GB/T 8993-1998 Nuclear instrument environmental conditions and test methods
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Environmental conditions and testing procedures for nuclear instrumentation
Environmental conditions and testing procedures for nuclear instrumentation1998-07-30Promulgated
Implementation on 1999-05-01
Promulgated by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
Cited standards
3 Definitions
4 Classification, classification, grouping and severity levels of environmental conditions for nuclear instruments4.1 Classification, classification and expression of severity levels of environmental conditions4.2 Grouping of environmental conditions for nuclear instruments and their environmental parameters...4.3 Special environmental conditions
5 Requirements for environmental testing of nuclear instruments
5.1 Reference conditions and standard test conditions·| |tt||General test procedure
Test interruption processing
5.4 Environmental test sequence
6 Environmental test methods…
Table 1 Storage environmental conditions·
Table 2 Transportation environmental conditions
Fixed environmental conditions for use in weather-protected locations (Group I) times
Table 3.2 Fixed environmental conditions for use in weather-protected locations (Group 1 selection items)Table 4.1
Fixed environmental conditions for use in non-weather-protected locations (Group I)Fixed environmental conditions for use in non-weather-protected locations (Group I selection items).Table 4.2
Table 5.1 Ground vehicle-mounted environmental conditions (Group N)·Table 5. 2 Ground vehicle environmental conditions (N group optional items) Table 6 Marine environmental conditions (to be determined)
Table 7.1 Portable and non-fixed use environmental conditions (direct group) · Table 7.2 Portable and non-fixed use environmental conditions (I group optional items) Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Low temperature (rated low temperature, storage low temperature) test method Appendix B (Standard Appendix)
Appendix C (Standard Appendix)
Appendix D (Standard Appendix)
Appendix E (Standard Appendix)
Appendix F (Standard Appendix)
Appendix G (Standard Appendix)
Appendix H (Standard Appendix)| |tt||High temperature (rated high temperature, storage high temperature) test method Temperature change test method
Constant damp heat test method
Vibration (sinusoidal) test method
Impact test method
Free fall test method
Packaging and transportation test method
This standard is a comprehensive revision of the national standard GB8993.1~8993.12-88 "Basic requirements and methods for environmental testing of nuclear instruments", and the name of the standard is changed to "Environmental conditions and test methods for nuclear instruments", replacing the original standard GB8993.1~8993.12-88. This standard has made the following major revisions to the original standard: This standard has made necessary supplements to the environmental conditions of nuclear instruments in the original standard, and the main contents added include: temperature changes and solar radiation in climatic conditions, sand and dust in mechanically active material conditions, salt spray in chemically active material conditions, and mold and animals in biological conditions. The concept of environmental condition classification and grading is introduced, that is, environmental conditions are divided into seven levels according to application, namely: storage (1), transportation (2), fixed use in weather-protected places (3), fixed use in weather-unprotected places (4), ground vehicle use (5), ship use (6), portable and non-fixed use (7). According to the characteristics of environmental conditions, they are divided into: climatic conditions (K), mechanical conditions (M), mechanical active substance conditions (S), chemical active substance conditions (C) and biological conditions (B). The nuclear instrument environmental conditions specified in this standard are tailored from the GB4798.14798.7 (IEC721) series of standards on "Environmental Conditions for Application of Electrical and Electronic Products", and some modifications are made in combination with the specific conditions of nuclear instrument applications in my country. This standard has modified the environmental condition grouping of the original standard, from the original Group I, Group II, and Group II to four groups (ten subgroups): Group I: Fixed use in weather-protected places (including three subgroups Ia, Ib, and Ic); Group II: Fixed use in weather-unprotected places (including two subgroups Ia and Ib); Group III: Portable and non-fixed use (including three subgroups a, Ib, and c); Group N: Ground vehicle use (including two subgroups Na and Nb). In addition, the environmental conditions for storage and transportation are listed separately. This standard adjusts the 11 test items of the original standard to 14 test items: delete the "tilt drop test" and "collision test" in the original standard, merge the "rain test" and "immersion test" in the original standard into "water test"; divide the "temperature test" in the original standard into two items "low temperature test" and "high temperature test"; the newly added environmental test items are: "temperature change test", "sand and dust test", "low pressure test", "solar radiation test" and "mold growth test".
