other information
Release date:1984-04-10
Review date:2004-10-14
drafter:Li Xiaoying, Chen Jinyun, Qian Yongsheng
Drafting unit:Electronic Industry Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry, East China Electronics Group
Focal point unit:Electronic Industry Standardization Institute of Ministry of Information Industry
Proposing unit:Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
competent authority:Ministry of Information Industry (Electronics)
Some standard content:
This standard is a revision of GB/T4314—1984 "Terms and Terms of Getters". This standard makes the following revisions to the original standard GB/T4314: 1) The names and definitions of terms such as gas volume, adsorption, absorption, non-evaporable getters, getter carriers, getter supports, specific adsorption capacity, specific gas content, total gas content, gas content after pretreatment, total steaming time, steaming start time and evaporation are rewritten; 2) The measurement units are added to some definitions. For example: gas volume, leakage rate, suction surface, adsorption capacity, specific adsorption capacity, total adsorption capacity,
3) The definitions of test sample, nitrogen release dynamic curve, nitrogen release amount, mercury release amount, total mercury release amount, standard mercury release amount, mercury release rate, mercury release characteristic curve and mercury release getter thermal stability involved in GB/T9506.5-1988 "Test method for nitrogen-doped getter nitrogen release dynamic curve" and GB/T6626.1-1986 "Test method for mercury release getter performance test method for mercury release getter mercury release characteristic" are included in this standard,
4) According to some new non-evaporable getters developed in recent years, some new getter terms are added. For example: low temperature activated getter, high temperature activated getter, high temperature getter, high firmness getter, thermal getter, getter pump and high temperature resistant getter. In addition, the terms of outgassing volume and hydrogen adsorption curve are added; 5) According to the provisions of GB3100-1993 "International System of Units and Its Application", this revision uniformly changes the names of various terms and units to the International System of Units.
This standard will replace GB/T4314-1984 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Electronic Industry Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry. The drafting units of this standard: Electronic Industry Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry, East China Electronics Group. The main drafters of this standard: Li Xiaoying, Chen Jinyun, Qian Yongsheng. This standard was first issued in April 1984.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Getter terms
Getter terms
This standard specifies the general terms, classification terms and characteristic terms of getters. This standard applies to getters for vacuum devices. Ten general terms
2.1 Gas quantity
Replaces GB/T4314—1984
The measure of kinetic energy possessed by an ideal gas in statistical equilibrium, which is equal to the product of the volume occupied by the gas and its pressure. If necessary, the gas temperature should be indicated or converted to the value at 20°C. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m?), or Joule (J). 2.2 Adsorbed gas molecule adsorbed gas molecule Gas molecules adsorbed on the surface of a solid. 2.3 Gas molecule in space gas molecule
Corresponding to the adsorbed phase molecule, the gas molecule on the gas side of the interface between the gas and the solid. 2.4 Gas throughput
The amount of gas passing through a certain cross section per unit time. The unit is Pascal cubic meter per second (Pa·m/s). 2.5 Leak-uprate
The increase in the amount of gas per unit time caused by leakage or outgassing inside the system. The unit is Pascal cubic meter per second (Pa.mt/s).
2.6 Adsorption
The phenomenon of gas or vapor being captured on the surface of a getter or getter membrane. Sometimes it can be more clearly referred to as "surface adsorption". 2.7 Absorption
The phenomenon of gas or vapor diffusing into the interior of a getter or getter membrane. 2.8
The process of removing gas and vapor due to adsorption and absorption. 2.9 Desorption
The phenomenon of releasing adsorbed gas.
2.10 Desorption rate desorption rate
Outgassing or degassing rate outgassing or degassing rate The volume of gas desorbed from the solid surface per unit time under a certain pressure and temperature. The unit is cubic meter per second (m\/s). 2.11 Outgassing
The spontaneous desorption of gas from a material under vacuum. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on January 3, 2000 and implemented on August 1, 2000
2 Degassing
The process of promoting the desorption of gas from a material.
