title>JB/T 7286-1994 Test method for complete set of cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment - JB/T 7286-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7286-1994 Test method for complete set of cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7286-1994

Standard Name: Test method for complete set of cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment

Chinese Name: 棉籽泡沫酸脱绒成套设备 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-07-18

Date of Implementation:1995-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1995-06-01

other information

drafter:Fu Kaizheng, Feng Chongxu, Duan Hongshu, Ye Jun, Lu Zuling

Drafting unit:Jiangling No.1 Machinery Factory, China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute

Focal point unit:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Proposing unit:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test conditions, performance test and production test methods for cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment. This standard applies to the performance test and production test of cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment. Cottonseed dilute sulfuric acid delinting equipment can also be used as a reference. JB/T 7286-1994 Test methods for cottonseed foam acid delinting equipment JB/T7286-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cottonseed foam acid delinting complete set equipment
Test method
Published on July 18, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cottonseed foam acid delinting complete set equipment
Test method
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the test conditions, performance test and production test methods of cottonseed foam acid delinting complete set equipment (hereinafter referred to as complete set equipment).
This standard is applicable to the performance test and production test of cottonseed foam acid delinting complete set equipment. Cottonseed dilute sulfuric acid delinting complete set equipment can also be used for reference.
2 Reference standards
Inspection procedures for crop seeds
Determination of sound power level of noise source
Cotton seeds
Test methods for agricultural machinery production
Test conditions and preparation
Simplified method
The test site should be a complete set of equipment installation site with daily test conditions for each test item. The test complete set of equipment should be installed and debugged according to the requirements of the instruction manual. 3.2
Before the test, the main technical parameters of the complete set of equipment should be measured. The test items should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1, and the results should be recorded in Table 1.3.3
The raw seeds used for the test should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4408, and the germination rate, residual wool rate, moisture content, healthy seed rate and mechanical damage rate of the raw seeds should be measured. The results are recorded in Table 3.
3.5 Prepare acid and ammonia (alkali) solutions.
Prepare the test instruments, meters and tools, see Appendix A (reference), and all should be calibrated and qualified. 3.6
Performance test
4.1 Test purpose
The purpose of the performance test is to assess whether the performance indicators of the test prototype meet the design requirements. 4.2 Test requirements
4.2.1Before the performance test, the complete set of equipment should be idle for 1 hour and debugged to the normal operating state before feeding. 4.2.2 The complete set of equipment should be in normal working state for 1 hour before the performance test. 4.2.3 The complete set of equipment shall not be adjusted during the test. 4.2.4 The performance test shall not be less than three times, each time shall not be less than 30 minutes, and the interval time shall not be less than 30 minutes. Each time, at least 2 data of each item shall be measured, and the average value shall be taken.
4.3 Test content and method
4.3.1 Determination of raw seed processing capacity in pure working hours Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on July 18, 1994
Implementation on July 1, 1995
After the complete set of equipment works normally for 5 minutes, the raw seed feeding amount is measured at the quantitative feeding device and the time is recorded. Calculate according to formula (1) and the results are recorded in Table 2.
Where: G.—raw seed processing capacity in pure working hours, kg/h; G.——raw seed feeding amount, kg;
T. Pure working time h.
4.3.2 Determination of residual down rate
The test sample is randomly sampled, and after sifting out dust with a 2030 mesh/inch (0.8-0.56mm hole) sieve, 10g cotton seeds are taken from the sample, placed in a pre-weighed lead box, and placed in an oven at 130℃ for 45min. After taking it out, it is immediately placed in a dryer to cool to room temperature, and the weight is measured. Then, 10mL of concentrated sulfuric acid is used to remove the down. After complete removal of the down, rinse with water until no acidic reaction is observed, and then place it in the above lead box, and weigh it after drying according to the same requirements. The down content is calculated according to formula (2), and the results are recorded in Table 3. Qm (g)