The environmental test method for nuclear instruments specified in this standard is tailored from the GB2423.12423.44 (IEC68) "Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products" series of standards.
This standard adds general test procedures.
This standard recommends the environmental test sequence for reference. Since there is no "Environmental Conditions and Test Methods for Nuclear Instruments" standard internationally, this standard can be used as a guide for the specific application of IEC721 (GB4798) and IEC68 (GB2423) series standards in the field of nuclear instruments in my country. The appendices in this standard are all appendices of the standard. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nuclear Instruments. The drafting units of this standard are: Nuclear Industry Standardization Research Institute, Second Institute of Chemical Defense Research Institute, Xi'an 262 Factory. The drafters of this standard are: Li Guoxiang, Cheng Jingtai, Mao Yongze, Zhang Songshou, Lu Jiandong, Li Quansheng, Liang Ping. This standard was first issued in 1988.
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Environmental conditions and testing procedures for nuclear instrumentation
Environmental conditions and testing procedures for nuclear instrumentationGB/T8993-1998
Replaces GB8993.18993.12-88
This standard specifies the classification, classification, grouping, severity level and environmental test methods of environmental conditions for nuclear instruments. This standard applies to laboratory nuclear instruments, isotope and radiation application nuclear instruments, radioactive prospecting and beneficiation nuclear instruments, medical nuclear instruments, nuclear reactor instruments and radiation protection instruments.
The grouping and test methods of nuclear instrument environmental conditions specified in this standard are the basis for formulating environmental test conditions and test methods in nuclear instrument product standards and related documents.
The performance requirements of nuclear instruments under specified environmental conditions are not within the scope of this standard and are specified by relevant product standards. Application environmental conditions and test methods beyond the provisions of this standard should be negotiated and resolved by users and manufacturers in accordance with relevant product standards. This standard does not apply to nuclear power plant safety level (level 1E) nuclear instruments. Equipment that cannot be tested as a whole can be tested separately. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2422-1995 Terminology of environmental testing for electric and electronic products GB2423.16-90 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products Test J: Long test method GB/T2423.17-93 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products Test Ka: Salt spray test method GB2423.21-91 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products Test M: Low pressure test method GB/T2423.24-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Sa: Simulation of solar radiation on the ground
GB2423.37-89 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products Environmental test procedures Test L: Sand and dust test method GB2423.38-90 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test R: Water test method Enclosure protection level (IP code)
Classification of environmental parameters for electric and electronic products and their severity classification GB4798.1--86 Application environmental conditions for electric and electronic products Storage GB/T4798.2--1996 Application environmental conditions for electric and electronic products Transportation GB4798.3-90 Application environmental conditions for electric and electronic products Weather-protected places Fixed use GB4798.4-90 Environmental conditions for application of electrical and electronic products Fixed use in places without weather protection GB 4798.5-87
Environmental conditions for application of electrical and electronic products Ground vehicle use GB/T4798.6—1996 Environmental conditions for application of electrical and electronic products Marine use GB
Environmental conditions for application of electric and electronic products Portable and non-fixed use Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on July 30, 1998 and implemented on May 1, 1999
GB10586-89 Technical conditions for damp heat test chambers GB10589--89 Technical conditions for low temperature test chambers GB10592-89 Technical conditions for high and low temperature test chambers GB11158--89 Technical conditions for high temperature test chambers GB11804--89 Environmental conditions for electric and electronic products Terminology 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions:
3.1 Environment
