and overflows at a constant speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating devices. The temperature difference at each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, and the uniform heating rate should be 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);||tt ||It can be adjusted to produce a bending stress of 4.9±0.02MPa on the sample; b.
f.||tt ||The effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
There should be three test devices for testing the sample in the tester; a thermometer with a scale of 1°C.
The deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 sample
Sample size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mm sample Count three
Step B4
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the sample is 4.9 ± 0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2 Adjustment of the distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen, expressed in Semimeters, 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature test Device
1—Deformation indicator:
3—Horse bar:
4 one sample;
2 one heavy tank, ||tt ||5-base
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
And calculate according to the formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a-the specified bending stress is 4.9±0.02MPa; P---weight (including Fastening screw) Gravity, N: P, gravity of the indicator, N;
L, distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.
L.||tt ||The gravity of a crossbar (including the solid base), N; the distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the sample, mm; B---width of the sample, mm;
Thickness of the sample, mm.
B4. 4
Heating up.
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Install the sample between the upper and lower fixtures, adjust the sample weight to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and weight to be perpendicular to the sample. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to point to the zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the distance between the crossbar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power, and observe the error at any time during the blast test. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if the automatic alarm device is used, the horizontal support and contact head passage alarm), record the humidity shown by the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs|| tt||Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is rounded to 1. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Equipment Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Dongfang Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
3 Result expression
The arithmetic mean of three samples in each group is taken as the test result. Appendix B
Martin temperature test method
This supplement specifies the test method for plastic Martin temperature. B1 Specification
In the air rising at a uniform speed, the sample is subjected to a certain bending stress, and the temperature when the bending deformation of the sample reaches the specified value is measured. B2 Equipment
Martin temperature tester (see Figure B1)
a. There should be air blast and uniform heating device, the temperature difference of each point in the box should not be greater than 2℃, the uniform heating rate is 50±3℃/h (50±5℃/h is allowed after the temperature is higher than 200℃);
can be adjusted to produce 4.9±0.02MPa bending stress on the sample; b.
effective bending length of the sample is 56±1mm;
there should be a test device for three sample tests in the tester; the thermometer with a scale of 1℃.
deformation indicator can accurately indicate deformation of 6mm. B3 Specimen
Specimen size: (120±1)mm×(15±0.5)mm×(10±0.5)mmNumber of specimens: three
B4 Steps
Adjust the position of the weight so that the bending stress applied to the specimen is 4.9±0.02MPa. The adjustment of the weight is shown in Figure B2. The distance (L) from the center of gravity of the weight to the center line of the specimen is expressed in millimeters. 1
Figure B1 Martin temperature tester
1—deformation indicator:
3—cross bar:
4—test sample;
2—weight tank,
Figure B2
Adjustment of the weight
and calculate according to the following formula:
OP:L, -PL,
In the formula, a—specified bending stress, i.e. 4.9±0.02MPa; P—weight of the weight (including the fastening screw), N: P, weight of the indicator, N;
L,—the distance from the center of the indicator to the center of the specimen, mm: P.bzxz.net
—weight of the crossbar (including the solid nut), N; distance from the center of the crossbar to the center of the specimen, mm; B—width of the specimen, mm;
thickness of the specimen, mm.
B4. 4
The starting temperature of the test is 30±10℃.
Put the specimen between the upper and lower tools, adjust the weight of the specimen to be vertical to the horizontal plane, and the crossbar and the weight to be perpendicular to the specimen. (B1)
Adjust the indicator needle to zero point (if an automatic alarm device is used, adjust the height between the cross bar and the contact head to 6mm), then turn on the power supply. During the blast test, the deformation of each sample should be observed at any time. When the deformation indicator needle of each sample drops by 6mm (if an automatic alarm device is used, the cross bar and the contact head will alarm), record the humidity shown on the thermometer. This temperature is the Martin temperature value of the sample, Bs
Result expression
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of each group of samples, and the calculated value is taken to 1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Guilin Electrical Science Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Oriental Insulating Materials. The main drafter of this standard is Yi Juqing.
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