Where: Qm (g.) - residual down rate of hairy seeds (light seeds), %; G - sample mass before depilation, kg
G, - sample mass after depilation, kg.
4.3.3 Cottonseed quality inspection
G, - Gh
The germination rate, healthy seed rate, uniformity and moisture content of cottonseed shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of GB3543. The results are recorded in Table-3. 4.3.4 Determination of residual acid rate of light seeds
Randomly sample the light seeds and take 10g of light seeds from the sample, put them in a glass cup and add 50mL of distilled water. After gently shaking, place them in a constant temperature box at 30C for 30min, take them out and add 5 drops of 0.1% indicator, then titrate with standard boric acid solution to the color change point, and record the consumption of standard boric acid solution. Calculate according to formula (3) and record the results in Table 3. Q
Where: Q.~Residual acid rate of cottonseed, %;
N—Equivalent concentration of standard boric acid, g/L; V-—Consumption of standard boric acid, L:
G,—Mass of cottonseed, g.
4.3.5Determination of mechanical damage rate of cottonseed
× 100
Randomly sample cottonseed and test it, calculate it according to formula (4), and record the results in Table 3. Q
Where: Q—Mechanical damage rate of cottonseed, %; G.-Mass of mechanically damaged kernels, g;
G,—Sample mass, g.
4.3.6Determination of noise of complete set of equipment, carried out at each operating position. The measuring point is 1m away from the outer surface of the machine and 1.5m high, and there are no less than 5 measuring points. Take the sound pressure level value, the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is greater than 5dB. Take the logarithmic mean: the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is less than or equal to 5dB, take the arithmetic mean. The results are recorded in Table 2.
4.3.7 The determination of dust content in the workshop air is carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB5748, and the results are recorded in Table 4. 4.3.8 The determination of power consumption per 100 kg of raw seeds during pure working time is carried out at the same time as the performance test, record the reading of the watt-hour meter, and calculate according to formula (5), and the results are recorded in Table 2.
Where: Na-power consumption per 100 kg of raw seeds during pure working time, kW·h; N,-reading at the end of the watt-hour meter, kW·h; N~reading at the beginning of the watt-hour meter, kWh.
4.3.9 Determination of standard coal consumption per 100 kilograms of raw seeds in pure working time While determining the raw seeds feeding amount, determine the consumption and calorific value of commercial coal, and calculate according to formula (6), and the results are recorded in Table 2. Gm
Wherein: Gbm——-standard coal consumption per 100 kilograms of raw seeds in pure working time, kg; G..Commodity coal consumption.kg:
QCommodity coal calorific value, J.
4.3.10 Determination of velvet acid ratio
While determining the raw seeds processing amount, record the amount of foam acid used, calculate according to formula (7), and the results are recorded in Table 4. i. - &. G, - Q G.
Velvet acid ratio:
i,—the content of sulfuric acid in foam acid, %;
G,-the amount of foam acid consumed, kg.
Production testWww.bzxZ.net
5.1 Test purpose
To assess the economic efficiency, effectiveness, performance stability, convenience of adjustment and maintenance, durability of parts (components), etc. of the complete set of equipment. 5.2 Test requirements
5.2.1 The test shall be equipped with full-time test personnel, and operators shall be equipped according to the requirements of the instruction manual. 5.2.2 The test prototype shall be 1 set, and the cumulative working time shall not be less than 100h. 5.2.3 During the production test, three performance measurements shall be carried out, one before, during and after the test. The measurement method shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 4 of this standard.
5.3 Test content and method
5.3.1 During the production test, each shift shall fill in the production log according to Table 5. 5.3.2 When parts are damaged during the test, the fault conditions and causes shall be recorded. The results shall be recorded in Table 6. 5.3.3 Before and after the test, the weight or actual size of the main parts and vulnerable parts shall be measured respectively, and the wear and deformation shall be calculated. The results are recorded in Table 7.
5.3.4 Time classification
According to the provisions of GB5667, the production test time is classified into: operation time
shift time
pure working time
auxiliary working time
adjustment and maintenance time
-non-operating time
5.4 Calculation of main technical and economic indicators, the results are recorded in Table 8. 5.4.1 The raw seed processing capacity per shift is calculated according to formula (8): Gur
failure time
where: G%——sprung seed processing capacity per shift.kg/h: G shift raw seed processing capacity, kg;
T.-shift time.h.
JB/T 7286--94
5.4.2 The power consumption of 100 kg of raw seeds per shift is calculated according to formula (9): N
Where: Nd—power consumption of 100 kg of raw seeds per shift, kW·h; Ns—power consumption of 100 kg of raw seeds per shift, kW·h.
The standard coal consumption of 100 kg of raw seeds per shift is calculated according to formula (10): 5.4.3