2.13 Surface diffusion surface diffusion The diffusion of adsorbed phase molecules along the surface of the getter. GB/T4314—2000
2.14 Surface diffusion active energy of surface diffusion The minimum energy required for a unit mole of gas molecules (or atoms) to transfer from one active point on the surface of the adsorbent to another active point. The unit is joule per mole (J/mol). 2.15 Bulk diffusion bulk diffusion
The diffusion of gas in the getter body.
2.16 Active energy of bulk diffusion The minimum energy required for a unit mole of gas molecules (atoms) to diffuse in bulk. The unit is joule per mole (J/mol). 3 Classification terms
3.1 Getter
Under certain conditions, a material, preparation or device that can effectively absorb certain (certain) gases or vapors to obtain, maintain vacuum and purify gases, etc.
3.2 Gettering material Under certain conditions, a material that has special activity for certain (certain) gases. In actual use, it can be called "getter metal", "getter alloy", etc. according to the composition of the material. 3.3 Getter film
The thin film formed on the deposition surface after the getter material in the getter is evaporated. 3.4 Elementary getter: a getter made of a single element material. 3.5 Alloy getter: a getter made of alloy material.
3.6 Flash getter: a getter that needs to adopt an evaporation process and relies on the getter material to have a gettering effect during the evaporation process and after deposition into a film. 3.7 Reactive getter: a getter that has a chemical reaction during evaporation. 3.8 Endothermic getter: a getter that has an endothermic reaction during evaporation.
3.9 Exothermic getter: a getter that has an exothermic reaction during evaporation.
D Nonevaporable getter: a getter that does not need evaporation and has a gettering effect after being activated under certain conditions. 3.11
Bulk getter
A getter whose surface and entity can participate in gettering, and whose gettering characteristics are closely related to the bulk diffusion rate. 2Getter for low temperatures3.12
A getter with good gettering ability at room temperature after activation. 3.13Getter for high temperaturesA getter that can fully exert its gettering performance above 200°C after activation. 3.14
4Low-temperature activated getter getter for low temperatures activationA getter that can be effectively activated below 500°C. 2
3.15High-temperature activated getter getter for high temperatures activationA getter that can be effectively activated above 800°C. 3.16 Getter for high firmness A getter that does not lose particles larger than micrometers under certain vibration conditions. Thermistor getter 3.17
A getter activated by thermal heating. 3.18Gettercarrier
An apparatus for loading getter carrier. Its shapes include: belt, groove ring, dish, tube, etc.; corresponding names include: getter belt, getter ring, getter dish, getter tube, etc.
Resistance heating type getter carrierohmicheatingcarrierA getter carrier heated by direct electric heating, sometimes also called "open carrier" or "open container". Induction heating type getter carrierinductionheatingcarrierA getter carrier heated by induction heating, sometimes also called "closed carrier" or "closed container". Getter supportgettersupport
An auxiliary part used to install and position the getter in the vacuum device, in the shapes of: belt, rod, frame, etc. Getter supportgettermount
A mechanism used to fix the getter and its support (if any) at a specific position of the getter test bubble. Reflector
A component that allows the getter material to evaporate in a directional manner when the main evaporative getter evaporates. Getter-device
A complex composed of getter material, auxiliary material, carrier and other special components. In actual use, it is allowed to be referred to as getter.
Getter fill
A mixture of getter material (including gas-doped alloy) and auxiliary materials loaded on the getter carrier. Getter loading amountoffillinggetterThe weight of the getter load loaded into the getter carrier. The unit is gram (g). Doped gas
A means of allowing a certain amount of suitable gas to enter the space at the same time during the evaporation process of the evaporative getter. The purpose is to improve the structure and distribution of the getter film to improve the getter film's getter capacity. 3.28 Alloy with the gas doped is an alloy that is stable at room temperature and can release an appropriate amount of doped gas when heated to a certain temperature. For example, an alloy that can release nitrogen is called a "nitrogen-doped alloy".
