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HG/T 2396-1992 Rubber calender product quality classification and inspection details

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2396-1992

Standard Name: Rubber calender product quality classification and inspection details

Chinese Name: 橡胶压延机产品质量分等及检查细则

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-09-15

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.120 Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G95 Rubber and Plastic Machinery

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Publication information

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HG/T 2396-1992 Rubber calender product quality classification and inspection details HG/T2396-1992 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 239692
Rubber calender
Product quality grading and inspection details
Published on September 15, 1992
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Standard leakage replacement network wwmba8a80ccm Various standards industry information free download 1993-07-01
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber calender
Product quality grading and inspection details
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the product quality grading, assessment indicators and evaluation methods of rubber calenders in accordance with the General Rules for Quality Grading of Rubber Machinery Products.
This standard applies to the assessment and evaluation of the quality grade of rubber calender products specified in GB/T13578 "Rubber and Plastic Calender". 2 Reference standards
GB/T13578 Rubber and Plastic Calender
Testing methods for rubber and plastic calender
) Quality grading and inspection details for chilled cast iron rollers HG/T2400
HG5-1541 General technical conditions for the appearance of rubber machinery HG5-1543
General technical conditions for rubber machinery packaging
General technical conditions for export rubber machinery packaging HG5-1613 Testing methods for chilled cast iron rollers
JB8 Product label
3 Main assessment content
General technical conditions for rubber and plastic machinery painting Product design structure and control (see Table 1)
Quality characteristics
Pry-type transmission form
Structure of auxiliary cylinder
Deflection compensation of roller
Bearing structure type
Temperature adjustment of roller
Transmission speed control
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior products
Quality special value
First-class products
Each roller can be
individually and evenly adjusted in speed
Closed transmission, rollers can be
uniformly adjusted in speed
The rollers are circular drilling type or structures with circular drilling effect should have pre-bending or roller cross-support
Rolling bearing
Meet the design requirements
Meet the design requirements
The temperature of the cylinder should be able to adjust automatically
PC control
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 15, 1992Meet the design requirements
Standards according to w.bg8o8o
eomAll kinds of standard industry information download
Qualified products
Meet the design requirements
Meet the design requirements
Test method
Inspect the actual object
Implemented on July 1, 1993
3.2 Product performance (see Table 2)
Quality characteristics
Temperature difference of the working surface of the cylinder, ℃
No-load power and rated
power when the whole machine is running idle Rate ratio, %
Accuracy of roller line speed
Temperature rise of roller bearing during cold idling C
Oil return temperature of bearing during hot idling,
Assembly (see Table 3)
Quality characteristics
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior product
Synchronous accuracy 0.1%
First-class product
Qualified product
Meet the design requirements
Quality characteristics
Category code
Radial runout of roller working surface relative to journal, mm
The bearing surfaces of the fixed bearings installed on the left and right racks should be in the same plane Inside, its flatness, mm
Seal performance of roller bearing
Seal performance of lubrication system
Heating and cooling pipelines are tested for 5min at 1.5 times of working pressure
Main parts (see Table 4)
Quality characteristics
Depth of roller white layer, mm
Hardness of roller working surface, HS
Roller material
Roughness of roller working surface, Ra (μm)Radial runout of roller working surface relative to shaft diameter, mm
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
According to the provisions of grade 7 tolerance
values ​​in the appendix to GB1184
No leakage is allowed||t t||1 drop/h
No leakage under working pressure
No leakage
Superior product
Qualified product
According to\Chilled cast iron summary product quality classification and inspection details\regulations
Alloy chilled cast iron
Standard Liewang-wm.b28080:c0mVarious standard industry information Free download to meet the design requirements
Inspection method
Inspect according to HG/T2150
Testing instrument
Inspect according to HG/T2150
Inspection method
Inspect according to HG/T2150
Manual inspection
Inspection method
Inspect according to HG5-1613
Inspect according to HG/T2 150 Inspection
Inspect on the machine tool
3.5 Quality characteristics of purchased electromechanical supporting components (see Table 5)
Quality considerations
Main electromechanical supporting components
Category code
Safety and environmental protection (see Table 6)
Superior products
Obtain the corresponding high-quality product title or
Can ensure that the quality of the whole machine reaches the level of superior products
Quality characteristics
Maximum working speed
Simple stroke (circumference)
Noise value of idling
(sound pressure level) dB(A)
User evaluation (see Table 7)
Quality characteristics
Product Quality level
After idling braking, the diameter of the drum is>450mm
diameter of the drum is<450mm
Quality characteristics
Category code
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Can ensure the quality of the whole machine
Reach the level of first-class products
Qualified products
Can ensure the quality of the whole machine
Reach the level of qualified products
Quality characteristic value
Superior products
First-class products
First-class products
Qualified products
Users recognize that the product has reached the corresponding level
Note: User evaluation is only assessed when a product is comprehensively evaluated. 3.8 Painting, appearance and packaging (see Table 8)
Quality characteristics
Painting, rust prevention and machined surface
Appearance quality
Product internal cleanliness
Factory technical documents
Quality characteristics
Category code
Superior products
Qualified products
Inspection methods
Inspection vouchers
And physical objects
Inspection methods
Inspection according to HG/T2150
Inspection methods
Inspection of original vouchers of user feedback and evaluation|| tt||First-class products
Qualified products
Painting shall be in accordance with ZBG95010
After cleaning the machined surface, anti-rust materials shall be applied in accordance with HG5-1541
Domestic products shall be in accordance with HG5-1543
Export products shall be in accordance with HG5-1561
No stagnant water, no residual debris, etc.
In accordance with JB8
Complete, unified, correct, clear and in line with standard requirements Standard exchange fee network ticket
5080.c0mAll kinds of standard industry materials are free of charge for the lower part of the inspection method
Inspect the actual object
3.9 Quality characteristic value inspection record table (see Table 9) Sequence
Quality characteristic
Importance category
Special code
4 Evaluation of product quality grade
Quality characteristic
Superior product
First-class product
4.1 Evaluation method of product quality grade (see Table 10) Category code
Characteristic value level
Product quality grade
Superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
Superior products
All achieved
Qualified products
All achieved cumulatively
Qualified products
Superior products
All achieved
Evaluation conclusion:
All achieved
All achieved cumulatively
Standard search network m.628080.com All kinds of standard industry information are free to download or format||tt ||Qualified products
All met
One defect is allowed
Two defects are allowed
4.2 Summary of product quality inspection and grade evaluation table (see Table 11) Table 11
Manufacturer name
Product name
Product model
Product number
Completion date
Quality characteristics
Importance category
Should Number of inspection items
Product assessment grade:
Quality manager:
Additional notes:
Number of actual inspection items
Superior product
This standard is proposed by China National Chemical Equipment Corporation, product drawing number
Factory number
Qualified product
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Rubber Machinery Sub-Technical Committee of the National Rubber and Plastic Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Dalian Rubber and Plastic Machinery Factory, and the main drafters of this standard were Zhang Yuxiang and Sun Xiuying. Standard selection network mmr.baeo
80.0ce various standards industry materials are exempted from teaching unqualified
People's Republic of China
Chemical industry standards
Rubber calender
Product quality classification and inspection details
Editor Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal code: 100013
Printing Chemical Industry Standardization Research Institute
Copyright is exclusive and cannot be reproduced
Format 880×12301/16 Printing number 10000 First edition in July 1993
First printing in July 1993
Print number 1500
Standard press exchange network: m.b2080.com Each run standard industry data free download
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