This standard specifies methods and devices for determining the position of the driver's seat calibration point (SIP) for seats designed for drivers of earth-moving machinery as defined in GB/T 8498. This standard provides a uniform method for calibrating the SIP relative to the seat's mounting point. The SIP can be determined by the seat itself or its mounting position on the machine. The SIP is a characteristic of the seat and this point can be specified by the seat manufacturer. GB/T 8591-2000 Calibration points for earth-moving machinery driver's seats GB/T8591-2000 Standard download decompression password:
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1CS_53.10C National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T B591—200C cgz150 5353:1995 Earth-moving machinery Driver seat index point Earth-moving machinery-Seat index point2000-03-16 Issued 2000-08-01 Implementation Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision CB/T 8591—20D0 This standard is equivalent to JS053531995 mechanical clothing effect polishing machine and cylinder machine seat calibration point, period 85.1—198% mechanical driver seat calibration point calculation, the equivalent international standard is adopted as the national standard, in order to meet the needs of the country's economic exchange, this standard and G8/B5911988 rich changes within the customer: ") wood standard specifies the machine seat calibration point SIP determination process is relatively simple, to report unnecessary measurement steps, oral creation of vertical shore description more complete; b! Except for benzene A; c) Added the provisions for the seats of other multi-function machines. This standard will be replaced by GBT5!1-1S from the month of implementation: This standard is issued by the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China, and the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China has the same technical port as the Beijing Construction Engineering Machinery Comprehensive Research Institute. This standard is issued on January 1, 2011. The Institute of Engineering Machinery is responsible for the interpretation of the standard. GB/T 8591—2000 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a federation composed of national standardization bodies (ISO): the formulation of international standards is completed by ISO's technical committees. Each technical committee is responsible for its professional interests and is established on a regular basis. Each member country has the right to join a technical committee and to coordinate this work with relevant government and non-governmental organizations. In all activities related to electrotechnical standardization, ISO cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO) to formulate international standards. The international standard IS5353 is issued by [S0/TC27\Earth-moving machinery technical committee, SC3\Safety requirements and human factors" subcommittee. This is the first revision, and its implementation is the first edition (TS) 33:1978) 1 Scope Beijing Standard of the People's Republic of China Earth-moving machinery Driver seat calibration point Eurlh mnving muchinery-Seat index pointGB/T 8591---2000 eqv Is0 5353.1995 代GP/T x5:*--19xx This standard specifies the method for determining the seat index point (SIF) of the driver's seat. It is designed for the driver on the machine defined in GR/T 98. This standard provides the construction method for determining the seat index point of the SIP. The seat index point is determined by the seat manufacturer:.2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through the use of this standard before the date of publication of this standard. The following versions are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the best use of the latest version of the following standards, GB/849 Basic Type Technical Data of Machinery (IDRS) 61: 19973 Recommendation This standard adopts the following definitions. 3.1-] Machine base fixing point (STT) aeRt indexpaint According to the provisions of 5.3, the device shown in letter 1 shall be placed on the seat to be fixed. The device shall be fixed at that point on the plane of the seat center. Juice 1 The machine base fixing point is the same as the landing, and there is no adjustment and (or> transfer before the application for driving). 2 The standard SIP is designed for the position of 1. The intersection of the key plane with the center line of the warehouse is equivalent to the size of ten people and the size of the ideal range: 3-2 Installation fixing point poirt A SIP reference point specified by the manufacturer. See Figure and example, 4 Multi-function machine seat In a specific machine, the seat operator is required to perform various functions. The machine must have a first operating device, door heating; the second seat position, then the seat's STP has two positions relative to the machine (that is, there are two seats), the first position of the SIP should comply with the first position and the operating device should be marked, and the second position of the SIP should also be specially marked with 5.1 The device for measuring the driver's seat empty point (S1P) is called the device as shown in Figure 1. The device should be 6k above 1k. The working surface of the mounting bone should be a stretching wood (with 20U or more sandpaper or equivalent grinding) and the material should be compatible with the material to achieve the same as the belt in 5.3.1. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on March 16, 2000 0801 Implementation GB/T 8591-·2000 vertical center, country! Machine coordinate fixed point measurement dragon installation 5.2 European standard width point SP) request rumor seat support related comfort and rate situation is more based on this body than class determination, degree of effectiveness of the next step to the degree of selection of lights: 5.2.1 seat words all front, back, when and angle adjustment, should be adjusted to their center storage: blood report is not possible, center position registration, purchase should be moved SIP measurement liquid position, adjustment plan and center position close to the model on the light after the general. 5.2.2 total installation GR/I B591-20D0 If there is no light-emitting type instruction in the manual of the system, the device should be fixed in the range of vibration and the effective pressure should be adjusted. 5.3 Determination of the seat load standard point (SIP) S1P should be measured by the device shown in the figure 1 and the following procedures should be followed. 5.3.1 Seat preparation Before the measurement, there should be enough time to ensure that the seat is maintained at a room temperature of 20)℃-2T. Sweep the seat horizontally and a 75kg-13kg person should lean on it twice, with a 1min interval, so that the seat and the green cushion are free. Before starting the measurement, the seat should be kept free of the base for at least i. Come and have a shortage of enough size [the sheep layer teaching structure cloth permanent residence forget title, with the seat to the evil surface and the fixed position text connected, so that the single mention country type limit small, pay attention to the Beijing city does not affect the determination of the location of the installation world thank you. 5.3-2 Place the SIP measuring device (with the center of mass on the bed and the thrust toward the back pad (see Figure 2), and adjust and level the device on the seat, and place the center of mass on the seat. For example, the center of mass should be level and the vertical center of mass should be 4 m before the IP mark of the device (see Figure 1). After the test, the pad and the SIP measuring device are well matched, and the device should be leveled at the position indicated in Figure 1. The total mass of the measuring device can be increased from 25 x ± 1 kg to ± 1 g. Similarly, the vertical force added is 4 cm between the SI mark of the horizontal part of the midpoint of the load (see Figure). The approximate vertical force of 75g is 35 kg when the seat is placed on the device. GB/T8591-2000 The mounting bone is subjected to multiple ball loading and unloading to ensure that the mounting is placed along the center and on the water pipe. 5.3.3 Determine Measure the points on the plane of the SIP that are equidistant from the center point (see Figure?). Average, but record the coordinate dimensions of the SIP from the fixed point of the total bottom of the seat back as specified in the system (see Figure 3), the size is 11mm. Some machines have seats that realize multiple functions. The seat is usually a rotating seat. The method can include operating the working device of the machine or driving the machine independently. For these situations, the product can measure the different SIP relative to the fixed point. In this case, repeat the measurements of 5.2 and 5.3 for each position.4 The test report shall include the following: e) compliance with this standard: b) details of any test changes that are inconsistent with the provisions of this standard; d) the coordinate dimensions of the mounting point and the SIP assembly or use (see Figure 3 for example); instructions for the adjustment range of the mounting point related to 5.2. Center three-dimensional plane empty mounting point rate data, three-dimensional mounting surface other empty installation points letter! 3SIP bad positioning Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.