Getter with the gas doped is a getter containing a gas doped alloy. If a nitrogen-doped alloy is used, it is called a "nitrogen-doped getter". 3.30 Getter with the delaying gas doped DGD is a getter that releases the doped gas in stages during the evaporation process. If a nitrogen-doped getter is used, it is called a "delayed nitrogen-doped getter" (DND).
Total yield getter 3.31
In the evaporable getter, the getter material is close to completely evaporated, sometimes also called a total yield getter. Composite getter combinedgetter
Getter containing both evaporable and non-evaporable getter materials. 3.33 Mercury dispenser
After a certain process, a product of pure mercury can be obtained. 3.34 Getter with the mercury dispenser A getter filled with a mercury dispenser.
3.35 Alkali metal dispenser An alkali metal product can be obtained after a certain process. 3.36 Alkali metal getter with alkali metal dispenser An alkali metal dispenser that uses a getter alloy as a reducing agent. 3.37
Getter pump
A device that uses a compressed tape or powder of getter material as a getter source, which can replace a titanium sublimation pump and cooperate with a sputtering ion pump to obtain a clean vacuum.
3.38 Sample
A getter sample welded with a thermocouple wire.
9 Getter for high temperature-resisting 3.39
The evaporative getter that has been treated with a special process and can still meet the quality requirements under the specified evaporation conditions after being baked in the atmosphere at a temperature above 420°C for a certain period of time. 4 Terminology of getter characteristics
4.1 Getter surface
The surface involved in the getter's working process. The unit is square meter (m). 4.2 Apparent surface area
The surface area obtained when the getter surface is regarded as a completely smooth and flat geometric surface. The unit is square meter (m). 4.3 External surface areaexternalsuperficialareaThe area of the getter surface that is directly subjected to the same gas pressure as the space where the getter is located. Its value is related to the surface roughness factor. The unit is square meter (m).
4.4Total surface area totalarea
The sum of the surface areas of the getter particles involved in the gettering. The unit is square meter (m). 4.5Specific surface area specificarea
The ratio of the total gettering surface area to the apparent surface area, and its value is always greater than one. 4.6Porosity porosity
The volume of pores in the gettering material as a percentage of the geometric volume of the material. 4.7Gettering quantity
The amount of gas absorbed by the getter in a certain time interval. 4.8The fatigue deadline of getterWhen the non-evaporable getter is activated multiple times or the evaporable getter evaporates, and its gettering rate is reduced to a certain specified value, it is called the end of the fatigue life of the getter, referred to as fatigue end of life. 4.9 Sorption capacity absorptioncapacity
The amount of gas absorbed by the getter from each full activation (evaporation) to the end of fatigue life, used to measure the amount of gas that the getter can absorb. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m°). 0 Specific absorption capacity specificsorptioncapacity4.10
The absorption capacity of the getter material per unit loading weight, or the absorption capacity of the getter material per unit apparent surface area. The unit is Pascal cubic meter per gram (Pa·m/g) or Pascal cubic meter per square meter (Pa·m/m). 4.11
Total absorption capacitytotal sorptioncapacityThe sum of the absorption capacities of the getter that can be activated and regenerated multiple times. GB/T4314—2000
4.12 Characteristic absorption capacityfeaturesorptioncapacityThe amount of gas absorbed by the getter after it is activated or evaporated until its absorption rate drops to the terminal absorption rate. 3 Carbon monoxide absorption capacitycarbonmonoxidesorptioncapacity4.13
The amount of carbon monoxide absorbed at room temperature (25°C) until the terminal absorption rate is reached. 4.14 Gettering rategetteringrate
The volume of gas absorbed by the getter per unit time at a certain pressure and temperature. When used as a getter pump, it is renamed "pumping speed". If necessary, both are allowed to be used interchangeably. The unit is cubic meter per second (m\/s). 4.15
SpecificgetteringrateThe absorption rate of the getter per unit apparent surface area, or the absorption rate of the getter per unit weight. The unit is cubic meter per square meter per second (m/s·m*, or cubic gram per second (m/(s·g)).4.16
Terminal gettering rate endpointgetteringrate In order to determine the test endpoint of the getter's adsorption capacity for a certain gas, a specific value of the gettering rate is artificially specified. The adsorption velocity absorption velocity
The amount of gas absorbed by the getter per unit time. The unit is Pa·m/s, or Pa·L/s.