The sum of natural and induced conditions existing or encountered at any time and place. (GB11804--89, 2.1) 3.2 Environmental condition environmental condition The physical, chemical and biological conditions that the product is subjected to in a certain period of time. (GB11804-89, 2.6) 3.3 Environmental parameter environmental parameter describes one or more physical, chemical and biological characteristic parameters of environmental conditions. (GB4796-84, 3.2) 3.4 Location of environmental conditions According to the different use locations of nuclear instruments, such as storage, transportation, fixed use in weather-protected places, fixed use in weather-free places, ground vehicle-mounted, ship-mounted and portable non-fixed use, environmental conditions are divided into seven levels. 3.5 Classification of environmental conditions classification of environmental conditions According to the characteristics of environmental conditions, environmental conditions are divided into climate, mechanical, mechanically active substances, chemically active substances and biological conditions. 3.6 Severity of environmental parameters severity of environmental parameters characterizes the value of each quantity of environmental parameters. (GB11804-89, 2.9) 3.7 Weather-protected location The location has protective facilities to prevent the direct impact of climate, usually refers to indoor locations. (GB4798.3-90, 3.3) 3.8 Nonweather-protected location The location has no protective facilities and cannot prevent the direct impact of climate, usually refers to outdoor locations. (GB4798.4-90, 3.3) 3.9 Stationary use
The product is firmly installed on the structure frame or installed on the device or placed in a fixed position for a long time for use, and is not used for mobile use. 3.10 Ground vehicle condition The environmental conditions that nuclear instruments installed on various ground vehicles may be subjected to. 3.11 Temperature stability temperature stability The state when the temperature difference between each part of the test sample and the specified temperature is not greater than 3°C. (GB/T2422-1995) 3.12 Temperature stability time time of temperature stability The time required for the test sample to reach temperature stability. 4 Classification, classification, grouping and severity levels of environmental conditions for nuclear instruments 4.1 Classification, classification and expression of severity levels of environmental conditions This standard stipulates the classification, classification, severity levels and codes of environmental conditions as follows. The classification, classification and severity levels of environmental conditions are expressed by a combination of two Arabic numerals with an English capital letter in between. a) The first digit of the code can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which respectively represent the classification (category) of environmental conditions. 1 - represents storage environmental conditions (see Table 1); 2 - represents transportation environmental conditions (see Table 2); 3 - represents fixed use environmental conditions in weather-protected places (see Table 3.1 and Table 3.2); 4 - represents fixed use environmental conditions in non-weather-protected places (see Table 4.1 and Table 4.2) 2
5 - represents ground vehicle-mounted environmental conditions (see Table 5.1 and Table 5.2); 6 - represents marine environmental conditions (to be determined, Table 6 is omitted); 7 - represents portable and non-fixed use environmental conditions (see Table 7.1 and Table 7.2). b) The second digit of the code (i.e., the letter digit) can be K, M, S, C, and B, which represent the classification of environmental conditions respectively: K-climatic conditions;
M-mechanical conditions;
S--mechanically active material conditions;
C-chemically active material conditions;
B--biological conditions.
c) The last digit of the code represents the severity level. The higher the level (value), the more severe the environmental conditions. The values are 1, 2.3, and 4. Examples of the classification, classification, and code representation of severity levels of environmental conditions (see Table 3.1): Severity level
Climatic conditions
Fixed environmental conditions for use in weather-protected locations 4.2 Grouping of environmental conditions for nuclear instruments and their environmental parameters 4.2.1 Overview
This standard groups the environmental conditions of nuclear instruments according to the temperature (low temperature, high temperature), humidity, and mechanical environmental parameters that nuclear instruments often experience during use. This standard specifies the grouping and codes of nuclear instrument environmental conditions as follows: Group I (including 1a, 1b and 1c), see Table 3.1; Group I (including a and 1b), see Table 4.1; Group II (including II a, II b and Ic), see Table 7.1; Group N (including Na and Vb), see Table 5.1. This standard also specifies other environmental parameters, such as solar radiation, ambient air movement, rainfall intensity in the climatic condition category, sand and dust in the mechanical active substance condition category, salt spray in the chemical active substance condition category, and mold in the biological condition category, which can be supplemented as optional items according to the needs of use (see Table 1, Table 2, Table 3.2, Table 4.2, Table 5.2 and Table 7.2). The severity level of low pressure should be selected according to the actual use conditions of the instrument. The recommended value refers to Table 9 of Article 6.12. 4.2.2 Group I represents the fixed use environmental conditions in a climate-protected place. Group I environmental conditions usually refer to indoor environments and are not directly affected by the climate. a) Group Ia environmental conditions usually refer to rooms with air conditioning (continuous temperature control) and negligible vibration and shock. b) Group 1b environmental conditions usually refer to rooms with heating and ventilation facilities, that is, ordinary living and working places, where vibration and shock are negligible.