Where: Gbbem
Standard coal consumption of 100 kg of raw seeds per shift, kg. The use efficiency is calculated according to formula (11):
Where: K-
Use efficiency, %;
Tz-——-shift operation time, h;
Shift troubleshooting time, h.
Test report
After the test, the test data should be sorted and analyzed, and a test report should be written. Contents of the test report:
Test purpose, time, location and test conditions; prototype introduction, purpose, structure, main technical parameters and working principle; test result analysis:
test conclusion;
The report should be accompanied by data charts, special reports, etc.; the responsible unit and participants of the test.
Table 1 Technical parameter measurement table of complete equipment
Prototype model:
Prototype number:
Number of rollers
Diameter of liquid cylinder
Installed capacity
Speed ​​of each shaft
Measurement location,
Measurement unit
Measurement date:
Design value
Measured value
Prototype model:
Prototype number:
Power consumption
Pure work
Electricity meter reading at the beginning
Electricity meter reading at the end
Power consumption| |tt||Weather:
Raw seed processing capacity kg
Electricity consumption per 100 kg of raw seeds kW·h
Standard coal consumption per 100 kilo grams of raw seeds kg
Bearing temperature rise ℃
Prototype model:
Manufacturing unit:
Residual down rate
Moisture content
Germination rate
Mechanical damage rate
Healthy seed rate
Residual moth rate
Moisture content
Germination rate
Residual acid rate
Mechanical damage rate
Healthy seed rate
JB/T 7286-94
Performance test record
Test date:
Cottonseed processing quality test table
Prototype number:
Test location:
Manufacturing unit:
Average value
Prototype model:
Manufacturing unit:
Cottonseed variety:
Raw seed processing capacity
Power consumption per 100 kg of raw seed
Hundred Standard coal consumption per dry gram of cotton seed
Dust content in workshop air
Working noise
Bearing temperature rise
Model of prototype:
Manufacturing unit:
Cotton seed variety
Starting time
No load/load
Mechanical damage rate
Light seed moisture content
Light seed residual lint rate
Light seed residual acid rate
Light seed germination rate
Lint acid ratio
Healthy seed rate
JB/T 728694
Table 4, performance test summary
Prototype number:
Test location:
Relative humidity:
Table 5 Production test diary
Prototype number:
Test location:
End time
Pure work
Time classification
Process service
Adjustment and maintenance
Relative humidity:
Processing volume
Power consumption
Coal consumption
Prototype model:
Manufacturing unit:
Name of parts and components
Prototype model:
Manufacturing unit:
Parts drawing number
Test date
Prototype model:
Manufacturing unit:
Cottonseed variety:
Fault condition
Table 6 Fault record table
Prototype number:
Test location:
Fault time h
Cause analysis and troubleshooting method
Table 7 Deformation and wear measurement record table of main parts, components and wearing partsPrototype number:
Test location:
Accumulated work
Before test:
Time classification
Shift time
Operation time
Detection part| |tt||Before test
Size mm
After test:
Weight kg
After test
Size mm
Weight kg
Summary table of main technical and economic indicators of production test Table 8
Prototype number:
Test location,
Shift hours
Failure time
Raw seed processing capacity
Shift 100 kg
Raw Power consumption of seeds
100 kg per shift
Standard coal consumption of crude seeds
100 kg per shift
Sulfuric acid consumption of crude seeds
Accumulated working time
Dimensions mm
100 kg per shift
Ammonia consumption of crude seeds
Mass kg
Analytical balance
Electric distilled water device
Electric constant temperature water bath
Electric constant temperature dryer
Plant crusher
Vane vacuum pump
Acid and alkali burette
Dust sampler
Sound level meter
Hot-ball anemometer
Portable magnetic wind direction anemometer
Digital tachometer
Three-phase AC watt-hour meter
Clamp ammeter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Wet and dry thermometer
Mercury thermometer||t t||Mercury thermometer
Ratio tube
U-type pressure gauge
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Test instruments and meters
TG328A type
AGT-10 type
TGT500 type
Maximum weighing 200g
Maximum weighing 10kg
Maximum weighing 500 kg
1.8kWMaximum temperature 250C
Indoor diameter of powder monument 100mm
Exhaust speed 0.5L/s
Wind speed range 0~30m/s
DEM Type 51
Type HT-331
Type DT--830
Type 201
Wind speed range 1.7~30m/s
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Agricultural Machinery Standardization. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences. This standard was drafted by Jiangling No. 1 Machinery Factory and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Fu Kaizheng, Feng Chongxu, Duan Hongshu, Ye Jun, and Lu Zuling. Number
People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Standard
Cottonseed Foam Acid Delinting Equipment
Test Method
Published by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry Printed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry (P.O. Box 8144, Beijing
Postal Code 100081)
No Reproduction
Format 880×12301/16 Sheet 3/4
Word Count 16,000
First edition in April 1995·First printing in April 1995. Number of copies: 00, 001-500. Price: RMB 8.00
No.: 94-078
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