Gettering ability getteringability
The combined ability of the getter's adsorption rate and absorption capacity is used to evaluate the getter's working efficiency and life. Adsorption characteristics curve absorption characteristics is a double logarithmic relationship curve drawn with the getter's adsorption rate as the ordinate and its adsorption capacity as the abscissa. Carbon monoxide adsorption curve carbonmonoxideabsorptioncurveA curve of the logarithm of the adsorption rate versus the logarithm of the carbon monoxide adsorption capacity. The axis represents the adsorption capacity (Pam), which ranges from zero to the theoretical capacity value. The Y-axis represents the logarithm of the getter rate (m\/s), which must include at least four orders of magnitude. This curve is used to compare the characteristics of various types of getters; determine the working performance of getters in specific vacuum devices; and study the getter film's getter mechanism.
Hydrogen sorption curve hydrogen absorption curve A curve of the logarithm of the getter rate versus the logarithm of the hydrogen uptake volume. The X-axis represents the uptake volume (Pa·m), which ranges from zero to the theoretical capacity value. The Y-axis represents the logarithm of the getter rate (m\/s), which must include at least four orders of magnitude. This curve is used to compare the characteristics of various types of getters; determine the working performance of getters in specific vacuum devices; and study the getter film's getter mechanism. Getter aging ageing of getter
The deterioration of the getter's gettering ability.
4.23 Getter stability stability of getter The stability of the physical and chemical properties of the getter in a certain environment. 4.24
The amount of gas released by the getter during evaporation or activation, converted to nitrogen equivalent (or hydrogen equivalent). The outgassing amount of evaporable getters is divided into total outgassing amount and outgassing amount after pretreatment; the outgassing amount of non-evaporable getters is the total outgassing amount. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m).
5Total outgassingquantity4.25
The amount of gas released by the evaporable getter from room temperature to the beginning of evaporation (or during the whole activation process), converted to nitrogen equivalent (or hydrogen equivalent). The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m\). 4.26 Preflash outgassing quantity The amount of gas converted to nitrogen equivalent released by the evaporative getter after degassing at 350℃ for 15min under dynamic vacuum conditions and cooling to below 100℃ before starting to evaporate. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m). 4.27 Specific outgassing quantity 5
The total outgassing volume per unit loading weight (or unit area) of the getter or the outgassing volume after pretreatment. The unit is Pascal cubic meter per gram (Pa·m\/g), or Pascal cubic meter per square meter (Pa·m/m2). 8 Hydrogen content of getter with hydrogen doped 4.28
The amount of hydrogen doped in the hydrogen doped getter. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m\). 4.29
Nitrogen content of getter with nitrogendopedThe amount of nitrogen gas contained in the nitrogen-doped getter. The unit is Pascal cubic meter (Pa·m\). Barium content
The weight of metal barium in the barium-containing getter load. The unit is gram (g). Barium yield
The amount of barium evaporated from the barium-containing getter. The unit is gram (g). 2Barium rate
The percentage of barium yield to barium content. Barium film distributionBarium film distributionThe distribution of metal barium in the deposition area after the barium-containing getter evaporates. 4. 34
Barium film puritypurity of barium film
The degree to which the barium film is not contaminated by impurities such as aluminum and nickel. 5Consistency of barium yield4.35
According to standard process specifications, with constant heating power corresponding to the start-up time and constant total evaporation time, more than nine getters are evaporated successively, and the standard deviation of the start-up time and the barium yield is obtained. 6Interval determined by surface adsorption4.36
The time interval when the adsorption rate of the getter is determined by the surface adsorption rate. 4.37
Interval determined by diffusionThe time interval when the adsorption rate of the getter is determined by the diffusion rate.Critical temperature
The temperature at which the main surface diffusion is converted to the main body diffusion.Evaporation flashing
The evaporation phenomenon of the getter material contained in the evaporation type getter caused by induction heating or resistance heating. Flashing condition
refers to the start time and total time specified when the evaporative getter is evaporated by a resistance heating device or an induction heating device (the frequency must be between 250kHz and 450kHz).