c) Group Ic environmental conditions usually refer to indoor environments with relatively poor conditions. There are slight vibrations and shocks. 4.2.3 Group I represents fixed use environmental conditions in places without climate protection Group II environmental conditions usually refer to outdoor environments, which are directly affected by climate. a) Group Ia environmental conditions usually refer to areas with relatively small temperature differences. There are slight vibrations and shocks. b) Group Ib environmental conditions usually refer to areas with relatively large temperature differences. Vibration and shock are more obvious. 4.2.4 Direct group represents portable and non-fixed use environmental conditions Group 1 environmental conditions usually refer to use in frequent movement, where changes in environmental conditions and possible vibrations and shocks are obvious. a) Group a environmental conditions usually refer to movement ranges within Group Ib climate environmental conditions, that is, use in general rooms with heating and ventilation facilities.
b) Environmental conditions of Group B usually refer to the range of movement in indoor places without temperature control and humidity control. c) Environmental conditions of Group Ic usually refer to the range of movement in places without weather protection, or movement between places. 4.2.5 Group N represents the environmental conditions for vehicle use. Environmental conditions of Group IV usually refer to the environmental conditions for temporary or long-term installation in vehicles. a) Environmental conditions of Group IVa usually refer to the use in vehicles with weather protection, ventilation, heating, and not directly affected by the external climate. b) Environmental conditions of Group NVb usually refer to the use in vehicles directly affected by the external climate (such as heat radiation, solar radiation, temperature changes, etc.). 4.2.6 Transportation and storage environmental conditions
a) Transportation 1 refers to: air transportation, water transportation with weather protection, heating and ventilation, automobile transportation and rail transportation with air shock absorption. b) Transportation 2 refers to: transportation on good roads without weather protection. c) Transportation 3 refers to: various transportation on poor roads without weather protection. d) Storage 1 is suitable for more expensive or sensitive instruments. Places with temperature control, heating, ventilation and no humidity control. No condensation, precipitation and ice formation. No obvious vibration and impact. e) Storage 2 is suitable for ordinary warehouses. Without temperature and humidity control, with heating and ventilation conditions, the stored equipment may be subject to condensation and ice formation. It may be subject to vibration caused by passing vehicles. f) Storage 3 is suitable for warehouses and shed warehouses with weather protection but no temperature and humidity control, but greatly affected by outdoor climate. There is vibration of machines nearby.
Nuclear instruments should be stored in accordance with the provisions of product standards. 4.2.7 Selection of environmental condition grouping, grading, classification and severity level When using this standard, the environmental conditions of the product use area and place of use should be understood and converted into the environmental condition group, level, category and severity level specified in this standard. The environmental parameters and severity levels listed in each grading and classification refer to the extreme environmental conditions that the instrument may encounter during use, transportation and storage, and can be used to determine the maximum short-term environmental stress of the product. The severity level of environmental conditions can be used as the basis for product design and environmental testing. Table 1 Storage environment conditions
Environmental conditions
Classification code
Climatic conditions
Mechanical conditions
Environmental parameters
High relative humidity
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Solar radiation
Ambient air movement
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration:
Displacement amplitude
Frequency range
Non-steady-state vibration:
(including impact)
Impact sound Application spectrum type
Acceleration peak
Static load
Parameter value
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Parameter value
Environmental conditions
Classification code
Environmental conditions
Classification code
Environmental parameters
Dust (floating)
Dust (Sedimentation)
Table 1 (end)
Parameter value
Insects, fungi
Except termites
ici existence
Table 2 Transportation environmental conditions
Environmental parameters
No ventilation in high temperature room
Ventilation in high temperature room
Temperature change
Humidity (no drastic
Temperature change)
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Other water sources
Solar radiation
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration:
Displacement amplitude
Frequency range
Unsteady-state vibration:
(including shock)
Shock response spectrum type
Acceleration peak value
Free fall height:
Mass 20kg
Mass 20~100kg||tt ||Mass ≥ 100kg
Parameter value
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Except termites
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Except termites
Parameter value|| tt||(40℃)
Wet surface
Environmental conditions