4.41 Total time totaltime
The total time interval during which the evaporative getter is heated. The unit is seconds (s). 4.42
2 Start time starttime
The moment when the evaporative getter is heated to evaporate when observed with the naked eye is called the start of evaporation. The time interval from the addition of heating power to the start of evaporation (i.e. flashing) is the start time. The unit is seconds (s). 3 Barium yield report 4.43
A report indicating the following data and curves: a) Barium yield;
b) Barium yield rate;
c) Barium yield consistency;
d) Barium yield curve.
Evaporation flashing characteristics 4.44
Barium yield curve
A curve drawn with total evaporation time as parameter, barium yield as ordinate and evaporation start time as abscissa. This can be used to evaluate the yield characteristics of various barium evaporation getters and to formulate the best evaporation process specifications accordingly. 4.45 Hot evaporation hotflashing
The process of evaporating evaporation getters when the temperature of the deposition area exceeds 100°C. 4.46 Cold evaporation coldflashing
The process of evaporating evaporation getters when the deposition area is at or near room temperature. 4.47
In the evaporation process, excessive evaporation of aluminum, nickel and carrier metals in the carrier due to reasons such as excessively high evaporation temperature. Flashing interval
Appropriately select different combinations of practical starting time and total time, so that the barium content is within a certain specified range and is reflected on the evaporation curve. The interval corresponding to this different combination is called the "evaporation interval". From the discussion of the evaporation interval, the best process specifications for obtaining a high lock content can be provided.
Under a certain vacuum degree, the getter is heated to a certain temperature and maintained for a certain time, so that the getter has the ability to absorb air. Full activation
Activation to enable the getter to obtain the maximum air absorption capacity. Partial activation fractional activation activation that does not reach the maximum air absorption capacity. bzxz.net
Activation temperature activationarytemperature The temperature at which the getter reaches the activation purpose. 4.53
Activation time activationarytime
When the polar gas agent is heated and activated, the time to maintain the activation temperature. 4.54
Regeneration, reactivation7bzw.cn
The process of reactivating a getter that has lost its ability to absorb air after work to restore its ability to absorb air. Reactivation by heat-up, hotreactivationThe process of completing regeneration by increasing the temperature under a certain vacuum degree. 4.56
Reactivation by reducing pressureThe process of completing regeneration by increasing the vacuum degree under a certain temperature. 4.5m
Nitrogen-teleased versus gas-absorbed dynamic curveThe curve of the pressure change over time in the static test container during the evaporation of nitrogen-doped getter. It can vividly describe and accurately convert the pressure change of the nitrogen-doped getter sample during the evaporation process in vacuum devices such as cathode ray tubes. 4.58
Nitrogen-released quantityThe amount of nitrogen released by the nitrogen-doped getter sample during evaporation. 4.59 mercury-releasedquantity The amount of mercury released from a mercury-releasing getter under given conditions. 4.60
Total mercury-releasedquantity The amount of mercury released from a mercury-releasing getter under the conditions of a pressure lower than 10mPa, a temperature of 950℃ and a heat preservation period of 5min. 4.61
Standard mercury-releasedquantity The amount of mercury released from a mercury-releasing getter after a certain temperature rise process in a vacuum with an argon partial pressure of 300Pa. Because its test conditions are close to the actual use, it provides a basis for selecting the amount of mercury-releasing getter. 7
The percentage of mercury released from a mercury-releasing getter after a temperature preservation period of 10min at a set temperature when the pressure is lower than 10mPa to the average mercury content of the same batch of mercury-releasing getters.
4.63 Mercury yield characteristic curve
mercury yield characteristic curve Mercury yield rate curve of mercury release getter heating temperature. It comprehensively characterizes the quality of mercury release performance of mercury release getter. 4.64
thermal stability of mercury release getterthermalstableforgettermercurydispenser The degree of pre-release of mercury caused by the influence of temperature during the process that mercury release getter may experience in application. It is expressed by the amount of mercury released by mercury release getter under the conditions of pressure lower than 10mPa, temperature 400℃ and insulation for 3min. Barium film purity·
Barium film distribution.…
Specific surface area
Specific degassing amount
Specific absorption rate·
Specific adsorption capacity….
Standard mercury release amount·
Surface diffusion
Surface diffusion activation energy…
Surface adsorption determining area
Partial activation
Nitrogen doping amount
Gas-doped alloy?
Gas-doped getter…
Hydrogen doping amount
Single-substance getter
Locked amount
Locked amount report
Silver content curve| |tt||Consistency of barium content·
Locking rate
Low-temperature getter·
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Chinese index
Gas release?
Exothermic getter
Non-evaporable getter
Composite getter…
5 Induction heating getter carrier
Low-temperature activated getter······3.14. Resistance heating getter carrier:
Reactive getter
Degassing or degassing rate
High firmness getter…
High temperature getter
High temperature activated getter
Lock content
Alloy getter
Activation time
Activation temperature
Heating regeneration
Depressurization regeneration·
Alkali metal releaser·
Alkali metal release getter
Origin degree
Diffusion determining area
Cold evaporation
Leakage rate
High temperature resistant getter·
Evaporation time·
Gas flow rate
Gas volume|| tt||Gas phase molecules
Hydrogen adsorption curve·
Full yield getter
Full activation
Thermal evaporation…
Thermoelectric getter
Nitrogen release amount·
Nitrogen release adsorption dynamic curve
Mercury release agent
Mercury release amount
Mercury release rate
Mercury release characteristic curve
Mercury-releasing getter…·
Mercury-releasing getter thermal stability…
Apparent surface area
Characteristic adsorption capacity
Volume diffusion
Volume diffusion activation energy·
Volume getter…
Desorption rate
External surface area
Adsorbed phase molecules
Inhalation surface
Inhalation material
Getter pump
Getter aging·
Getter film
Getter fatigue life
Getter container·
Getter stability·| |tt||Getter loading
Getter carrier
Getter holder
Getter support…
Getter loading capacity
Getter device…
Getter capacity
Getter capacity·
Getter rate
Endothermic getter
Sorbation capacity
Sorbation rate…||t t||Adsorption characteristic curve·
Delayed aeration getter
Carbon oxide adsorption curve
Carbon oxide adsorption capacity
Gas release after pretreatment…
Evaporation interval·
Evaporation curve
Evaporation conditions:
Evaporation type getter
Terminal air absorption rate…
Conversion temperature
Total surface area
Total gas release
Total mercury release
Total adsorption capacity·
Total evaporation time·
activation ............
actiyationary temperature
actiyationary time
actiye energy of bulk diffusionactiye energy of surface diffusionadsorbed gas molecule
adsorption ......
ageing of getter
alkali metal dispens
alloy with the gas doped
amount of filling getter
barium content
Appendix B
(Appendix to the standard)
English index
c00065056006000050050000050050050000650050600000 50050006000050080000650050060000050ilmdistribution
cardonmonoxidesorptioncapacitycardonmonoxide sorption curvecoldflashing
combined getter
consistency of barium yield
critical temperature
desorption rate
........... 4. 30
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