Classification code
Environmental conditions
Climatic conditions
Mechanical conditions
Environmental parameters
Mass ≤ 20kg
Mass 20~100kg
Mass ≥ 100kg
Sway and tilt:
Steady-state acceleration
Static load
Dust (sedimentation)
mg/( m2.h)
Table 2 (end)
Parameter value
Dumping on any side
Severity level of environmental conditions
Parameter value
Dumping on any side
Dumping on any side
Mold and fungi
Except white mosquitoes
Table 3.1 Environmental conditions for fixed use in places with climate protection (Group 1) Environmental parameters
High relative humidity
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration
Displacement amplitude
Acceleration peak
Rate range
Non-steady-state vibration:
(including impact)
Impact response spectrum type
Acceleration peak
Parameter value
Note: 3K2+ and 3K4+ are different from 3K2 and 3K4 in GB4798.3-90. Severity of environmental conditions
Parameter value
Parameter value
Dump on either side
Dump on either side
Dump on either side
Crane fungus
and white mosquito
Parameter value
2~9,9~200|| tt||Environmental conditions
Classification code
Environmental conditions
Classification code
Climatic conditions
Mechanical conditions
Table 3.2 Fixed environmental conditions for use in places with climate protection (1 group of optional items) Environmental parameters
Dust (floating)
Dust (settling)
mg/( m\.h)
Parameter value
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Table 4.1 Environmental conditions for fixed use in places without weather protection (Group 1) Environmental parameters
High relative humidity
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration
Displacement amplitude
Acceleration peak
Frequency range||tt| |Non-steady-state vibration:
(including impact)
Impact response spectrum type
Acceleration peak
Parameter value
93 (40℃)
29, 9~200
Environmental condition severity level
Note: 4K1- and 4K2- are different from 4K1 and 4K2 in GB4798.4-90. la
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Except termites
Parameter value
93 (40℃)
Table 4.2 Fixed use environmental conditions in places without weather protection (selective items in Group I) Environmental conditions
Environmental parameters
Rainfall intensity
Solar radiation
Dust (floating)
Dust (settling)
mm/min||tt| |Parameter value
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Environmental condition
Environmental parameter
Table 4.2 (end)
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Termites excluded
Environmental condition severity level
Note: 4K1* indicates that it is different from 4K1 in GB4798.4-—90 and different from 4K1- in Table 4.1. Table 5.1. Ground vehicle environmental conditions (Group N) Environmental conditions
Classification code
Climatic conditions
Mechanical conditions
Environmental parameters
High temperature (with ventilation, except for the engine
engine room)
High temperature (without ventilation, except for the engine
engine room)
Temperature change,
High relative humidity
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration
Displacement amplitude
Peak acceleration
Frequency range
Non-steady-state vibration:
(including shock)
Shock response spectrum type
Peak acceleration
Parameter value|| tt||75(30℃)
Parameter value
Bacteria, fungi
and termites
Environmental conditions severity level
Table 5.2 Ground vehicle environmental conditions (V group optional items) Environmental conditions
Climatic conditions
Mechanical activity
Material conditions
Biological conditions
Environmental parameters
Solar radiation
Dust (sedimentation)
Parameter value
Note: 5K1* and 5K2* indicate differences from 5K1 and 5K2 in Table 5.1. 8
Parameter value
93 (40℃)
2~8, 8~200
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Except rodents and termites
Environmental conditions
Climatic conditions
Mechanical conditions
Table 7.1 Portable and non-fixed use environmental conditions (true group) Environmental parameters
Temperature change
High relative humidity
Low air pressure
High air pressure
Sinusoidal steady-state vibration
Displacement amplitude
Acceleration peak
Rate range
Non-steady-state vibration:
(including impact)
Strike response spectrum type
Acceleration peak value
Free fall height:
Mass <1kg
Mass 1~10kg
Parameter value
85 (30℃)
2~9, 9~200
Mass 10~50kg
Note: 7K2+ and 7K3- indicate differences from 7K2 and 7K3 in GB4798.7-87. Severity level of environmental conditions
Parameter value
93 (35℃)
Table 7.2 Environmental conditions for portable and non-fixed use (group selection items) Environmental conditions
Classification code
Environmental parameters
Rainfall intensity
Solar radiation
Dust (floating)
Dust (settling)
mg/(m\ .h)
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Termites excluded
Note: 7K1* and 7K3* indicate differences from 7K1 and 7K3- in Table 7.1. 4.3 Special environmental conditions
Environmental condition severity level
Parameter value
Mold, fungus
Termites excluded Outside
Parameter value
93 (40℃)
Parameter value
Fungi, fungi
And termites
4.3.1 Any environmental conditions beyond those specified in Article 4.2 of this standard shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the relevant product standards or by negotiation between the user and the manufacturer.
4.3.2 Nuclear detection components may be subjected to relatively harsh environmental conditions. In addition to the environmental conditions specified in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3.1, Table 3.2, Table 4.1,
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